Saturday, April 29, 2023

ISKCON Mayapur is a Hellish Planet (Update)

Dear Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In pursuance of our commitment to dealing robustly with child protection, in December 2022, the GBC Body authorized an independent review of the governance and leadership in the Mayapur and Vrindavan gurukulas. The report was submitted to us in February, and since then, we have met the review team members to discuss their findings. We now share this report with you in its original and complete form.

The report is candid in its critique of our governance and leadership at school, regional, and international levels. We are making this report public in the spirit of transparency and to reassure devotees that we are treating this matter very seriously.

We will now be working diligently with the review team and others to coordinate the specifics of what will constitute "Phase Two" and move matters forward with the implementation of the report recommendations. We do not yet have a defined timescale for Phase Two, but we expect that the entire process will be delivered by the March 2024 GBC Annual General Meeting in Sridham Mayapur. We recognize that devotees around the world will be keen to be kept informed as matters proceed, and we will endeavor to provide updates whenever practical.

Hare Krsna,

Your servants,

Revati Raman Das
Guru Prasad Swami
Tapana Misra Das,
GBC Executive Committee

[PADA: It is always "being reviewed" for 45 years ain't it? ys pd]


PADA: Publicly posted complaint letter.

The following letter was forwarded by someone connected to management in Mayapura. I'm posting in it the interests of public safety.

If you feel so inspired, please ask ISKCON leaders for an immediate investigation into the grave allegations made by those who were abused. An immediate suspension of those involved is the correct course of action under the circumstances.

Trigger Warning!! Sexual and Pastoral Abuse


To the respected members of GBC, Indian Bureau, MEB, and Sabha, Dandavat Pranams. Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!

My birth name is XXXXXX. I am XX years old. I’m initiated by H.H Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. My birthplace is Mayapur Dham and I am a Bengoli. I live in XXXXX, Mayapur. My parents belong to the XXXXX community. My father and Uncles are not members of ISKCON. 

After I finished school, I started serving in ISKCON Mayapur Land Office since I was 18 years old. My wife has helped me to put together this letter as my English is not so good, but I want my horrific experiences to be heard. When I served in land department, I along with my brothers risked our lives several times to protect and acquire land for ISKCON Mayapur at all costs. 

PADA: We are told some local farmers were attacked in different ways to extort their land.

We were sent out as an army of men to protect the land whenever there was a dispute. Many times we were severely beaten by local goonda’s. But we continued to serve Srila Prabhupada regardless of the pain we felt. It was our pride and duty to help ISKCON Mayapur.

Unfortunately, along the way we have been victims of serious sexual abuse. I feel so humiliated to even share this publicly but recently when my fellow young XXXX brother serving in the security department, came out publicly with his experience, I lost control and couldn’t keep quiet anymore. This young man works as a security guard and he was repeatedly sexually abused. 

He has all the text messages, voice messages etc as evidence. Myself along with a group of other young XXXXX boys have also been sexually abused and exploited by Jagadatiya Prabhu, J.D (present Land in charge of ISKCON Mayapur).

When I was 18 years old and starting my service in Land Office, Jagadatiya Prabhu invited me to stay over at his house and at night time he sexually abused me. I was very shocked, ashamed and angry but being a young man, only 18 years old, I was powerless to defend myself. I was shaking and in complete panic and didn’t sleep the whole night. I was in complete fear. In the morning Jagadatiya Prabhu pretended that nothing happened and went on with the day as normal. 

As a married bengoli man, I feel too embarrassed to write all the details of the abuse here, but I am filing a police report and will include everything there along with my medical reports. After putting it off for so long due to lack of money, I recently underwent surgery for my backside. For three months I was bed ridden and couldn’t walk. I spent more than 5 Lakhs Rupees on surgery. I will share all medical certificates with the authorities.

PADA: It evidently is what Sulochan said it is, a butt buster guru program. I need surgery on my back side, because ok evidently, the GBC are what Sulochan said they are "an anus sex pooja program."

I was disgusted and sad that someone whom I looked up to and respected so much could violate my private space and my body for his own personal homosexual needs. I have lived with the pain and shame for many years now. But there is more shocking information that I would like to share with the leaders. 

