Friday, April 10, 2020

Harikesh "ISKCON Worse Than Material World"

snehadva lobhato bapi yo grhniyad-diksaya
tasmin gurau sasisyetu devatasapa apatet

"Both the guru who gives initiation out of affection or greed and their disciple get a curse from the demigods and go to hell."

Hari-bhakti-vilas, 2.5

yo vyaktir nyaya-rahitam anyayena srnoti yah
tav ubhau narakam ghoram vrajatah kalam aksayam

“He who poses as an acarya, but gives false instructions that are opposed to the sattvata-sastras, will reside in a terrible hell for an unlimited period of time, and so will the misguided disciple who mistakenly listens to such a false guru.”

(Hari-bhakti-vilasa 1.62)


Brev fra Harikesa 1998.

HKS Says "ISKCON Worse than the Material World"

20/8/98 Update - Fax to Moscow

From Harikesa Maharaj August 16, 1998

Dear devotees in Russia. Hare Krsna.

I have heard about your troubles because of disputes. Please, under no circumstances, do physical harm to your own bodies or the bodies of others. It is not proper and will not accomplish your goals. 

[PADA: So it was known -- to at least some (many?) ISKCON leadership folks -- that  "disciples" of GBC's gurus had either been committing suicide, or were contemplating it, after being so mortified to find out their "guru" was a cheater. One of these disciples was here in Berkeley, and he died of suicide about one year after he found out that Hansadutta was cheating him. He told me "I just can't shake the depression." Apparently others could not either.

Its hard to say how many people died from this "living guru" process when we include assorted people who were booted out -- and then died from heroin, alcohol poisoning, or general depression then causing -- cancer, heart failure etc. And then of course we have had the ex-gurukulis whose drugs, depression, suicides etc. have also been going on simultaneously, and its another under-reported crisis that was not confronted by the leaders. No wonder people don't like PADA, we exposed this dangerous process all along. 

After over 20 years of cheating Harikesh finally says, ok at least don't kill yourselves -- thanks to our cheating you all this time. This also happens sometimes when old people send off their life savings to some crooks, and then they are cheated out of their retirement funds. They might commit suicide out of frustration and depression. Same principle is going on here in ISKCON circles.

And here we find that some of the leaders evidently knew this process was going on, and on, and so they are warning people not to harm (kill?) themselves. Yet, despite many senior people knowing these type things have been going on, the guru parade has just kept going on and on, and on. Why? Because mostly the participants have been too entrenched in enjoying the benefits. And that is why some ex-kulis told me this is the MAFIA style "code of silence." 

Some gurus told my friend in Vrndavana, "Yes everyone hates our guts, but what are going to do now, go get a job? We have to continue with our guru game because its our career." Yes, as Srila Prabhupada says, its a guru business. And the guru business folks are destined for the most obnoxious regions. Its the worst "career" in the universe.]  

You should look within yourselves to see the source of our anxiety and cure yourselves and become stable. Go to the Deities and pray and meditate before Them and ask Them for Their special mercy. Since They are persons (as you are) They will help you for They are very great and you are part of Them. They love you and you should feel love of God. Do not worry about me. I am fine and happy, although quite disgusted and appalled at the hardness, cruelness and heartlessness of the leaders of ISKCON.

[PADA: Its always amazing how the GBC gurus themselves will complain that the other "gurus" are foolish, if not heartless, ok demons. This does not explain why they then still supported the process of having these heartless -- if not demon folks -- worshiped as God's successors? Or, they only supported the other heartless rascal gurus because it benefited their being part of the overall heartless guru sabha. And its always "the other gurus" who are the problem, there is no blood on my hands! Fo' shure! 

Then, they could get a guru license and franchise from the overall group. Yep, I need to support the heartless demon gurus sabha, so they will give me a guru certificate, a salary, a wife, or a place at their table to gather their leftover scraps or other benefits etc. Harikesha is appalled at the hard, cruel and heartless leaders -- and he should know, he has been one of them. Jayatirtha also said the other gurus are heartless demons, so why are you in their group? 

