PADA: One of the ex-servants of Satsvarupa told me -- all the apparent chaos and confusion going on in ISKCON is totally an illusion. Whatever else happens to anyone else, Satsvarupa always has had a nice cozy room staying at Howard Johnson motels, where he could watch football and order in pizzas, and that is why we called him HoJo swami.
'I cannot lie to myself. I've got to be honest with myself, because honesty to oneself and to others is the main quality of a Brahminical community and to tell a falsehood, or live a falsehood, is to immediately disqualify oneself, from that community.
The point about the two way street and the Guru must accept the disciple, this is true. Srila Prabhupada can accept a surrendered soul 50 million light years away, if he wanted to. But he's not far away like that..Think about it, we still offer food to Srila Prabhupada, and who is the person who will say he doesn't accept it? If he accepts 100's of offerings every hour of the day, he certainly can accept a surrendered devotee through the transcendental arrangement of his bona fide representative.
And he stayed in the motels -- so he could hide out -- and would not have to answer: why the temple heater is not working; why are cows are slipping on ice and breaking their bones -- because SDG kicked out the cowherd men who were fixing the leaking water pipes making the ice; why are there child mistreatment perps floating in and out of the society, and other issues that only affect us lowly peons. He was too busy writing "the more I chant the drier it gets" "I have to battle constantly with doubts that Krishna is a myth" "I am the guru of pills" etc.
So SDG's situation is always 100% fully stable -- financially, medically, and materially secure -- at all times -- no matter what else is going on, or how much the dependent citizens are suffering. And his position will always be secure -- for his entire life -- no matter what else happens to anyone else. That means -- whatever else happens to anyone else, his position is always fully 100% protected, well taken care of, funded and secured. He will always have a nice cozy house, servants, a car and driver, money for his recent stair elevator, money for his crazy art projects, and whatever else he needs. For life.
That is not an accident. This has been all along a clearly defined, well planned out, well organized, well thought out in advance -- agenda -- meant to benefit the few elites, like himself. They are always well taken care of, no one else is, and that was, is and always will be -- their plan, as long as they are alive. The idea that this is all random, disjointed chaos is a smokescreen -- to hide the real underlying process -- a few elites live comfortably like kings -- while everyone else is allowed to suffer -- going on the whole time since 1978 under their clever smoke screen cover. He also told me he was fetching all sorts of heavy duty psychotropics to give to SDG, and "no expense is spared to get him this medicine." ys pd
"Getting the facts straight"
Bhakta JJ: ISKCON is one of the worst examples of religion anywhere. The people who stop children from being beaten and raped are ... the demons. The friends of Radhanath, where children were abused at New Vrndavana, are the saints. ???
This Kirtanananda clown show guru!!! ... was having oral sex with boys and maybe sex with ... cats. ??? And he is in samadhi. And Bhakta dasa thinks Radhanath's is "solid preaching." And Mathura Pati is with them? Sex with boys and cats and guru is solid preaching ... but only for them. They haven't any clue what is preaching ... not only what is solid preaching.
No wonder the children of their society are taking their lives. I can see easily why.
These people are lower than the lowest. Is that why Prabhupada says ... the material world is the upside down reflection. ???
The guru is among the higher devotees in the spiritual world. A person serving the gopis. While imitation guru here is sex with boys and maybe cats, because he is an upside down perverted reflection. And this is solid preaching according to them?
I think ??? their ideas will take them down to the bottom of the universe. As Prabhupada says. They go down ... does happen to false gurus ... and their "solid preaching" friends. No one should be unhappy seeing children freed of a beating and molesting "guru-school" camp, or are they in the same camp as the tyrants leading the camp.
PADA: Yeah prabhu, the Mathura Pati / HKC Jaipur team are self evidently infuriated to find out that some of Krishna's children are no longer going to be beaten and raped, and perhaps hundreds of these kids have been liberated from their wonderful GBC's "guru-schools" as happened after 1997, and is still happening now. Parents are STILL not sending their kids to these GBC people, thanks to PADA folks alerting THEM. A number of parents told me -- "we just did not know until you made this all public." OK someone had to raise the alarm, and we did, and that saved a lot of kids.
For his part Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur thug Prahlad (Paul Coats) said he was going to send my photo to his fellow GBC goons, so he could have me exterminated -- evidently for my crime of saving kids from being beaten and raped. Yes, anyone who stops children from being beaten and raped must be eliminated. No wonder victims are calling these people -- the worst of Satanic beings from the lowest planets. I hear this many times, "these people are from hell." Well yup, what else would these victims think?
