Monday, September 5, 2022

ISKCON's Elder Care Fiasco (Update)

Raghhu Giuffre:

It’s time to begin planning for Mata’s final goodbyes. For example, there is no money for funeral costs. We may have to leave her body in the funeral home for days or longer until such moneys can be raised. If there is anyone who would like to oversee this side of her arrangements, that would be essential.

As for Mata’s health, we have had several big scares over these last couple weeks so I was unsure what the actual update would be. Found Mata sprawled out on the floor upon my return from Janmastami night. We thought it was her final hours – first picture of the video.

Our sweetheart couple tenants came down to comfort Mata in her passing. Turned out Mata had mistakenly taken two doses of her evening meds and so doubled up on her sleeping pills. Knocked her out before she could make it to bed.

3 days later off to the beach again for the Ayurvedic routine of coconut oil massage to reduce bedsores and moisten dry skin - build Pita.

You can see Mata is doing her part with her dips in the cold spring mountain waters that mix with the sea at Carlsmith Beach. It’s a lot of work for her. No body fat so that cold is quite intensive on her nerves and muscles, but it has been helping her, and yet, we are buying her time, for it looks we may still be losing ground.

The water massage (as you can also see in the video) in the ocean really helped to release her severe back pain (from her 3 crushed disks and severe scoliosis). Her walk through the water serves as Physical Therapy and so allowing her to re-learn to use her legs again (after sitting for the last 3 years). She then lays upon the hot lava stone, in the sun. She loves it and obviously, does her body good.

The swim and cold water spikes her appetite and so take her to the Vegan Restaurant after the beach for their nutrient-dense foods. The video shows the rye bread open cheese, sweet potato brownies, and sugarcane juice (flushes the liver). Expensive so also cooking – coconut milk, beet, potato, cabbage, onion, celery chickpea soup (dinner vid pic).

Beach 4 days in a row and looked she was indeed getting stronger, but day 5, she was out with a fever for 24 hours. Raised our concern as the fever initially kept rising over just a few hours and so once again thought I would be sending out the notices to her final passing.

The fever finally broke Thursday. She has been in a bit of a stupor, made it to the ocean again Saturday and looking a bit more attentive, but still seemingly weaker. Hard to say if she will last a week or 3 months. A lot of back and forth. Quite trying to a simple heart of mine.

The fund raiser was far smaller than anticipated at $2,500. There were the 5 multi-millionaires that she considered her kin, if not family, given her decade or more time working with (and more often, serving to directly intervene in their well in an ongoing fashion) during their preaching years. Each of them is worth $3 to $10 million. They offered $300 between them.

Thought they would likely offer at least a few hundred each for another $2k to $3k – which of course would have made quite a big difference. Instead, all the rest of the donations came from those that often have ‘nothing’ as they sent in their $5, $25 and sometimes $100. Thank you to all these dear friends. Interesting to see those there in your final hours.

Kosha-rupa did donate the Purium which we started yesterday and another kind soul offered to cover the acupuncture – which we hope to have finalized this week (after the first doctor later declined). Akruranath took a couple days to find a great attorney, and Chandra-mukhi is offering a host of services from yogurt and herbs, to regular visits and check-ups. Hospice sends a massage therapist once a week. 

Mata slept 5 hours after the swim and big meal. Thank you to each of you.
Mata’s dying wish was to regain the house, as much for her legacy to me, as for the justice against such a cheater that stole her home. Fortunately, I just happened to get one of those ‘you have been pre-approved’ notices for a $10,000 loan just last week. Have now paid the $5,000 lawyer's retainer and signed papers (last pic). Should be filing for divorce this coming week. Bob is helping to coordinate this legal work (hugging Mata in video).

This money has allowed us to pay all our outstanding bills from the $2,000 electric bill (in video) to our auto, home and legal insurance. Just hired pest control for the (15) rats and so will be able to rent out the remaining rooms shortly thereafter. We will have a full house of renters and steady income once more.

Mind my slow response. Have covered about 300 Social Media responses, messages, phone calls, face-to-face, visitors and letters over these last 3 weeks. More to go.

In closing, want to thank all those offering such prayers for our well-being. Only upon such blessings that the devotees offered has the momentum finally changed. The 8 months before this, it was all so hopeless. Now, things look like we may find success in winning our home back and the momentum whether in Mata’s recovery or a more auspicious passing, and the same again in my own prospects for the house. The energetics shifted immediately upon your prayers. Thank you for such kindness.

[PADA: A follower of Sridhara Maharaja recently chastised me for "being focused only on the past." OK wait a minute? The problems created by Sridhara Maharaja's endorsing the GBC's false gurus are still going on today. 

Today is not the past. 

That means they are in denial about the problems they created by endorsing their false gurus project all along, and they still are in denial at the present time. The false gurus program siphoned off the assets meant to serve the entire Vaishnava community into the hands of a small elite leadership group. 

And thus the vulnerable citizens -- such as women, children, elders, cows and other dependent beings -- have suffered ever since, and still are now. We don't have money for funerals for various devotees, uncluding that their bodies are sometimes left in the morgue due to unpaid fees. However, there is always plenty of money to send these gurus to the best hospitals with the best doctors when they have medical needs.

See the problem yet?

ys pd ] 

1 comment:

  1. MP: Even if you call yourself a devotee, but you disrespect someone, including women, children, elders etc, then it shows a lack of understanding, an ignorance of the presence of the soul and the Supersoul within that person's body.


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