Friday, January 31, 2025

Was Ramesvara "Grooming" Rukmini? 01 31 25


DATE: 29 January 2025


Dear Friends and Members, Dandavats to all genuine followers of Shrila Prabhupada.
We received a message at our secret cave in the Rocky Mountains.

One of our loyal A.I.S.F. members, who is a staunch Prabhupada follower, has shared the following with our elite Power Steering Committee. Our loyal member has written to us about ex-zonal acharya and blooped ISKCON swami, Ramesvara dasa, regarding an episode that caused him to run from his “Vyasa Asan” in disgrace. It concerns a young girl that was exploited by ISKCON gurus many years ago, and who still feels the pain of being molested to this day. Having grown up now, and still a devotee, she continues to blow the whistle on ISKCON’s ex-guru Ramesvara. In fact, she has stuck to the same story and has repeated it for many years now without changing any details.
Our member writes, “It is very well documented that Ramesvara acted inappropriately towards Rukmini when he was a Sannyasi and guru, and she was still a child. That he would now attack her credibility, rather than acknowledging his responsibility, says more about Ramesvara's state of mind than Rukmini's.”
In other conversations, Rukmini has also mentioned the names of Radhanatha and Ambarish along with Ramesvara. Our member has shared Ramesvara’s reply as follows.
”Rukmini also claims I and other leaders joined a secret black magic cult to gain powers. She claims I took her to a meeting where a baby or another late term fetus was on an alter (sic) to be sacrificed. She also claims at this meeting I put a butcher knife in her hand, and using black magic induced her to cut up the baby herself …
”You can believe her wild claims and lies of crazed sex and baby sacrifices (I have the above claim from her in writing), or you could pray for her hate, her endless lies and fabrications, and her unbalanced mind to be cured in this life or the next.”
Ramesvara continues to live richly at Mayapur with you paying for his free, luxurious accommodations.
Prabhus, please note that this Rukmini is different from the wife of Anuttama, ISKCON’s GBC squeaky boy mouthpiece. Rukmini was just 14 years old at the time she was allegedly raped. We suggest that, instead of taking Ramesvara’s advice and his weak defenses in trying to dodge the issues of his well-documented scandalous past, that you just pray that your own service in devotion can be accepted by Shrila Prabhupada. Pray that, through the blessings of the genuine guru, you can go back to Godhead after this spot life has been completed.
Yours always in the service of the Vaishnavas,
Your A.I.S.F. Team

PADA: Ramesvara was sitting young girls on his lap in his office, taking Rukmini to the Santa Monica mall on "dates" and so on and so forth. Meanwhile, he was plotting how to suppress me and Sulochana. Now he has a hero welcome in Mayapur. ys pd

Rukmini: Ramesvara is totally guilty of child abuse, the leaders know it! He admitted to being attached to me in 1986 after we were repeatedly seen in , shopping malls, restaurants, the movies, and in the city of NY. He hasn't denied abusing me because he lives with guilt everyday for all his disconduct to me, other children, and so many others sincere devotees !!!!

PADA: Child mistreatment was going on -- according to a victim who talked to me --"in every nook and cranny of ISKCON." This was a widespread problem not only in your case. Another victim told me there are several thousand cases. And Ramesvara was one of the foxes in charge of counting the hens, and the hens were not being protected. He is part responsible for the entire webs and nests of mistreatment that went on left, right and center under his administration. Anyway, you go girl, lets expose these foxes and help protect the hens. ys pd

RF: Unfortunately I think he is proud of himself and does not feel any guilt because the pederast is on a total  megalomaniacal pedestal.

PW: I don't even have words anymore......Hare Krishna!

LL: I am discusted with this cult.

PW: Yes its very sorry hearing such story ..... and we keep hearing more such stories all the time about their gurus!

LL: If it only would be one suspect, but the whole thing is infested with many since the beginning ...

PW: Other hand there is no bad thing that would not work out for good. We live in the world of dualism, we can experience different drugs even in spiritual organizations...... I take lessons by such situations that Krishna teaches us how to take an example of the successes of others and not follow for the wrong activities of others. Hare Krishna

M Devi Dasi: But a simple reply of "No, I never did this" was all that was needed to be said. - It was never stated. Why? It's a simple reply, why dance around with the subject matter? Why not, "No, I never did this, and would never cause any harm to any devotee child at all!" With emphatic sincerity in his dialog.

SJ: I am viewing this as someone who has no familiarity with this situation. I can't have an educated opinion unless I have more information about the history and documented interviews that have been verified.

Rukmini: He knows he did abuse me sooo badly !!!

RM: Ram did reply to Rukmini directly and denied it, accused her of lying. That's what they do. Just lie and think that's the end of it and hope others will believe them too.

DK: That may be true, but there is much more to the mentality of a pedophile or preditor of any kind. It is about power and control and about the intrigue of secrecy.

PW: Hare Krishna! PAMHO! AGTSP! I don't know this situation at all and I can't throw a stone at anyone here, but I can ask a question who has more interest in lying - a young girl or a mature man who, as PADA described, was seen with girls on his lap. 