And HKC Jaipur pal Bhakta Peter says he sees nothing wrong with all this. The people stopping children from being beaten and raped must be stopped, and there is nothing wrong with all this? OK then they are as bad or worse than the GBC program itself. At least the GBC pretends to care for children.
And Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur / Peter / Mathura Pati say I am offending Prahlad, who is upset his homosexual and pedophile guru brotherhood pals are not riding around in golden Cadillacs -- because PADA is "taking away their money." An ex-child victim told me, "these are the same people who were upset when prisoners were liberated from Auschwitz. Carbon copy." This ex-child also says it is no accident Mathura Pati and Mukunda are into their revival of the Third Reich idea.
So their whole idea is to make sure the homosexual and pedophile gurus have a nice fancy Cadillac lifestyle, at the expense of children's suffering. Children have to suffer so their gurus can have nice golden Cadillacs, and then these same people say we need to fix the Zionist banker problem, while they are the Zionist shekel counting bankers themselves. They are only interested in counting money and not saving children.
OK these people are mainly worried about saving their bogus guru's golden stolen shekels -- and not saving children. And HKC Jaipur thug Prahlad says that because I am NOT helping him promote his favorite cheer leaders of the homosexual and pedophile -- golden Cadillacs for gurus -- program I am "creating disunity in the ritvik camp." Hee hee!
Ummm, nope, all the bona fide ritviks agree with PADA, we have to halt child abuse, or we are not even on the platform of basic karmi morality. Or as Sulochana says, even dogs take better care of their puppies than these guys take care of children. Rather odd, these people call themselves followers of Sulochana, when he said -- many times -- these folks are making a baby r*ping program. Sulochana said the first priority order of business for us is -- to get ISKCON's children out of the hands of these GBC guru people, and he is right.
But yeah, these pro-pedo regime people are unfortunately not alone in the Krishna community. All sorts of Krishna community leaders, elders, even parents often gave me hell and high water for opposing the child mistreatment program. Some of them still do. They thought that saving the children would destroy ISKCON. Nope, quite the opposite.
Not saving the children will -- and has -- destroyed ISKCON. A society that has few to almost none children will die out quickly, and that is a well known historical fact. And that is why the ISKCON leaders are now in the process of handing off the society to various dubious Hindus, some of whom are Shaivites and some eat meat. There were all sorts of religious groups in the West and in India in the 1800s that had big leaders and gurus etc. -- which no longer exist because the children did not carry it forward.
Are these ex-kids now going to join the Third Reich followers like Mukunda and Mathura Pati, who are not happy these kids were liberated from Auschwitz for kids? Nope, many of them tell me these guys are giving Krishna a bad name and they are trying to make Krishna look like a n*zi.
Yep. The GBC leaders should hand off the ISKCON society to the Hindus, rather than Srila Prabhupada's children. And the hell and high water they gave me is nothing compared to the hell and high water they are going to get in their future lives for ruining the lives of these children, and ruining the society by removing these kids as its future managers, although a lot of these leaders already look like dried up, dying out or dead prunes.
The grand children of Srila Prabhupada were supposed to be demigods taking birth here -- to take over his society -- and then they were systematically abused and / or purged out -- to make room for the mayavadas and meat eaters. This is very sinful. But all of these folks collectively are responsible: the leaders, the enforcers, the acquiescing, the sycophants, and the Mathura Pati current vociferous defenders and enforcers of this process.
Anyway, this is the age of Kali. What to expect? Thus I should not be too surprised -- at all -- by any of this, and actually I am not too surprised. The only thing that does surprise me -- at all -- is that with all these folks wishing my carcass to drop into a grave and end soon, it is still here, dragging around behind me! People tell me that all the time, "sheesh, you are still here"? Yep, Yamaraja has put a temporary hold on my case.
Heh, heh, heh. But yeah, maybe I should join the Hindus who worship Goddess Kali. Perhaps I need some of her shakti! Or perhaps, she has already protected me with her shakti? Who can say. Anyway, I do offer my humble obeisances to Goddess Kali, because for starters -- she has to power to shred us up into dust particles in an instant, and we should therefore be careful to never displease her. And furthermore, she is a confidential servant of Krishna.
I get it, lots of devotees are discouraged, fried, upset, disillusioned, angry, confused -- and so they wanna take it out on me. Blame the messenger. Not going to help. I wish it could, but it just won't. In any case, if I am helping save children, and some people want me eliminated, that is a 100% certain sign I am on the right path and they are not.
In the end, Srila Prabhupada was poisoned -- and then so was his society, his devotees, his children, his books, everything has been affected -- direct or indirect, and everyone has had some reaction in different ways. Very unfortunate. But none of that changes the ultimate and eternal fact -- Krishna is the Supreme God -- and we have to surrender to Him, or face the dire consequence of being born as a lady bug in my back yard. And that fact will never change for the rest of eternity.
