Sunday, June 30, 2024

Achyutananda Speaks Up About Guru Tattva 06 30 24


Achyutananda das 

PADA: The newcomers only need to hear from ISKCON's living gurus, not from us neophytes. I forgot, there are no living gurus in ISKCON, just a bunch of guru wanna-be clowns. The newcomers are thus left to fend for themselves without our help, and often end up worshiping deviants as their gurus. Great. Where do I sign up?


PADA: And the poor cows are often eating garbage. One of them got all the plastic and other waste pumped out of its stomach in Vrndavana -- and still died from all the stress. Oh Krishna! ys pd


Dear Friends, Acyutananda prabhu is not on Facebook, but has asked me to present this brief article for the assembled Vaisnavas. Acyutananda prabhu was requested by several ISKCON society leaders to write something about the possibility of Vaisnavis (ladies) initiating. He also requests that any comments be sent to his email box:

He promises to respond immediately. Please share and correspond.


By Acyutananda das (ACBSP)

l: For anyone to accept the position of Guru / acarya in the Madhwa Gaudiya Chaitanya and Rupanuga line, one must be fluent in explaining by logic and scriptural quotation the sublime superiority of Acintya Bhedabhed Tattva over the tattvas of other Vaisnava sampradayas. This includes Vashistadwaita of Ramanuja; Sri sampradaya / Sudhadwaita of Rudra / Visnu Swami sampradaya; Sridhar Swami Vallabha or Pusti Marg; Madhwa' Dwaitavad or Tattvavadi; and Nimaditya's Dwaitadwaitavad. As well as the Adwaita vad of Sri Adi Sankar.

ll: They must be able to defeat the Buddhist (Bodh Dharma) the general athiest and agnostic.

lll: They must be able to defeat the six philosophies of Patanjali's Astanga yoga, Kapila's Sankya, Jaimini's Karma mimamsa, Kanada's "atomic" Vaisesika, Gautama's Nyaya, and Veda Vyas's Vedanta.

lV: They must be spiritually empowered to plant the seed of Krishna Nam Bhakti in the heart of their disciples and vow to take birth as many times as the disciple needs to be delivered.

V: As Rupanuga's, they must present Madhurya Rasa as the ultimate inspiration that will enrich all the other rasas that the jiva can attain and that Prema Bhakti is superior to any other purusarthas.

Vl: They must be qualified to bring their disciples to sadhana bhakti. (Having good character and following 4 regs alone is not evidence of achieving Krishna Consciousness. People have given up bad behavior by becoming Christian, Muslim, and Buddhists.)

If the Guru is on the Uttama-adhikari platform and has accepted the role as teacher, he or she can bring the disciple to know their svarup identity. If they are Madhyam they can bring them to an Uttama-adhikari when the disciple is ready. 


Four kinds of saintly people come to Krishna: Those in Brahmajnan, eg: the four Kumaras; Those seeking wealth, eg: Druva Maharaj; The inquisitive, eg: Maharaj Pariksit; and the distressed, eg: Gajendra. A madhyam-adhikari can bring any of these to Krishna Consciousness, enough so that these desires are fulfilled or until they see that Krishna Bhakti is more desirable, even if these four lesser desires are not fulfilled.

Vll: Guru must always know what position the disciple is in (see BG 12 chap verses 8 thru 12), lest they perform mundane karma and mistakenly say it is being done for Krishna. This is known as sinning on the strength of chanting (and the 3rd commandment of the Bible).

Srila Prabhupad has said, "IT IS ILLEGAL TO BECOME A SPIRITUAL MASTER IF ONE IS UNABLE TO DELIVER THE DISCIPLE.”(SB 2.8.7p).  A realized soul must know if an applicant is requesting initiation for any mundane ecclesiastical ranking or is genuinely striving for spiritual success. Srila Prabhupad would always make this statement after diksa ceremonies, "So, are you going to stay and practice and learn or just take initiation and go away?"

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada said, “A person will get a guru according to his destiny. People of different types vary in their disposition. Krishna Bhagavan manifests Himself as guru, being pleased with such simple hearted sincere devotees. To the deceptive He may, by His maya potency, send them a 'guru' to cheat them. There is no impediment for one who is sincere; He will very quickly meet a bona fide guru"

Although rare, women have been accepted in our line as gurus. Srila Prabhupad said "In general the acaryas are men because they should be seen as the eternal father." A neophyte needs this VAPU of the spiritual master. Unlike the "ritvik" group that says, “Prabhupad is here now.” Yes he is, but you are asking a complete newcomer to have the transcendental vision of a paramhamsa or Uttama-adhikari!!

Genuine, as well as bogus, 'gurus' have appeared in both male and female forms. If genuine, even a sincere illiterate can be empowered to give Krishna to the whole world. Taking the title of acarya is to sit in substitution of Veda Vyas and to call to the world, "Come, I will give you complete understanding of the absolute Truth. I am making myself a public figure for you to see, by my example, how a realized soul acts".

PADA: This has been a problem, people like the GBC and Acyutananda say the ritviks are bogus, because the new people need to have a living physically present "VAPU" guru to give the newcomers proper guidance. OK but the newcomers going to ISKCON now are being told that the guru is often a fallen debauchee who is inclined to fall into illicit sex and worse deviations. 

Only "the bogus ritviks" are telling newcomers that the guru must be a pure devotee. In other words, only the ritviks are steering the newcomers in the right direction of guru tattva. Acyutananda argues that the newcomers would need to have to have the complete vision of an uttama person. 

Well no, not exactly. 

The more experienced devotees should know what is a pure devotee, who is a pure devotee, and act as representatives (or ritviks) to inform the new people who is pure -- and what are the standards for purity. In sum, the neophytes (like us) should act as preachers and bring people to the platform of worship of a pure devotee. To say only a pure devotee can give this instruction is false, thousands of neophyte devotees were giving these instructions when Srila Prabhupada was here, and the movement was growing nicely as a result. 

Addditionally, the pure devotee may or may not be fluent in all these philosophical tattvas, but he has to be eternally connected to Krishna as His pure devotee. There are a lot of scholarly people out there -- who are not lovers of Krishna -- and they are disqualified from acting as Krishna's pure acharyas and agents. 

Sure. Extensive book learning is good to have for preaching purposes, but it is not a requirement to be a pure devotee of Krishna. In other words, having learning degrees or book learning certificates is not the first consideration of a pure devotee. The gopis are all pure devotees, but not necessarily well versed in all these divergent tattvas. A person who loves Krishna can instruct others in that process, and thus even an illiterate person can be guru.

Wait? The neophyte needs the VAPU of a spiritual master? Well maybe, but that is not always part of the actual process. The neophyte needs to first of all understand the VANI or instructions of the guru -- before he even knows what to look for in a pure person. 

Worse! All kinds of people had VAPU -- or physical association -- with Srila Prabhupada, but then they went out and made an assortment of deviants -- if not illicit sex with men, women and children debauchees -- as -- the "living successors" to Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. 

That means their so-called VAPU association was incomplete, it did not guarantee factual realization. Or worse, VAPU associated people can feel overly familiar with the VAPU guru, and think they too can also be a guru successor to Krishna, easy peasy! You just wear an orange robe, you carry a danda, you sit on a big seat, job done!

Of course, even the average hamburger eating mundane man knows that deviants, drunks, pill popping fools, Reno gamblers and / or illicit sex predators are not, were not, and could not have been God's successors. That means the followers of the VAPU of Srila Prabhupada fell down to less realization level than the average karmi, and they began to promote blatant deviations. 

As far as the need for having a living guru, the ritvik is a type of living guru. We have more and more people now saying that the Vaishnava guru parampara line is carried on primarily by a "bhagavat parampara" -- or shiksha guru line mainly -- i.e. a line that is continued by many preachers -- who may still be neophytes or conditioned souls -- but they are preaching the right siddhanta of surrender to Krishna. 

And Acyutananda is one of these conditioned souls who is preaching his realizations, but he is not an uttama devotee. So he can guide people to some extent -- as a shiksha guru type of preacher. In other words, Acyutananda is at best, a ritvik, or a neophyte preacher who is preaching to his limited capacity. 

