Sunday, July 18, 2021

Lokanath Swami / Death Threats / Filing Police and FBI Reports

Army General in charge of 
"The enforced cult ritualistic worship
of pedophiles as messiahs" army.

[PADA: Evidently multiple people are getting death threats from Lokanath's followers. And thus multiple reports are being made to local law enforcement (cyber crimes department) as well as FBI, NSA, CIA and other agencies. We are always ready to help if anyone needs PADA editor to speak with law enforcement officers on this issue -- to verify that this is a dangerous pedophile guru worshiping cult, as we have experienced personally. 

Some Lokanath folks also wrote me, not exactly threats, but lets say "not very sociable." Evidently, they still think a pedophile is going to "take our sins" (like Jesus). Wow, what a bogus cult! If anyone else is getting threats as well, let us know so we can report on that herein to inform folks.]


S Dasi: I sent the threatening email from today, along with other threats made to me and two of my friends (on public FB comments, and private FB messages), and the ICC YouTube video where they are talking about putting our names on a database, to the FBI. I will share this information with other agencies: local police, state police, Homeland Security, CIA. Anyone else?

[PADA: Right! The ISKCON India ICC Video is direct evidence, it shows that they are specifically targeting certain named individuals who are complaining about their pedophile guru process. Those named are among the same people now getting these threats, and that shows conclusively and legally that the ISKCON ICC is trying to foment criminal threats, if not violence. 

And as we have seen from the past -- these ilk folks have orchestrated banning, beating, lawsuits against critics, and assassinations. So now we can show legal proof -- that they are trying to have certain specific critics targeted. The good news is, their video has been sent to law enforcement ALREADY. The proof of their potentially fomenting violence to defend their pedophile guru worship is now on police record.]

B Dasi: I don`t even know what emoticon to use. It is funny but at the same time this crazy person might be dangerous. You should report it to the police, they have means to locate the author.

K Dasa: He sounds like emperor palpatine. These people are seriously deranged. Needless to say this [and other threats] will be at least reported to FBI field office. So when the mounting threats are handed over to the federal agents with the background that a sex crime against a minor was internally handled without law enforcement these “devotees” will be getting more than they bargained for. 

I don’t think they will like (inter)national attention. This is what happens when an institution fails to handle the situation properly. There should have been an immediate zero-tolerance policy established on this topic. 

[PADA: Correct. When a violent pedophile cult is being exposed, they might resort to banning, beating, intimidating lawsuits, and assassinations. Law enforcement should have been brought in a long time ago.]

JA: Hopefully these threats being reported will have the FBI file a warrant for Lokanath Maharaj's arrest.

[PADA: Right. Lokanath does not want to end this peacefully, that is self evident. He is the gang leader of a violent pedophile worship cult, and he needs to be exposed at law enforcement levels as soon as possible.]  

K Dasa: All threats towards myself, wife and family have and will continue to be forwarded to the FBI field office and local law enforcement.

VG: I’m sick of [these] people threatening you. Report to law enforcement and please stay safe. and reach out for help whenever necessary.

SP Dasi: This is so scary! It reminds me of the murders in New Vrndavana. Report this immediately to law enforcement as well as the GBC. Who knows what the GBC will do but report it anyway. I’m sending billions of prayers to Lord Nrsimhadeva for your protection.

BW: First have their email account blocked by reporting it to proton mail. 

[PADA: FBI can track who is the original sender. They have done that when I got email threats and they went direct to the house of the senders. Let’s find these guys. Of course, probably why they don’t send me threats these days ... Ys pd]

P Das: Call the FBI. Threats across state lines are a federal crime. They'll know how to track the email.

[PADA: Yes FBI needs to be involved as well as local police cyber crimes department. Ys pd]

PR Dasi: I once had a literal gun pointed to my head because I spoke out against pedophiles. This sounds horrible but it's not worth it.

S Dasi: Oh my gosh! Was that in India? When Dhira Govinda was investigating child abuse in Mayapur, one boy refused to speak about the abuse because he said if he did, then his mother would be found dead in the Ganga the next day. 

