Saturday, January 11, 2020

HKC Jaipur's Illuminati-pada In Trouble (Again)

PADA: More than a few devotees (like HD) wrote to complain to PADA that HKC Jaipur group's "senior advisor" Prahlad das (Paul Coats?) seems to be attacking more and more of the Prabhupadanugas, and for no good reason? And some are saying, isn't the real reason -- he is a GBC agenda mole? And even some of his former friends are saying he is an armchair warrior with no real message other than, lets take down all the other Prabhupadanugas? 

For starters some of the people in this group complain that PADA is "not really a Prabhupadanuga." Wait a minute, no one else was using our "Prabhupadanuga" title when we started to use it in 1984. If folks want to hi-jack our description title that's fine, its not copyrighted -- but don't claim you are the original users when, you aren't?   

For the most part, these guys are trying to divert people from the real issues. 
What is the priority issue? Isn't it -- that we need to convince more people to accept Srila Prabhupada as their acharya, get his original books and so on? 

Or is the real issue the Prahlad team's -- yabering endlessly about: the Zionist Illuminati, Hitler, Zionist bankers of the New World Order (NWO), Monsanto Corporation, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Flat Earth vs Round Earth, Chemtrails, PADA's bogus mundane music videos, and all sorts of other side show issues. 

And is this not an extension of getting people to run off to other mathas and programs, such as Sridhara Maharaja, Narayan Maharaja and who knows what, its all a calculated diversion from the real issues. Someone sent me an ad for a new book by Prem Prayojana prabhu, looks nice but -- he thinks he can absorb karma as another Jesus aka diksha guru? OK another diversion, adding to layers and layers of diversions.  

And Prahlad has regularly advertised the Mukunda page where he is quoting Krishna Kirtan das, a person who follows the "living guru" Krishna Balaram swami. Why are we promoting these bogus living guru program's folks as authorities for our process? And why were HKC Jaipur's people sending me links to these same folks? Don't they know that the ritviks are not interested in these living guru projects or their cheer leaders, and we should not cite them as our authority? Naturally, the followers of the living gurus will want to discredit and attack the Prabhupadanugas, so we should doing free advertising for them?

These KBS folks do not accept that Srila Prabhupada is the current acharya, and we need "a living guru." Wait! Isn't that GBC-ology pt. II? Did I forget to mention Krishna Kirtan said that he does not care if there are suicides of molesting victims, because "this is all about money." OK so dead children under our jackboots is fine, as long as our numerous dead victims don't get any blood on our pile of golden shekels? And is this the result of worshiping Krishna Balaram swami as one's guru, dead victims are not important, our precious gold and dollars and shiny shekels are the main important issue? OK, isn't that the same problem as the big Illuminati corporations, people can die from our dangerous bogus products, we just have make sure we don't get sued and lose money?

Krishna Balaram swami

Yep, lets work hand in glove with these guys! Oooops! KBS said early on that the GBC's gurukulas need to be shut down (because of abuse?), but he never made that a big public issue? A cover up of abuse? Just like Sanat? Or? I forgot, why are we working with this team anyway? A lot of the abuse was allegedly going on in Vrndavana, and Krishna Balaram swami claims he knew there were problems -- as he called for shutting it down completely -- but he evidently only spoke to a few people about the issue. He apparently did not make that a public alert issue (thus placing the victims in peril). Isn't that the main complaint of the molesting victims, many people knew, but few spoke up to make a public protest?

And this guy or his clones are our hero saviors of the mission? 

And is this why some ex-kuli students call this "a conspiracy of silence, the omerta code of the MAFIA"? And what is KBS and his Krishna Kirtan clan doing now -- as the self-professed sacred guardians of Vrndavana -- when molesters and porno swamis are being buried in samadhis there? 

Where is their public protest of these deviations even now? So "armchair warriors" is indeed accurate. If anyone should be making a public protest of having deviants buried in samadhis there, its these resident citizens who can file police and media reports, but it turns out us "Western born fools" are the main people even taking notice that molester samadhis in the dham is a bad idea?

And KBS also says that we Westerners cannot become pure devotees, only the India born special folks can be. Is this not smarta-ism? Why have these Pancali / Janardan / Sanat / Mukunda/ Prahlad / HKC Jaipur et al. folks been promoting these "living guru / smarta" folks to us, at all? Why aren't they working with the Prabhupadanugas instead of these dubious guys?

We also noticed that one of the "Illuminati" people Mukunda has been advertising on his site is telling people to "practice hunting and eating animals to prepare for the upcoming societal collapse." HKC Jaipur's spokesman Prahlad wants us to endorse practicing shooting and eating rabbits -- to prepare for the coming collapse? And Prahlad says this is great preaching "because its getting lots of hits." 

Of course Peter prabhu says that the people promoting their rabbit shooting program are "more intelligent than PADA will ever be." OK so we need to promote hunting and eating rabbits, while using a photo of Srila Prabhupada on that same page, making it look like Krishna endorses animal hunting and eating? And that is their idea of "intelligent"? Even little kids are crying at animals being hurt or hunted in various viral videos, and these guys are crying that PADA is against their rabbit hunting advertising, using a photo of Srila Prabhupada in their advert? 

And despite we posted several articles on their animal hunting and eating agenda, using a photo of Srila Prabhupada as bait for their page, none of them even denied that this animal hunter advocate is the person they promoted -- because we have produced photographic evidence (a screen shot of their site). Again, we protested that they inserted a photo of Srila Prabhupada into their site with the names of all these speculators, as if Srila Prabhupada endorses these illuminati folks, animal hunters and eaters etc.? And these folks simply laughed as our protest, saying "we get lots of hits." Great, and so do the bikini contest videos.  

