Friday, February 7, 2025

Kailasa Chandra / Rama and the Dog / Lokanath swami 02 07 25

PADA's exposing children's mass abuse process:

"typical of PADA's misrepresentation of the truth."


PADA: Kailasa Chandra -- and GBC folks -- OK and other anti-PADA club members like Sanat / Mukunda / HKC Jaipur / Prahlad / Mathura Pati etc. all complain in unison that PADA editor is "prone to making misleading statements." OK same exact thing the GBC folks like Tamal Krishna swami have been saying since 1978. Are we misleading anyone on: the bogus appointment, mass child abuse, book changes, poison issue? Nope. 100% correct. What are we commonly misleading people about? Nobody knows.

Yep, as soon as someone says there is a mass child mistreatment process going on -- full tilt -- left, right and center -- and one of the ISKCON GBC gurus (Kirtanananda) is in fact -- one of the predators in question, then the Kailasa (and / or HKC Jaipur clan) folks start to repeat Kirtanananda's Berkeley people, i.e. us "dissenters" are -- bogus sahajiyas, scum bags, liars, fools, drunks, cheaters, watching tv (Sulochana had no electricity in 1986), we infuriate Srila Prabhupada and so on and so on etc.  

And what is the REAL message? Do not bother protesting mass child abuse, you will be branded as a liar by the regime -- and the allies of the regime, and you will be demonized as an offender, fringie, sahajiya, drunk, upstart -- and made a target for extermination. Thus, the Kailasa clan simply has joined with the Bhakti pedos to demonize and discredit us, using the same identical character assassination slogans as the Bhakti pedo pada folks. 

Recently we have had a debate with some of the Kailasa people about all this, and they keep citing the writings of Henry Doktorski CONFIRMING that the Kailasa people had joined with Kirtanananda's people complaining me and Sulochana "are not following" etc. Yup -- ya got me there pardner, we are "not following" the Bhakti pedo pada clan. This is actually verified in Henry's book, Kailasa followers were IN FACT citing the Berkeley Bhaktipada groupies, parroting their identical character assassination complaints against us. Agreed. We are "not following" them being Bhakti pedos sock puppets.

And we also know they were doing that because we met with his Berkeley groupies at the time. For example, one of the Kailasa groupies asked me how much Vodka was I buying for Sulochana etc. What on earth is Kailasa training his people to think, anyone who addresses mass child abuse is a bogus drunk sahajiya? I forgot, Kailasa has learned that from the Bhakti pedo clan. And that means, the sexual abuse of children will go on, as it indeed did, by chopping the legs off of us protesting. Which they combinedly did! OK character assassination can lead to actual assassination, and in this case -- it has.

When did beer become more important than children one might inquire?

And why would it even matter if we are drunk sahajiyas? You mean only the drunk sahajiyas are intelligent enough to be addressing mass child mistreatment, but Kailasa is not advanced enough to do that himself. Even the Berkeley police told me they heard -- we "dissenters" are being criticized as "not following" -- while these foolish people are citing the followers of a drunken womanizer like Hansadutta and / or his oral sex with young men mentor Kirtanananda. We are not following, the road that leads to citing the Bhakti pedo groupies?  

And therefore Sulochana complained -- and worried -- a NUMBER of TIMES -- they are ALL saying bad things about us -- to discredit us -- and make us targets, and that will also IMPERIL the children we are trying to protect (including Sulochana's own kids). As happened! And it does imperil children! Sorry, me and Sulochana are 100% accurate here. You guys discredited us, you guys made us targets, you guys demonized us, and voila -- you guys helped defend the pedo regime from our complaints. As Sulochana said you are!

Yep, many times Sulochana has been saying he is being discredited and he is being made a target for assassination. And he is right 100%. Then Kailasa says the ritviks are bogus, because? The ritviks sued the BBTI for changed books, sued ISKCON for mass child abuse, and forwarded Srila Prabhupada's complaint of poison, and so on. Kailasa wants to discredit us for bringing out all these issues -- the same way the GBC does. And Kailasa complains with the same exactly identical complaints as the GBC says about us drunk and disorderly sahajiya "dissenters" -- as they have all along. 

The Kirtanandanda sympathizers (modern Radhanath followers) still have the same exact complaints about us -- as Kailasa clan -- we are bogus sahajiya drunks and etc and therefore GBC people send me the writings of Kailasa / HKC Jaipur clan et al. against us. Why are the GBC people citing Kailasa / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati etc., unless they are all in the same discrediting complaints of child abuse camp? 