The young girl can possibly be persuaded to lie only if her parents persuaded her to extort money from the defendant. And an adult man has more reasons to accuse the girl because she definitely has to divert attention to the child's detriment in the face of both the court and the public. These are my preliminary considerations on this subject. What do you think about it, dear admirers?

TK: It’s very important that all members of ISKCON understand that like all powerful organizations, Satanism DID infiltrate Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON,via power hungry individuals.

It’s not a fantasy, it’s not a lie and it’s damn sure not just a conspiracy. It is a fact.
The participants tried their best to ruin an entire generation of our children. I guess they didn’t expect many of them to grow up and TAKE THEM DOWN. All glories to the second and third generations of warriors. I offer my humble obeisances to every child brought into satanic halls of torture.

DK: The one fatal mistake made by pedophiles is that, although they have power and control over the child while they are young, somehow they forget that the child will grow up and speak the truth some day.

However, the predator is counting on the fact that the child will be to damaged from the abuse to come forward. Statistics show that adult victims of child abuse are not emotionally able to come forward until they are in their 40's and most states have laws about statues of limitations. Thus everything goes against the criminal ever receiving justice.

MG: And above that it is very difficult to believe the statements. Especially when those accused are often respected members of communities. Often those victims are marginalised. I have to admit reading this also my thought was this is going to far. Although I do not know Ramesvar neither I am his supporter and know from other sources that he was not very positive guy in past, to say mildly

DK: If anyone has doubts about the logistics of such claims such as "where could these satanic rituals have taken place?" I can confirm that directly next to the Los Angeles temple there was a Masonic Temple on Venice Blvd. When my husband was temple president there in 1976 the Masons were considering selling the building to the devotees. A few devotees including my husband went on a tour of it but they were not allowed on the top floor. Anyone familiar with Satanic practice within Masonic Lodges, the top floor is where the sacrificial altars are located. It is rumored that devotees had access to that building which is merely one block from the little girls ashram where Rukmini lived.

DL: I'm concerned how this post may impact Rukmini dd and those close to her. She does active service in a devotee community with her extended family.
I certainly wouldn't want such personal details spread all over the Internet without my consent. Our first duty of care is to her before anything else. 

DK: Rukmini often repeated these stories to members of our community. They are not new.

RF: She is on this thread. She is quite public about making everyone aware, which is why she just finished participating in the movie Monkey on a Stick.

DL: I know she's on the thread now as I reached out to her. Did not know about Monkey on a Stick.

TK: Rukmini has been steadfast in her truth for nearly 30 years now. I agree she needs to be very careful. Why should she have to be careful after all these years?
Because the people that committed such heinous acts towards her are still being sheltered and honored in ISKCON Indian temples.

I kid you not.

AA: The day of judgement will come over iskcon They will all go to hell who are demoniac.

DS: Man! Look at that photo -- swamis or ANY man who is not the parent or brother SHOULD NOT lay his GRIMEY GRUBBY HANDS on little girls. WHEN will the drive to touch children stop? EVER?

MN: Rameshvar das was always repulsive to women. This was the other side of being attractive to them due to his lust caused by the aparadha to help Tamal to masterind the guru hoax. So it was never a surprise that he sexually abused a fourteen year old kid. Who are her parents? They should have legal action for his abuse.

DK: Rukmini did not have a father figure in her life. Her mother is a sweet, kind, gentle soul. No match for the powerful in ISKCON. PLUS back in those days we were all very naive to the idea that these kinds of dark activities existed. Preditors often look for child victims who come from single parent homes with absent fathers or from troubled homes.

DL: One sannyasi is standing there as if Ramesvara's behavior is nothing unusual. The younger girl looks like she'd like to punch Ramesvara out.

Rukmini: Those are our childhood friends, Sama Veda the older girl, and Rasa lila.

MG: I don't think it is sanas, that one with danda, I think he holds only danda

RM: So sad the highest and most respected ashram in Krishna Culture for sincere spiritually-minded males has become the one to hang out in for performing the most atrocious acts. Isn't that just so Kaliyuga? So sad the children born into Krishna Consciousness, attracted to Krishna Consciousness or being entrusted to members of Krishna consciousness, which the most blissful culture and highest philosophy, are so often victimized by sexual, satanic and violent predators.

DS: Several other girls also have written testimonies on him, that are on the table of CPO, but as we know the CPO is under attack and dismantled. So this man's buddies are making sure the group of his victims remain without a voice.

RS: The madness continues! Soon he will find himself in Yamaraj’s court, where he will face the reckoning of his lifetime.

GLD: why they don t go to the police?

DU: They must present charges.

JJ: Where we don't know enough to accept or reject what we hear, we can ask ourselves, "Is this persons response to a claim of abuse representing what we would expect to hear coming from a devotee?"

DL: Rukmini, this post by JY is an extract from a recent newsletter sent out by the Absolute Is Sentient Foundation. They seem to have published an extract of Ramesvara's response to an anonymous devotee. So it's an extract of an extract, which makes it appear confusing. Also the cloaks of anonymity seem to obscure the facts also.

