Sunday, July 4, 2021

ISKCON / Global Warming / Apathy / Lokanath swami


[PADA: Right, here we go again! We always have to save the GBC's guru cult's guys, while the rest of the citizens are maybe being -- banned, beaten, molested, sued and even -- assassinated. The members of the GBC's guru club are like "Teflon don mafias" as one mother puts it. She is amazed more of them have not been removed, sued, put in jail, confronted by angry parents etc. She reads accounts of child abuse and simply cannot fathom why the people in charge are still -- in charge -- of anything. Where is the outrage?  

Today I was thus speaking about this very topic for over an hour with her. And she says -- ISKCON's molesting problem is very much like "global warming." Almost everyone knows there is a problem, probably a really big problem -- but hardly anyone wants to speak out. Mainly because, it is not socially acceptable in the society people are part of. 

And that is largely because -- most people follow social pressure. In sum --discussing "controversial topics" means, people would then have to make major changes to the status quo -- and who wants to do that?

"Speaking up" makes one a "liberal tree hugging radical environmentalist" in the case of global warming, or an "offender who is criticizing great devotees" in the case of ISKCON. So the problems are known, perhaps well known, but "speaking up" is not being done mainly because it is not favorable socially. And it makes the dissenting person -- a sort of "odd guy out" and "black sheep" of the "going along to get along" herd mentality. 

She asked me -- what about the other "senior devotees" around ISKCON, and in my area? Well it seems over the years, when we bring up the topics of -- bogus gurus, scandals, child molesting, book changes -- never mind the poison issue -- most of them just give me the "deer in the headlights" stare. They just don't know how to respond, because they know if they respond favorably to my side of the issue -- they might lose social standing with the bogus guru's cults. So there is a lot of "goody two shoes" "going along to get along" process. 

"You mean mass amounts of apathy, compromise, and asleep at the switch mentality?", she asked. Ummm evidently yup. 

And that is why the issues are never resolved. We talked about how Hanuman Croatia says that one woman ringing the alarm over Lokanath is causing a big stink, but that is only happening because -- no one else has ever raised the same loudness of stink previously. So she ends up being the big "controversy" issue, because she has the fortitude and determination to take the issue on --- with little help. 

And thus very few men are joining her team. So she is sort of like taking them on with her own little army of mainly a few other ladies. So that is the state of things -- few protest -- and the bad guys know that and -- take advantage. So she summed up: lots of apathy; lots of sympathy for the bad guys; lots of lost souls who could not put up a fight -- even to save their own kids -- never mind other's kids; never mind save ISKCON; save the original books; or save much of anything else.  

So it is like global warming. There is a BIG problem. Most people know there is a BIG problem, but it is pretty much forbidden to bring up the issues -- because it is not socially acceptable in these false societies. I had to pretty much concur with her summary. 

She says, saving Lokanath is now the real crucial issue for everyone concerned. If he goes, then there will be blood in the water to go after some of the others, i.e. his defenders, enablers and handlers. Therefore, he will have to be protected because if he is under scrutiny, then the whole mob is under scrutiny for allowing and enabling him.

Keeping him in the guru seat is sort of a necessary step now, to keep the whole empire from further collapse. Meanwhile, the renegade critics are already seeing themselves as victorious because -- they know they nailed this mess down and there is no good outcome except -- to remove him. 

So it is sort of like an impasse, but the critics think they will win this because -- the truth is on their side, and the sympathy of most of the mass of public, and more and more devotees these days, goes with those who are against child molesting. What to speak of bogus child molesting gurus. ys pd] 

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