Read: Many folks inside their own guru sabha group knew all along these gurus are bogus, but they supported the guru sabha to get a piece of the stolen pie. Satsvarupa also wrote about how bad the other gurus are, in fact he said they give him a migraine headache. Jayatirtha wrote "Notes from a Pilgrim" complaining the other gurus are basically heartless rascals, Kirtanananda complained about the other gurus etc., so that means they supported the process mutually for as long as they could to get a piece of the pie benefits. 

Many other folks knew all along the gurus are bogus but promoted the system so they could partake in the benefits as temple presidents, or other leaders in the regime. Then, when the manure hits the fan, many of them run off with a boat load of money, maybe taking a woman mate from the pack of their disciples, and let ISKCON go down in flames while they took care of their own self promoting program. As one devotee said, "They made a house no one could live in, even themselves."]

Take care of yourselves because otherwise you will be cheated like me when you understand the actual situation and dare say it. Good luck for you. May Krsna bless you with all good fortune. The Lord loves you, but at present, we do not have any real contact with Him. 

[PADA: Good, being connected to the bogus GBC guru does not connect one to God. "We do not have any real contact with Him." No kidding.]

Because we are constantly cheating each other, even over petty things, and we lie, steal, and do the needful ("By hook or by crook"), we have lost touch with reality and how we are negatively affecting the world. 

[PADA: Yes, but you guys were the leaders of the "by hook or by crook" "lets become worshiped as gurus" process. You were having us banned, beaten, sued, and assassinated, all of that -- so you guys could sit in a big seat for a few years. You lost touch with reality, or maybe you never were connected to reality. 

As soon as you folks sat in big seats and thought you could absorb sins like Jesus, you folks had already a LONG time ago lost touch with reality. And you guys efforts were destroying ISKCON and destroying the whole world by ruining God's mission meant to save the fallen souls. So you negatively afflicted the whole world, and the karma for that will be beyond anyone's comprehension, lets just say its not going to be pretty.]

Therefore, intelligent and balanced people are not interested in our movement. 

[PADA: Yep, they knew they were alienating the mass of public the whole time. Meanwhile, as the Berkeley police noted, ... as the intelligent element were purged and removed, the crazy and criminal element was encouraged and increased many fold.]

Although we are a process of self-realization, even 30 year old devotees do not know who they are and hardly anyone has love of God, and if he does he is branded as a sahajiya and crazy, or an opportunist. But we have seen that as soon as one deviates from the "party-line" he is considered a heretic and rejected, although any thinking person can understand that the time has come to search deeply within ourselves to find out why this movement is mainly interested in money, power, buildings and empty institutionalization without any real spiritual energy or power and with few realized souls, while the children are abused and neglected, and the women are used and exploited without real respect as equal partners in life. 

[PADA: OK the guru scam is disrupting the lives of the many innocent folks, especially women and children. Again, shows that some (or many) of these leaders knew they were ruining the lives of others, especially the vulnerable. Anyway, he says ISKCON has become a mundane institution, interested in money and power, without any spiritual energy or power. True, albeit a little too little too late to be of a lot of help.] 

Therefore our family situations are in chaos and there is constant divorce and broken families which ruins the children. 

[PADA: This is really accurate. The GBC guru process created total pandemonium for many families, maybe most of them, many of which broke apart. Often, the woman had one guru, the man had another guru, and so they were fighting and could not agree on many issues right out of the gate because of getting conflicting "guru advice." 

Families were fighting over which guru's advice they should follow, and later on many were fighting because some wanted to join Tamal's "Narayan Maharaja gopi rasika" outcropping, and they were being told not to join by their GBC guru and etc.

"Gurus" also gave people advice to leave the partner who was questioning the guru and so on. Even Gaurahari das complained that Narayan Maharaja split his marriage by ordering his wife to leave him because he was not surrendered to NM. Then, when the family unit is broken down and dysfunctional, the children lose their shield of protection from the parents. Then, children are easy prey for predators because the system of protection is broken down and in chaos. 