I don't know who runs that organisation. They like to stay anonymous. I've screenshot the newsletter for you below. This is the email address which sends out the newsletter, in case you want to try to correspond with them:

DL: May be an image of ‎1 person and ‎text that says '‎A.I A.I.S.F. Absolute Is Sentient Foundation Branches Worldwide Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder Founder-Acharya: nternational society for Krishna Conaciousne88 DATE: 29 January 2025 Re: RAMESVARA WHISTLE BLOWER 

SJ: This is a she said-he said situation. I do find it hard to believe:

”Rukmini also claims I and other leaders joined a secret black magic cult to gain powers. She claims I took her to a meeting where a baby or another late term fetus was on an alter (sic) to be sacrificed. She also claims at this meeting I put a butcher knife in her hand, and using black magic induced her to cut up the baby herself …"

Some is believable and some is not-only my opinion.

I absolutely believe that Rameswara was not qualified to act as guru and should not have put himself in that position.

SJ: Do you know the answer? Her full account was not revealed in this post. I feel we should be given more information. Perhaps it's not appropriate on this forum.

MMA: I know of this story and have had more than one therapist say it is very possibly true. They hear of such things all the time. The amount if therapy it takes to get through this web if maya takes a strong devotee. Rukmini is one of Srila Prabhupada's children who came here to assist his service to Lord Caitanya. Irresponsible men are the cause of the falldown of women who are the cause if unwanted progeny which are the cause if the fall down of society.

SJ: Please understand that I am not finding fault with Rukmini or supporting Rameswara. All I'm saying is the post does not provide enough information for one to make a determination.

Rukmini: I wonder why Ramesvara doesn't share the letter I wrote to him? He just states one detail that he says I wrote to him. By the way, he has changed what I wrote, and he shares info that most people will have a hard time believing; to discredit me as a liar.

He is trying to keep the truth covered up in his closet after after so many years of abuse I was forced to suffer at his hands during my childhood. Will someone please send me the link to where he posted what he has written about me? Because I have him blocked, I may not be able it. Can someone sent me snapshots of his dialog where is writes about me ?

Where did Ramesvara write this? Why didn't he post the whole letter that states my unedited version of my truth? He chose to change details of what I wrote. Is this is the only account of what I experienced he wrote about. He chose to share someting that is quite hard for most people to believe ? Is he denying ever abusing me sexual in any way ?

DK: yes, she has told these stories often.

SJ: I pray that you will receive all the support and love you need to heal.

DK: If anyone has doubts about the logistics of such claims such as "where could these satanic rituals have taken place?" I can confirm that directly next to the Los Angeles temple there was a Masonic Temple on Venice Blvd. When my husband was temple president there in 1976 the Masons were considering selling the building to the devotees. 

A few devotees including my husband went on a tour of it but they were not allowed on the top floor. Anyone familiar with Satanic practice within Masonic Lodges, the top floor is where the sacrificial altars are located. It is rumored that devotees had access to that building which is merely one block from the little girls ashram where Rukmini lived.

YD: That’s on another level of their perversion !!Sadly I’m not even surprised..

Rukmini: Have you all seen this post and thread?

DS: The Hare Krishna sex bomb bomb sex bomb he's a sex bomb.


  1. M Dasi: Looks like grooming to me. Little girl in the yellow dress wants to yell at him? Why did no adults stop this ... always odd to me.

    How did people not know ... a man who is sitting little girls on his lap, is "dating" one of them, is buying mini skirts for the one he is dating, is NOT the sum total of the demigods? What were they thinking. Or were they thinking at all!

    A photo says thousands words, and some of those words are ... weird affection for little girls ... never mind ... denial n' lack of remorse of GBC and gurus is making it worse for the victim. She is the liar and they are the truth telling saints. Very disgusting! Just look at the photo and we know who tells the truth ...

  2. MMD: The problem is ... Ramesvara is now settled in ... with the rest of the guru gang in Mayapur. That gang has done irreversible damage to so many children. Rukmini is just one ... of thousands of those children.

    Those children are forever gone ... from ISKCON. And some are gone from their bodies ... untimely. Ramesvara has burned down the house that Prabhupada made.

    Now he is saying Rukmini is a liar ... so he can cause her more pain ... by denial. They are a gang of groomers and molesters ... and Ramesvara is simply ... another gang member.

    The damage they have done to so many people ... and ISKCON ... cannot be undone. They will have to pay in the next life.

    If they could apologize and make amends ... that would help them and ... the victims. How can they now? They would have to admit they are criminals. That is why so many people cannot stand them ... they are simply hiding ... away ... hoping all this blows over.

    But we cannot allow this to blow over. We will always be asking for justice ... and ... an end to all their lies and denial.

    It is sad ... Ramesvara does not understand how false gurus always dwell in hell. And instead of helping victims ... he is going to be with the other false gurus of Mayapur. A bunch of monkey vairagya associated together.

    Krishna will never be pleased with them. Why it took so long for Rukmini to speak? They are vicious with anyone who challenges.


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