I will say for certain, that from some of the children victim's point of view, they are all one and the same identical camp, as victims have told me. Now we are splitting hairs -- which discrediting agent is better or worse than the other? The victims don't care. Nor do I believe Yamaraja cares either. Why split hairs? You guys all acted unitedly to discredit us in the same way, using the same terms, and etc.

Worse, Ravindra Swarupa and Trivrikarma swami were handing out a GBC paper in 1990 penned by Kailasa "The Madhyam Guru," and we all know he wrote it because no one else has his writing style. He is writing papers -- for the GBC gurus -- according to them, and verified by us when we saw his document. In 1990 the GBC gurus are getting ghost busted by Chitesvara, and Kailasa is writing papers for his ghostly haunted Madhyam messiah pals. Kailasa simply made himself look like a complete fool for cheer leading this group. Did I forget to mention in 1990 the abuse was still going on in a number of places, thanks in part to these GBC / Kailasa people downplaying our complaints? 

Moreover Kailasa keeps saying what the GBC says, Srila Prabhupada wanted us to worship conditioned souls who might become asuras, which can happen to a Madhyam. Worse, Kailasa says Sulochana agrees -- we should worship conditioned souls who might become asuras as gurus, but Sulochana is VOCIFEROUSLY against that idea. Moreover Srila Prabhupada says only an uttama is qualified to be acharya, only an uttama has the brahmana tejas to burn sins, only an uttama can give the bhakti beeja of one's eternal relationship etc.

Their gurus are not even kanisthas. 

What happened actually then? Sulochana said these GBC / Kailasa ilk guys are saying bad things to discredit us and make us targets, and yep -- he is 100% RIGHT. Where is the misrepresenting? He is dead! "Give a dog a bad name and hang it," and Sulochana said that perhaps 100 times -- at least. And we all know who is doing that -- and Kailasa is simply one of a number of these agents discrediting us.

And thus if Kailasa has an ounce of sympathy for Sulochana he would agree with what Sulocana says, "you guys SHOULD NOT be discrediting me and making me a target." Again, it also does not matter of we are drunken Mc Donalds customers, we are not to be discredited when we are bringing out MASS child mistreatment of KRISHNA's CHILDREN, taking us down by demonizing us is very sinful and wrong. 

In fact anyone who is a whistle blower on factual mass child abuse should be given a hero's welcome, a validated voice, given the speaking floor, given credit -- and should never be ignored, minimized, ridiculed, given a bad name, discredited, harassed, and / or called a liar, a drunken sahajiya, a scum bag and all the other names the GBC and Kailasa folks have been giving us. We should have been taken VERY seriously, and that would have helped the children we were advocating for, and it would have perhaps saved Sulochana's life. 

Moreover, there are a growing number of people now saying that mass child abuse is CRIMINAL and thus the ENABLER people -- OK like GBC / Kailasa / HKC Jaipur clan --attacking and discrediting the whistle blowers of mass child abuse -- are also criminals for AIDING and ABETING, and enabling and assisting these crimes. I agree, and so do a number of victims of their conspiracy against children. OK the law of Yamaraja is the same thing as real law, you cannot cheer lead and enable criminals or you are also a criminal.

Having said all that, I also admit that mistakes might have been made by Sulochana, myself and others, since none of us dissenters can claim to be perfect. If there is a valid complaint against us that merits being published -- because it is important and relevant to all this -- let us see what it is. 

Overall, me and Sulochana risked our lives to bring these issues out, and saying we are drunks, drinking beer while watching tv -- is not a valid complaint. It is trivializing what we are complaining about. In sum, when there is a mass child abuse problem, then the whistle blowers allegedly drinking beer is NOT the problem, the people demonizing us whistle blowers to get us exterminated is the problem. And is in fact most of the problem. 

And for the record, I have not been taking any intoxicants because I have been too busy dealing with the crisis of ISKCON's mess. But even if I was taking intoxicants, that does not invalidate our points, these points are still 100% correct. But to say that the bogus gopi sahajiyas are the only people in ISKCON with enough Kshatriya mentality to address criminal child abuse means, bogus gopi sahajiyas are the most advanced folks in the entire group, at least they have some clue what is righteous and what is not. 

But yeah, when "karmi media" people interview me they are astonished how badly us whistle blowers were shouted down, branded as isolated cranks, liars, offenders, drunks, and so on -- to discredit us -- and thereby -- enable and empower the industrial level mass molesting regime, and to ultimately to try to get us exterminated. Sulochana said "they are hunting us like dogs." And self evidently people like Kailasa are enabling and cheer leading and validating the hunters. 

