Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Child Abuse Issue / Poison Issue / GBC Cover-ups

SN Dasi: As a mental health therapy type of person ... I would have to say ... most of the Hare Krishna's suffer from "battered wife syndrome." The GBC beats them up, treats them and their families like dirt, and they either do nothing, or go back to supplicate themselves to the abusers and their networks of associates. They almost always don't even report the abuse of themselves ... or even the abuse of their own children ... to save the abusers and the abuser's network of allies. 

And that simply enables the abusers to continue, or it even encourages them to continue the abuse all the more ... knowing there are no consequences. The battered wife almost always won't take action against their abusers. Well known fact.

And the abusers know that, and that creates an endless loop and repeating cycle of the battered wife ... getting more battered. Eventually she might even die ... but on no account does she take proper action against her abuser. 

In ISKCON even their own children were taking their lives, and yet almost no one wanted to face off against the abusers who caused all of this. Classic case of battered wife syndrome, which is very dangerous, not only for the woman but for the children in the grips of that situation. 

I wish I could go in there and start yelling at them to stop all this, but the battered wife can't admit there is a problem. She has now become a co-dependent of the problem. She defends the abuser ... because she has now become the abuser's co-dependent of the problem. 

In other words, she identifies her life as only existing with the abuser, and cannot see herself existing without the abuser. It is a form of mental illness, and it is a dangerous one for the children in that scenario. This type thing happens not only in religion cults but in all sorts of sadistic dictatorships where the leaders mistreat others terribly, but the victims just keep on serving their evil masters because ... they have developed a co-dependent relationship with their evil masters.

PADA: Yes, after we reported that the children were taking their lives and we needed to take drastic action, the GBC and their henchmen like -- Naranaryan Visvakarma / Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad das / IRM / Kamsahanta / Pancali / Bhakta Peter / HKC Jaipur types all started to cry like little babies. 

You mean someone is going to halt our anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's club? How can we live without kissing the jackboots of our favorite child beating and child raping society every day? They were not actually angry at their child raping society's leaders, they were angry at us, that we have been exposing them. 

And we still have some folks telling us we are wrong to expose their child beating and child raping society. They are with the abusers, and that enables the abuse. Even the karmi media / FBI / police people ask me about that, why are so many people defending and helping the abuser's system, and not helping -- the people exposing the abuse system like -- you? Battered wife syndrome indeed. They are co-dependents with the abusers, agreed. ys pd 



JD: I hate to have to say this to "the devotees" ... but, Puranjan was right the whole time. We cannot allow children to be abused, it will harm ISKCON ... if not kill it outright. By avoiding the issue ... ISKCON has become severely wounded and harmed ... really it is now almost dead. Too many of us NOW know abuse was covered up almost the whole time ... "game over." 

And it is a childless society in many respects, because most young people have fled ... and are not coming back. Ever. I am done with them myself. A society that has hardly any children cannot sustain ... it is a dying society. These temples are like ghost towns ... for good reasons. 

And now some of my ISKCON friends say ... they are seeing more and more people heading for the exit doors away from ISKCON too, they just cannot support it anymore. And the child abuse issue is probably the main thing that is turning people off. No one wants to be even seen in such a society.

The GBC hardly can afford to lose more people ... and there is no plan what to do as more people leave. Of course ... I am doing my part ... and telling everyone I know to get out. There is no future for you there. You will not be taken care of when you will need care. Even now some devotee I knew just died ... and they are trying to collect $12,000 for his funeral and care for his wife. Just stay away from them and get your own life together.

Why are the devotees leaving? We know. Especially because ... the GBC made a whole lot of false promises after the Windle Turley lawsuit ... that not only proved false ... but it is possible ... the abusers gave even more abuse to children after then. It looks like things just got worse ... even after they were warned. That means ... they just don't care. 

And then ... we come to the even more explosive cover up and conspiracy ... Srila Prabhupada himself was treated badly ... because he said he is being poisoned. And Puranjan also asked people to look into that too ... and hardly anyone did at the start. Another head in the sand cover up. But I believe that now the poison issue will become the next shoe to drop onto the heads of our "ultimate managers." 