That means he is a type of ritvik or representative himself. This is a big problem, many people tell me "we need a living (debauchee?) person to be the living guru." OK fine -- the "living guru" guys are all living, and you are also giving living advice to follow these conditioned soul gurus, but -- your advice is -- wrong. And no small amount of dangerous. Just because a person is living, does not guarantee his advice is valid. We need a living person to give us living guidance, fine idea, therefore the living neophytes should act as representatives or agents for the pure devotee.

So Acyutananda is telling us we need to have a living pure person to advise us, but he is himself giving us living advice. And he knows he is not pure. That means he is acting as a ritvik or proxy, de facto. He wrote something about this previously, and when I posted it, he said he did not give me permission to post his materials. Dude! Whatever you post on the internet is public information. 

In any case, with all due respect -- you are contradicting yourself. 

1. We need to have a self realized VAPU or bodily present soul to advise us. 

2. We cannot have conditioned souls giving advise because that would the ritviks system. 

3. Therefore, I am following the ritvik system, and giving advice despite being a conditioned soul.   

And that is why ISKCON's system is so full of holes and contradictions, and no small amount of dysfunction. 

We claim ONLY the liberated soul can assist people, us foolish non-liberated cannot give instructions on behalf of the acharya. Therefore -- we non-liberated are going to go ahead -- and give people instructions anyway. Ummm, you just went around in a big circle and came back to where you started. 

Sorry, the non-liberated CAN and indeed MUST instruct others as our DUTY to our FELLOW human beings. And, as the Sri Isopanisad says, we cannot nominate one of our fellow conditioned souls to pose as an acharya artificially. That has caused chaos. We need all the conditioned soul devotees, or neophytes, to preach on behalf of the acharya -- aka the ritvik or proxy system. 

As for females being diksha gurus, generally that is not the practice. However, anyone -- male or female -- who is pure -- can be a diksha guru if Krishna empowers that person to act in that capacity. There are already women car mechanics, carpenters, bull dozer drivers, pilots, doctors, and so on and so forth. 

A woman can -- in many examples -- do the same job as a man -- if she is capable and qualified, and that should be the standard for our Vaishnava society as well. Having said that, no conditioned soul should act as a diksha guru, or there will be severe bad reactions, for either males or females. 

Anyway, congratulations Acyutananda. You are a non-liberated person giving living guidance, you are thus acting as a ritvik or representative. You are doing what we are doing. 

ys pd

Friday, June 28, 2024

Gunagrahi / Govinda Dasi / Sivarama / Rupanuga 06 28 24

PADA: Mahatma's famous sidekick -- porno swami Gunagrahi -- famous -- or infamous -- for admitting his is addicted to watching porno: supporting predators as gurus; breaking up marriages all over his zone (making children vulnerable); kicking out people who protest; and so on, is now getting a Vyasa pooja celebration -- after he was buried in a samadhi in the dham. 

Just cannot make this stuff up can we? My friend was driving with Gunagrahi -- trying to tell Gunagrahi about all the problems -- and when he stopped at a red light, Gunagrahi jumped out of the car and called a taxi to take him to the San Diego temple. He had no interest in hearing about all the troubles his program was causing others. 

Later on Gunagrahi had terminal prostrate cancer. Metasticized. And we said all along he should not have been taking karma from hundreds of people. Yep, but as he was on his way to the hospital to die -- wincing in pain and on crutches -- people were still touching his feet to give him EVEN more karma. 

The dense levels of ignorance here are sometimes staggering and astonishing. Then, after it was well known he was a porno swami and a supporter of the illicit sex messiah's club, he gets buried in a samadhi. And Mahatma says we have to just buckle up and accept our bad karma -- the same bad karma that they are dishing out for us to take -- and making us endure! 

We are going to make porno swamis and other deviants into messiahs, and then we will be banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing folks, just accept that -- and take your karma! Honestly pilgrims! 

ys pd


MD: Govinda Dasi's meeting with Sivarama.

This will be my rage post. She doesn't have time to answer my questions (even just see or read) about Prabhupada, which directly relates to my spiritual practice, continuation of tradition and service to Krishna, but she has time to meet rascals and eat at the same table with them!

I have a question for all such people: why did we become Prabhupada’s disciples in the first place? Shouldn't a disciple pass on his guru's teachings to others? You can’t help others, correct the practice of others and direct it in the right direction, so that the person applying is confident that he is doing everything correctly?

We have a group of so-called disciples of Prabhupada on the one hand, who have shown themselves to the world as notorious criminals, and we have another group that knows nothing, cannot do anything, does not pass on knowledge to others and is engaged in some kind of nonsense. After such an attitude towards others, do not be surprised that when you need help, you will find yourself left behind in life.

Hare Krishna Prabhu


All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

PADA: Yep, she thinks Rupanuga das, a founder father of the illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club, is an exalted senior devotee. Sorry, anyone who promotes and supports the worship of illicit sex deviants as messiahs is gliding to a lower planet -- where they will take birth among scorpions, spiders, snakes and other low life entities. 

Even the most degraded karmis do not EVER promote the worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as God's messiahs, and coerce their society's children to worship such deviants as "God's successors," because they have at least one thing clear in their mind! They may not like God AT ALL, but they know they have to give God minimum levels of fear and respect. 

Making one's homosexual and pedophile pals into messiahs shows zero respect and not the slightest amount of fear of God. That is a big mistake. I am pretty much on the "fear of God" category and level myself. 

I really have no love for God, but -- would I push my homosexual and pedophile pals into the seat of Vyasa and have children worship my pervert pals "as good as God." Nope! Why not? I fear God, and therefore I fear taking birth on His lower planets among the scorpions, spiders and snakes. 

At least I have that much connection to the Supreme Being. These guys have not only -- no -- connection, they have a broken down connection that makes them do highly sinful things that the karmis would never dream of doing in a trillion years, because the karmis understand, God is great, and thus we cannot mess around with Him by making pedophiles, predators, perverts, drunks and fools into His successors. Most sinful!

You'll just be making God's agents like Yamaraja VERY angry, never mind all the banning, beating, molesting, suing and murders of God's devotees your guys program had to make -- to get your pedophile guru's program up and running. So these people are senior servants of Beelzebub, not Krishna. Govinda dasi does not know what is the proper legacy of Srila Prabhupada, because she is compromised with the people who perverted and destroyed that legacy. ys pd 


RD: Thanks for exposing Govinda dasi, 

She can’t support the ritvik order, instead, she has been supporting these bogus Iskcon gurus like Sivarama. Who is the worse of the worse!

Yep, this zonal guru millionaire is "retired" from the corrupt GBC only to be praised daily at his houses in Hungary and Mayapur, having his boy servants massage him, and his women blind disciples cook and clean for him, even having his blind disciples distribute his unreadable books.

PADA: Followers of Narayan Maharaja have complained that Sivarama stole the content of his "rasika" books from NM. I also saw that Danavir had copies of Kusakratha's books -- with new covers -- claiming they were made by Danavir.   

As a zonal guru millionaire, Sivarama and his corrupt colleagues enjoying the good life in retirement, with the best health care and steady income from the blind followers.

What you didn’t mention :

He is flying first class every year to stay at his other house in the dham! He spends the other 1/2 year in Mayapur at his $250.000 Condominium, enjoying the same perks!

What a rascal!

Keep up the good work. Your lowly servant, RD 

PADA: Yeah someone was saying a lot of them have "retired," or quit their GBC posts, but they still get all sorts of benefits -- because they are still de facto ISKCON gurus. Now they don't even have to pretend they are managing the society, they are retired -- but getting eternal retirement benefits. 

You are the soul.
And your soul belongs to Me.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Govinda Dasi / Sivarama / Bhagavat Parampara 06 27 24

PADA: Yeah prabhu, Govinda Dasi does not seem to get it fully. She says Sivaram swami has done a good job -- by removing himself from GBC duties -- to concentrate on his Hungary farm. But what about all the rest of ISKCON? A farm in Hungary is great, but while that farm is going on, the rest of ISKCON is going down in flames. OK maybe Sivarama should have done his job as a GBC and concentrated on the whole society.

And some of the Hungary devotees we know say there are a lot of problems on that farm among the citizens. But Sivaram has evidently been asleep at the switch while all sorts of banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits and murders have been going on full tilt everywhere else in his kingdom.

