Sunday, April 30, 2023

Reactions to Mayapur Abuse Letter

PADA: This is a discussion about the letter in this article: 

It should be noted that Sulochan was writing about how he was worried his boys would be molested -- in 1985. Which means, the homosexual pedophile problem was known by many folks -- all along. To say "no one knew" is false. At least now there is a lot of outrage at this problem, and that is good, better late than never. 

When a famous CBS TV news lady interviewed me in 1986, she showed me footage her crew filmed at New Vrndavana -- of a huge "Jaya Bhaktipada" kirtan. And he was sitting on a big seat covered with the hands of -- maybe two dozen boys. And she said, before we start I have to ask, "is this pedophile heaven"? I said "yep it is." 

And she said -- thank goodness we met you, none of the other several hundred people we interviewed agreed, at least one of you Hare Krishnas sees what is going on. So people see what they want to see. 

She also said, many of the mothers at New Vrndavana had totally different looking kids which means, these women were "passed around" to different men. I said yep, very possible, that is what happened to Sulochana's wife. 

Later on "People Magazine" used a cover photo of Kirtanananda sitting on his seat with many boys, so they obviously saw the obvious. That newslady said, "if this was going on in my Church, I would go up there and pull that man off his seat all by myself, I would not care about my safety, I would not tolerate this. Why don't your people read the Bhagavad Gita? They are supposed to fight for justice. Yep, so if she could see what was what in about two seconds, anyone else could. People see what they want to see, the emperor has fine clothes, or no clothes, depends on the sincerity of the viewer. She was sincere, she got it immediately. ys pd  

K Dasi: I only read a third of his letter. Too painful to read. These so-called devotees deserve the highest punishments for such crimes.

SR: Kaliyuga seems to reign unchallenged in ISKCON Mayapur...


TL: It is very scary when one thinks about the donations one has given over the years. It could be / has been funding sexual predators / greed mongers wanting to satisfy their material desires with one's hard earned Luxmi. One wants to help, as some of the Temples in the world are genuinely struggling, but how does one overlook all of this?

BG: They are struggling because almost no one wants to support a criminal program posing as a religion.

RG: When temples are genuinely struggling, then I used to give donation either by ordering myself or else ask temple officials the invoices and then paying directly to the vendor. That's the best way to save both sides and no scope for all this rascaldom talks going on.

PR: I finally stopped a few months back, after giving for the last 38 years. I can no longer support this criminal conspiracy.

AK: Many years ago I ceased giving to temples or other impersonal or ambiguous fronts and instead give to individuals (usually individuals that I personally know or have some relationship with) within vaisnava communities, and usually those doing something small scale .... and less just sums of money and more tools, equipment, etc related to their activities (ie physical things that I purchase and give them). 

Just as one practical incident, it was apparent in one temple that during the summer season the heat and humidity of an enclosed deity chamber made it excrutiating to dress the deities when the curtain was closed. An ancient air conditioner was no longer up to the task. So money was given to buy a new AC. Instead the TP spent the money to repair the current AC and pocket the excess for other needs (real or imagined, who knows ...). 

Anyway, the repairs only held out for one summer before it was back to its old useless self. If you send a new AC in its box in a sort of public way so that all the devotees in the community know its meant for the deities (and pujaris), you get better results. You also get the opportunity to get more involved, as you have to investigate the dimensions of the deity room, location etc in order to choose the most suitable model of AC.

DL: This is great advice.

NY: ISKCON Mayapur is one big soup of rape, pedophilia, perversion, bribes, corruption! What started out as something noble has now crumbled and fallen further down than even Patala Loka. Hell, they should redraw the Vedic Astronomy maps and put ISKCON Mayapur under Patala Loka! I wouldn't even want to insult the residents of Patala Loka since they probably have higher standards than what's crawling around in ISKCON Mayapur!

VT Dasi: I an so deeply sorry to hear your story. My heart goes out to you.

DK: I heard of orgies organized some years back. But as of date I didn't hear of rape allegation.

VG Dasi: Oh my God these people are all so disgusting I have to throw up, I can't take it! I am so sorry for your pain and torture at the hands of these animals! Please stay strong and seek justice coming together with other victims. Together you are strong. God bless you always and give you the strength and conviction you need!

I wonder what Jayapataka S is saying about this?

DL: You're welcome to ask him.

BG: Let us ask the leader of the pedophile's camp what he thinks about pedophiles?

VG: I think the whole bunch of them are ALL the same, just covering up unthinkable crimes, and I wouldn't wanna go near any one of these people, sorry. I was just thinking out aloud that if the author of this letter who told he took initiation from JS also told him personally about these incidences what his reaction could have been.