Our Co-Director’s knew full well about Jagadatiya Prabhu’s homosexual abusive tendencies. When ever evidence was shown to them it was covered up as nothing. Me and my brothers personally saw Jagadatiya Prabhu watching homosexual porn in the office while we were all working. He didn’t even try and hide it. 

He was very confident and proud. I heard from many other young devotee men how Jagadatiya Prabhu would sexually exploit them. But because we are Bengoli devotees and have been given a ‘Mafia Reputation’, by our Co-Director’s no one would listen to us. ISKCON Mayapur didn’t mind to use our physical strength when they needed their lands protected, but if we spoke up about the abuse, we were labeled as dacoits, perverts.

Two years ago, I tried to get get some justice for the abuse I faced. I personally told Braja Vilasa Prabhu and Subheksana Prabhu, our two co-directors about the horrible abusive experience I had, and neither of them took any action or gave any support. In fact they put Jagadatiya Prabhu in charge of the land office knowing his nature. If these two Co-Directors deny that I informed them then I will become very upset. 

Because how can a victim have any evidence that they told their authorities that they are abused. Authorities are supposed to be persons of integrity and provide protection. They didn’t tell me to put anything into writing, they just heard me out and ignored me. How can Braja Vilasa Prabhu and Subheksana prabhu be so shameless and put a known sexual predator in power of position. 

It has become common knowledge amongst the local devotees that Braja Vilasa Prabhu has one agenda only - to complete TOVP. And he will do this at any cost, even at the cost of victims pain. Every festival in Mayapur whether it is Mahaprabhu’s abhisheka or my Gurudeva’s Vyasa Puja, every single big program where masses are gathered, becomes a shouting session, meaning Braja Vilasa Prabhu takes the mic and demands donations. 

Local devotees feel so embarrassed when he does this but no one can say anything or they will get fired. He is so fixed on collecting for the million dollar temple, and in meantime our local Bengoli devotees are breaking their backs in service. We get such low salaries that many of us have to do side businesses just to pay for our children’s school fees. Braja Vilasa spent lakhs in building the ILS Pandal, that money could feed our families for years to come.

These Co-Directors put a known abuser in a position of authority and they cannot deny it, the whole Bengali community will testify to this. All the boys, mothers and fathers are so angry at Co-Directors. Jagadatiya Prabhu also has an office in the BVNS primary school. Many times he is seen being very affectionate to 16-17years old Bengali boys. 

Everyone is afraid of him so no one makes any complaint even though they feel very uncomfortable. When I wanted to meet Braja Vilasa Prabhu he treated me like an animal and made me wait outside his office in the summer sun for several hours before speaking with me. I felt so humiliated. I could hear his assistants saying I am waiting, and he said, yes, make him wait more. 

When Braja Vilasa Prabhu became Co-Director he demanded that we all show him the utmost respect due to his new position. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t get any service. Without service we had no way to maintain our families so we had to bow to him. This is how corrupt our Mayapur co-directors are.

Subheksana Prabhu oversees the Land department so he constantly shields Jagadatiya Prabhu and covers up all his nonsense. Subheksana Prabhu makes excuse for every mistake that Jagadatiya Prabhu makes. Even now, Subheksana Prabhu knows how angry the local Bengoli devotees are but still they are both seen publicly seated in the park together for hours. As a leader Subheksana Prabhu has zero compassion for the victims. 

All the locals know that Jagadatiya Prabhu is stealing wood and land by the millions. Subheksana Prabhu continues to support him. We do not understand why. Maybe Jagadatiya Prabhu is protecting Subheksana Prabhu’s secrets. In today’s meeting some local devotees said that Subheksana Prabhu proposed marriage to a twelve year old girl. Is that proper behaviour for a leader?

After serving in the land office, in 2021 I started serving in the Boys Gurukula. I was working under Subheksana Prabhu’s brother in law, Baladeva Das. He is my age and was the principal of the Boys Gurukula and he presently oversees all the money in the Gurukula. I was shocked to see how much of cash they deal with, not everything is transferred to ISKCON treasury. 

