Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hindu Standards / Madhudvisa Question / Child Welfare VIDEO 08 07 24


PADA: Yeah, most / almost all of the "Indian Restaurants" around the San Francisco area serve meat dishes. Almost none of them are vegetarian only. So of course, many of the Hindus around the Bay Area are not vegetarian, and these are often the same people who come to the ISKCON temples. I was told some of the ISKCON Bengali cooks and pujaris eat fish, or sometimes maybe worse. 

Certainly, a number of these Bengalis go to work at meat restaurants after they get their green cards. Right, ISKCON is not even trying to keep a mainly vegetarian congregation at this stage. They just want the Hindu cash cow donations. 

I doubt they even know which of their congregation people eat meat and which do not. It is not the priority thing they keep track of these days. It could be at least 50% eat meat, but it could be higher in some cases. Srila Prabhupada told us over and over that the Hindus are not reliable, and generally compromised, and they are. Eating meat, fish or eggs; drinking alcohol, chewing pan, smoking beedis and other deviations, are not something Srila Prabhupada wanted in his temple congregation members. ys pd 



PADA: Thanks for your question VD prabhu. Yes, the old Madhudvisa swami told one of my associates -- we cannot promote Srila Prabhupada as the acharya now, it is too late. They (the GBC's gurus) are already initiating their own disciples. 

And that is why the Christians are way ahead of us Krishnas. The Christians never say -- it is too late for us to promote the worship of Jesus, because so many other people are worshiping so many other Gods, or gurus, or they are atheists, or some are even worshiping Satan. That has no bearing on their promoting Jesus. We will never find a Christian saying -- I cannot promote Jesus anymore, because my neighbor worships Satan. Who cares?   

The Christians just don't care what "others" are doing, or what or whom "others" are worshiping. They just promote their guru at all times, in all cases and circumstances. I cannot promote worshiping the right thing, because so many other people are worshiping the wrong thing. Really? 

That idea does not even register on the radar of the Christians, they just promote their guru, and they don't stop promoting their guru just because "other people" do not promote their guru. 

Later on Madhudvisa was chastised by a lady for allegedly making her pregnant and then not accepting that this was his child. Unfortunately, this poor woman was not protected in one situation after the next, starting when she was a child. And Madhudvisa evidently simply exploited her just like the rest of the ISKCON "brahmana men."

And Madhudvisa was drinking alcohol, so much so, he nearly ran me off the road in Badger one night because he was driving like a maniac. And later evidently some police said, he should never be driving at all -- because he is so reckless and possibly, going blind from all the drinking. 

OK, so he was not going to promote the right thing, and he self evidently suffered a lot from compromising. That is why Krishna says to Arjuna, avoiding the battle will not help you -- oh Arjuna, you must stand and fight, or be seen as weak and compromised. And you will suffer nonetheless, even if you leave the battlefield. 

And then, even though you might live on -- you will live in dishonor, infamy and being discredited, as not performing your proper dharma duty. OK like many / most outside people view the ISKCON "brave fighters for justice." They essentially left the battlefield and let the rogues take over. That is the general public perception. Well we could not promote Srila Prabhupada, because other people were promoting Satan. What?

Krishna says -- it is far better to die in the battle -- than to be seen as compromised, and unable to defend dharma. And we have seen so many examples of devotees who avoided the battle, but suffered badly anyway, because Krishna is correct, we cannot avoid the battle without another set of bad consequences happening anyway. 

In other words, Krishna wants us to stand up for dharma, that is His desire, and if we avoid taking up His desire, we fail -- and if we do that collectively as a society -- our society fails. To sum, when people say we cannot promote Srila Prabhupada now -- because others are promoting a flock of bogus gurus -- or even Satanic predators -- that does not help anyone or anything, it just adds to the disaster. And, as many ex-children victims told me -- "no one cared about us, we were the unwanted varna sankara." And that is still the perception of many of them. Sorry, it is our duty to care for our fellow citizens. 

ys pd 



Here are two statements made by Krishna Himself:

The earth shall drink the blood of Duryodhana and Karna, of Dussasana and the wicked Sakuni! Slaying these in battle and defeating their followers along with their royal allies, will we all install Yudhishthira the just on the throne! The wicked deserve to be slain! Verily, this is eternal morality.

(Mahabharata Vana Parva ch12)

Religious merit is acquired by putting the robbers to death.
(Mahabharata Udyoga Parva ch29)

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