Thursday, April 2, 2020

Was Virus Made by God?


PADA: Yes, as a matter of fact, God did create this virus epidemic due to the collective sinful activities of the current society, including its killing and eating of millions and millions of animals -- like bats, cats, rats, mice, dogs, cows, sheeps, centipedes, turtles, snakes etc. That is not going to end well just from a scientific view -- of how virus is spread from animals to people. 

Meanwhile various devotees have been discussing how Lord Chaitanya's movement was meant to save the world, and because that movement was essentially: contaminated, given horrific publicity, and eventually bankrupted, and essentially stopped for almost everyone -- so much so -- that even most of the devotees are currently boycotting ISKCON, that gave God the impetus to no longer protect the world's citizens. We agree. 

One devotee wrote to tell PADA, "The GBC is like a kamikaze mission, they will burn up ISKCON and burn up the whole world, just to make a few temporary bucks and sit in a big seat for a little while. They will have the karma of bringing down the whole world by bringing down God's plan of chanting His nama to save the whole world. No wonder false gurus go to the most obnoxious regions"?

Of course we at PADA saw this catastrophe type thing coming down the pike the whole time. We said that unless we can re-establish the worship of the acharya, get that up and running again and going strong, and follow his orders for harinama samkirtana, making farms and varnasrama and so on, there will be a catastrophic result. And the first catastrophic result is, because of reducing and stopping the harinama for the human society, then God is not pleased. And the next catastrophic result is, without the farms Srila Prabhupada wanted, there is no shelter for the Vaishnavas when there is a meltdown. If Srila Prabhupada wanted harinama and farms, that means God wanted these things.

Of course almost everyone, including GBC people, Gaudiya Matha people, some of the so-called ritviks said "PADA is a crazy man, he is like the National Inquirer of false news." OK you guys thereby aided and abetted the meltdown because -- and we hate to have to point this out -- but if the harinama samkirtana movement becomes a haven for the worship of illicit sex deviants, then the whole world will suffer because its displeasing God to corrupt and suppress, and eventually ruin His movement.

Now Bhakti Vikas swami is saying that the collapse of the society is maybe a good thing. Ummm, nope. You GBC guys did not prepare our society for this in any organized way. And stopping the harinama cannot be a good thing in any event. How is that a good thing? Even some bhakta from India wrote to say, the GBC has spent all their time voting in bogus gurus, and then working hard at controlling all the ensuing scandals, and not making varnasrama farms. Even he gets it. And if Bhakti Vikas swami's Salem India is in the middle of a virus epidemic, not sure how Bhakti Vikas swami plans to save that village or its residents, or his followers from the ensuing problems? What is the plan?

Yep, Salem India is mostly Christians. That is Bhakti Vikas swami's actual plan, to take shelter of the Christians (the ritviks). Same thing with Kailash Chandra, the ritviks are bogus, so let me live in a village with only Christians (the ritviks). Anyway, we agree with the devotees who are saying the world is going down the tubes because Lord Chaitanya's movement was derailed, discredited, corrupted, polluted, and generally burnt to ashes by "the kamikaze gurus." True dat! So that means, we as individuals have to try to think of Krishna as best we can in the situation. That is our only best option at this stage. ys pd   


Kaunteya Das: Statistics are staggering. Too many devotees are not taking the situation seriously enough. If we are neglectful and we pass the virus on to other devotees that's a huge Vaisnava aparadha. If we are not careful enough COVID-19 can destroy both our physical existence and our spiritual advancement. 

Devotees are still mixing too much in Mayapur and other places. 


TD: Will ISKCON suffer badly, and maybe have temples permanently closed from a lack of funds and support if this lasts too long? Currently a half dozen devotees are in serious life threatening health crisis and maybe around a hundred have tested positive. 

There is now a positive devotee in Alachua. One devotee's dad got it and now the son is in ICU. Meanwhile a group of tested positive Muslims has been moved to a hostel near the Krishna Balarama temple in Vrndavana and there are other cases around Mathura. India could be the next hot spot. Many devotees there are really tourists who are ill prepared for a long shut down. 

Police had to round up some devotees and Hindus who were performing Rama festivals and breaking the codes for keeping people apart. It seems like many devotees are not taking these things very serious.


PADA: Well lots of people have wanted to shut down the worship of the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara, and it looks like nature has done that for us -- at least for the time being. Its sad that it takes a crisis like this to get people to take the fragile nature of material existence more seriously. 

Meanwhile, more than a few devotees have sent me links and items about how the virus is some sort of "New World Order" government made conspiracy, and it was made it a lab and then sent out by the Illuminati folks and all that. OK maybe, but our feeling is, this theory is being promoted to conceal the real problem, that eating animals is very sinful and it can cause pandemics, never mind eating bats, cats, dogs, goats, snakes, scorpions, centipedes, and assorted other critters will not end well. Either way, its bad news for the world, and ISKCON has not made the rural communities we should have had by now, so we would have a shelter from all this disease and economic chaos.   

1 comment:

  1. SK Dasi: I work in a Covid ward and can say first hand this (over-reporting case numbers) is not true. If anything, Covid 19 deaths are under-reported. Many Covid swabs give false negative results, even though X ray and symptoms clearly indicate covid. No one can record the cause of death to be something that has not been confirmed.

    [PADA: Yep, we know a few devotee and also non-devotee nurses working in hospitals, they report that its a brutal situation. Only God could create such a huge problem out of seemingly nowhere. It is collective karma. And stopping Lord Chaitanya's movement is a component of that karma. Fo' shure! ys pd]


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