Every six months Baladeva buys a new fancy motor bike (Enfield, BMW, KTM), where does a young grhastha doing devotional service get such money from?) When Subheksana Prabhu became Co-Director he tried to take my own motor bike away claiming that it belonged to ISKCON. This was an abuse of power. After one year of service, when Gurukula Maharaja CPT report came out, Baladeva who is his disciple, quickly resigned as school Principal and immediately fired me from my Gurukula service. A week later he took up my service. Is this right? Why is such nepotism allowed?

Subheksana Prabhu is a Co-Director but he stays in Gurukula apartment and receives Gurukula salary, why? Why is co-Director teaching children and engaging his family in all top services. These two co-directors Braja Vilasa and Subheksana Prabhu took no action and gave zero support to us the victims. 

How can such individuals lead our Mayapur project. Me and my XXXX brothers (we are a united village) will not tolerate this anymore. For failing to take any action and putting an abuser in position both these Co-Directors should step down immediately. Any leader who supports and enables sexual abuse is not fit to be a leader. Just because my brothers and I were not children or foreign devotees does not mean we are not victims. 

You will be getting several other reports from other young XXXX men - with evidence - showing what we have been through. I am NOT the only one who has been sexually abused by Jagadatiya Prabhu, there are so many others coming out now, a big group almost.

The whole of Mayapur viilagers are talking, everyone is very angry and want to take immediate action. But devotees are also very afraid. We want Jagadaatiya Prabhu, Braja Vilasa and Subheksana Prabhu to step down from their positions immediately. This is not a compromise. At present the only Co-Director in Mayapur is Subheksana Prabhu. 

He and Braja Vilasa Prabhu have arranged an immediate ‘internal investigation’ with their own people who work under them. This is ridiculous. I do not agree to this. Someone neutral has to investigate this otherwise again there will be another cover up and this abusive man will keep abusing young men and these Co-Directors will shamelessly protect him and their image.

Jagadatiya Prabhu is very sneaky. He has designed a special system to carefully select his victims. His assistant Devakinandan employs young men that jagadatiya likes. Then Jagadatiya Prabhu checks them out and pretends to be physically affectionate to them, stroke their arm or leg. If they don’t ‘look’ uncomfortable, he engages more. Once he confirms that they are ‘willing’ he then moves them into his personal land office seva. 

Once they are in the office he then abuses them and when he is sexually satisfied, the young man is then sent away. When they get this demotion, they become very insecure and this is how he uses his position and power to control them. It’s disgusting. Dear Leaders, Mayapur Dham is our birth land as much as anyone else’s. We are local devotees born and raised here. Our village masses, family, friends, even fellow Muslim brothers are so horrified and disgusted at how we have been treated. We all want our justice.

I don’t want any service from ISKCON anymore. And many others feel this way too. We are so disgusted that so called devotees can behave in such ways. Again, all we want is justice in the form of these 3 devotees, Jagadatiya Prabhu, Subheksana Prabhu and Braja Vilasa Prabhu to be removed from managerial positions immediately. Kindly respond that you received my message. Your Mayapur Dhambasi Sevak, XXXXXX

PADA: Yep, we have heard these types of things, seems like forever, and it seems this is always "being investigated by a GBC committee" -- forever. Isn't it about time to get rid of the Mayapur management? People born in the dham are said to be descendants of Lord Chaitanya's devotees, and this is how they get treated? Anyway, yeah, file police reports and get these deviant GBC people locked up. What are people waiting for?

ys pd 


  1. LW: My friend spent ten years in a big prison. He said child molesters, rapists, men who harmed children in other ways such as beating them, wife murderers, wife beaters, child porn traders ... and the like ... were always living in fear there.

    They knew that there would eventually be "an accident" and they would be hurt very badly, or taken out. He said him and the other inmates had a number one priority, it did not matter if one was part of the worst gangs, or whatever it was, everyone united and went after these pervert guys, they were everyone's target.