More to the point, he has supported child abusers like Lokanath and Bhakti Vidya Purna swami. He even said we should give financial support to BVP since he had done so much service. OK like severely mistreating children. Sivarama has retired from GBC duties to hide out in Hungary while the rest of ISKCON becomes a Hindu hodge podge business. No, this is not a great help to ISKCON. 

Why am I not impressed? Govinda dasi has a lot of sentiment for these folks, and that has been her problem all along. And Sivarama supported Narayan Maharaja for years and years, but now he is kicking people out of ISKCON if they are promoting NM. They are making a deviation and then punishing others for participating in the deviation they created. This sounds diabolical, and it is. ys pd   


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati's Bhagavat-parampara

(siksa-parampara) Rocana das

Any discussion of bringing the guru-parampara list forward from Lord Chaitanya has to include mention of a debate that has been quietly raging on for decades about Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur's personal connection to the parampara and his preaching on bhagavat-parampara. Voices on all sides have been spinning this debate in their own convenient direction, whether it be devotees in the Lalita Prasad line, the Vrindavan Anti-party (Jiva Institute), or the Rtvik-vadis who are now trying to argue that bhagavat-parampara authorizes the practice of bhagavati-diksa. 

PADA: Diksha means -- di = divyam jnanam that ksha = destroys sins, and certainly Srila Prabhupada's vani (books and audio lectures etc.) is quite capable of delivering that process. I am not sure who or whom -- else -- Rocana proposes as an alternate to getting divyam jnanam that destroys sins from Srila Prabhupada? 

Same problem with the Narayan Maharaja folks like Prem prayojan, he also says we are mainly a shiksha or bhagavat parampara. OK so the Prabhupadanugas / ritviks are giving people siksha, and that is how the siksha line continues. For his part, Rocana, Premprayojan and others are also not claiming to be pure devotees, therefore they are also giving shiksha on behalf of an acharya, and not diksha.

In fact, quite a number of Rtviks today are starting to focus in this direction, hoping that bhagavati-diksa will fill the gap left by technical defeats that have decimated their Final Order siddhanta.

PADA: There is no recent or final order, everyone has been ordered to worship pure devotees since time immemorial, this is not a recent concept. Everyone has to worship a pure devotee, offer their bhogha to a pure devotee, and that has always been the process. And no one should need any "specific order" to know that is the process. Even my Christian friends offer grace to Jesus, they do not need any specific order from Jesus to know that is the process.

In our opinion, many elements of the Bhaktisiddhanta bhagavat-parampara debate are resolved by applying the fundamental tenets of our Sampradaya Acarya position. One significant juncture where these two aspects of guru-tattva intersect happens to be in the List of 32 -- the guru-parampara list handed down by Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya Acaryas, most recently memorialized in sastra as the List of 32 in Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

While the topic is far too complex for us to introduce in this paper, our commentary on the 'List of 32' will serve as a building block for the arguments we'll put forward in future when addressing the bhagavat-parampara and bhagavati-diksa debates.

In Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Vaibhava [12], HH Bhakti Vikas Swami discusses the criticism leveled at Bhaktisiddhanta Thakur by Visvambharananda dasa Babaji and the caste Goswamis of Vrndavana over the guru-parampara list Bhaktisiddhanta composed. Bhakti Vikas Swami writes:

"Sarasvati Thakura responded by explaining the concept of bhagavata-parampara, or siksa-parampara. He maintained that the essence of parampara lies in the transmission of transcendental knowledge, not merely in a list of contiguous names. The life of the parampara is maintained by the maha-bhagavatas, who embody the essence of scriptural knowledge. Therefore, to trace the parampara through such maha-bhagavatas truly represents parampara."

A portion of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta's response to the caste Goswamis is found in his booklet, Brahmana o Vaishnaver Taratamya Visayaka Siddhanta ('The Conclusion on the Comparison Between Brahmanas and Vaishnavas'), an essay based on a famous lecture given by the Thakur at Midnapur in 1911.

Some devotees point to Brahmana o Vaishnaver as evidence that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta instituted radical reform to the Sampradaya by essentially replacing the focus on pancharatrika initiation with his own new concept of bhagavati-diksa. Some go so far as to suggest that he actually started a new sampradaya: the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Saraswata Sampradaya.

We suggest that Bhaktisiddhanta did not invent some radical reformation -- rather, he followed the age-old process reflected in the List of 32. While critics of Bhaktisiddhanta point to supposed errors in the Thakur's guru-parampara list, particularly in the line from the Six Goswamis up to Jagannatha das Babaji, the list as he presented it, and as Srila Prabhupada has given it in Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is a faultless representation of the descending line of Sampradaya Acaryas. 

And in fact, the aspects of nomenclature we have been pointing out in this paper -- conjunctive groups, multiple names per line, etc. -- were employed as a means of technically stating or itemizing names and relationships in the disciplic succession that properly follow an eternal process of descent of the pure, unalloyed sampradaya.

We'll save for another paper a discussion of how the guru-parampara list actually serves to reconcile and resolve dilemmas regarding diksa relationships in the context of pancharatrikaand bhagavat, which some devotees characterize as 'radical reform' or 'innovation'. Much remains to be said on this complex issue, but again, it is our belief that the Sampradaya Acarya position serves to clarify and resolve many of the dilemmas associated with this debate.

For now, we can only caution the reader to take the greatest possible care when consuming opinions on the topic of bhagavat-parampara. Such commentaries are becoming more and more prevalent on the Net today amongst the ISKCON community of devotees, most of them originating from Gaudiya branches that are not inline with Srila Prabhupada's teachings. 

Now the Rtvik-vadis have begun proliferating these arguments, putting even more devotees at risk of being contaminated. These arguments are imbued with a most deadly form of poison -- enviousness of the Sampradaya Acaryas.

PADA: Ok so we (ritviks?) are telling people to worship the pure devotee, and not worship Rocana's conditioned soul diksha gurus -- who are falling down left, right and center, and that is a deviation? Rocana says that the GBC simply has to have better rule enforcement for their guru regulations -- to keep these conditioned soul gurus in line and following properly. We need a committee to make sure the guru is following the process and is not deviating.

He also says we should continue the GBC's guru voting system, which itself has created many unforseen consequence problems -- like -- how did a group of pure devotees "vote in" a debauchee as their co-messiah?

And if we need a "guru rule enforcement program" to make sure the guru is not having illicit sex with men, women and children, and the guru is not drinking Vodka etc. -- we are dealing with deviants and not gurus. There is no such thing as a guru rules enforcement committee, that is all speculation. I also have no idea why telling people to worship a pure devotee is "a deadly form of poison." What?

In any case, yeah, we are a mainly shiksha line and the ritviks are giving that shiksha, and thus we are the persons continuing the line.

ys pd 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

ISKCON's Madan Gopal Discussing Child Welfare 06 25 24

PADA: It always seems like the GBC gurus are "eventually going to make a committee to address their lack of concern for victims." But nothing substantial ever gets done, since 1978. It is called "post dated check." And if we need to "advise and correct" the gurus to make more commitments to take charge of the citizen's welfare, how are they gurus? 

And Madan Gopal is now an initiating guru, taking karma from others, never mind most of the rest of them got sick, fell down, and died, from taking karma. He has no authority to make pretend he is another Jesus who can take other's karma, this is called fantasy delusions. He will suffer, this life or the next.  

ys pd

DD: I saw another example of this "it is their karma" messaging today .... I am not sure what those espousing such 'philosophical points' believe is helpful about saying such things. Is it meant to magically make the person suffering their karma feel OK about it "Oh, well, I only brought this on myself"?

Is it meant to make the voicing of concerns go away "You have no right to protest because you're just getting what you deserve"? Is it meant to make those inclined to extend compassion think twice "Don't be sentimental! Everything is as it should be"?

Do those watching abuse happen - and not doing anything about it - get to feel better about themselves - "I will now wisely explain what's really going on. This is my contribution to the cause .... philosophical explanations"?

How exactly is someone who suffered as a child meant to make use of such rhetoric? Does it magically whisk away all the trauma to understand this philosophical point?

