Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Srila Prabhupada's Appearance / Book Changes / Bangladesh ETC. 08 27 24

Jay Srila Prabhupada 

Today is the appearance day of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He was born in 1896 in Calcutta, India, into a family of Krishnadevotees. At age twenty-two, he met his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, who encouraged him to spread the mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in English. At the age of sixty-nine, Srila Prabhupada left India for the U.S.A. with a trunk full of his own Srimad-Bhagavatam commentaries. In the next twelve years, he started a worldwide movement, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and had translated over eighty books on Krishna consciousness. His followers fast until noon today and prepare a feast in his honor.

"...The only hope His Divine Grace..."


Adore, adore ye all The happy day
Blessed than heaven Sweeter than May.
When he appeared at Puri The holy place,
My Lord and Master His Divine Grace.


Oh! my Master The evangelic angel.
Give us Thy light Light up Thy candle.
Struggle for existence A human race.
The only hope His Divine Grace.


Misled we are All going astray,
Save us Lord Our fervent pray.
Wonder thy ways To turn our face
Adore Thy feet Your Divine Grace.


Forgotten Krsna We fallen souls,
Paying most heavy The illusion's toll.
Darkness around All untrace.
The only hope His Divine Grace.


Message of service Thou hast brought,
A healthful life As Caitanya wrought.
Unknown to all It's full of brace.
That's your gift Your Divine Grace.


Absolute is sentient Thou hast proved
Impersonal calamity Thou hast moved.
This gives us a life Anew and fresh.
Worship Thy feet Your Divine Grace.


Had you not come Who had told
The message of Krsna Forceful and bold.
That's your right You have the mace
Save me a fallen Your Divine Grace.


The line of service As drawn by you
Is pleasing and healthy Like morning dew.
The oldest of all But in new dress
Miracle done Your Divine Grace.

Song Name: Adore Adore Ye All

Official Name: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s Vyasa Puja Offering (1935)

Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



Srila Prabhupada: "Do not be depressed. All along my godbrothers gave me only depression, repression, compression—but I continued strong in my duty. So never mind there is some discouragement, continue with your work in full enthusiastic Krishna Consciousness attitude of service." Letter to Gurudas, August 29, 1972.



PADA: Thanks for your question about Purujit. I believe he made his own Gita so he would be glorified as the author of "the real Gita," but it has back fired and most devotees think he is a fraud. He told me he was writing his own Gita for three years, obviously in secret -- and not consulting with us. 

Then he could sort of merge his Gita into the devotee community without us suspecting something was amiss. That simply made matters worse, now people think he has purposefully mislead others into thinking his Gita is the original when it is a rewrite. In any case, more people are agreeing with us, he has no authority to rewrite the Gita. 

And then Mathura Pati (Mathias Sabji), chief cheer leader of the Bhakta das / Saint Radhanath / Bhakti pedo pada glorification program, joined with Purujit and the book changers club, and he attacked us and the other original books folks. In sum, I think his Gita is going nowhere in a hurry, it won't be accepted. And sadly, he has made a sort of fanatical groupie club that writes insults and attacks on anyone who challenges them, which is the same thing the GBC folks do. 

ys pd




CPD: Ramesvara along with Tamal Krsna and perhaps someone else decided to completely change the purport of SB 1.16.12, against Srila Prabhupada's instructions, in a new printing of Srimad Bhagavatam in early 1978,
without informing the devotees, with the preconceived idea of ​​making them believe that this purport was the words of Srila Prabhupada.
They made these unauthorized changes in Srila Prabhupada's book to introduce their flat earth idea against th e explanations and orders given to them by Srila Prabhupada in early July 1977, discussions on Bhumandala.

Srila Prabhupada gave them these explanations and instructions only four months before his departure. They made these illegal changes only a few months after Srila Prabhupada's departure. 

Srila Prabhupāda: “Oh, yes. You have no right. Suppose I have written one book.
So I have got some intention. So why should you interpret my intention with your intention? What right you have got? You have no right. If you want to speak something of yours, then you write another book.

Why you are taking advantage of my book and misleading others? I want to speak to the public something, I have expressed my opinion in that way. But because it is popular, you are taking advantage of my book and expressing your views.
How much cheating, how much cheater you are! Therefore he is suffering, Dr. Radhakrishnan. He has lost his brain. We went to see him, Dr. Radhakrishnan, when I was in Madras.”

(Room Conversation – April 2, 1972, Sydney Australia)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/.../apr/sydney/april/02/1972



More than 5 million affected in Bangladesh by floods | Watch (msn.com)




Puranjana das, former Spanish BBT manager in 1976, explained: “What happened in regards to the May 28th appointment tape was: it was not being circulated at all. I got a few sentences on a paper in 1979 after badgering Vicitravirya dasa in England, but it was barely more than a little snippet. Then (finally) in 1984 Sulocana das got a copy of the ‘appointment tape’ by bribing a member of the Archives.” 

At the Mississippi New Talavan farm and New Orleans temple, Nityananda das and the devotees there had not even heard about the “appointment tape” until 1982. The underground, East Coast USA temple president’s discussion forum arose by exchange of Xerox copies of largely anonymous, typewritten, discussion letters sent by mail. 

Nityananda remembers receiving perhaps a dozen essays about the ongoing problematic zonal guru system, some of which discussed the “appointment tape.” It was an era of absolute tyranny in ISKCON, and any doubters of the new inheritors to Srila Prabhupada’s position risked harsh repercussions. 

The expressions of discontent were acute, and it was in these circulars that the first partial transcripts of the May 28 conversations were seen by southern USA devotees. It is not known how the appointment tape excerpts were first included in the secret discussions. The first time the devotees in New Jaipur, Mississippi obtained the actual tape was not until the late 1980’s. 

The GBC was able to easily conceal the May 28 discussions and July 9th Order (see next chapter) for many years, notwithstanding some leaks at the Bhaktivedanta Archives. The only way to distribute the physical May 28 tape back then was via underground channels, with poor quality copies of copies.”


The May 28 tape was not available to the general devotees until at least after Ramevara left Los Angeles in late 1986. The Archives either did not have it or the Archives was not allowed to distribute it. In 1983 Nityananda ordered all the available cassette tapes of Srila Prabhupada’s lectures, room conversations, walks, arrival addresses, and everything else that was available from the Archives, including Srila Prabhupada kirtans and bhajans, but no May 28 tape was included. 

Why? The decade 1978-1987 was oppressive, with suppression of evidence, repression of open discussion, and even threats of bodily harm. Jadurani dasi, Srila Prabhupada’s first female disciple, was physically beaten and badly injured in New Vrindaban in 1981 due to challenging the bonafidity of ISKCON’s gurus. The May 28 tape was hidden by GBC design, locked up with various letters (and who knows what else) in Ramesvara’s office safe. 

Only he had access. Ramesvara has been contacted in recent years to explain events of those years, but he always politely declines, if he responds at all. He should just be honest and truthful, and end the policy of silence and hiding the past, whatever it was.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.496)

1 comment:

  1. "If you read the books of some cunning politician, he'll mislead you and you'll learn that Kuruksetra means this body which is not actually the fact. That is the difference, hearing from devotees, the sound vibration coming from the realized person. Reading the book is the same thing . . . tattva-darsana—hearing from one who has seen the truth. Reading or hearing from the realized person there is no difference, but hearing the sound vibration from the realized soul is still more effective, better. "
    Letter to Punjabi Premanand -- Bombay 16 April, 1976:


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