Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bangalore 72 Gita / Purujit Update / Developing Love for Krishna 08 15 24

No one could understand the extraordinary powers
of child Krishna. They thought He was being
protected by the Devas [demigods].   


It does look like Bangalore ISKCON favors the 1972 Gita

ISKCON Bangalore Explore the profound impact of “Bhagavad-gita As It Is”, published by Macmillan Publishers Group, USA, on 14 Aug 1972. This complete edition, authored by Srila Prabhupada, accurately conveys Krishna’s teachings as originally intended by the speaker. Discover how this edition continues to inspire and transform lives with its timeless wisdom, and share this video with others. Available in multiple languages at #bhagavadgita #srilaprabhupad #iskcontemple #harekrishnamovement #iskconbangalore



PADA: Yeah. Purujit's edited Gita was a giant flop with the Prabhupadanugas, right out of the gate. We tried to tell him this was a bad idea, but his followers wrote to tell me I am "an old and out of touch fart." Well hee hee, maybe so. But that does not change the fact that no extensive edits to the 1972 GITA were ever authorized by Srila Prabhupada. And moreover, none should be done after any famous author departs. 

Placing his edited Gita as a PDF on his site while making it look like the same cover as the original 1972, is not making people happy. Someone just wrote to tell me how burned out they are to discover he is cheating the public this way.

Then Mathias Sabji / Mathura Pati goes there to "combine his preaching with Purujit's." Ummm, ok then, another person who does not want to work with us original books fanatics. Well that also means they have combined with Mathura Pati's promoting Bhakta das / Radhanath / and Bhakti pedo pada. Changing the books, and cheer leading the buggery messiah's project, it always seems to end up combining?

Sulochana said, birds of a feather flop together. OK, birds of a book changing pedo-feather, flop together. The problem now for these guys is, more people are comparing notes and coming to the same conclusion as PADA, these people are not authorized. ys pd     

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