I worry that the prevalence of such thought processes serves to undermine responsible parties taking decisive action. "Yes, it's sad that kids had to go through that but, then again, it is their karma so it's not like they're innocent." We have even heard of abusers using such rhetoric "I am merely the agent of your karma."

Imagine the same argument being used to rationalise cow slaughter. "Why feel sorry for those cows? They were probably all abbatoir workers in their last lives. Just getting what's due."

"Those civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima had it coming."

"Those killed in Auschwitz....."

Devotees are meant to be full of compassion - to feel the sufferings of others as their own. To find it intolerable that others are suffering. Especially when this happens to innocent class that is meant to be protected. And Vaisnava children are meant to be protected by us. They are our collective responsibility. 

If we failed to keep them safe, we should be preaching to ourselves about our taking our responsibilities more seriously - not preaching to them on how they had it coming.

Philosophising about these things - with zero care - is merely bypassing. Maybe it helps the virtue signaller feel better about themselves - "I truly understand why all these things are happening and I don't get in a tizzy about it."

But where victims of traumatic events need compassion and support - explaining philosophical points to them not only doesn't cut it but, with this kind of rhetoric, actually rubs salt in the wounds. "You did this to yourself, kid."

TT: So far, I have never actually heard those words come out of anyone’s mouth before. What mentality is behind a statement like that? Especially when spoken to a victim or victims family. It’s as if the speakers head is not attached to their 

PD: Right. Because if the leaders are guilty of criminal negligence of these children; corrupting the morals of minors -- for example -- by making them worship known predators and deviants; covering up sometimes SEVERE mistreatment of minors; aiding and abetting an infrastructure of webs and nests of sometimes SEVERE child mistreatment; hiding and moving perps and their enablers; using funds meant to care for children to buy expensive personal items for themselves -- including opulent private dwellings, vehicles, computer etc. -- while a number of children were not being fed properly -- oppressing whistle blowers -- and so on, they would be admitting to criminal behaviors. 

When I was in LA having them sued, all of them were loudly gossiping with their lawyers on the sidewalk, but as soon as I came around the corner on my bike, it was suddenly -- total silence. Of course, there was also a lot of glares. Ummm, my feeling is -- and the children's lawyers feeling at the time was -- the GBC's lawyers told them to zip it, clam up, and not admit to anything, because these things are factually -- crimes. 

So yeah, "you caused your own victimization -- not us" is the best excuse they could cook up after all this time, takes them clean off the hook. And so far, it has worked out pretty good for them. That may explain why they never come here to the Bay Area to talk to the many victims living around here, because, anything they say -- can and will be used against them, and they know it. Not new. The M A F I A omerta / code of silence is a well known tactic ... ys pd

S Dasi: I first encountered this outrageous idea in the 70s. Jagadish wrote about it — it’s their karma — in one of the “education” newsletters. I was shocked … still am.

DD: - and that scoundrel - more than any other - needed to be exercising full responsibility not attempting to obviate it like this. “What could I do? It was destined and deserved.” It’s not dissimilar to the victim blaming we saw from Guru Prasad Swami - “Well Dhanurdhara may have hit them, but do you have any idea how unruly and low class these kids were?”

TP: Then I can punch you in your face and say it was your karma to get punched!

VH: It goes the other way around too though, in the sense that when the perpetrators are being accused it's just them getting their karma, but that they don't seem to grasp. If we are talking in terms of karma, the perpetrators should be ready to face theirs too, i.e. walk the talk. They don't. Cowards!!

AM: I wonder what kind of karma Vaikuntha children are born with... I truly believe we should stop talking about their karma, they are born vaishnavas. It is rather a test in life how we protect them.

FR: That is the lowest way to twist the philosophy. A crooked and demonic way to settle things and convince your mind it was ok.

AV: Lets give those rascals a big kick and then say... "sorry, it was your karma, do nothing".

FR: These are spiritual souls finding the path to return home by the grace and blessing of Srila Prabhupada. In young bodies ready to learn and practice the secret way to go back home back to godhead and find a demon full of hate and envy and tries to destroy their blessing. Srila Prabhupada emphasized that we should protect them by all sides. Let them grow and develop love of Krishna and return safely. These crooks and demons are doomed. Devotees should make them disappear.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami Confronted in Bath UK 06 24 24

BD: No time Fo Fakin Jax! What a disgusting loser!

SR: Pranams to Premarasa Das prabhu for challenging AV. ISKCON's children will be safer when a significant number of devotees will start to push back and speak out against this ignorant and destructive culture of tolerance towards child abusers.

DD: Big truth!

SRD: I am glad to see someone questioning Anirdesya Vapu's presence. Who is the lady and man accompanying Anirdesya Vapu? I am sad to hear the lady saying "You don't know everything" which makes me think Anirdesya Vapu is sharing a different version of his actions and doing the same as he has done for the last 40 years - obfuscating the truth, skirting accountability, and straight up lying about how he harmed children.

HK: The man in the video with AV is Ter Kadamba das -- who used to have a popular YouTube series many years ago called “ask a Monk.” Very surprising to see him along side AV, he’s quite a fixed up and kind devotee.

PK: Yes, who is the woman?

SRJ: The problem is that the false narrative of AV may create an opposition camp and large conflicts between admirers in the future. Then there will be a fight for the so-called justice, many people already know that he has thick evidence of his dirty activities on his account .....

That’s why it is so important that we share documentation of Anirdesya Vapu’s abuse and consequent restrictions.

PW: We need very strong kshatryas who put up a screen of protection for the CPO and people who are committed to justice for children being harmed by perpetrators and are defenseless in showing truth in the face of this hypocrisy in ISKCON.

SRD: The man taking the video is Premarasa Das. I pay my obeisances to him.

KA: Very brave soul.

DD: Maximum respect!

NY: So long as the victims don't file a criminal case, he'll be free to stroll around as he pleases. I know it's traumatic for them and they'd have to relive all of the past abuses - but somebody, somewhere, especially in America needs to bite the bullet and do it.

Shame on that Indian woman chatting away with him as if an expelled swami / child rapist is someone to converse with.

SS: Yes.

MG: Hypocrites!!

SR: Thank you Premarasa Das!

DD: Many STILL love him, justify him and find the sentence unjust (see this article from 2023) ..... some host him and support him materially.

Dissatisfaction & Disappointment over the investigation of former Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami (AV) - Akincana Gocara

AM: Pure evil.

AP: The problem starts when ISKCON didn't send him to court. Many of us have lost the trust of how serious ISKCON GBC is willing to deal with serious legal actions that should be taken mandatorily. Is really shameful that the man is walking free like if nothing happened!

KJ: Exposing the truth about this corrupt, GBC voted-in, institutional bogus guru is great service, my humble respects to HG Premarasa prabhu.

SRD: One note, Anirdesya Vapu - and anyone found guilty of child abuse by the ISKCON Child Protection Office - can not be a guru in ISKCON.

In 2007 the GBC RESOLVED:

“Whenever the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection rules that an offense is such as to restrict a person from serving in ISKCON in positions of leadership (including but not limited to offices of GBC, minister, zonal secretary or temple officer), the restriction must include the position of initiating guru. This restriction shall apply to all previous and future decisions of the Central Office of Child Protection.”

This Resolution is why the GBC keep blocking their own CPO from handling Lokanath’s case.

2007 – International Society for Krishna Consciousness – Website of the Governing Body Commission


TP: I do not see any problem. He can go around freely, he does not have any restrictions from police. Until some victim steps up and goes to the police, he is free to move around as he pleases. He is not welcome only in some of the temples.

SP: He has such a smug look ... He does not care about the damage he caused so many victims ... And its ppl like that lady who feeds this arrogance n pride ... Makes me mad ... make me loose hope in iskcon .... He n others have defiled Holy dham ... Feels like a gangster syndicate!

VV: Wtf that's Ter Kadamba with him. I would have expected better from him than to entertain a known child abuser.

ASD: You should have asked direct questions man, reference to his child abusing behaviour ..., "When did you begin taking an interest in children sexually" Etc. Confront these rascals in public! 

SRD: Sri Gour Kripa Dham - Bhakti Yoga Ashram?

AD: Are you sure it’s Ter Kadamba? He looks like a devotee from ISKCON Liverpool!!