    He is shocked that ISKCON has these types of people ... in the management roles ... when they "would not last long in prison." He said it sounds to him like ISKCON is a worse cesspool than prisons. He said it looks like in ISKCON, the worst perverts are ... running the prison, instead of being targets in the prison. He also believes the whle thing needs to be shut down ASAP, it is too far gone to save, and should not be saved using any of the current management in any case. In other words, it sounds to him like the perverts have taken over the prison instead of being subdued by the prison.

  2. M Dasi: We all knew it was a cess pool over there in Mayapur, just not "how deep." Sh*t for brains people -- with anal sex running amok. Anyone who complains is beaten up, beaten down and maybe killed.

    Whoaa! It is like the prison where the prisoners defend the rapists and abusers and ... beat up anyone who attacks the rapists and abusers. That means actual regular prisons are managed better than these people ever could manage.

    I heard that sometimes in regular prisons ... they let in a rapist and suddenly the guards are "on a 15 minute break" ... and the rapist gets his head stashed into the toilet and the other prisoners stick a broom up his rear end.

    Nor for ISKCON! In ISKCON the people exposing the rape problem get their heads stashed into the toilet and they get rammed with a broom stick. Lord have mercy on their degraded souls!

    I knew it was bad, but really, the more we find out about them, the most disgusted everyone is. Even my dog is disgusted with them, and he looks the other way when Mayapur TV comes on, he wants nothing to do with them either. That is because ... my dog is smarter than all of these India GBC people put together.

    They are less than the prison system, and yet they think they are residents of Vaikuntha. Talk about delusional atheists ... who belong in the home for the dangerous criminally insane. They all gotta go and I am embarrassed to be on the same planet with these sick pervy jokers. The only thing looking good now is, Jayapataka is going to be gone soon, at least the head of the snake will be taken off.

  3. SD Dasi: Really hard to read these "reports from Mayapur." They often seem to repeat the same problems over and over and never find a solution. Maybe that is because ... the people causing the problems are the people in charge of the solution. It is like reading a novel about someone who gets trapped in a demon's lair.

    We will report our findings in 2024. What is there to find? You "pure devotee leaders" are running a Mayapur pedo-camp, and have been for a long while, what else is there to know? We already know what the problem is, what we are looking for is ... when are the people making these problems going to be finally booted out of Mayapur?

    It does seem like they keep getting crooks and pervs in the management posts, maybe because crooks and pervs are like attracted. How many more of these "Mayapur reports" do we need to see ... before they get the message, you are ruining people's lives, and in the process ruining the Krishna religion.

    Don't worry. We will submit our final report in 2357 ... when all of us will be dead by then. And maybe ... so will the Krishna religion. WTF are they waiting for? I am going to submit my final report ... when everyone of you is dead ... and so is the Krishna religion dead.

    Just saw some psycho-babble Vaisesika videos. OMG. What a creepy new age clown he has become. No wonder Bhakti Vikas swami thinks he is another saintly "resident of Vaikuntha." Bunch of word juggling ... while people are suffering and being tortured in their camp. Hideous people. The one thing that gives me hope ... more victims are coming out. That is what we need more of. Suffering in silence is not going to help ... make your story known.

    And we will help you broadcast.

  4. JJ: Wow. In prison the rapists get their heads stuck in a toilet and a broom stick pushed up their rear ends by the other prisoners. In ISKCON, just the opposite, the citizens, even children, are almost like getting their heads stuck into the toilet and a broom stick pushed up their bums.

    And no one notices there is a problem here? ISKCON is just the exact opposite of the prisons. That means we are better off in prison than in ISKCON. I know ... after this prison torture stuff has been going on since maybe 45 years, there will be a discussion and committee paper ... in 2024.

    They still cannot even figure out ... there is a problem that needed to be resolved ... 45 years ago. 2024 is too little to late. Bunch of victims are dead already ... or they hate Krishna ... which is like being dead too. We will discuss all this in 2024 ... when more people will be dead and more people will hate Krishna?

    But we are eternal associates of Lord Chaitanya prabhu. Wow. They really know how to give Lord Chaitanya a bad rap don't they? But they are making a big building there. And I would rather be in prison than be there ...


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