PR Dasi: This was in 2015-2016. Mayapur was going through a lot of changes at the time- trying to bust people who were corrupt and kick them out of their positions. But the corrupt devotees had huge groups of supporters and the GBCs hands were tied and had to give in. I know devotees who got beaten up. I was almost murdered. Lots of threats were going around about kidnapping or hurting children in our school. In the end nothing improved.

S Dasi: Damn.

EB: Yes, they didn't have to give in, they just decided to.

PR Dasi: Yep that guy Hamsa something and Vraja Kumara came and stirred up a wasps nest ... then got out of the dodge leaving us to take the fall after it got too hot in the kitchen for them. I've been told that by someone...according to Chakras parents someone had to be punished and it was you and me.

SRD: The mistake many devotees make is to assume that child abusers and at least some of their supporters will play fair. It seems like a no brainer, but if a person is willing to take the risks involved in abusing children and defending such acts, it is reasonable to assume that they have some deeply rooted demonic tendencies!

BA Dasi: We shouldn't be naive. But we can give people a chance to do the right thing.

S Dasi: Devotees have been asking that Lokanath be removed for 28 years. How many chances are needed? There is a letter from then CPO Director Dhira Govinda writing to the GBC saying devotees are asking him about Lokanath and what will be done.

ME Dasi: I hope you take this seriously and report to the authorities. I would also report to the GBC, just to create a "paper trail." I hope that they'd share this with Lokanath, so that he can see the consequences of his refusal to take responsibility for his actions. The person may just be ranting and full of hot air, but you don't want to take any risks. I wouldn't worry about "curses" but sadly, ISKCON members have acted on similar threats in the past.

HA Dasi: Or it's entirety possible he [Lokanath swami] wrote it himself.

CD Dasi: File a police report because that is harassment and threatening. You could get a restraining order if you knew who it was. I unfortunately know how far pedophiles and pedo protectors will go to silence victims and whistleblowers. I grew up with McMartin Preschool victims. 

Three parents and the first cop to investigate all died before their turn to testify in the trial. (Supposed suicide, drug overdose, driving off a cliff, and a house break-in murder.) There is a network of pedophiles controlled by blackmail to protect other pedos so their own crimes don't get exposed. 

So there is an army of pedophiles that protect each other, and they have infiltrated everything from the judicial system to the news outlets. Sorry to sound scary, but safety is a serious priority in situations like this. Praying for your safety and protection as you courageously do what is right in a world full of wrong doing. 

[PADA: An Army of pedophiles? And that means Lokanath is one of the head Army Generals in charge of their Army. He is one of the most loyal cadre members of "the enforced cult ritualistic worship of pedophiles as messiahs," and he is one of their chief apologists, enablers and enforcers. And now, so are his followers. 

He all along wanted your kids to worship his illicit sex with men, women and children deviants and pedophiles as your kid's messiahs and gurus, and unfortunately, he mostly got what he wanted for the past 30 years -- to the peril of the ISKCON children. 

Lokanath personally helped launch his "anal reconstructive surgery epidemic for children" guru parampara. It has his fingerprints all over it. He is the co-creator of that pedophile mess, as well as other ISKCON pedophile messes. Mayesvara recently said he would discuss with us -- as long as we did not mention molesters and pedophiles etc. Hee hee. He knows we can nail all of them on that issue alone, so they have to avoid it.]   

ME Dasi: On a lighter note, I thought I'd google "kassandra999" .....

BWD: Ha! I made that mistake too. Camwhores and Chaturbate videos by a user with the same handle.

AAD: Everyone ... thanks for the heads up. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

LD: And this here is the reason i stay quiet and will always . I'm sorry for this how scary.

S Dasi: There is strength numbers. If other people could ask the GBC to follow their own rules, that would be monumental.

T Dasa: Yes, sadly they have used the fear to make most people not talk. Then those that do, they use banning along with accusations of "Sahajiya", "gone to the Babajis" accusations to get the people who do talk away and not listened to most always.

BA Dasi: Yep. fear to speak ones truth for fear of being cast out of the fold or harmed. typical tyrannical culture.

SF Dasi: When I just came to America, my new hubby was shy about it and hesitant to share why is he keeping distance from devotees (ISKCON). Then, when he tried to explain, I was disappointed, and saddened. Thought that he criticising certain Swami in certain South Florida Temple regarding dubious financial dealings "ebezzlement". Then some months after that - when Immigration Police came to Temple to arrest the Swami for SELLING RELLIGIOUS visas to South Americans non-stop ... Vaisnava Swami already emigrated and left the country.