SRD: Sri Gour Kripa Dham - Bhakti Yoga Ashram who is the devotee from Liverpool, their name?

SD: Are these two his pimps????

DSD: We need to update our tactics when spotting these shameless abusers in public -- loudly announce to all the public there that here is a convicted child molester, who is banned from a number of countries. LOUD VOICE so everyone on the street can hear.

Just see the indignation, Wexler and his pimps think it's funny that he is approached and challenged by this devotee.

Let's add some "street justice" to the program, call up websites and rulings on the phone to show the crowd, keep following and trolling the abuser reading the rulings with loud shouting. Then let's see how much Wexlar keeps laughing.

PD: Long overdue. If we look at Tik Tok or similar medias, we'll find various victims of fraud, cheating, false priests and / or religionists and etc. -- going up to the people who cheated them with a video camera and asking tough questions to the cheaters and / or victimizers, to confront them. Then -- these "expose videos" go viral and expose the cheaters. 

This should have been done with ISKCON's perps and enabler class of leaders ages and ages ago. Yeah, he is walking around because -- for starters -- he was never criminally charged, which is another defect of our "Krishna devotee" social structure. There are a lot of tolerance and apologists for the bad guys, but almost zero tolerance for whistle blowers. And worse, various victims are now telling me "we are being erased from their history." And there will be such problems as long as that is the policy. But anyway, bravo for the people who exposed this guy. ys pd

Sunday, June 23, 2024

ISKCON's Indradyumna Swami is a cheater. 06 23 24

A Dasi: My experience with Indradymuna swami is being used as a 'favourite' to get other young girls to want what I have. I'm not the best with my words so I will try my best to say it as I experienced it. Gifts would be delivered to my home, and I would be invited for private guru 'Puja's.' He would call me out in a crowd to give me a Garland while other girls watched on.

I had it all, even paid flights overseas multiple times. Of course at the time I didn't think anything of it, I felt important. I didn't question it. Until I saw two of his very first and very sincere disciples always being ignored. Year after year, they eagerly awaited his arrival, and he would never once invite them for his private Puja, they wouldn't even get a conversation with him.

I've made my post anonymous because of fear of being judged for what I'm about to say, those female disciples he ignored were not the physically attractive ones.
Has anyone else noticed how he treats young and attractive girls?

And if you or your dad has money - you'd get even more special treatment. He initiated a very rich friend of mine and literally glorified her beauty saying 'she is so beautiful, and comes from so much wealth.'

I've got some personal experiences of how his behaviour changed towards me when I said I was not ready to take initiation. That's one way to get immediately cut off from him. He will punish you, how dare I decline this special offer to be accepted into his inner circle!

I was just honestly saying I wasn't chanting my rounds and in a very different stage of life. I stood outside his room for hours on many occasions where he ignored me and his disciple would come out to say ' sorry he's busy'- while I could see him scrolling around on the internet and looking at Facebook.

He is so good at ignoring you when you've offended him. Someone tell me what personality disorder this is, but I swear it's narcissism. Anyway, I am glad I am no longer a young girl pining for 'gurudev's' acknowledgment of me ... no longer enamoured. I have grown out of all this.

My advice to young girls is - check in with yourself honestly, question it all. Don't fall for it. He's managed to enchant a lot of women, and worse -- a lot of women with daddy issues too -- who are vulnerable and want the love and approval of this fatherly figure. Develop self love & you won't be so desperate for his approval.

I have more to say, but I'm glad I could see right through him.

Hare krsna. May krsna guide us all back to him.

SRD: The sad and unfortunate truth is that this letter could have been written by so many girls!!! This letter describes the standard MO of IDS. He is highly manipulative...

A Dasi: Yes he is! You really need to pay attention to him. It's hard to pay attention when you're benefiting from his system. Who is going to question being made to feel important and having flights paid for you?

But if you're really truly seeking Krsna, you will be HONEST with yourself and say - -hey I am not even chanting my rounds right now. Let me share honestly and let him know.

The reaction I received was far from what a guru or mentor should responsibly do. Rejection is no way to handle someone's honesty and truth, especially someone who's trying and wants to advance in their KC. However, I rejected his offer to join his clan and I received his narcissistic rejection punishment.

I am glad I woke up.

For anyone reading this, I am not discrediting anyone he has inspired to come to Krsna. Of course he has inspired some. But that doesn't mean everything is right with him. All I can say is pay attention and check yourself.

D Dasi: Yes, there is a lot of psychology used with the kids / girls, creating an unhealthy, detrimental environment for young vaisnavas / vaishnavis. I remember cake parties for the kids in his room or birthday parties with a group of female teenagers in his room. This 'attention ' phenomena is dangerous. Someone who was initiated by him at age thirteen is now an adult, and revealed to me that she regrets that step, as she completely did not understand the gravity of initiation.

Another young person who was having trouble chanting her rounds, told me that she was just pushed into an initiation by him, from one of his senior disciples. This is called manipulation of people's spiritual development.

D Dasi: Yes I was a part of that too. I have to absolutely agree with you -- that there is manipulation psychology being used here. And nobody questions it, especially when you're being made to feel important and special. But when you really stop to think about it, if you're genuinely honest with yourself, you'll know that you're just another number. Another girl in another country, that he's told the exact same line to. Chances are he didn't even remember your name.

He's great at acting like he does.

Making some people desperately try to get even a glance from him while he stands there and talks to me, was a memory I would never forget. I had no reason to be this important to him.

I wasn't a good devotee. Nothing like his sincere disciples who ironed his clothes and didn't even get a second face to face while he would walk past them like he didn't even notice them. You know what that does to you? It makes you TRY HARDER.

Let me TRY HARDER next time and he may notice me. You hold every millisecond of attention you get so greatly and so dearly because of it, over inflating his worth.

He's so good at it. And we fell for it.

D Dasi: I truly feel for you. I am glad that you had the wisdom to realise the craziness of the dynamics. Reading what you wrote makes my heart really sad, especially for the disciples who are ignored etc.

MSD: Thank you so much for sharing and bringing up this conversation, I feel like this isn’t talked about enough and it happens a lot in different circles. I think it’s an example of how we as a spiritual micro society have to deal with all the issues that we found outside. Totally agree with the importance of developing self love and awareness.

DD: You have to protect yourself because they won't protect you.

AD: Very true. Your comment is well received and leaves me with hope that there's others thinking about these things. I don't need my worth undermined to the point where I'm so unsure of myself I am desperate for validation from a bogus guru.

The thing is- we are all 'fallen' souls. But we aren't all stupid desperate souls. 
Krsna lives within us. Krsna is guru too, He will guide us. 

NC: I remember a few years ago when one of his younger female disciples was killed in a car accident. He pinned this very “heartfelt” letter to her on his IG.
Now fast forward, he has had a few direct, non female initiates pass away and not a peep from him.

He surrounds himself around people who can attract women to his camp. IDS is a predator. I actually feel bad for Sagar Swami because he seems to be the only person close to IDS that doesn’t exhibit the same sexualized tendencies IDS does.

If he and (BB) Govinda Swami want to chase girls around Europe and America they should just simply become householders. But why do that when you can tour holy places in a helicopter, wear an Apple Watch, dress in non Sanyasi clothing, physically touch women and young girls.

He’s going to continue doing this because the devotee community lets him get away with it.

DD: Yes, we should not enable this.

A Dasi: So true. He's so selective with the way he treats disciples. Also some woman after becoming his disciple notice he starts to ignore them more and more and they have to 'work' harder to even be noticed. Many have admitted that to me. Why does he do that? He loves the power and control he has over all these ladies.

DD: And he likes to make them suffer from feeling inadequate etc.

NC: It’s so clear as day. Can we take your post and cross post it to actual Iskcon groups?

SRJ: Who is Sagar Swami?

NC: Russian Maharaj who IDS gave sanyassi to. I think he’s a nice guy. But I stopped association once I found out how connected he was to IDS. 

AK: Thanks for writing this and exposing them. 

AD: I hope people with similar experiences of the love bombing and withdrawal can come out and talk about it. That's some unhealthy emotional manipulation going on here.

PW: Sad, but eyes-opening.Thank You for courage!