MN: Jayapataka has been informed of innumerable sexual - violent - psychological abuses for over thirty years or more. His response has always been to do nothing of any substance!

VG: That's really sad and a criminal offence as well. It's terrible that these people don't have more of a conscience! I just can't comprehend how to just look the other way. They don't understand God's laws.

BB: They don't just look the other way, they kick out the persons complaining.

EB: Who cares? That JPS guy is now irrelevant.

MD: Thank you to this brave soul who has spoken out to expose perverse corruption and mismanagement at Mayapur. It is sad so much sexual perversion and cover up exists in our ISKCON. I worked there for a while, and saw abuse, and when I spoke up ... I got fired. There is always another lacky coming down the road to fill your position. Hare Krishna.

DL: Thank you for speaking up. 

SR: This testimony supports the big picture understanding of the abuse culture that is perpetrated and endorsed from the very top managers in Mayapur. It also demonstrates how Bengali children and villagers are are potentially at great risk of being sexually exploited (what to speak of labor exploitation).

DK: One point is that before this current management came up ... there was uncontrolled stealing. Now this allegation that is true is launched by support of the previous party that got removed. So far no honest party came up. Hamsarupa Pr. was doing research on the stealing ... and had to leave because of life threats from "the devotees."

MD: Have you seen the news lately? Majority of those who commit these offences ARE homosexual pedophiles. if their minds are not so disturbed, they wouldn’t have such proclivity.

DD: Though such reports are distressing, it’s very encouraging that more and more people are reporting these crimes. Zero tolerance begins when people are no longer prepared to be silenced

PR: It’s very difficult for me to understand, when I look at these pictures. I joined the movement to become purified, to serve Krishna, to go back to Godhead. When I no longer felt that I was being strict enough, I left the temple. I haven’t even worn a dhoti or used my spiritual name in over 20 years. 

So when I see these guys, with tilak, wearing devotional clothing, apparently / obviously? ... thinking that they are devotees, while simultaneously engaging in what I would definitely consider the most abominable activities, I really just can’t understand how they can do it. It’s really beyond my comprehension. I have no frame of reference, to understand this.

DD: Such rot at the world headquarters - in the holy place of Mayapur

GD: Now USA temples will host fundraising events. They should clear this all up before coming over here. This is modern day, not 30 years ago. Please identify the photos, who's who?? It's not proper to show pictures without identifying the people. I'm very concerned about this situation.

PD: In 1985 Sulochan had his children taken from him by New Vrndavana "enforcers" -- who cut off his van and they took his kids. He said to me --- the greatest fear he has is -- his boys would be abused at New Vrndavana, where he claimed -- there is a problem with boys being attacked there. 

That means, this problem was known in 1985. And then Sulochan wrote about the issue, which means then the problem was widely known to hundreds and hundreds of people. This problem has been going on all along ... it is just that more people are exposing it. It looks like they simply made a whole new wave of predators and enforcers, but the problem was known in the mid-1980s. Satsvarupa said we are "poison pens" for exposing their process, he wanted to suppress us, and he did. ys pd

SF: Does Indian and local Mayapur Goverment even care that Mayapur is on the path of getting reputation similar to Thailand's - sex predators and pedophiles sex - tourism center; only Mayapur's is with a twist; having a tin coat of religiousity assumed by rapists, pedophiles and child predators?

EB: We might assume, that’s the reason they are all there.

TD: Thank you for your testimony. This is very brave of you. 

DD: Has this complaint already been registered by the Indian Police? is it a real complaint or, is it just a written outlet for some group?

DL: It is real. We have checked the source and it is bona fide. I don't know about whether the Indian police are involved. That is up to the survivors to decide for themselves.

EB: I’m curious as to why the only justice he will accept is the perpetrator being removed from his managerial position.

DL: Perhaps because all other attempts at justice have failed?

HD: There are two sides to a story. We’ve heard one side. It’s only fair to allow a rebuttal from the accused. Since the VI published the victim’s story it’s now the VI’s responsibility to hear from the alleged perpetrators. And publish that too!

DL: Yes. Haven't got any messages from them in my inbox yet, though. 

UD: Regarding Subeksana, he was trained up by AVD.... what does everyone expect ?

LD: I still want my $11,000 of hard earned money back, but Braja Vilasa gave me a run around, so did Vegavati from Alachua, Florida. And now I have breast cancer and need it. I actually wanted that money to be transfered to CPO but I was just ignored.

C Dasi: Sorry to hear you are suffering. Was this money you had given the Bhaktivedanta Gurukula? Vegavati Dasi?