That means the GBC guru program has been knowing or unknowing creating hellish situations for families, women and children. Of course committing sins knowing or unknowing, these leaders will still be punished severely either way. So Harikesh and his pals orchestrated a situation where the citizens of ISKCON were put into hell, that means they are going to hell themselves. 

Anyone who puts others into hell is guaranteed a ticket there. Anyway, it is evident many of them were knowingly putting others into hell because he admits he knew this hellish condition FOR THE ISKCON CITIZENS was resulting from their bogus guru process. Arjuna says anyone who breaks the family tradition dwells always in hell, and that means these folks are headed there.]   

Sure it also happens in material world, but someday you might wake up and see that ISKCON is worse than the material world, while proudly posing itself as the only bona-fide and authorized institution for love of God. 

If devotees actually had such love, then how could they deal with each other so coldly? You should open your eyes and see for yourself what is going on in this so- called spiritual society. I pray for Krsna that there is not and never will be an ISKCON in the spiritual world, otherwise I will reconsider going back home.

Good luck for you. My love goes to those who are actually capable of thinking for themselves and accepting gold, even from a filthy place.

[PADA: This is a good point. How could all this banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits and murders have been going on with "kind, well meaning, good hearted, Godly and compassionate people"? Well a lot of the original disciples were more kindly and good hearted people, like hippies. 

However these people were mostly systematically purged out and the "new disciples" as a group were much less kind hearted, and they were more like their gurus -- more of a trend to be cold hearted, and sometimes dangerous predators and molesters and -- murderers. And for sure, they lacked understanding the philosophy / siddhanta of the religion. 

Even the Berkeley police told me that, "We hardly ever had any arrests at the temple when Srila Prabhupada was here, but we made 72 felony arrests in less than a year at the ISKCON temple after he departed. Its obvious these gurus are criminals and they are populating ISKCON with like-minded felony criminals."

That explains why we have a lot of "new disciples," which includes GBC folks and disciples of Sridhara and Narayan Maharaja, and of course Torben, Hanuman Croatia, Ajit Krishna etc. being the most rabid anti-ritvik / anti-Prabhupada folks. They have the anti-Prabhupada seed / beeja from their GBC gurus. "You become what you worship." 

They just hate the idea that Srila Prabhupada will be recognized as the acharya, because that is the beeja they got from their regime. Even Govinda dasi said to me the ritvik thing is a waste of time, and so she handed off her "Prabhupada History Forum" to the Prabhupada worship haters. She hands off a "Prabhupada Forum" to the people who hate seeing Prabhupada worshiped as the acharya, then she wonders why his worship is not being done, and so many false messiahs are floating around? OK you become what you worship, and she has supported the worship of Tamal's bucket boys. 

And that is also why we have had so many problems with the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur ilk, they would rather we listen to their shiksha guru: Radhanath lover's club leader Bhakta das, or their other hero -- Bhavananda bucket boy Hari Sauri and his writings, because they are still contaminated with the "new guru" beeja. 

Sulochana said our opponents are tossing children into a wood chipper -- so much for their "good hearted feelings." So of course they would rather have people listen to Radhanath lover's club folks than us, and even Hanuman Croatia promotes Radhanath lover's club leaders like Bhakta das. Bhakta das's folks sent me threats of violence, because they are totally against our idea of establishing Srila Prabhupada as the acharya. 

And then after people follow GBC / Gaudiya Matha / Radhanath lover club etc., they wonder how ISKCON went down the tubes? The police sometimes look at the hateful messages / threats we get from various GBC / Gaudiya Matha / Narayana Maharaja / Tripurari swami / Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipura ilk and they say, "Wow, these people won't eat a cow, but they will eat you for lunch. They want to drink the blood of Krishna's devotees, and no wonder since you are opposing their giant child molesting program. They are devotees of Satan and not Krishna." 