SSD: The same thing happened where I live, there's a very large popular religious congregation (I live in Thailand). The same community have the same rumors about it too. I hope you live in a free country where you can speak up.

But there's more torture than this in where I live and we can't speak up. Where I live there is a lot going on for Buddhists (I know it's not Hindu but only for example) but a lot of monks are pedo and also say that having se* with a young boy or girl is for religious sacrifice. But the government here is behind Buddhist organizations and gives a fund to them, so not all monks are in jail or get arrested (and we can't speak up).

Wish you all happiness in your life.

PADA: Yep. Indradyumna swami is another jet set sadhu who has made an opulent life for himself -- while most of the other senior devotee associates of ISKCON were banned, exiled and removed. And overall there was a policy of banning, beating, molesting, suing and even killing Vaishnavas, while he has been sitting young girls on his lap and taking guru worship from these uninformed and innocent people. 

The good news is -- that more people are waking up and exposing all this exploiting and manipulating of people's spiritual and even material lives. So we wish these followers of GBC gurus well, and hope they realize that Srila Prabhupada is their actual connection to Krishna and not these false gurus. 

And we are glad these people are becoming emboldened to speak out and expose all these cheaters. She is right, she is connected to Krishna no matter what and that is the important connection, not these false messiahs. There are so many photos of Indradyumna with women and girls -- and I do not believe anyone on the GBC could say they did not know about all this, since it has been a public display. 

Indradyumna has supported the whole GBC's molester messiah's program and that has made thousands and thousands of victims, and he is responsible for enabling this disaster. And he will be held accountable for making all these problems for all these victims. ys pd 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Russian Psychic on "The Poison Issue." 06 22 24


Dear Puranjana prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please read below and share your opinion.


Psychic answers to questions regarding Srila Prabhupada's poisoning

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

A couple of years ago I sent one report to Nityananda prabhu. I have seen it in my files again and thought you may be interested to see it also.

It's answers and questions that I got from a Prabhupadanuga devotee ***** dd (I had forwarded her the questions that I compiled). She traveled to one mataji ******, who is said to be a strong psychic. ***** dd had known her from before and even once took her from Russia to India. 

***** is not a full on devotee, she barely knows anything about Hare Krishna movement, she didn't know anything about the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada. I made a research that showed that even government investigative agencies employ efficient psychics to better understand crime scenes, whereabouts of some hard proofs, etc. Off course, it's not 100%, and they admit it. But if the psychic is actually very able, he/she can tell valuable info. So I thought maybe we can try to use the same method.

Here is the questions and answers regarding Srila Prabhupada's poisoning and ISKCON coup in the 1970s (abbreviated):


Q: Were arsenic and cadmium in different poisons that were given to Srila Prabhupada at different times?

A: Yes, during a long period of time.

Q: Were there other poisoning elements in the poison?

A: Yes.

Q: Which ones exactly?

A: Black powder.

Q: Is it correct to understand that Srila Prabhupada’s health crisis in July 1976 was a result of poisoning during his visit to New York in July 1976 (July 9 - 20)?

A: Yes.

Q: In what form the poison was given to Srila Prabhupada (through poisoned food, drink, tooth powder, personal items, etc.)?

Beverage, food, sweets – so that it can be unnoticed. The milk was poisoned with white powder. The food – with something like spice.

Q: Was it done consciously, specifically for poisoning purposes?

A: Yes.

Q: Was the cadmium the key element of this poison?

A: Cadmium helped to accelerate. There was another poison.

Q: Did it contain arsenic?

A: Yes, it was there, but there was also something else, like "sulema" [the dictionary says it means mercury chloride in Russian].

PADA: In short, various heavy metal poisons. Srila Prabhupada himself said he has the symptoms of a person being poisoned. And Dr. Vanamali said that Srila Prabhupada's urine sample had elements that are similar to heavy metal poisons. 

Q: Was the 1976 poisoning the beginning of periodic poisoning of the body of Srila Prabhupada which led to the death of his body? If not, when exactly the periodic poisoning of the body Srila Prabhupada began: even earlier in 1975? Or in 1976?

A: Since 1974. But it was intensified half a year before 1977 [since July 1976]. The poisoner didn’t always had access to the food. One of the disciples. Out of 5.

Q: Was Indian yogi, tantric and ayurvedic doctor Chandra Swami involved in attempts to poison the body of Srila Prabhupada?

A: He advised how to do it.

Q: If yes, in which role was he involved in the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada?

A: Conducted rites and gave medicines.

Q: To whom he provided the poison? To Tamala Krishna (Thomas Herzig)?

A: Yes.

Q: In 1975? In 1976? In 1977?

A: During all the years. It was tested whether he would sustain it or not.

Q: Who was the direct organizer and who was the performer of the poisoning?

A: "One who wanted to sit on my throne."

Questions from the book "Kill Guru Become Guru":

Q: Where was the cadmium obtained for the poisoning?

A: From a supposed healer.

Q: How was the poison given to Srila Prabhupada, and who taught the poisoners how to use it?

A: The food and beverages. Two different powders. The dark one was used at rice with spices, scentless and colorless. The white powder was added to sweet milk.

Q: When did the poisoning start, and at what times was it given thereafter?

A: Since 1974.

Q: What Channdra Swami was doing at the building of ISKCON temple in New York in 1976? Is it true that he stayed to sleep there?

A: Yes.

Q: Did he meet there with Tamala-Krishna Goswami personally? If not, were there personal meetings between them at some other time and place?

Q: Yes.

Q: If so, where and when they started, how many meetings were there, did any of these meetings relate to the conspiracy against Srila Prabhupada?

A: Several meetings, and during the talk there were accusations.

Q: Were these meetings closely related to the CIA or some other special services?

A: Not CIA. Perhaps Illuminati or some shadow organization.

Q: Are there any witnesses of their personal contact?

A: One disciple. He didn’t let anyone to come in.

Q: Were these meetings related to the conspiracy against Srila Prabhupada, to his poisoning?

A: Yes.

Q: Were these meetings closely related to the CIA or some other special services?

A: Shadow organization.

Q: Was there the incident when Chandra Swami alone went out of Srila Prabhupada’s rooms in New York ISKCON Temple in 1976? If so, what was Chandra Swami doing in Srila Prabhupada’s rooms? Did he try to poison the personal things of Srila Prabhupada?

A: Added to something Srila Prabhupada used to inhale. Flowers.

Q: If yes, did the poison contain cadmium? It was the key poisonous element?

A: It was another poison.

Q: How did he find out where Srila Prabhupada’s rooms were located?

A: He just knew it.

Q: The makaradhvaja medicine that was arranged for Srila Prabhupada in October 1977 by Chandra Swami and donated by him – was it poisoned?

A: It was made properly, but then the poison was added.

Q: Where exactly are the remaining doses of the makaradhavaja medicine? Are they in Vrndavana?

A: Yes.

Q: Who are keeping them and where? Was this medical powder poisoned? If yes, then what kind of poisonous element did contain: cadmium, arsenic, or some other?

A: Not just one single element.

Q: Did one of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples -- Satadhanya Das / Satadhanya Swami / Stanley Federoff played some role in the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada?

A: Yes.

Q: Was Prithu Putra Swami / Patrick Geoffrois, who was repeatedly seen in the presence of Srila Prabhupada in 1976-77, involved in the poisoning?

A: No.

Q: Does Jayapataka Swami know about the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada especially information which is not publicly known at the moment?

A: Yes.

Q: Who first told Srila Prabhupada about poisoning that he mentioned on November 9, 1977?

A: Disciple.

Q: When this informant reported this to Srila Prabhupada: in November 1977? What’s the date? In October 1977? What’s the date?

A: In some date during the twenties of October. The poisoning first began in spring of 1974, it was at a big festival [Gaura Purnima?].

Q: Why did Srila Prabhupada first announce about his poisoning during a guest’s visit?

A: Because he knew that the guest, unlike the disciples, will make it publicly known.

Q: What happened on November 11, 1977 at Srila Prabhupada’s house in Vrindaban at the time of whispering "Is the poison in the milk? – Uh oh", "The poison’s going down"? What kind of poison it was, was it really in the milk? Who prepared it and put it there? What were the main poisoning substances in it: some cadmium compound? Other heavy metals or another chemical elements?

