Friday, April 3, 2020

Audio of Henry Doktorski Radio Interview (w / PADA call in)

[PADA: Henry Doktorski radio interview.  Good information, and its helping many ex-devotees get up to speed on these issues. Around @ 44 mins I am talking about the poison issue. 

OK to sum up, it seems self evident ISKCON was taken over by the asura class, rakshasa class and / or the demon class. That is how we got illicit sex with men, women and children "successors to God." Classic Kali Yuga symptoms, irreligion becomes religion, demons take the post of religious leaders etc. All of this mentioned many, many, many times in shastra. 

As the interview points out, and a number of times, many devotees know all about this stuff and for years together,  but they have to remain anonymous because they fear losing their social beeja position in the society. And thus they cannot even give their names, never mind file a police report and make an official complaint. Or worse, they are taking salary from the leaders, and cannot speak up for that reason. And yep, lots of child abuse was covered up, in addition to many other crimes.

Yet! These are ALL classic Kali Yuga symptoms, the citizens will follow false leaders as their spiritual guides. And even when it is self evident their leaders are false spiritualists, they will remain silent to preserve their "society friendship and love." Even if the society becomes fully degraded and fallen away from the standards given by God for how His religion should operate, the Kali influenced citizens will remain silent because they fear losing their social beeja position -- more than they fear having their religion and their whole society going into the tank. 

All of this is going on due to the power of Kali Yuga. Anyway, bravo for Henry to take this into the public and exposing it, that is our best if not only recourse, expose these deviants to save others from falling into their trap. And lets set the record straight, deviants are not EVER God's appointed guru successors. They are agents of Kali yuga and thrive only by the mercy of Kali, and / or Satan. That is really more and more self evident. 

And again, the people who take advantage of other's religious sentiments are considered as the worst and most dangerous elements in human society. They gave false hopes to some, and gave no mercy to us, and as such, they will get no mercy from the Supreme authority. And that is why they are destined for a fate worse than the ordinary mundane man, and it would have been better if they had never heard of the Vedas. 

There are lots of devotees who acted as maid servants to this process, saying that Srila Prabhupada cannot be the acharya, and he needs to be replaced with all sorts of other off shoot deviated forms of worship. The kingdom of God without God, and the kingdom of Srila Prabhupada without him. Even Kailash chandra has many times lectured PADA why Srila Prabhupada cannot be the current acharya. So this creates a vacuum, filled with all sorts of dubious characters, including Kailash. None of this would have happened without many direct or de facto assistant foot soldiers. That we survived trying to oppose such people and their allies and acquiescing army is a God given miracle in itself. ys pd] 

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