I am sorry someone thinks I am cursing at those people, but there is no need for my curse, they already cursed by the court of Yamaraja for their own actions themselves. Anyway, if we are experts at misinformation, go ahead and show us where any of the above is not accurate. Meanwhile Sulochana's mom says she is mortified some people are still discrediting her son since "he gave his life to save your religion." 

She is also 100% right. That means -- anyone who is not just as mortified as she is, has no concept of right, wrong, good, bad etc. Or as the Berkeley police told me, the people who attack you are helping these criminal gurus take down their critics. Well yup. 

Bhagavan kicked out a bunch of householders with their babies and children and left them abandoned at the Paris train station. PADA helped Jayatirtha get funds to those people to help them come to the UK. One of those children -- who was left abandoned there -- later on grew up -- and told PADA, "Bhagavan finds children, especially Krishna's children, to be like finding obnoxious smelly dog poops on his shoes. 

"We children need to be scraped off -- like dog poop -- and thrown into the toilet. Children and dog poops have the same value to these people." Yep, and Bhagavan and his twin clone Kailasa and / or their HKC Jaipur clan friends -- all say the same exact thing "PADA is often misrepresenting the truth." Nope, this is the truth, and you guys are denying and obfuscating the truth to save your pedo regime pals. That is how it looks to your victims, that is how it looks to PADA, and that is how it looks to Yamaraja.   

ys pd


Going out again, Laksmana then noticed a dog sitting near the palace gate, its head bleeding. While staring at Laksmana, the dog whined mournfully. Thus Laksmana asked, “What is wrong? Why have you come here? Please do not fear, for you may tell me everything.”

The dog replied, “I wish to speak directly to Lord Rama, Whose lotus feet award one fearlessness, and Who is the shelter of the distressed.”

Laksmana then said, “If you have something to say, then you are welcome to come speak to the King Himself.”

However, the dog replied, “I am a very low-born creature. Thus, I am unworthy of entering temples, the houses of brahmanas or royal palaces. The King is the embodiment of all religious principles, the representation of all the demigods and the benefactor of all living beings. Without His special permission, I cannot dare come before Rama.”

When Laksmana reported the matter, Rama immediately commanded, “Whoever it may be, usher him in without delay!”

The dog then humbly came before Rama and said, “O Lord, the King is the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus, he is the savior of all creatures. While others sleep peacefully, the king remains alert, always working for the welfare of his subjects. However, since everything depends upon him, when the king is negligent, his subjects very soon perish. 

The king is the upholder of religious principles, and thus curbs the forces of evil. Those who follow religious principles experience happiness in this life and the next. Thus, the king receives great merit for sustaining dharma. O Rama, You are the model of a religious king. With my head placed at Your lotus feet I seek Your mercy. Do not become angry at what I have to say.”

Rama reassured the dog, saying, “Go on! Speak without fear!”

Thus encouraged, the dog continued, “A mendicant bramana named Sarvatha-siddha has injured my head, although there was no fault on my part.”

Immediately, Rama had His men summon Sarvatha-siddha. Soon thereafter, when the bramana came before Him, Rama inquired, “Why did you strike this dog? What was his fault? Anger is a deadly enemy. It is like a sharp sword that slashes away all of one’s virtue. Anger nullifies one’s long accumulated merit of austerity. Therefore, the wise rid themselves of anger by neglecting it in thought, speech and actions. O bramana, one’s true character cannot remain hidden, no matter how hard one tries to conceal it. Misdeeds will always betray those who have not conquered the forces of lust, anger and greed.”

The bramana then replied, “I was wandering about, begging for alms, when I came upon this dog squatting in the middle of the road, blocking my path. I told him, ‘Make way!’ but he got up so slowly that I struck him over the head with my staff. I was famished and my anger was easily aroused. O King, I admit my guilt. You should punish me as You see fit, just to save me from falling down into a hellish condition of life.”

Rama turned to His ministers and inquired, “What should the punishment be? Justice must be done, for nothing instills more confidence in people’s minds than the administration of fair punishment to all wrong-doers.”

Bhrgu, Angiras, Vasistha, Kasyapa and other knowers of religious principles replied, “A brahmana is never to be punished. This is the unanimous opinion of those conversant with raja-dharma. Still, O Rama, You are the ultimate judge, for You are the Lord of the entire universe. You are Lord Visnu Himself. Thus, whatever is spoken by You is eternal religion.”