All of this needs to be cleaned up ... and if it isn't ... then take my advice ... avoid them and get your own independent life going. You don't need them, they need you. And India is supposed to be Bharat Varsha and all that. But it looks like they are mostly shameless guru bureaucracy position and money grabbers who would support worshiping Kamsa ... if they got paid salary. Srila Prabhupada says it is a blessing to be born there, but it can also be the worst of curses, as we see now.

And burying sex monkeys in the dham is poisoning the dham. I see how all of this is connected, because it is. So everyone needs to get their heads out of the sand and wake up. Their staying asleep for too long is turning their dream into a huge nightmare for everyone else.


Nityananda Das

Dear GBCs, secretaries, deputies, and other esteemed ISKCON leaders and devotees:

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my respectful obeisances.

Recently it has been revealed that the child abuse in Mayapur (and ISKCON in general) was not dealt with properly, covered-up, and even supported by many of the same GBC leaders who are charged with protecting Srila Prabhupada’s children. The GBC cannot be trusted with the child abuse issue; that is now very clear. 

Many are now discussing, what to do? The issue is not just that we need more CPO funding, or better societal awareness and vigilance to deter future child abuse, although would be good. The real, fundamental problem is we have a totally corrupt, ineffective, and dishonest GBC who are not fit to manage Srila Prabhupada’s society. 

Is the child abuse (which of course is very serious and must be addressed) the only thing the GBC has hidden and suppressed? No, the GBC history since 1978 is a series of crises, cover-ups, and mismanagement. That ISKCON still exists, even in a form that is unrecognizable compared to what Srila Prabhupada gave us, is a miracle. Why do we naively persist in petitioning, proposing, asking, and pleading for the GBC to properly meet their mandate and responsibilities? Why do we still trust them with anything anymore? Can’t we learn?

For decades we trusted the GBC’s official narrative that they cleaned up the child abuse in Mayapur and elsewhere. This has proved false and can no longer be denied, although of course the GBC and various leaders are resorting to damage control rather than face the truth they have hidden for so long. E.g., Bhavananda was “punished” by the CPO in 2000, but since then much more evidence of his child abuse has surfaced, that he has hidden and was not “punished” for. 

And the GBC doesn’t care, he is still in Mayapur as a prominent “consultant.” Another GBC cover-up example is Prabhavishnu, who the GBC knew to have been visiting Bangkok since 1991. They confronted the issue twice, in 2001 and 2009, with unpublished resolutions. Then his disciple apparently caught him red-handed in Bangkok, and the GBC suspended him (only after he was publicly exposed). He is back in the guru business again -- wearing white. And the GBC is doing their best? 

The GBC has made a farce of the guru-initiation system, the child protection, the unnecessary and massive adulteration of Srila Prabhupada’s sacred, untouchable books, and the poison issue as well. Why do we trust them with anything? The primary poisoning suspects secretly organized and paid their own disciples to do a sketchy, phony whitewash, a so-called investigation of themselves -- how can we trust this? 

We no longer trust the GBC with the “Krishna children” issue -- after so many cover-ups and useless investigations, so how can we trust their poison investigation and that they did not cover-up the truth on that too? Entrenched interests worldwide suppress what they call misinformation but which all too often proves to be lies... the same has happened with ISKCON’s cover-ups and denials.

The poisoning evidence is not a fringe conspiracy theory as it may be convenient to dismiss it out of hand. Those who do so, do not know what the actual evidence is, and they probably have stuck their head in the sands of cognitive dissonance, an inability to face that which differs from their institutionally conditioned belief system. It takes an open mind and use of unbiased intelligence to ascertain what has value or not. But in ISKCON, to not abide by the official narrative, one is finished. How can there be any justice, truth, success, or honesty in such a closed and repressive institution? 

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.” (Noam Chomsky)

The official GBC resolution, "There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada," makes a mockery of ISKCON leadership. If anyone actually looked at Srila Prabhupada’s words and listened to the taped discussions from 1977, they will see there definitely is substantial evidence of poisoning. Srila Prabhupada never said he was not poisoned. 

Tamal asked Srila Prabhupada “Who is it that has poisoned?” Tamal and the caretakers all acknowledged Srila Prabhupada felt he was being homicidally poisoned. But if one just reads the denials from the GBC (whom we now know are untrustworthy), we are just comforting ourselves with lies and we remain deluded (as we were for decades with the child abuse).

