Friday, June 21, 2024

Discussion on ISKCON guru Lokanath swami 06 21 24

SRD: In 1996, a letter from Lokanath was published in the Vaishnava youth magazine "Spirit."  In this letter, Lokanath chastised the Vaishnava youth for "intermingling of the sexes."  

At this time in 1996, the ISKCON GBC was hiding that Lokanath had just been secretly suspended for 2.5 years for molesting an 11 year old girl. The GBC found out in 1993 that Lokanath had molested a girl in 1990.  The GBC suspended Lokanath from initiating disciples for 2.5 years (1993-1996).  From GBC member Bir Krishna Swami:

"In 1993 when the GBC chairman became aware of the incident and appointed a committee to deal with the issue, Swami x was also told to stop all initiations.

. . . 

The GBC committee concluded that this deviation from the acceptable conduct had been accidental. So in 1996 after Gour Purnima, he was allowed to begin accepting disciples again.”

During Lokanath's 2.5-year suspension, he lied to his disciples about why he was suspended.

From Abhay Caran Das' letter to Lokanath in 2017:

"Firstly, you may recall that I met with you in Centennial House in New Delhi in January 1995. At that time you didn’t offer me diksha and only after I had written a letter to you did you say that you would indeed accept me as your disciple, but not until 1996. You told me that you were delaying all diksha ceremonies because you wanted to make this as an offering to Srila Prabhupada on his 100th anniversary. Later I was to learn that you were in point of fact suspended by the GBC from accepting disciples until 1996."

SRD: What's sad is that when this magazine was published in 1996, 2 out of the 3 child molesters you mentioned were already known to be child abusers: Anirdesya Vapu (fka Bhaktividya Purna) and Lokanath.

Anirdesya Vapu was first investigated for child abuse in the early 1980s and subsequently investigated and found guilty of child abuse in 8 investigations spanning 40 years.

Lokanath molested a girl in 1990 and the GBC found out about it in 1993.

RD: Everyone knew about Muralivadaka as well. I moved to Alachua around 93 and everyone was already whispering about him.

MM: The Muralivadaka writing here might be Madi Das Brinkmann. That was his initiated name and he played a big role in publishing this mag.

PADA: Madi Brinkman's father is Prithu das. And when Prithu saw we were distributing papers exposing his child molesting guru program, he ripped up our papers and yelled "what is this sh*t?" He was about to get violent, because he is one of the thug enforcers of their pedophile messiah's program. 

Yep. Prithu gets really aggravated when he finds out people are not worshiping his pedophile messiah's club program which bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas. Madi was trying to help out, to his credit, but he could not over - turn their goonda program of making children worship Prithu's illicit sex and pedophile pals. 

I think Madi has now got cancer. One younger devotee woman who has now got cancer, and has been through a whole lot of problems with it, said -- she now finally realizes she has to "avoid negative association." Umm, yep. Of course, Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati type folks were trying to have PADA removed from the internet -- to save their anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's club program from being exposed.  

SRD: I'm pretty sure it was the Muralivadaka who was a teacher in various gurukulas.

From his 1998 CPO Decision:

"Based on signed statements of victims as well as interviews with victims, this adjudicatory panel has determined that Muralivadaka dasa fondled and attempted to fondle four pre-adolescent boys while he was serving as teacher or headmaster in the school that these boys attended. These transgressions occurred over a period of several years, ending in 1989. They happened in various locations, including Lake Huntington, New York, Port Royal, Pennsylvania, and Alachua, Florida, where Muralivadaka was headmaster of a school. Muralivadaka dasa has admitted to these inappropriate sexual acts with the four children."

RF: It’s not Madi Brinkman. Madi’s name and articles are all over inside the magazine, under the name Madi. Muralivadaka headed up the child protection effort, and he would give seminars on child protection, this article was part of his outreach on that, which obviously is horrific and ironic.

WS: His journal was "Stand and Fight" and his bus program was in India

SR: I remember reading this article from Lokanath many years ago and I've been looking for it forever. Could you send me the full article please? I seem to remember that in it he advised kulis to avoid associating with the opposite gender...

RN: It would be great to have these articles for public reading too so if you get them can you kindly share them?

Kd: Will the irony never end?

SFD: They are expert predators. That behavior of pretending to be concerned reminds me how hunters behave in winters towards game and their offsprings.
They keep leaving opulent food for the game whole winter, especially during snow storms. The States all over world have ban on hunting during the times when young are just born. They give big fines for poaching - out of season.

Even such " karmis" are able to think that many steps ahead. ISKCON allowed predators to behave as if someone was paying them to just deplete and obliterate almost everything among the young offsprings.

LS: Lokanath swami, is so delusional. 

PD: Yeah, this was the number one complaint I got from GBC folks in 1997. "Well jeepers prabhu, why are you helping the ISKCON youths with a lawsuit? Don't you know -- many of them are intermingling for s*x, many of them are taking intoxicants, and many of them don't even like the religion, and almost all of them are pretty much 'not following' or 'fringies'"? 

Ummm yup, I know all that. And I also know who made them that way, and it has been -- you guys. A number of them were living in cheap apartments, or even their cars -- around the temple -- and some of them told me "we are the varna sankara, the unwanted progeny." 

And did I forget to mention, it was a lot of their "gurus" who were intermingling for s*x, and some of that s*x was -- men with boys? And did I also forget to mention -- a number of the victims had been taking their own lives, which was the real reason I felt I had to jump start the lawsuit, to save their lives at the time? 

Yeah, you are right prabhu, many of these children are basket cases, and you guys are the persons who placed them into that basket. Agreed. And Lokanath was a huge cheer leader of Mayapur at the time ... and he still is for that matter. 

And when the LA temple kicked out a relative of Lokanath's victim -- whose wife was then 8 months pregnant -- she had a miscarriage from all the stress of being kicked out -- just weeks before her baby was due. In other words, I believe -- that baby is now not alive -- because of -- them. 

And at the time the GBC's goondas were also trying to get the little teeny lady who ran my internet service to drop my account, by sending her very disturbing messages, which she showed me. Lokanath complains we need to be very conscientious of how we behave? Really? ys pd

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