The dog then interrupted, saying, “O King, You have asked, ‘What can I do for you?’ If You truly wish to please me, then kindly appoint this bramana to the post of acarya of the Kalanjara Monastery.”

Rama fulfilled the dog’s request, and thus the delighted bramana, Sarvatha-siddha, became honored as a spiritual leader and was placed atop a magnificently decorated elephant. The ministers, however, became greatly upset, protesting, “O King, this cannot be considered a punishment! Rather than putting the bramana to shame, You have awarded him an exalted position!”

However, Rama replied, “You do not understand the intricacies of karma, but the dog does.”

Then, prompted by Rama, the dog explained, “In my last life I was the head of the Kalanjara Monastery. I duly worshipped the demigods and brahmanas. I performed my sacred duties carefully, and properly maintained the servants and maidservants. Still, regardless of so much care, trying to leave nothing undone, I took my next birth as a dog due to some unknown fault. Now, just consider this bramana who cannot even control his anger. 

He is certainly unfit to be an acarya. For his audacity in accepting such a position, he will now degrade seven generations of his family. How can a man who is unable to control his temper be put in charge of brahmanas, cows, and Deity worship? 

Anyone who steals from the brahmanas, demigods, women or children is doomed, as is one who takes back a gift that was freely given. Indeed, even the very thought of stealing from the demigods and brahmanas will send a man to the lowest of hells.”



I don't understand why Lokanatha Swami and some of his followers are suing people for libel and seeking a huge financial settlement who are simply repeating information readily found on the Internet.
Lokanath’s Admissions of Molesting a Child
These are a dozen confirmed instances between 1993 and 2017 when Lokanath admitted to his sexual abuse of a child. This is a partial list as there have been other in-person conversations, phone calls, and correspondence where Lokanath talked about his sexual abuse of a child.
1993 – Lokanath admitted to the mental health professionals at CAP Behavior Associates in New York.
1994 – Lokanath wrote an apology letter, which Virabahu prabhu attempted to hand deliver to the victim’s sister, in front of the ISKCON temple in Los Angeles.
1995 – Lokanath personally apologized to his victim; in the presence of Ravindra Svarupa, Saudamini, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, Mukunda Goswami, and the victim’s brother, at a house near the ISKCON Philadelphia temple.
1999 – Lokanath wrote a statement to be presented to initiation candidates that informed them of his inappropriate sexual molestation of a minor.
1999, 2000, 2001 – Multiple in-person conversations between Lokanath and ISKCON Child Protection Office Director Dhira Govinda in Mayapur, at the time of the GBC meetings.
2010 – Lokanath’s acknowledgement letter.
2011 – Lokanath’s verbal acknowledgement to the assembled GBC, after Badrinarayan detailed Lokanath’s abuse and asked Lokanath to confirm.
2012 – Lokanath’s letter to his existing disciples.
2012 – Lokanath’s letter to his prospective disciples.
2017 – Lokanath’s acknowledgement to his disciple Abhay Charan.


  1. M Dasi: OMG. Reminds me of this place. You are exaggerating and misrepresenting. You are a liar. Fringie!

    Sure thing. And where are those children now? Disappeared. Not here anymore ... are they? Gone with the wind. Blew out of town. Don't want to hear anything about the Krishna religion. Heard enough lies.

    The children know what is true ... and what is true is ... you blow hard defenders ... allowed them to be badly used ... and abused. Not only true ... proof is ... none of those children can be found anymore. Gone.

    And the reason they are gone??? -- you! You liars and cheaters! I am only hanging on to Krishna because I believe Krishna will take them to patala. I think ... that is what is true.

    To say exposing child abuse is a lie, is a lie. And those liars are a club. We all know who they are ... by now. Sad thing, they don't even know they are supposed to repent. Shameless and liars.

  2. LD: Why would anyone ... attack those who are trying to save children from ... abuse? Severe abuse! Sorry to have to say this but ... ISKCON has a bumper crop of this type dangerous weeds. Overgrown!

    Explains why ... all this has gone on everywhere ... even ... in the dham. Apologists are helping the wrong side. I wish I could have told Tirtha in jail before he helped them. He must be regretting now. But some of them never will. They are wrong ... and proud of it too!

    The people who are trying to save children need to be helped, not stopped. That is the worst karma. But they do not believe in karma ... that is the real problem.

    They have tried to stop or harass anyone who brings up this child abuse problem. I have noticed myself. The person who asks too many questions ... is made unwelcome and is driven out.

    It is what they do. They have no idea how to treat other living beings ... and it shows by their works. Defending evil people is evil.


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