The GBC is corrupt and they have disqualified themselves with the mess they have made. They must be totally removed and the secondary leaders must honestly deal with all the issues that have been suppressed, and honor the concerns and realizations of thousands of devotee victims, men, women, and children. 

ISKCON needs a fresh start, a full reboot, without the ruinous conflict of interest of managers who are in the guru business to exploit ISKCON by increasing their disciples, worship, and bank balances. Why is it that those inside ISKCON cannot see this, while those outside can? 

ISKCON has a cover-up culture. All problems are swept under the rug, given Band-Aids, covered up. The GBC is incapable of solving problems; actually they are the ultimate cause of all these problems anyway, in as far as they have not followed Srila Prabhupada’s teachings.

Pradyumna das, after writing a letter in 1978 about the anomalies in the zonal acharya system, was forced out of ISKCON, and the GBC apologized after 20+ years and invited him back. The GBC policies proved wrong and finally they had to admit it. The GBC suppressed and covered up the child abuse for decades and they have been found (again) to be untrustworthy and unfit for continued leadership. That is because the GBC is dominated by false gurus who have a history of suppressed and covered up scandals of their own, and they are only interested in one thing- their guru franchises. 

Child abuse is not really important to them; they knew about it, accepted it, and covered it up. Haven’t we been cheated enough already? Perhaps now some independent and intelligent due diligence on the other issues that the GBC has covered-up for decades is in order? The child abuse is just the tip of the iceberg. It all ties in together. The narrative that those who protest the GBC cover-ups and deceit are evil troublemakers, conspiracists with poisoned souls and crazy minds, who have no substance to offer- this is more false propaganda to keep us in the dark. 

Many prominent devotees, ex-TPs, ex-GBCs, and leaders (I am but one of them) who sacrificed their youths for spreading Krishna consciousness, have come to see the validity of the poison evidence and that the guru-initiation system in ISKCON is not what Srila Prabhupada wanted. If we want to restore Srila Prabhupada’s divine mission, to protect the children and deal with all other major issues, we can no longer trust the corrupted and dishonest GBC that has harbored child abusers for decades, supported them, covered for them. 

The devotees who are seriously appreciating the validity of the poison and guru issues, numbers in the thousands. Are they all deluded and crazy? There are also a number of names on this very email list who take the evidence that Srila Prabhupada was deliberately, maliciously poisoned in 1977 very seriously.

Let’s not get caught blind-sided again like we did with the child abuse. An unhealthy body is prone to disease, so also the deviant path for ISKCON that the GBC has taken for 45 years has resulted in many unresolved and festering societal crises. The root problem of minimizing Srila Prabhupada and not following his instructions is overlooked. It is well-nigh time for a reboot. We do not need the imposition of another forced narrative to replace the one the GBC has pushed on us since 1978, one that is increasingly seen to be defective and dishonest. 

We instead need a time of healing, study, istagostees, and open gentlemanly discussions to discover Srila Prabhupada’s guidance (rather than more GBC deviant doctrines) to restore the divine mission and Hare Krishna movement properly. 

It is time to reconsider the corrupt GBC narratives and policies, and at least consider what our thousands of exiled, alienated God siblings hold to be true facts. A major investigative forensic report is about to be published which certifies that Srila Prabhupada was maliciously poisoned. It may be best to get ahead of the curve and learn about the evidence and facts now. 

Meanwhile, the secondary leaders must remove the corrupt guru-ocracy and seek out a new, honest leadership that does not have the basic conflict of interest problem that has ruined ISKCON- that of managers who are operating private guru franchises. 

Offering a look at the objective evidence of many of ISKCON’s real problems and the proposed solutions, a free set of 2 hardcover books (1700 pgs) titled Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories will be sent upon request. Anonymity is guaranteed, or you may use someone else’s name (please provide a postal address). These books do not try to convince anyone of anything, but aim to inspire and facilitate critical, independent, and creative thinking and discussion on the current issues facing all of Srila Prabhupada’s followers. They deal with ISKCON history, problems, Srila Prabhupada’s instructions, and solutions, and they are already circulating everywhere. They can also be sent digitally by email, just ask. Also, on Amazon:

Srila Prabhupada: Triumphant Departure- The Complete Book of Poisoning Evidence

https://www.amazon.com/dp/0923519122  (530 pgs, paperback and EBook)