Anyway, I have to admit, I have had a very bumpy ride in Krishna's great theater show, but it is not for me to question why, I just have to do or die, heh heh heh. But there is always a silver lining to every cloud, and another person wrote me today to say they are accepting Srila Prabhupada as their guru, after resisting accepting my writings for many years. Progress is always being made, and that is also Krishna's way of doing things. And if we just saved this one person, then the whole thing was worth it. Satyam eva jayate.
ys pd
"Getting the facts straight"
Yes would like to get the facts straight.
'I cannot lie to myself. I've got to be honest with myself, because honesty to oneself and to others is the main quality of a Brahminical community and to tell a falsehood, or live a falsehood, is to immediately disqualify oneself, from that community.
The point about the two way street and the Guru must accept the disciple, this is true. Srila Prabhupada can accept a surrendered soul 50 million light years away, if he wanted to. But he's not far away like that..Think about it, we still offer food to Srila Prabhupada, and who is the person who will say he doesn't accept it? If he accepts 100's of offerings every hour of the day, he certainly can accept a surrendered devotee through the transcendental arrangement of his bona fide representative.
He is not limited by time and space, he is not gone away or unaware of our dealings, he is very much still here on this planet, still with us, in more ways than one. (this gets esoteric) Srila Prabhupada accepted many disciples through a proxy system, upon the recommendation of the Temple president. Many disciples never saw Srila Prabhupada in person, and many of us never received the mantra directly from him, never got personal instructions either. We're talking about a very unique situation here, not your classical approaching a Guru in India, surrendering to his feet and living with him, etc., but he did not do everything in the classical way. Srila Prabhupada spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world with initiation by proxy. This was not a strict following of the Vedic tradition. The great Acharya, can change tradition, he isn't bound by it.
Consider the Ramanuja sampradaya, all the priests teach their students about the founder Acharya, Ramanuja, and his philosophy, they don't clamor for personal puja. Consider the Christians, what, if they said that salvation depends on worship of the clergyman of your choice, who would accept such a system?
Imagine the feeling when a lot of us grew up in a Christian religion, what if we had to think: "Wow, I'm damned or saved by the grace of Rev. Jones (Jim) (or I've got to search around the world for the right one, they all look the same to me) Wow, what a bummer! I'm scared! " Or 'think, what if all the Jews, had to worship some local Rabbi, or go to hell. Why are we the ones with salvation through fallible persons? Srila Prabhupada never said that Guru is fallible or falls down, never. Don't quote some other book, quote Srila Prabhupada's books. They are the lawbooks - period.
Srila Prabhupada used the terms deputy and rittvik repeatedly before his departure, and some devotees get upset for even derisive when they hear the word ritvik, but excuse me ... for saying it, Srila Prabhupada originated a plan for this term. Who dares to censure this? Whatever plans he had for the term "rittvik" is not to be challenged by anyone.
There are different opinions about this, some from senior Vaisnavas, but still again, there is one prime factor which nullifies all opinions - that's Srila Prabhupada's opinion!
A lot of us act as if we don't really understand that his ultimate authority is the last word, and some come back with; "but this, but that." There's no buts when we talk about Srila Prabhupada's penultimate opinion. What was his opinion? Simply stated, he only said "deputy and rittvik", and signed documents and letters to that effect, in the last months. A senior sanyasi (original 11, Tamal Krsna Goswami ) told Yasoda nandana "rittvik after departure" in 77 after walking out of Srila Prabhupada's room, and he confessed the same in 1980, (we made a great mistake ... he appointed eleven rittviks) and another ex-11 confirmed the same story, (third time's charm). Then more confirmed. The confession is the clincher! It's time to wake up. Our collective community has been sleeping too long, it's time to do something about reinstating Srila Prabhupada's will.
It is clear that Srila Prabhupada did not say anything about any successor acharya after his departure, but said to the contrary. He decried this notion many times, in reference to the Gaudia Matha and Srila Bhaktisiddanta's departure, (may we not make the same mistake in our ISKCON camp). But we did make the same mistake, ("we made a great mistake.") Instead of suggesting anyone was even near qualified for Acharya, he repeatedly said the words,"deputy" and "rittvik" in 'his last months.
One thing is certain: if we had followed his plan of - little, humble, ritvik, non-ostentatious, non-pretentious, trinad api, deputy-gurus on his behalf... who didn't blow away their godbrothers, but encouraged them to stay on an equall level... then this would have been one huge, powerful movement, with so many old devotees cooperating together, I guarantee you that.
