Friday, April 24, 2020

Save Krishna Temple! (Fund Me)

[PADA: Yep, ISKCON is going to get hit very hard from this pandemic. Some of the temples will be shut down and go bankrupted. Its sad that sometimes Krishna just has to put the boot down on bogus guru programs to get them suppressed and contained. People just don't learn easily, they cannot worship debauchee guru lineages, its not going to please Krishna.

Meanwhile some of the devotees in Mayapur are griping that they cannot get a few acres of land to grow things, because the temple is not behind that idea, even now when there is a pandemic going on. And they complain the temple has wasted lots of money on foolish "housing for sannyasas" projects instead of varnasrama farming etc. Yep, more folks are waking up. 

Meanwhile an older "Prabhupada devotee" lost his residence and he is struggling to find a place to stay, with very little funds. And he has some really serious "health issues" so he is not in a good situation to be in a crisis at this stage. 

So this was always about siphoning off the funds for a few elites to live like Saudi princes -- with huge cars, many servants, big feasts etc., while the peons got a bucket of soggy oatmeal and a soggy straw hut. It is what Srila Prabhupada calls "the guru business." OK but your business might be cramped down with a pandemic, that is Krishna's way of suppressing these bogus guru business projects.  

ys pd]

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