A: Another composition: 3 poisons.

Q: What were the roles that the main suspects played in this poisoning: Tamal Krishna, Bhakti-Charu, Bhavananda, and Jayapataka?

A: There was a fifth, superior to them.

Q: Was cadmium / its compound the key element of the poison?

A: Yes, it bolstered the destruction on that day.

Q: Which elements besides cadmium were parts of the poison given to Srila Prabhupada in 1977?

A: 3 different kinds. Arsenic, "sulema" [mercury chloride]. But when they saw it doesn’t act as hoped they used to add more. Why no one included the question: "Why nobody tried to taste / eat the food given to Srila Prabhupada?" Srila Prabhupada replies they would quickly die, therefore, although he knew of poisoning, he didn’t let anyone else eat it.

Q: And was the poison’s composition the same during the entire period of poisoning? Or were different poisons used? Which ones?

A: There were different poisons. Gradually they increased the poisoning. Mainly with rice and sauces.

Q: Who currently possess Srila Prabhupada’s hair or nails cut during 1976-77?

A: At the temple in Vrindavan.

Q: Is Srila Prabhupada’s body on this photograph, taken on September 6, 1977 in London, poisoned? Dark sun glasses in the room (eyes problem that wasn’t observed during previous years) and swollen hands – is this a result of poisoning?

A: Yes. The liver is affected.

Q: Who received Srila Prabhupada’s Death Certificate in Mathura on February, 1978? Was it Tamal-Krishna Goswami? Or his representative / accomplice?

A: Accomplice.

Q: The registered cause of death was "Heart Attack" – was it false?

A: False diagnosis, the main affected organ was liver. Srila Prabhupada himself stopped his heart.

Q: If yes, who introduced this diagnosis: the official who signed this certificate, or the unknown person(s) that went to Mathura and received Srila Prabhupada Death Certificate? What was the reason to choose this diagnosis?

A: Since he was old this was the best conclusion. The official didn’t write himself, he was told to write this.

Q: Who were those "two devotees" who brought the urine sample to Bonamali’s clinic in Vrindaban on 27 or 28 October, 1977? Did they report the information regarding Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning to Tamal Krishna (or someone else) after they returned to the temple, and how did he react, what did he say, what did he do? 

Where is the formula of the antidote for Srila Prabhupada compiled by three kavirajas (and recorded by Damodar Prasad Sharma) in the beginning of November 1977, as was told by Dr. Narotam Lal Gupta? Was that one document or two or more? Where are they now, have they survived to this day? 

Is that assistant of Damodar Prasad Sharma from Vrindaban Rangaji temple is still alive, (being a young kaviraja at that time he probably helped him collect ingredients for the antidote)? Where is he currently? Does this person have any valuable information regarding the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada?

A: Those who were connected -- all of them have died. The urine was given back to the disciples. It indicated poisoning. That young kaviraja is no more present.

Q: Will the exhumation of Srila Prabhupada’s body (placed in the mausoleum / samadhi at Krishna-Balarama temple in Vrindaban) end the debate on whether he was poisoned or not?

A: It won’t.

Q: Who among the locals of Vrindaban currently has correct information about who poisoned Srila Prabhupada?

A: No one is present. There is some manuscript or dictation, everything is there. It’s in America. The one who made it is Indian, who is in the USA. He is Indian. Those who collect information should search for the dictophone [note: is this actually dictophone or audio recording? Not clear to me but I have translated exactly as it is] and it’s also in paper form.

Q: Is Srila Prabhupada’s tooth that is now at the tomb of Tamal-Krishna Goswami in Mayapur (West Bengal, India) a valuable evidence that can confirm the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada’s body.

A: It can confirm. Exhumation [of Srila Prabhupada?] won’t be allowed by Srila Prabhupada.

Q: Why there was such a persistent search after the two cassettes in Vrindaban reported by the Mexican witness Bhakta Vatsala Das?

A: They were seen as threat since he [Srila Prabhupada? Bhakta Vatsala?] told everything to disciples and someone among the disciples before the death [of Srila Prabhupada?] confessed and made the recording.

Q: Where are those audio records now?

A: Not in India.

Q: Why the loss of those cassettes was dangerous for the conspirators?

A: Because they would be beheaded there and then.

Q: What kind of manipulations Bhavananda was doing with "sacred water" being sprinkled over Srila Prabhupada’s food in the autumn of 1977?

A: He didn’t poison but he guessed it was taking place.

Q: What were the discussions of the senior disciples regarding the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada that were overheard by Bhakta Vatsala (probably in the autumn of 1977)?

A: The discussions were about the poisoning – who did it and how. Then who would inherit Srila Prabhupada’s legacy.


Q: From March to September 1977, 2/3 days have no audio recordings of Srila Prabhupada (among those officially published by the Bhaktivedanta Archives). Srila Prabhupada’s conversations were being recorded at that time almost constantly by his own arrangement. Approximately 200 cassettes (minimum 100) are missing. What happened to these missing audio recordings? 

Why have they not been published by the Archives? Are they still being preserved (or copies of those audio recordings) somewhere? Where are the 1977 audio recordings unpublished by the archives (especially recorded in May, July and October regarding ritvik system after Srila Prabhupada's departure): what’s the modern name of the country, city, street, house number – we need as much accurate info about the exact place as possible.

Are there any other documents / letters of Srila Prabhupada that haven’t been published and are not widely known at the moment but contain information proving the ritvik system for the period after Srila Prabhupada’s physical departure?

A: Yes. Several documents.

Q: If so, what are those documents, where are they now?

A: Not in India. In the USA. For safety reasons.

Q: Is there some other letters / documents regarding the principles of ISKCON management and functioning? If so, where exactly are they at present moment?

A: In the USA.

Q: The following episodes and missing audio recordings are especially interesting:

What did Srila Prabhupada say (as literally as possible) on May 25, 1977: he would appoint a guru-successor / successors or simply his ritvik-representatives (ritvik-acharyas, it’s the same as ritviks). Independent full blown acharya-successors (spiritual teachers) or ritviks (priests, assistants to Srila Prabhupada)? Was this first time when Srila Prabhupada said that after his departure initiations in ISKCON would be conducted on his behalf via ritviks (ritvik-acaryas)?

A: He didn’t appoint anyone, but it was concealed.

Q: Or did he first told about it even earlier, before May 25, 1977 (when? Where did it happen? Was there an audio recording to this effect, where is it now?) This episode (reported by TKG and Gauridas Pandit Das, but with conflicting essence) is absent at the audio recordings made on May 24-25, 1977, and officially published by the Bhaktivedanta Archives. Was it deleted from the audio recordings? Has the recording of this conversation survived in its unedited original form? Where is it now?

A: It has survived. But there are also two false.

Q: What exactly did Srila Prabhupada say (presumably, on June 4, 1977), when "an initiated disciple" was changed to "my initiated disciple" in his final will? How did this change to the preliminary text of the will, discussed on June 2, 1977, happened? Why the audio recording of the conversation (that took place probably on June 4, 1977) has not been published? 

Where is this recording presently? Why the published final will scan bears the date June 6 (7), and the codicil refers to the will as dated June 4, 1977? Why there are no audio recordings of conversations during June 3-16, 1977? Were there any audio recordings of Srila Prabhupada conversations made during this period, and if yes, where are these audio recordings now? Did they contain anything else dangerous for conspirators? What exactly? 

Is the original registered copy of Srila Prabhupada’s will is still in Mathura? Is the widely available published text corresponds to the original or was it edited? If it wasn’t faked, was it hidden (the original and its possible copies) and became widely known only years later? If it was forged, then what exactly was changed and where is the original will currently?

A: All the recordings are in the USA, in India papers only.

Q: Where are the audio recordings that Pita Das and Gauridas Pandit Das reported about, especially those made in July 1977 and not published at the present moment? Are they or their copies still stored in Houston?

A: Yes, here.

Q: In Dallas? Somewhere else?

A: [No answer]

Q: Have the recordings of Srila Prabhupada’s conversations that confirm that in October and/or November 1977 he said that in the future the initiation ceremony should continue to be conducted on his behalf with via his representatives (ritviks/ritvik-acaryas) survived to this date? Where are these tapes or their copies (possibly in digital format) currently? Who arranged that they are not published by the archives? Tamal Krishna? Did Ramesvara Swami contribute to these actions during 1970s and/or 1980s?

