Thursday, June 25, 2020

Prayer Request for Cetanarahita Das

Dear Devotees: With a very heavy heart I humbly ask the Vaishnava community to please pray for my husband Cetanarahita Das. He has been having abdominal cramps, diarrhea and nausea for the past 4 weeks and finally went to the ER last night. We are told that he has colon cancer that metastasized to the liver and lymph nodes. 

Further testing is under way to get a complete picture of the extent of his disease. He is a very humble, steadfast and sincere Vaishnava. PLEASE pray fro him so that this will have a good outcome. Please also pray for the rest of the family. We are all in shock and trying to process the news. My sincere thank you to all of you who will pray and send good vibes our way. Thank you!

[PADA: Not a good prognosis. Another devotee who has got cancer, which is something that should have been declared an ISKCON Vaishnava epidemic ten years ago when many cases were sprouting up then -- left, right and center. 

Not a medical expert here, but cancer that has spread to other organs is generally not a good outcome. Anway we hope for the best for this fellow. 

It is our belief that the GBC's gurus are NOT capable of taking other people's karma. At the same time -- promoting worship of GBC false gurus IS FOR SURE creating bad karma -- even for the side show observers, implicated by omission of objecting. That is -- in part -- why we believe, there has been an ongoing cancer / fatal ailments crisis in the ISKCON environment. 

Maybe this person is not part of the GBC process, but I'd like to see evidence of that. Of course even devotees who are not directly in the GBC process are being malefically effected in any case, because "the troubles" extend out to others. Just like Krishna told Arjuna, even sitting under a tree will not separate you from the battle. 

Anway! There is a root cause for all this, and non-resolution of karma is most likely part of it, at least in our not too humble opinion. Anway, again we say -- hope for the best, but in our experience "praying" alone does not always correct these situations in and around ISKCON. Praying, and NOT correcting the channeling of Karma RETURN back to sender, or onto bogus people, is not going to be a process that functions well. 

No wonder also that there are so many devotees who dislike the "bogus ritvik Christians," they are apparently doing a heck of lot better with their longevity, because at least they have some sort of bona fide channel to absolve sins. ys pd]

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