PB: Sorry to hear such horror ... justice should be met.

DD: Hare Krishna, Pls share the details at the official 
web site. 

Contact us ... CPO Bharat is active team authorised by Iskcon Indian Bureau. There are active memebers, pls contact as early as possible. It's very sad to hear that this thing has happened. Pls co-operate with us.

EB: This case is not for the CPO because it doesn’t involve children.

AM: It seems likely that there are child victims as well. In this case he was just 18. 

GK: My mind reels everytime I read things like these … I would ask “WHO DO THEY SERVE?” I can’t blame devotees who leave and join the ritvik groups …

ZD: I am wondering how this 18 years old boy couldn’t defend himself? 

DD: In a power structure people often end up disempowered. Your question seems to convey a certain dismissiveness.

TT: It seems to me that he decided to "swallow up" what was happening to him because he was financially depending on them, but now when others started to rebel, he got the courage to rise up...

ZD: Until you’ve had a similar experience it’s not yours to question.

AD: I think it's a logical question, and he has received several answers. It is healthy to voice concerns we may have. Just turn of your brain and logic.
We've spent many years in an environment where we were considered offensive to simply ask logical questions, so therefore allowing respectful debate is one of our core values.

ZD: Of course, otherwise is like in army: it is not up to you to think, just obey and follow the orders.

OM: We are used to hearing about the " fight / flight" response, but actually many victims Freeze, don't knowing what to do, how to react. And of course there is the power imbalance: we are speaking about a 18 years old village boy facing strange and unexpected actions from a "senior, advanced devotee, with money and a position" in the society. It's a very strange situation, the mind can't function properly. And as the victim said, the criminal was acting normally next day, as nothing had happened.

ZD: Yes, total abnormal situation. 

GG: That is why they set up their pedophile camps in rural areas like New Vrndavana and Mayapur, where it is hard for victims to find help or justice. This is intentional.

BD: Looks like Radha Madhav deity don't want to move to the new TOVP, until everything is cleaned up totally at Mayapur.

DL: This is pastoral, financial and spiritual abuse, as well as sexual abuse.

YD: In Krishna’s name why can’t we just get the authorities involved. Someone contact the Hindu Times. This has to be made public and go right up to high court in India. Or I’m afraid nothing else can be done.

DL: You are welcome to take all the action you see fit.

ND: Some of the adult even though they are over 18 years old comes from very poor and disadvantaged families. They do find the Krishna consciousness attractive and decides to give their life to serving Krishna. However they are exploiting by people who are in power. If they speak against the authority they would be kicked out. 

In a way they are defenceless because they will lose roof over their heads. That’s the fear they have. It’s not only in Mayapur but other places in the world which I know of where devotees are fearful of speaking against some individual who are in power. Prabhupada created this movement of love, kindness and compassion not to live in fear.

Recently a devotee told me that she was physically abused by senior devotees while living in a temple because she was very outspoken. I said to her “ you could have left and gone home “.

She said that she was very attracted to Krishna and devotional life and going home wasn’t an option because her family were against Krishna consciousness. We are living in a very complex world and you would think that life of devotee would make things simple but it’s not that easy. We are preaching simple living high thinking but in reality it’s the opposite.

DL: Yes, devotees are intimidated for all kinds of reasons. It's a normal human reaction to abusive behaviour.

AS: The Mayapur GBCs must resign. If they do not they are shameless!!!

PADA: We said this is the enforced cult ritualistic worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as messiahs club, and -- it is. ys pd

1 comment:

  1. JD: Oh here we go again. Contact the CPO Bharat Lokanath people, who support him. And Lokanath has been the biggest / loudest Mayapur fan club member in the history of the Mayapur fan club.

    Never mind Lokanath cannot submit to an external CPO investigation for his own deviations. This is why I said before, a dog chasing its own tail, it is going nowhere. We need someone who is NOT a pedophile guru system supporter to take control of all this, or it is just more of the same "washing coals" we have seen over and over again with these people.

    DD: Hare Krishna, Pls share the details at the official web site.

    Contact us ... CPO Bharat is active team authorised by Iskcon Indian Bureau. There are active memebers, pls contact as early as possible. It's very sad to hear that this thing has happened. Pls co-operate with us.

    [PADA: Yep, the ICC people told me that us mlecchas are bogus, OK we only worship pure devotees and not pedophiles, I mean how much more bogus is that! Worse, one of them told me "there are no examples from shastra" of anyone ever worshiping a pure devotee! Hee hee! Yep, shastra always tells us to worship dogs and hogs. And pedophiles. Who knew! ys pd]


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