Monday, August 12, 2024

Bangladesh / Prabhupada Messiah / Cowherds / Guarding Innocence 08 12 24

Catching Krishna is not so easy.
Of course, He is already right here with us.
We don't actually have to go very far to catch Him. 

"You get ready, Kṛṣṇa is there within your heart, but you cannot see because you have no prema. You cannot see. Kṛṣṇa does not expose Himself to the non-devotees. He does not, nāhaṁ prakāśaḥ sarvasya yoga-māyā-samāvṛtaḥ [Bg. 7.25]. He'll not expose Himself, but if you attain the stage of prema, as Prahlāda Mahārāja attained, then you will see Him. How you will see? Sadaiva, always. Not that for two minutes I see and Kṛṣṇa is no more there. No, not like that. Premāñjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santaḥ sadaiva. Sadaiva means constant, incessantly. You can see."
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.7

Māyāpur, February 14, 1976





'Hare Krishna' chants in Dhaka streets as Hindus protest over violence | Watch (


ISKCON Kicking out cowherd men:

Chaitanya Bhagavat das: I ran the ox program in NV, then they kicked me out a few years ago, it was over their treatment of animals. Bhu we had a 15 stent of time with the brown Swiss. Nice to see this, thank you. We were doing firewood, hari and Priya were pulling their own posts, for fence. 

But when I was ostracized, after 45 years, the cows suffered. Hari was compromised, and died, my bull died as well, early deaths. There is ISKCON, and what ever this toxic dark shell, they call Iskcon', is that's meetly a shadow. Nice to see, all of your posts, I repost them.

PADA: People and animals keep dying prematurely around ISKCON. Wonder what kind of toxic management is producing that? ys pd



RL: lesson #1 : Don't bow down to Pedophiles.

lesson #2 : if you still cannot follow lesson number one, nothing will help you.

PADA: Yeah, we have a program where little children are being told they have to worship pedophiles, like Lokanath, or the people who bury homosexual pedophiles in samadhis, like Radhanath, and that is how we protect children. Sorry that is protecting the worship of predators and deviants -- or as Jayadvaita swami sums it up -- [protecting] the worship of -- illicit sex with men, women and children, ok perverted deviants, and protecting the worship of deviants is NOT protecting children. 

But RL is correct, as long as children are being coerced to bow down and worship deviants, predators, drunks, drug addicts, porno swamis and assorted illicit sex deviants -- as their messiahs -- then children are being victimized and not protected. Protecting deviants and deviation is not protecting children.

The good news is that after Rambhouru's program crams their pedophile worship program down the throats of little children, causing much distress and agony for those children, so much so -- some of them to take their own lives, she is later on -- on hand -- to give victims of her pedophile messiah's project -- therapy classes -- to recover from her project's cramming pedophiles as messiahs down the victim's throats. 

PADA is of the opinion that all of the pedophile worshiping clan, including all the cheer leaders, clean up therapy crew etc. are all headed to the most obnoxious regions, because their homosexual and pedophile messiah's program is already the most obnoxious thing going on in the universe presently. 

A good friend of PADA is a now grown up woman who has her own kids, and she says she still suffers from PTSD and nightmares from her "gurukula days." And the solution to fix her problem is, to promote the same program that still promotes the same pedophile lineage folks like Lokanath, and /or pedophile enablers -- like much of the GBC, and / or persons who bury pedophiles in samadhis. Nope, that is making her suffer all the more. It is adding vinegar to the wound.  

Of course then we have guys like Mathura Pati / Mathias Sabji, still asking us to kiss the jack boots of his Bhakta das / Radhanath / Kirtanananda / Bhakti pedo pada loving project. Sorry, this is causing more problems not only for the previous victim children, but it is making ongoing and future problems for more and more children who are being told to worship this process. Many of those children eventually grow up and, for some odd reason, many of them later on reject the religion. 

And we don't know why they reject the religion? OK, so let us give them therapy, which does not seem to be bringing hardly any of them back to the religion. OK. It is more bluff and smokescreen. RL is right, we cannot train children to bow down to pedophiles, and their henchmen, enablers and cheer leaders, and expect a good result, there won't be any. And no amount of therapy will solve this issue, we have to uproot the cancer and not keep putting band aids on the tumors. 

ys pd   

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