Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Rest for the Dead / Mathura Pati 06 15 24

Our dear friend and valiant servant of Srila Prabhupada, Sudharma dasi, has left us just after 11:00pm EDT on June 14, 2024 in Alachua, FL from cardiac arrest.

Sudharma devi dasi took initiation from Srila Prabhupada in 1976. In her nearly 50 years of devotional life she served as a sankirtana devotee, sankirtana leader, temple board member in Philadelphia and Alachua temples, temple president in the Philippines, itinerant preacher in the Pacific Northwest and in Southeast Asia where she helped to develop congregational communities from devotees homes. 

She developed and managed the book distribution at Srila Prabhupada’s Palace in New Vrindavan, where she personally distributed many hundreds of Srila Prabhupada’s books each week.

She served as the ISKCON Communications Director for North America, a member of the ISKCON Foundation, the founder of the North American and International GBC Women’s Ministry (now known as the Vaishnavi Ministry), and a North American GBC / TP Executive Officer for six years.

She established and ran the after school program at the Alachua Learning Academy for several years, developing many elaborate programs, field trips, and other activities for the children, whom she truly loved.

She was the wife of Sundararupa Prabhu who was initiated in 1974, and served as a preacher in our movement, passing on in 2008. She had two daughters. Prema is working on her PhD at the University of Florida, while her older sister Braja graduated with a Master’s Degree from Goddard College in Vermont.

Even though very ill the past few years, Sudharma developed a radio platform but was not able to fulfill the broad vision she had for the project.

She felt a great deal of gratitude and affection for Srila Prabhupada and the devotees for her services, association, meditations, and the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Sudharma lived on a fixed income that didn't always cover her medical expenses therefore there are no funds for the cremation or memorial. Also we would like to extend some help to her daughters, who both are without their father.

A memorial will be held at the ISKCON Alachua temple on a Sunday between 1pm and 4pm EDT, but the Sunday has not yet been decided. Those who would like to participate by Zoom can contact Pranada at pranadacomtois at gmail dot com.

If we can collect more than the target it will greatly help Prema.

Thank you in advance for helping give this special Vaishnavi a proper farewell. Hare Krsna.

PADA: Yep, while ISKCON's Jet Set swamis fly around to various luxury facilities, to eat opulent feasts cooked by many servants, the peons have "not enough money to cover their medical expenses" and no money to bury their dead. Told ya! 

Anyway! God speed spirit soul, your work here is done, may you get Krishna's blessings. 

ys pd


NADIA MYLES: Dear Friends; I am going through a series of chemotherapy. I didn’t realize how severe it would get after the third treatment and I have five more to go. I need some care at my house, with some cooking, and help with personal care (changing the bedding) and some light laundry and cleaning. I thought I could do this myself but now I see that it is way more devastating than I ever imagined! The effects of the chemo are accumulative. We can discuss an amount for me to pay you for your care. I have children that are not able to help me right now. 

After the chemo, I have to have the entire bladder removed, which would be five days in the hospital! Is there anyone that could come and stay here to care for me? I have always been self-sufficient and taken care of everyone else but this time I need some help... please contact me if you are able to help me at this most precarious time of my life. I am still chanting my rounds and reading…. You would have your own beautiful room and bathroom here and there is 5 acres of beautiful land.. Thank you for any response today. Hare Krishna!

PADA: Sheesh pilgrims! Is there any help on the horizon for these peons? If anyone can help this lady (in Alachua I think) please do! Yeah I know, another cancer process with little help, at a time when this person needs mega-help. Very sad! 


PADA: Thanks prabhu for your comment that Mathura Pati is very angry with PADA for "making up lies." Well maybe, but he recently admits to a mutual contact that indeed -- he is promoting Radhanath's cheer leader Bhakta das, and he is still promoting the HKC Jaipur people who have been citing Bhavananda's bucket boy Hari Sauri. Yep, anyone who helps create Auschwitz for kids is the person they bow down to -- and lick their jack boots. They have found their shiksha guru master! 

We said Mathura Pati is with the man - boy sex messiahs club's cheer leaders, and he even admits to our associate -- he is. And we have seen him red handed citing Bhakta das. It seems to me he is just angry he is being exposed. 

Then we said he lied when he claims he wanted original books, and once again we are right, he is promoting Purujit, who is changing the books. And Purujit is being advertised as "The Jayadvaita of the ritviks" by some. Mathura Pati is angry at himself. He does not like us, because we are making original books -- and we are not promoting his book changer pals. He says we are liars, and Tamal says we are liars, they are a club.

If he says we are making all this up, but then he is openly doing what we said he is doing, he is simply fighting his own shadow. He is angry we exposed him and his man - boy sex messiahs club connections; his book changing connections; and his HKC Jaipur friends who are promoting Hari Sauri, the person who helped make Auschwitz for kids in Mayapur. 

He has never provided a shred of evidence we are making any of this up. But all of these same compromised folks have been angry with PADA the whole time, nothing new here. Our job is to expose these folks, and we are. Srila Prabhupada says -- a fool is angry when he is exposed. He does not need to respond with anger, he needs to respond with an explanation. And if he does not explain this, we will explain it for him.

ys pd     

1 comment:

  1. M Dasi: No help for the living or the dead. Unless !!! you are a jet set swami, then you get fancy apartment, servants, health care, and a new car. Doesn't that look like a business?

    Sorry, it is a business. Bad bargain for the workers, dependents and other hapless citizens. Not sure why so many people are blinded by these bogus people ... and they keep supporting them ... knowing everyone else is getting cheated and left in the dust.

    ISKCON guy is selling shalagrams online. Oh mercy me! Jesus needs to drive these money changers out of the temple!


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