Monday, April 13, 2020

Anuttama Chastises GBC's Messiahs for Bogus Preaching

Dear ISKCON Leaders,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Covid-19 is a global crisis causing tremendous pain, suffering and death across the world. ISKCON has also lost several members of our own community. Today, many ISKCON devotees who serve as doctors, nurses and other healthcare experts are risking their lives to help those in dire need. 

[PADA: We have some devotee friends who are working in "old folks homes" where there is the possibility of getting very sick even in ordinary times, because these places are not very clean and sattvic by nature. And our Uber driving devotee friends are now finding little to no work, and there is the possibility of getting sick from so much public contact etc. This begs the question, why are so many devotees working these types of jobs and they are not on ISKCON's farms? I forgot, the GBC back pedalled on making varnasrama and farms.]  

Other ISKCON devotees are working hard to distribute free meals and other support to people hit hard by the pandemic. We thank all of these devotees and pray for their protection.

[PADA: Ummm, ok so the Akshaya Patra devotees are feeding the poor, therefore the GBC has to spend $20,000,000 suing them and trying to put the leaders of the free food for the poor program in jail. Why is the GBC making it a priority to sue the people who are feeding the poor? And why hasn't the GBC spent $20,000,000 making varnasrama farms instead if buying Mercedes for their lawyers? We love to see the poor being fed, so lets sue the people feeding the poor, put them in jail, and halt the feeding the poor program? 

And Jayapataka recently announced the GBC program was going to continue to sue the "feeding the poor" program devotees, spending more millions on frivolous lawsuits. One follower of JPS told me "we will spend $100,000,000 over the next 100 years suing Bangalore if we have to." Right, no money for varnasrama, just buying new Mercedes for lawsuits and lawyers, and for the next 100 years. Hee hee, is this why this pandemic has put a crimp on their income, so they will not have so much funds to sue and harass us?]

At the same time, it has come to the attention of the Communications Ministry that some ISKCON members are speaking in a way that may appear to minimize the suffering of others, or to be callous to it. This is causing ISKCON and our philosophy to be misunderstood and criticized.

[PADA: OK so the letter to "ISKCON leaders" means, the GBC's self realized gurus -- i.e. those who only speak as God dictates. So now Anuttama has to remind his "pure as God" gurus not to behave and speak like fools. That means Anuttama thinks he is the sum total of the sum total of the demigods, because he is the chastising advisor to the acharyas. Worse, he thinks acharyas act and speak like fools.] 

Ultimately, we know that each soul is eternal and that the suffering of this world is temporary. Yet, such knowledge should not lead us to speak or act in a way that minimizes others or their suffering. Srila Prabhupada taught that a learned person is compassionate; he or she sees the pain and sufferings of others as their own:

Vaishnava is always feeling for others’ distress. That is Vaishnava. Vaishnava—para dukha dukhi. They’re very much afflicted with others’, I mean to say, miserable life. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he presented himself as very much afflicted with others’ miserable condition of life. So all the Vaishnavas, devotees—It doesn’t matter which country he belongs to or which sect he belongs to. Anyone who is God-conscious or Krishna conscious. . . para dukha dukhi. Lecture July 21, 1971 New York

In this spirit, the Communications Ministry humbly requests all ISKCON leaders to be especially careful with their comments about the pandemic in any forum—regular classes, online, video, etc. We recommend the following guidelines for leaders while speaking during, or about, the pandemic:

1. Express first your heartfelt concern and prayers for those who are suffering.

2. Advise all to strictly follow government guidelines / restrictions that promote public safety.

3. Avoid statements that may be interpreted as callous, or lacking empathy for others’ suffering.

4. While our tradition teaches that karma impacts our happiness and suffering, teach and highlight for devotees that a more essential principle for followers of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada is karuna, compassion and mercy for others. This should guide all we do and say.

In closing, please take all precautions to keep safe. I pray that Lord Nrisimhadeva protects each of you, your families, followers, friends, and communities; and that Lord Krishna continues to inspire you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.

Your Servant,

Anuttama Dasa
GBC Member and Minister of Communications

[PADA: OK lets be compassionate to others, and tell them they have to worship our illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs project. Or else, our GBC program will take effect, and they will be banned, beaten, sued and maybe assassinated. That is their idea of compassion for others, the system-wide policy of banning, beating, molesting, and maybe assassinating the Vaishnavas? And now our friends in Russia are also being vilified and banned.

Yup! And now devotees in Russia are saying that as soon as they oppose Anuttama's debauchee acharya's program, which bans, beats, sues and assassinates Vaishnavas, they are vilified and painted as "super demons." That is how we "respect the Vaishnavas," we brand them as "super demons"?

Anyway this is the height of foolishness. The GBC acharyas have to be reminded to preach nicely because evidently, they are not. How can they be acharyas if they are not preaching nicely? ys pd]

Please send us donations!
So we can sue the Prabhupadanugas?

1 comment:

  1. LD: They finally realized their guru's are speaking bogus. Their gurus are being offensive, callous, cruel, foolish and not sensitive to others. Its upsetting the public. Isn't that is what their gurus have been doing the whole while?

    [PADA: Yep, somewhere a little light bulb lighted up in Anuttama's head, oh jeepers our gurus are saying bogus and offensive things! Yep, but their gurus have been saying bogus and offensive things all along, they are just now realizing that?

    A day late and dollar short.

    The good news is, Anuttama is the supervisor / advisor / siddhanta meister to the sum total of the demigods acharyas, so he can crack down on them when their messiahs are naughty. Hee hee. ys pd]


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