Friday, June 28, 2024

Gunagrahi / Govinda Dasi / Sivarama / Rupanuga 06 28 24

PADA: Mahatma's famous sidekick -- porno swami Gunagrahi -- famous -- or infamous -- for admitting his is addicted to watching porno: supporting predators as gurus; breaking up marriages all over his zone (making children vulnerable); kicking out people who protest; and so on, is now getting a Vyasa pooja celebration -- after he was buried in a samadhi in the dham. 

Just cannot make this stuff up can we? My friend was driving with Gunagrahi -- trying to tell Gunagrahi about all the problems -- and when he stopped at a red light, Gunagrahi jumped out of the car and called a taxi to take him to the San Diego temple. He had no interest in hearing about all the troubles his program was causing others. 

Later on Gunagrahi had terminal prostrate cancer. Metasticized. And we said all along he should not have been taking karma from hundreds of people. Yep, but as he was on his way to the hospital to die -- wincing in pain and on crutches -- people were still touching his feet to give him EVEN more karma. 

The dense levels of ignorance here are sometimes staggering and astonishing. Then, after it was well known he was a porno swami and a supporter of the illicit sex messiah's club, he gets buried in a samadhi. And Mahatma says we have to just buckle up and accept our bad karma -- the same bad karma that they are dishing out for us to take -- and making us endure! 

We are going to make porno swamis and other deviants into messiahs, and then we will be banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing folks, just accept that -- and take your karma! Honestly pilgrims! 

ys pd


MD: Govinda Dasi's meeting with Sivarama.

This will be my rage post. She doesn't have time to answer my questions (even just see or read) about Prabhupada, which directly relates to my spiritual practice, continuation of tradition and service to Krishna, but she has time to meet rascals and eat at the same table with them!

I have a question for all such people: why did we become Prabhupada’s disciples in the first place? Shouldn't a disciple pass on his guru's teachings to others? You can’t help others, correct the practice of others and direct it in the right direction, so that the person applying is confident that he is doing everything correctly?

We have a group of so-called disciples of Prabhupada on the one hand, who have shown themselves to the world as notorious criminals, and we have another group that knows nothing, cannot do anything, does not pass on knowledge to others and is engaged in some kind of nonsense. After such an attitude towards others, do not be surprised that when you need help, you will find yourself left behind in life.

Hare Krishna Prabhu


All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

PADA: Yep, she thinks Rupanuga das, a founder father of the illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club, is an exalted senior devotee. Sorry, anyone who promotes and supports the worship of illicit sex deviants as messiahs is gliding to a lower planet -- where they will take birth among scorpions, spiders, snakes and other low life entities. 

Even the most degraded karmis do not EVER promote the worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as God's messiahs, and coerce their society's children to worship such deviants as "God's successors," because they have at least one thing clear in their mind! They may not like God AT ALL, but they know they have to give God minimum levels of fear and respect. 

Making one's homosexual and pedophile pals into messiahs shows zero respect and not the slightest amount of fear of God. That is a big mistake. I am pretty much on the "fear of God" category and level myself. 

I really have no love for God, but -- would I push my homosexual and pedophile pals into the seat of Vyasa and have children worship my pervert pals "as good as God." Nope! Why not? I fear God, and therefore I fear taking birth on His lower planets among the scorpions, spiders and snakes. 

At least I have that much connection to the Supreme Being. These guys have not only -- no -- connection, they have a broken down connection that makes them do highly sinful things that the karmis would never dream of doing in a trillion years, because the karmis understand, God is great, and thus we cannot mess around with Him by making pedophiles, predators, perverts, drunks and fools into His successors. Most sinful!

You'll just be making God's agents like Yamaraja VERY angry, never mind all the banning, beating, molesting, suing and murders of God's devotees your guys program had to make -- to get your pedophile guru's program up and running. So these people are senior servants of Beelzebub, not Krishna. Govinda dasi does not know what is the proper legacy of Srila Prabhupada, because she is compromised with the people who perverted and destroyed that legacy. ys pd 


RD: Thanks for exposing Govinda dasi, 

She can’t support the ritvik order, instead, she has been supporting these bogus Iskcon gurus like Sivarama. Who is the worse of the worse!

Yep, this zonal guru millionaire is "retired" from the corrupt GBC only to be praised daily at his houses in Hungary and Mayapur, having his boy servants massage him, and his women blind disciples cook and clean for him, even having his blind disciples distribute his unreadable books.

PADA: Followers of Narayan Maharaja have complained that Sivarama stole the content of his "rasika" books from NM. I also saw that Danavir had copies of Kusakratha's books -- with new covers -- claiming they were made by Danavir.   

As a zonal guru millionaire, Sivarama and his corrupt colleagues enjoying the good life in retirement, with the best health care and steady income from the blind followers.

What you didn’t mention :

He is flying first class every year to stay at his other house in the dham! He spends the other 1/2 year in Mayapur at his $250.000 Condominium, enjoying the same perks!

What a rascal!

Keep up the good work. Your lowly servant, RD 

PADA: Yeah someone was saying a lot of them have "retired," or quit their GBC posts, but they still get all sorts of benefits -- because they are still de facto ISKCON gurus. Now they don't even have to pretend they are managing the society, they are retired -- but getting eternal retirement benefits. 

You are the soul.
And your soul belongs to Me.

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