Yep, not hard to figure out, there are a lot of heartless demons posing as devotees, which even the karmis can figure out. Of course anyone who is part of a process of tossing God's little teeny children into a wood chipper cannot expect a good result, this life or the next, thats a given. 

Anyway its Kali Yuga, anyone who says illicit sex with men, women and children deviants are not God's successors could be beaten with shoes, or worse. Nothing new here! The good news is -- Harikesh is right, at least the material world knows that God's successors have to be pure, so in that sense, ISKCON is far worse than the material world.]   

Your guide as long as you want it H.M.

[PADA: Still is a guide?]


Dear Hrishikesh Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I received your latest book, Eleven Naked Emperors, a while ago, and I am very slowing digesting it. Almost done now. Riveting. The manner in which you examine issues and controversies is engaging and refreshing, unlike the typical throwing of selected quotes and the absolute interpretations thereof. I am inspired to research further and write myself. Even myself, as one of the Radical Reformers, did not know so much that was covered in the book. So I assume these historical books will be of great help to many devotees.

As an aside, I am quite sure Chittesvara dasa, the ghost buster (he toured ISKCON widely doing ghost-busting rituals at temples and homes) was a Jayapataka disciple, who prescribed the "purple vibhuti dust" (psychotropics?) to Harikesh, with rumors that Jayapataka knew Harikesh would go nuts from it, and then he could move in on his zone and men, and, sure enough, Jayapataka was the first GBC / guru to tour and “save” the Eastern Europe zone as soon as Harikesh fell down. Within days he was there, giving shelter and eventual reinitiation to many of Harikesh’s followers.

Nityananda dasa (Nico Kuyt)

Former New Orleans ISKCON Temple President, former member of the ISKCON Guru Reform Movement, and author of Kill Guru, Become Guru: The Poison Is Personal Ambition


  1. K Dasi: There are so many warnings on not taking guru post unless one is pure devotee. Amazing so many of Prabhupada followers never read and never took his books seriously. That's why he was saying, you have to read my books. They did not read, and they had to suffer. Harikesh says even material world knows better. They know guru must be pure devotee, ISKCON is worse.

    I feel badly for the children. They had to suffer so bad. I know some who died and others ... who have such a hard life. I think it is going to be very bad for people who put Krishna's children into such hard life. Some of the Krishna kids are still taking drugs and so many things, their life is ruined so these people can become guru for some time. Very sad. I hear Harikesh now says bad things about Krishna religion. First he blames other gurus now blames Krishna. Everyone else is wrong, not himself. Another denial person.

    I feel Krishna will never forgive them. All the trouble they caused others like me, was for all for nothing. They just ruined our lives to they could benefit their lives, but ruining our lives will not benefit them after the end. I am glad you spoke up, that was at least something.

    PADA: Amen.

  2. GD: Dear PADA: Well, Harikesh ran his zone even more "institutionalized" than any other zonal grand master. He legally turned book distributors into freelance self-employed workers who according to employment law were not members of ISKCON. So this guy was tricky about everything. BBT money was never used to buy temples, all properties were donated by devotees. When houses were donated he even tried to sell these houses. One devotee donated his house but his mother was still living in a room of this house. So Harikesh had her evicted by police. Like the Britishers in India, Harikesha's policy was to exploit. Keep devotees in rented places and always hiding excess temple laxmi. Since his parents were of Russian ancestry Harikesh formed a clique with his Russian followers. Till today these Russian devotees are brainwashed to consider Western Europeans as enemies. Just like the karmi Russians see it. Take ISKCON London, run by Russian-Britishers, meanwhile born in the UK. The whole thing is a conspiracy together with the Hindus simply to exploit the British people. All members of this clique receive huge salaries. Same in France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia, Benelux, everything is run now by Russian devotees who simply focus to exploit. No transparency, bring all the money out of the country. So Harikesh and his comrade-in-arms Suhotra (another Russian-American) were the architects of this formation of gangs. When at his exit he is saying, "ISKCON is worse than the material world" he might have been commenting on his own shadow.


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