Wednesday, June 12, 2024

ISKCON Promotes False Avatar / Rupanuga Writes Wrongs

Dear Mr. PADA: This poster display was arranged right outside our ISKCON temple room door as devotees / people en
ter altar room in ISKCON Illinois. This temple is under the management of Radhanath and Anuttama, and has all sorts of Hindu-ism programs going on left, right and center. And it just gets worse. 

Certainly, Srila Prabhupada did not want ISKCON to promote these bogus Hindu God men, which ISKCON is doing more and more. It is so sad that Srila Prabhupada's legacy is being turned into a Hindu guru and avatar circus under these bogus GBC men. Srila Prabhupada must be furious with the disaster they are making in the name of his society. 

The only improvement is ... these Hindu God men are probably not homosexuals and pedophiles, so this might actually help ISKCON have higher guru standards. It certainly cannot get much worse.  


"I don't want a Hindu temple. Our constitution is different. We want everyone. Kṛṣṇa consciousness is for everyone. It is not a Hindu propaganda. People may not misunderstand. And actually, until now in our society there is not a single other Hindu than me. (laughter) Is that not? Is there any Hindu?"
(Srila Prabhupada, conversation at New Vrindavana, June 9, 1969)


*** Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru Parama Pūjya Śrī Śrī Śrī Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji was born in Karnataka in1942. Pūjya Śrī Swamiji is revered as incarnation of Datātreya. Since HIS childhood, Pūjya Śrī Swamiji has been serving humanity by providing spiritual counsel and guiding them. Through HIS aṣṭa siddhis, Pūjya Śrī Swamiji has been able to envision people’s past, present, and future, understand their situations and empowers them to overcome their difficulties. 
The Datta Kriya Yoga Centers established by HIM help people recover from various ailments around the world. Pūjya Śrī Swamiji is a gifted musician and has composed more than 5000 Bhajans and devotional songs in various languages including Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu and Hindi in praise of various deities which have the power of healing the masses physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

*** As one of the rare living Avataras … His Holiness Parama Pujya Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji is the Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham at Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Ashrama in Mysore, India.

Sri Swamiji is renowned for His Healing and Meditation music and He is considered a divine guide who cultivates the ancient Vedic traditions. He was born fully realised in command of the eight Mahasiddhis and is a Guru in the Dattatreya Avadhoota lineage.

Sri Swamiji honours all religions and teaches that it’s possible to reach God by many paths. “It is of primary importance to attune with God through prayer, worship and the chanting of God’s holy names”. “Then God Himself will give you good guidance” says Sri Swamiji.

PADA: Sheesh pilgrims. 
Right in front of the congregation in ISKCON Illinois is this posted advertisement for "The Incarnation of Dattatreya who can heal sick people and perform other miracles." This temple is under the authority of Anuttama and Radhanath, and is basically full of Hindus. It looks more and more like the GBC is just fed up with the Westerner complainers and they want to work with the compromised Hindus. Last year they hosted a Bhagavat Sapta guy from India at various ISKCON temples in NA, it is going that way. I think they know the jig is up with the Western folks and so they are cultivating another cultural group so they can ignore the Westerners completely. Radhanath folks were also handing out some Hindu Yogi's book at their Eco village. What does it look like? They are not just having a communicating problem, they are just ignoring the Western complainers so they can exploit another cultural congregation as a source of income. Notice, they are advertising this guy's Gita, while spending crores suing us for printing the original Prabhupada Gita. ys pd


He served on Srila Prabhupada’s GBC for over 30 years, and had more direct contact and association with Srila Prabhupada than all the rest of them together.  He is now in his early 80’s and has the wisdom of maturity and a lifetime of sincere devotion to Srila Prabhupada. He never chose to act as an initiating  guru although that option was there for him. Instead he chose to serve Srila Prabhupada’s original mission based on love and trust.