What he thinks is important, not what we think. His plan, not ours. Look what happened, a disaster. Whose plan did we follow? Certainly not his, his plans do not end in disaster. So answer for yourself, as for me, it's obvious. Some may criticize, but I cannot live a lie. I have to live with myself and sleep at night, and I'm amazed that those who ignore the obvious are able to sleep and live for a moment, knowing what has happened to the society that Srila Prabhupada proclaimed to "be his own body."
BCS: Is this your ISKCON now!! Just look at what it has become, a cess pool of d*mons in the dress of a devotee in leadership positions that they are not spiritually fit nor qualified to hold, misleading the public and disrespecting the actual teachings of HDG SRILA A.C BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA, and ignoring and changing the blueprint he left behind via his vani. You need to change your wretched existence, how pathetic!
ReplyDeleteAnd whosoever this offends -- let them remove themselves from my friends list and on your way out hit the block button. We don't need your association.
CM: Pretty much obvious ... people who complain about ISKCON child abuse are put down. Sometimes for good. I get plenty of flak myself.
ReplyDeleteNot only put down by GBC ... but also many compromiser "reformers" like IRM, Mathura Pati, rest of them. They don't like anyone who complains about child abuse because ... then they will not be able to cozy up with the GBC gurus for their "reform."
If they have to look at the child abuse issue, it is way past an "ISKCON reform." It is a bunch of criminals who need to be in jail.
These reformers always want to compromise ... because they are still with them one way or the other. Then !!! They all agree ... anyone who addresses child abuse has to be put down. We know whose side they are on. It is not our side.
These type people are why this poor woman is still complaining about what happened to her child ... even recently ... in Mayapur. They are trying to take down complainers, and then predators get away without punishment. The complainers have to be punished and not the predators. What other result could we expect?
They are all one ... taking down the complainers, because they are all motivated and corrupt. And children have to be sacrificed to make their reform work. So that proves, it is a child sacrifice cult.
A society that has to sacrifice its children to survive, will not survive. And perhaps ??? that is what Krishna wants. Take the whole corrupt thing down root and branch because it is too rotten to reform.
That is why I am in favor of being independent of all of them. But it is good you are exposing these false reformers. Hi meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
M Dasi: I got an idee! Lets beat up on the people who are stopping children from being beat up. Always the same thing with these people ... isn't it? Birds of a feather ... same mentality ... never left ISKCON.
ReplyDeleteSame thing happens here "oh you must not criticize prabhu ... bad for your devotional creeper." So says the creeps themselves. There are creeps ... and people who defend the creeps. It is called co-dependency.
I'd rather no depend on any of them. Why would anyone want to beat up on the people who want to save children from being beat up? Because! They are the same beater mentality. Stopping anyone who tries to fix the problem ... continues the problem. That is their goal.
I am really done with them ... but we should warn others about them ... they can STILL cause a lot of damage ... to children. And us ... if we speak on behalf of the children. The creeps defend other creeps ... then make pretend they have nothing to do with all this child abuse. They have everything to do with it ...
PADA: Thanks prabhu. Yeah, the Dayalu HKC Jaipur people said when all this started "PADA has no credibility." In other words, anyone who stops children from being beaten and raped is "not credible" to these folks, and must be shut down. And then they were trying to have PADA removed from the internet with a group they formed.
ReplyDeleteOK fine we are not credible, then who is credible? OK it is Radhanath's cheer leaders like Bhakta Das, Bhavananada bucket boy Hari Sauri, and in sum -- defenders of the pedophile guru program are their credible sources.
So if anyone wants to stop children from being abused is not credible, but the people who bury oral sex with boys in the motorhome programs in samadhis in Vrndavana, and who have dissenters murdered, are credible. No, I cannot make this up, yes this is exactly what happened.
Yeah I cannot even make this up, us non-pedophile worshipers are not credible, but the people who promote a program that worships pedophiles in samadhis is credible.
Yeah and Mathura Pati admits openly he is with that HKC group group. So they promote cheer leaders of pedophile pooja programs, and we don't think that is bona fide. Then again, any Joe Six Pack karmi also does not think a program that is worshiping pedophiles in samadhis is bona fide either. Yes, that means they are not as advanced as the average Joe.
No, they never answer these points, but neither does Ravindra Swarupa. Not a problem, they just need to be exposed. And that is what we have done all along since 1978, expose the pedophile guru program and its cheer leaders. But we are making good progress, more and more devotees are waking up to the sinister movement, and its molester webs, nests and tentacles program. It is being exposed more and more. ys pd
PADA: In either case, PADA will continue to preach that child abuse has to be checked and contained. And if they want to try to stop us from saving children, they will be considered as hand maidens of the molester messiahs program, which many believe they are already. ys pd