Yours in Prabhupada’s service,  Nityananda das


In 2020-2023 one of the most reputed and globally acclaimed private investigation and forensic laboratories on the planet was engaged, spending 500+ hours in an audio analysis of the Nov. 1977 tape recordings. This comprehensive study unambiguously confirmed Srila Prabhupada’s premature passing away by linking the lethal heavy metals/ cadmium poisoning detected in NAA analysis of hair samples with incriminating audio evidence. Tamal, Jayapataka, and Bhavananda were identified as the speakers of several homicidal poisoning whispers, as well as in secondary whispers. The study establishes a secret poisoning plot with the latest scientific technology, tools, and methods. The conclusion that senior disciples criminally poisoned Srila Prabhupada was made as a group opinion by a broad panel of forensic experts, including medico-legal experts, toxicologists, pharmacologists, NAA experts, digital audio experts, homicide investigators, and psychologists. This team has handled 15,000 cases over five decades, for governments, upper courts, senior attorneys, law enforcement, international agencies, multi-national corporations, and victims of crime and injustice. This new, sweeping, all-inclusive, encyclopedic, court-ready, revelatory study-report reveals Srila Prabhupada’s mysterious health decline as malicious poisoning.
A summary of the audio forensic determinations in this new study, which confirms/ expands on previous audio analyses, is:
*Tamal WHISPERS: So, The Poison’s Going Down. (Bhavananda: Giggle). The Poison’s Going Down.
*Tamal: Is The Poison In The Milk? Bhavananda: Uh-Huh.
*Tamal: We know he’s trying to trap us./ He’s as sly as they come.
*Tamal WHISPERS: Prabhupada keeps asking. He's not going to stop until he finds out. *WHISPER: [TIME: 07:53-57] It’s Poison.
*(Bengali Speaker): Kayek din pare asha (In a few days’ time)
*Jayapataka: Poisoning For

 A (Long) Time…
*[Srila Prabhupada]: (high, squeaky, weak voice) To me?
*Jayapataka: Get Ready To Go. UNKNOWN: You're taking it right now. SOFT ELDER VOICE: “How's this? UNKNOWN: Let it go.
All the poison whispers took place on Nov.11, 1977, the very day after Srila Prabhupada stated three times he was being poisoned. Tamal admits he is the speaker of “the poison’s going down, the poison’s going down,” but claims he said “the swelling’s going down.”
This report will be released in very near future. Mayeswara das will have his hands full.
Also, due May 1st, 20123, Voilume Three will be released on Amazon Books:
Pursuit of Srila Prabhupada's Poisoners

1 comment:

  1. From Y Dasa -- People often ask how do we really know where the people who poisoned Srila Prabhupada and made themselves Gurus and so many other deviations will go after death of their current body. Here is the evidence.

    Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-Lila, Ch . 12 Text 72 TEXT 71

    kevala e gaṇa-prati nahe ei daṇḍa
    caitanya-vimukha yei sei ta' pāṣaṇḍa


    kevala—only; e—this; gaṇa—group; prati—unto them; nahe—it is not; ei—this; daṇḍa—punishment; caitanya-vimukha—against Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; yei—anyone; sei—he; ta'-but; pāṣaṇḍa—atheist.


    Not only the misguided descendants of Advaita Ācārya but anyone who is against the cult of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu should be considered an atheist subject to be punished by Yamarāja.

    TEXT 72

    ki paṇḍita, ki tapasvī, kibā gṛhī, yati
    caitanya-vimukha yei, tāra ei gati


    ki paṇḍita—whether a learned scholar; ki tapasvī—whether a great ascetic; kibā—or; gṛhī—householder; yati—or sannyāsī; caitanya-vimukha—one who is against the cult of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; yei—anyone; tāra—his; ei—this; gati—destination.


    Be one a learned scholar, a great ascetic, a successful householder or a famous sannyāsī, if one is against the cult of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, he is destined to suffer the punishment meted out by Yamarāja.

    PM: And poisoning pure devotees is not just "among the worst crimes ever," it is the worst crime ever. No wonder Jayapataka hangs on here at literally all costs ... he knows where he is going next when he leaves here. And his idiot clones ... Basu Ghosh, Bhakti Vikas swami and co. ... will be swimming in the same cesspool with him ... they will be mates once again. BFF = forever ... or a least many kalpas. I feel bad for them ... they have no idea what is in store.


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