A: It hasn’t survived. Tamal Krishna.

Q: Why did almost all the audio recordings made in August 1977 disappear? What was the reason to hide them? What was so dangerous for the conspirators on those tapes? Where are the tapes or their copies now?

Are there hidden Srila Prabhupada’s (or his secretary) letters and documents of the 1970s about the ritvik system still stored somewhere: what’s the country, city, street and house address, exact place as far as possible? Does Ramesvara know where are the hidden letters / documents / audio recordings of Srila Prabhupada regarding the ritvik system? How to induce him to confess?

A: In the USA. Concealed in the USA.

Q: What happened to the 20-page letter of Gauridas Pandit Das, written in 1978 and sent to Satsvarupa Das Goswami? If this 20-page letter is intact at the present moment? Where is it now?

A: Destroyed.


Q: Who was the initiator of the decision to transform 11 official ritviks into 11 new "acaryas"/successors? Was it Tamal Krishna Goswami?

A: He was intimidated, he was pressed.

Q: Why did the rest agreed: they betrayed Srila Prabhupada / deliberately made choice in favor of their personal ambitions or were they misled? Was the plan of unauthorized declaration regarding new acaryas finally approved in the second half of November 1977 in Vrindaban? Were there any meetings of “new acaryas" dedicated to the seizure of power in ISKCON at that time? 

Who among these 11 were aware of the poisoning at that time? Who knew that actually they weren’t appointed as acaryas? Who among them protested against taking up the role of full acaryas? Who tried to clarify this issue, to get the evidence of their appointment as acaryas?

A: Division happened among them. They appointed themselves. It was convenient.

Q: Did Satsvarupa know that the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada was taking place, or did he came to know about this later? Was Satsvarupa involved in the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada and the hijacking of ISKCON in 1977-78? What was his role?

A: Yes. He knew. Many knew of it.

Q: ISKCON GBC (Governing Body Commission) meeting in March 1978: How the discussion / vote on new gurus happened? How the unified single position on the alleged appointment by Srila Prabhupada of 11 guru successors was adopted (which was falsely declared to the movement during this meeting)? How it was fine tuned: there were discussions, before the meeting some person alone put forward the key points? Did any of GBC members during the meetings in March 1978 objected? Who was it? Spiritual name: for example, Gurukripa Swami? Did he object at the GBC meetings in March 1978 and tried to clarify the new gurus issue? Who else?

A: Everyone accepted. It was done in such a way that everyone accepted this plan. It was planned beforehand.

Q: Did Tamal Krishna die as a result of murder arranged by Jayapataka?

A: Yes. He was murdered, but it is unknown by whom. Jayapataka was involved but not the main person. Accomplice.

Q: Where are the personal belongings of Tamal Krishna Goswami that remained after his death: his original diary of 1977, correspondence, documents, computer files? Who stole Tamal’s laptop? The original diary that he led in 1977 is especially interesting. Is it at the disposal of some of his friends or his brother Karl? Which one exactly?

A: Not at the disposal of his brother. It’s in the possession of the man who was always near him. It’s in India.

Q: Where is the mother of Jayapataka’s child? How many children Jayapataka begot after he became a guru in 1978? How many among them are living at the moment? Where does each of them live, where do their mothers live? Can they agree to give confession interviews?

A: Many children. 7 or 9. They don’t know practically anything, except for the elder son, and even he unlikely.


Some notes:

1) If Srila Prabhupada was first poisoned in spring of 1974, it fits in Srila Prabhupada experiencing six weeks near death illness during August-September of 1974:

"By the grace of Lord Nrsngha deva I have recovered from the danger and am improving daily and I thank you for your prayers." (Letter to: Ksirodaksayee dasa, 8 September, 1974, Vrindaban)

"Regarding my health, I was lying almost unconscious. Now by the grace of Krishna, I am walking in the morning but I am still very weak. Neither do I feel any proper appetite. So the weakness is there, but I feel that I am progressing a little each day." (Letter to: TKG, 8 September, 1974, Vrindaban)

In Srutakirti's book "What is the difficulty?" he gives more information of that health crisis (pages 186-204). Are these symptoms similar to those in 1976 and especially 1977 Srila Prabhupada's health problems? I had a thought if Srila Prabhupada was indeed first poisoned in spring of 1974 during Gaura Purnima, wasn't that a coincidence that TKG left India about that time in spring (perhaps not just because he was tired of being in India and lack of possibilities to fulfill his ambitions, but to also guard himself from suspicions of being the poisoner in case Srila Prabhupada leave his body?) and some months later the health crisis matured into a near death illness, loss of appetite, Srila Prabhupada practically wasn't able to eat for weeks, sometimes had 103-105 temperature and wasn't able to walk by himself? 

I haven't seen any statements on what was exactly the serious illness Srila Prabhupada experienced in 1974 and what cured him (off course it was by Krishna's grace). Power-hungry TKG abandoned his GBC India position, causing Srila Prabhupada to complain about it, for no apparent "benefit" risking his high position in ISKCON and there was some estrangement with Srila Prabhupada upon Tamal return to the USA and wandering there until he joined Radha Damodara sankirtana party. It's very strange. 

But if the "benefit" was creating alibi for himself in case Srila Prabhupada leaves the body due to poisoning, that is possible. It seems difficult to explain several months gap between April, when Tamal left India, and August, but if the poison was to immediately act, that abrupt leaving would be more suspicious than creating alibi.

Similar symptoms were observed in 1975:

"Regarding my coming there, I want to come, especially your Mauritius program is attractive, but my present state of heath will not allow me to travel outside of India. I am not having any appetite so I am eating less. By eating less where is the energy for travelling?" (Letter to: Cyavana — Vrindaban 4 September, 1975)

Was it due to another early subacute poisoning?

Testing Srila Prabhupada's hairs from 1974/75 would be interesting.

2) Mercury chloride is indicated as one of the poisons. It seems it would make sense to try to find the mercury again in hair tests, if possible.

3) Chandra Swami's participation is confirmed. It was said he acted of behalf of some shadow organization, Illuminati or something. This is also noteworthy.

4) The team of poisoners among disciples is told of being consisted of five members. Who was the fifth, superior to the four above mentioned suspects (TKG, BCS, Bhav, JPS)? Chandra Swami? But he wasn't Srila Prabhupada's disciple...

5) Interesting that ritvik instructions for the future, after Srila Prabhuapada's departure, are confirmed, and it was stated there are some concealed letters/documents that prove this system are still unpublished. It's very important. Some audio proofs have also survived (in the USA), some are said to have been destroyed. Interestingly, Houston is confirmed (and there were no reaction/answer regarding Dallas). One of the main objectives is to find those unpublished audios / documents.

6) Also, there is a dictation (audio recording and manuscript/transcription) of some detailed confession regarding poisoning made shortly before Srila Prabhupada's departure (said to be in the USA). The psychic advised to search for it.

7) Remaining makaradhvaja doses (with added poison) from October 1977 are still somewhere in Vrindavana.

8) JPS has a number of children, according to the psychic, and TKG was murdered. Well, I am not surprised.

What do you think about it?


PADA: I would say a lot of this sounds pretty accurate. It has already been said that is possible -- the person "advising Tamal" was from the Gaudiya Matha, or it was Narayan Maharaja. It may also have been a secret cabal or "shadow organization" as well, which maybe is connected to the CIA or India CID. In any case, Tamal and his cohorts were directly involved, whether they got outside help or not. 

Prithu Putra left ISKCON and he told his relatives "they poisoned their guru." So he knew a lot, but so did many others (like Pita das and the devotee who gave me the tapes in 1997) and yet they chose to remain silent. Probably they were worried that bringing out the issue could place them in danger.

When I wanted to bring out the issue in 1997, people like the Krishna Kant's IRM folks told me not to do that because "you will be dead in 24 hours." So a lot of people remained silent -- fearing for their own safety. I decided to go ahead with it -- and release the tapes because -- even if I did not live, the cat would be out of the bag so to speak. And it is. 

ys pd