Someone had tipped him off. The state of affairs was such that MEAT- EATERS lived in Temple. They were religious visa - buyers.

LG Dasi: Perhaps you could write to HH Lokanatha Swami directly just to ensure your safety. Can anyone give an email for Lokanatha Swami. I want to write for you.

BA Dasi: My sense is that he is actually a gentle vaisnava who had this very sinful tendency without understanding it and who acted on it, apparently with this child and no one else for 30 years. I could be wrong but I do not see him as the sort to support violence against a 2nd generation mother who just wants proper protocol to be followed for the safety of the children.

[PADA: Yep, promoting violence against a mother with little babies has to be the worst thing we have ever seen, but I would not be at all surprised if they pulled an even worse stunt. They just go from bad to worse. The good news is, more people are getting fed up with these neo-Nazi gestapo stunts.]  

RM Dasi: It still falls on him to stop his followers, and he may be the only person who can.

S Dasi: We believe what we want to believe. He may or may not have abused anyone else. But if he was remorseful, he would step down and do service NOT in the public eye. Yes, please feel free if anyone wants to write Lokanath Swami directly, these are his email addresses:

BW: Next file an Internet Crime Complaint with the FBI.

[PADA: Lokanath swami! Call off your attack dogs! You already are responsible for the contrived banning, if not beating, molesting, bogus lawsuits against critics, and assassinations of all sort of Vaishnavas! 

Hundreds of them! Actually thousands of them! You are already wearing Yamaraja's cement stone necklace that is going to take you down to the bottom of the universe. Give yourself a break! Have a few years taken off your jail time!    

If anyone needs help filing an FBI report, and / or having me validate your info to law enforcement, and / or if you want me to phone certain police departments or officers, please write me direct:]


  1. LD: That is a great way to make ISKCON look great. Threaten violence on a young mother. These people don't give a piece of sh*t about making ISKCON "look good." That went out the window ... when they re-made Bhavananda their ISKCON guru and so many other blunders ... no one can count anymore.

    Every day they think ... how can we make ISKCON look MORE terrible? I know! Let us defend a pedophile guru ... and threaten violence on a young woman who has little babies. "Low class" is barely making a really accurate description. Let us be a violent pedophile loving cult and ... that will make ISKCON look REAL good ... and us look REAL SAINTLY.

    I agree with them who say ... Lokanath! Call off your dogs please! How much more suffering do you want to make for others? How badly do you want to give Krishna a bad name ... after you gave 30 years of your life ALREADY dedicated to giving Krishna a bad name? You didn't give Krishna a bad enough name ALREADY with your pedophile gurus.

    Hah hah! Matt Gaetz went somewhere to speak and the crowd was chanting over and over "pedophile, pedophile, pedophile." And now the ICC thinks that is the path ... that is going to make ISKCON look good too? Lokanath is either very corrupt ... or just brain dead ... it is hard to tell with these guys. I am glad this boil is finally getting popped ... the ooozing pus and the smell is just over flowing at this state. It has to get popped.

  2. LW: This is very odd. We have to report the India ICC people and their follower's death threats to the FBI and police, and that is their idea of "giving ISKCON a good name." And more and more people are upset that they are attacking a young mother. Wow, what are they smoking over there in ICC land if they think this makes them look good? No, they look like evil Satanic demons. Well good, they just confirmed what we thought in the first place.

  3. V Dasa: But such vile, demonic, hypocritical devotees, so called, don’t think this way. This person is motivated by extreme, passionate blind faith, zealotry. Extreme, dangerous, fanaticism. I think some devotees can be capable of this if they think their God or Guru are insulted.

    They might think it’s their dharmic duty. To resort to Terror even.
    Only Lokanatha Swami can calm this down. To say he doesn’t want this mood. If he remains silent it looks even worse for him. ICC seem to have exacerbated the hostile mood by even naming those who have spoken up for justice. Even mentioning their personal names, history and locations. Just short of their addresses. As if they’re Mafia bosses.

    They’ve endangered devotee lives. In particular S Dasi. She’s trying to make things right and promote better protection for devotee children and justice for others abused Retroactively. What does she get?