PADA: Yes, Rupanuga chose to help the GBC promote their illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's project, that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas. 
Maybe we should hear what he has to say about such important issues…….
"Actually, I have not given any of you sannyas. But I am in a war with Maya, the material energy, and I need leaders.  It is called in wartime, 'battlefield commission.'
There are no qualified leaders, but someone has to lead the charge.  So, you take every fifth man, 'You are now lieutenant of the squad.'  He is really a private, but we make him lieutenant for the day and he leads the charge. It is to be understood that you are not sufficiently equipped for this fight and most of you will go down."
(Srila Prabhupada Conv., July 1976)
It has been revealed by witnesses that six months later, at The Kumba Mela in mid-January, 1977, there was a meeting of all the sannyasis present there, 35-40 of them, with Srila Prabhupada. The witnesses report that Srila Prabhupada was very angry and was loudly chastising them, saying: "This is not sannyas! This is not meaning of sannyas; you are making a mockery of sannyas!"  He demanded that no more sannyasis be created, as he also demanded in the January 7th meeting, a week before the Kumba Mela.
PADA: Then why did Rupanuga help them claim to be God's successors one year later, in January of 1978, knowing they are making a mockery of sannyasa?
In the conversation on Jan. 7th 1977, Srila Prabhupada told Jagadisa GBC, and Trivikram Maharaj, Hari Sauri, Palika dasi, Dr. Patel, who were also present: "But this hypocrisy should be stopped.  First of all, there will be no sannyasi anymore.  I have got very bad experience. 
And, at least we are not going to create new sannyasis.  And those who have fallen, let them marry, live like respectable gentlemen.  I have no objection.  After all, young man, fallen down—that's all right.  It is by nature's way.  But marry that girl..." (page 331, Vol 28, Conv. Books.)
PADA: Yeah, not fit for sannyasa, therefore for sure not fit to be acharyas.
Earlier, during that same conversation, page 318, he also said: "This should be strictly outlawed, no more sannyasis.  And those who have fallen, you get them married..."  Srila Prabhupada went into considerable detail regarding his reasons during this conversation.  And there were no recommendations for sannyas that upcoming Gaurpurnima on March 5th1977, as was previously usually given to Srila Prabhupada at Gaurpurnima time.  
However, he gave three sannyas initiations on May 29th 1977, to Bhakticaru, Premabhakti and Bhakticaitanya, all Bengalis, in Vrindavan, the very day after the May 28th GBC meeting! Bhakticaru Swami had just met Srila Prabhupada four months earlier and was receiving sannyas, first, and second initiations all at one time!
PADA: And Bhakti caru was one of the biggest promoters of the GBC gurus like Jayapataka of Mayapur, where mass child abuse, including rapes of children, was rampant. 
These three sannyas initiations are erroneously cited as proof that Srila Prabhupada was rescinding his order to discontinue sannyas in Iskcon.  But it was his prerogative to make exceptions to the rule he had made a few months before.  Why did he?  To strengthen the Indian Yatra? (Note, they were all Bengalis.)  
But this does not change the fact that he ordered the devotees--..."there will be no sannyasi anymore.  I have got very bad experience." "This should be strictly outlawed, no more sannyas." (Jan. 7th 1977)  Those who are doubtful should read these conversations, which were quite descriptive and definitive, not tentative or temporary.
It was Srila Prabhupada's prerogative to make an exception, but that exception was later used as an excuse to continue sannyas initiations everywhere after his disappearance.  And the exception was made the rule—surreptitiously.  This is cheating, and the result has been the continual evolution of an unauthorized elitist priesthood with wealth, followers and prestige.  But the truth is, Srila Prabhupada stopped his sannyasi "battlefield commissions" BEFORE HE LEFT.
PADA: Correct, they are not fit for sannyasa, therefore -- they are therefore not fit to be gurus.
During this January 7th conversation, Srila Prabhupada also spoke strongly and positively about the grihastha ashram.  Actually, the history is that the movement was initially spread by grihasthas, and the whole GBC was originally all grhasthas. None of the above information was passed on to the rest of the GBC, or to the general devotees, and therefore nothing was done about it.  Nothing has been done about it still, till this day!
