Thursday, June 20, 2024

1996 ISKCON Kuli Magazine -- Irony, Hypocrisy and Outrage 06 20 24

R Devi: Found a 1996 kuli mag in a stack of old papers. Paging through it, 3 prominent content contributors are notorious pedos: BVP “Swami,” Lokanath S. and Muralivadaka. How many decades did these wolves fool us in their sheep coats? 

The irony, the hypocrisy, the outrage … that they were writing in our very own magazine as supporters and protectors of (us) kulis and yet perpetrating the most insidious harm on the movement’s children. The articles themselves are vomit-worthy with their grand sentiment on proper behavior and improving the ISKCON education system. Given what we now know each sentence from these sociopaths is nothing short of enraging.

PADA: 1996 is when we were more actively collating testimony for the Dallas lawsuit. Around this time -- the Los Angeles temple devotees were really giving me the icy vulture glare treatment, OK LA pedophile messiah club's temple thugs like Ratna Bushana and others. They still worship Jayapataka there in LA, the ring leader of their Mayapur Auschwitz for kids program.  

They knew I was onto their bogus "guru school" situation, and they were worried that I was going to eventually come forward with a major problem for them. That is also when they spammed (and threatened) the lady who ran my LA internet provider service and tried to dissuade her from giving me an account, with not so veiled talk of physically coming after her to harm her, or worse, maybe to try to terminate her. She showed me their messages, and yeesh! 

She said, I am not going to report their messages to the FEDS because I just don't have time to waste on these bogus Krishna devotee a**holes. Pretty amazing really, she was a teeny 98 lbs. lady who stood by me at the time. She would not get rid of my account -- to help me. 

That is also when I got blocked from the GBC's PAMHO system. Yep, 1996, they knew trouble was coming. Then in 1997 they said they were going to donate $1,000,000 to the CPO, but by 2001 they were begging for money to buy kids shoes in Mayapur. 

Right now -- as we speak -- they are still asking for funds for their schools, while they are right now also spending crores in the Delhi Supreme Court suing us over the rights to original books, after they already spent $20,000,000 in the same court suing the directors of a free food for kids program to try to destroy that program. There is good news! Their lawyers can now afford their $4,500 Bottega Regatta shoes! Someone has benefitted from all this at least! 

Of course, at that time Krishna Kant Desai (IRM leader) was trying to get me to "shut up" entirely, quit writing altogether, and stop ALL my activities, and work under Jayapataka and go on vacation in the Caribbean. So there would have been almost no one left to address: the molesting issue, book changes issues, and poison issue. 

And then child molester messiah's lover's club folks -- like Sanat / Mukunda UK / Prahlad (Paul Coats UK) / Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur / Pancali / Mathias Sabji -- Mathura Pati etc. all started crying like lost babies, oh boo hoo, someone is spoiling our mass child molesting program of Krishna's children! Who will give ISKCON's children our nice anal reconstructive surgery epidemic program -- now that PADA is exposing our real agenda?

So an ordinary internet provider manager -- and hamburger eating woman -- has more spiritual understanding, more courage, more understanding of good / bad -- and right / wrong, and more dedication to caring for the welfare of children, than all of this lot put together. And mostly -- these folks still are crying like lost little babies even today, because we exposed their mass molesting empire and agenda. 

Yep, that 98 lbs. lady who ran my internet service had more kshatriya spirit than all of this lot put together. She wanted these people to be exposed because she knows that mass molesting is evil and needs to be checked. And yet these guys never got it -- obviously because -- they are with that agenda. Anyway yeah, disgusting is putting it mildly. More disgusting is that sometimes the hamburger eating people have to help us -- while the "advanced devotees" want to stop us -- and send threats to a 98 lbs. woman to try to intimidate her.  

And Lord Yamaraja is also disgusted with them, and they will be dealt with accordingly. An ex kuli was saying how foolish their parents must have been to have this ex-child initiated by a looney tunes / crack pot / lusty / pill popper fool like Satsvarupa, actually famous for his psychotropic pill popping, hellish headaches, and Satanic art work. Yep. 

"My parents were in illusion, big time"! No kidding! How can a Satanic art person take anyone back to Godhead? All this is just foolishness on steroids, but we are glad it is finally all coming out and the boil is gradually popping.  

ys pd

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