    Intrusion in her personal life, vilification and death threats.
    I’ve read enough John Grisham to know how it works. Try to destroy any opposition or witness.

    I’m shocked that leaders of Iskcon India, over 100 of them will go to such lengths to protect a man who is a self confessed sexual abuser of a young girl. It seems like they have such a low standard. They should watch their zoom video meeting again and then all resign. Of course they won’t but they should be embarrassed and ashamed. It makes me wonder if the process of Krishna consciousness works when it doesn’t seem to work for these people. Many will approach but only few are chosen.

    I expect that most devotees in India too, who really have integrity,
    will be disgusted by the ICC videos and realise, this is a ship of fools leading us. But this is their chance of redemption.

    [PADA: Yes it is amazing that the worship of the illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara is headquarters in India. They seem to have no clue what is guru, Krishna, and what is a parampara, or nothing else really. Why would they support the worship of an anus reconstructive surgery for kids guru program, unless they are corrupted themselves? As soon as we say deviants are not acharyas, they send death threats?]

  4. S Dasi: I just emailed the commanding officer at our local Hillsborough Police Department with all the threats.

    [PADA: Yep, even people who eat hamburgers in USA know we cannot worship pedophiles as gurus and messiahs. These India ICC people have a long, long way to go to be as advanced as the hamburger eating and beer drinking people. They claim to be more advanced than us Westerners, but any hamburger eating person in the USA knows that deviants are not EVER God's successors. The ICC folks not only don't know that, they want to orchestrate death threats to anyone who does not worship their pedophile messiahs. Any ten year old kid in the USA knows that debauchees are not gurus, the ICC evidently does not, because they are not advanced enough to know that. That is why it takes many births to get to Krishna, they will have to be as advanced as hamburger eaters before they can progress further.]

  5. LD: Yup. Most of that "anal reconstructive surgery epidemic" has been going on in India, right under their noses. Do these ICC people have their heads up their butts? Seems that way. Children are being raped left, right and center all around, anal surgery, and they defend the regime that is doing that. Then they lecture us about "dharma." Jesus man! They are hypocrites of the worst order. Take your anal reconstruction surgery epidemic of children guru program ... and shove it up your ... you know what! Very disgusting ICC people in the shape of humans but children eating demons.

  6. SD Dasi: Report Lokanath and his violent goon squad here:

  7. M Dasi: Disappointed? Not really. This is the last stand of the child molesters gurus. Surrounded on all sides ... trying one last defense technique. Let us send death threats ... to a mother. We will defend the pedophile guru fort at all costs.

    It really makes them look like ... the barking dogs guru parampara. Who else would bark at ... and threaten a mother? Instead of making a strong defense ... they simply clarified ... they are fanatic barking dogs.

    Srila Prabhupada says that over and over ... barking animals in human form. He says that all the time. They have been barking for 30 years and they thought it would work. It does not. It makes them look worse. Barking at women and innocent victimized children ... it makes them look like sub-humans ... or worse. At best ... serpent pedophile people from the Illuminati ... which my friend thinks they ALL are.

    Go ahead. Dig in your heels. Circle your wagons. Defend ... the indefensible. Bark bark bark. And make yourselves look ... like barking dogs. They have lost all respect and dignity and ... we should be happy for that.

    Because? They won't be able to fool too many people in future ... their track record of foolish defense of the indefensible will come back to haunt them ... over and over. Barking dogs in human form ... which Srila Prabhupada warned us about them over and over. He is right.

    We should be happy our guru warned us about them. He said we have to be well prepared ... when the animals in human form will come to bark at us. And they will ... because barking dogs are envious of the Vaishnavas.

  8. PADA: I agree MMD. This is actually good. It shows that the India ICC is all about -- promoting their pedophile acharyas; burying pedophiles in samadhi; claiming that acharyas are illicit sex with men, women and children; and fully explains why there has been so much anal reconstructive surgery of children -- in India -- because they fully support pedophiles posing as Krishna's guru parampara. So they are now officially on record as the anal reconstructive surgery epidemic of children "gurus from Vaikuntha" process. Yes, they are fully admitting to being the creators and supporters of this mess. And legally also. ys pd


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