PADA: Right, so in addition to not being qualified for a basic sadhana process, they are also hiding and changing the instructions. That makes them double duty not qualified to be gurus.
And when Tamal Krishna took sannyas, Srila Prabhupada wanted him replaced on the GBC, but he refused to leave.  That is a fact; I was there, but Srila Prabhupada knew how far he could bend certain bamboos without breaking them, and Tamal Krishna could not bend very far, so he didn’t insist.
PADA: Right, Tamal was not actually inclined to follow Srila Prabhupada's actual instructions, so why did the GBC make him an acharya?
On May 27th 1977, there is this quote:
This conversation on May 27th was the day before the May 28th yearly meeting of the GBC, during which Srila Prabhupada stated he would name some of his senior disciples to become "regular gurus" at the time when he was no longer present, or 'officiating acaryas' while he was still present.  
PADA: Where does Srila Prabhupada say that any of his men will be "regular diksha gurus" and able to absorb the sins of conditioned souls? And on May 28th no one is named to be guru, it just says "when I order," and he also said "when the training is complete" -- but no order is given.
Six of the devotees present during the above May 27th conversation quoted in the picture, Jayapataka, Bhavananda, Jayatirtha, Ramesvar, Tamal Krishna and Harikesa, (from the Conversation book), were then picked, one after another, and appeared on the list given by Srila Prabhupada on July 9th.
PADA: The July 9th letter does not appoint these people as gurus.
This statement above-- "Among yourselves, there is no strong man.  That is the defect.  All like child.  That is the defect." --this statement substantiates that they were also battlefield commissions appointed in the July 9th letter.
PADA: OK they are neophytes, like children, not fit for sannyasa, must be replaced when they deviate, therefore -- not fit to be gurus.
Srila Prabhupada had also said back on May 19th 1976: "I have chosen my best men to be GBC." ("To all Governing Board Commissioners"--a memo).  This means that on May 28th 1977, he was picking again from those same best men.  
He was not responsible for what they did after he disappeared.  They had their free-will and they chose to elevate themselves artificially to Acarya, instead of acting as regular gurus, which Srila Prabhupada actually authorized them to do.
PADA: Srila Prabhupada never detailed that there is a class of diksha gurus called "regular gurus," who can fall down into deviations left, right and center. He never said that these 11 would be diksha gurus, and be worshiped, take sins etc. None of this was ever described or authorized. 
If these were among his best men, what does that say about the rest of us?
May 19th 1976:  "I have chosen my best men to be GBC."
July, 1976:  'battlefield commissions'
Jan. 7th 1977:  "This should be strictly outlawed; no more sannyas."
Mid-Jan. 1977:  Kumba Mela, Srila Prabhupada shouting at 30-40 sannyasis.
May 27th 1977:  'No big men among you; all like child.'
May 28th 1977:  'I will name some of you; regular gurus.'
May 29th 1977:  Three sannyasis initiated by Srila Prabhupada.
July 9th 1977: Letter
Who can understand the mind of the Acarya?
Can his orders be changed because they cannot be followed?
Can his instructions or decisions be rewritten because of lack of faith?
What is the answer?
Hare Krishna.
Your servant,
Rupanuga das, ACBSP

PADA: Yep, Rupanuga was the GBC's deputy dealing on the phone with me and Sulochana in 1985-6. He just could not accept our idea that Kirtanananda is not fit to be worshiped as good as God, he argued with us over and over and over. And then he helped the GBC excommunicate Sulochana, and reinstate Bhavananda as Vishnupada. 
He never understood that conditioned souls cannot be worshiped as Krishna's and Srila Prabhupada's successors. Later on, we had New Vrndavana named in our $400,000,000 child mistreatment lawsuit. Everything we said was going bad there, was going bad there, and worse, and Rupanauga could not accept the reality of the problems he was creating -- even for children -- by his supporting them. 
In sum, he never should have supported the idea that deviants can be worshiped as God's successors, or any type of diksha gurus, it is forbidden by Srila Prabhupada in countless places. And it destroyed the Gaudiya Matha, and then ISKCON. Rupanuga's claim that he opposed them is not correct, he was a huge cheer leader of the 11 and people like Kirtanananda. He is trying to re-write history. ys pd

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