OK! Its not helping correct ISKCON -- on the one hand; And these issues have got about zero interest in the overall devotee community -- on the other hand. Most devotees simply do not care about these side show speculative programs, much less "hunting and eating animals to prepare for the collapse." As one devotee said, its totally disgusting that HKC Jaipur and their henchman Prahlad would be sending us links to people using a photo of Srila Prabhupada to advertise hunting and eating animals folks, that is something Srila Prabhupada should NEVER be linked to. Why don't these folks know that already? 

And worse, these HKC Jaipur ilk were starting a petition to have PADA removed from the internet. Yep, but they wanted us to listen to the Radhanath's lovers club folks like Bhakta das. How did you guess, the cheer leaders of the deviants get to stay in the internet, while those of us who are promoting Srila Prabhupada from the get go, are to be axed out and banned from the internet. That is, when these guys are not citing Hari Sauri's writings, which Sulochan said is "painting a bull's eye on our backs." Why cite this guy?

Great job. 

Are they not doing their homework, thus they promote sites without bothering to check what they are promoting, or do they endorse all these deviations? They never explain? OK never mind, we will explain it then!

HKC and their senior man Prahlad have apparently no idea that we should not be using a photo of Srila Prabhupada to advertise their hunting and eating rabbits process? Yep, same guys said we should allow children to be molested to "save money from expensive court cases." So we should allow children to be hunted by sexual predators as well? Thus! Animals can be hunted, children can be hunted, and we need to get rid of anyone who objects? Then they make pretend they are alarmed at the odious results?

Meanwhile, PADA has been convincing people to accept Srila Prabhupada as their acharya. And in fact a number of the people we got to accept that idea in the 1980s in Berkeley still do accept Srila Prabhupada as their acharya. And some of them even now still thank me for helping them with that understanding, which some of them still say, saved their spiritual lives. 

Ooops! That's a terrible result! We cannot have people worshiping the bona fide acharya! What will happen to our nice Bhakta das program of promoting the molester messiahs project? Therefore: remove PADA from the internet, and keep Radhanath's cheer leaders on the internet!

We cannot have people worship THE ACHARYA! A big no no!  

Thus! Anyone who promotes Srila Prabhupada as the acharya gets --- booted off the internet, and the people promoting the bogus GBC's program get to stay. How does that help things? Ooops, exactly what the GBC molester messiah's program wanted all along! And as an added bonus, we get to keep hunting and eating animals agenda as a side benefit of their preaching, that also gets to stay on the internet. That's a keeper parboo!

So HKC spokesman Prahlad has said we need to promote listening to the anti-Zionist / anti-Illuminati / pro-Hitler nut jobs like Mukunda das UK, the person who put the Radhanath lover's club tape on his video site. Meanwhile, all sorts of people complain to PADA that their linking "Nazis" "Hitler" and "Krishna" is a very bad idea, especially with all the other negative things associated with Krishna via the GBC. 

One devotee said these guys are "rubbing salt in the wounds made by the GBC, by now making the Krishna movement look pro-Nazi." Agreed. Of course hunting and eating rabbits is also a good idea apparently? Allowing hunting children for molesting is also a good idea? Where do these guys get all these good ideas? Hee hee!

Then again, after saying they are going to reign in the "Illuminati Zionist world leaders" for the past 20 years, how many actual "Zionist world leaders" have these guys actually brought into any form of court for justice? Well none. OK zero, nada, zip city, its simply a huge bluff. We told them 20 years ago that the their anti-Illuminati "Zionist bankers" program is foolish side show and will make ISKCON look foolish. And it is. And that is why many people are complaining about their program as a means of "making Krishna and His devotees look bad." Or nutty? Or Nazis?

Meanwhile, as they pursue the evil NWO bankers, they wanted ISKCON GBC's child molesting regime to go unpunished to allow crimes against children to continue by telling PADA, we cannot fix their favorite child abuse projects. Fixing the world's Illuminati banking problem is important, children can be tossed under the bus? And so these HKC people essentially told PADA that they have no problem allowing mass child abuse to go on, the real problem is -- people like PADA helping to stop the child abuse agenda. Can't have that going on! Then they wonder why their wonderful operation has had to be sued for $400,000,000? Because even the karmis know, child abuse programs are evil and need to be countered.

Can't we just get back to the basics here? 

We need to get people to accept Srila Prabhupada as the acharya, why isn't that a good idea? Meanwhile Prahlad and his pals say we are drunks, who are drinking Vodka. Ok that is what these same type folks said about me and Sulochana the whole time in the 1980s. 

Sulochana said wow, so they are saying the "strictly following" people who chant their rounds are not going to object to bogus sexual predator gurus and children being molested, only us village drunks are smart enough to know that this is wrong. So the people who are strict and chanting God's name have no idea that worship of bogus child molester guru programs is wrong, only us idiot town drunks know that its wrong! 

Sulochana would slap his knee and laugh, "That is the worst advertising for chanting God's name ever concocted by anyone, the town's drunks are VASTLY more advanced than the strict chanters of God's name"! Of course Sulochan was right, these people did paint a bull's eye on our backs. 

To sum then, very sorry to have to report this but -- Radhanath's groupies like Bhakta das, Bhavananda's groupies like Hari Sauri, living guru's groupies like Krishna Kirtan, and of course Illuminati folks, Hitler, Rabbit hunters, Elvis, Santa Claus, and so on and so forth, are NOT going to save us. Srila Prabhupada and Krishna are our shelter and not all these others. 

Anyway HD, hope this helps you understand the history here. ys pd   

PADA @  


  1. Correct, even the GBC, as bad off as they are, they know its a bad idea to stomp on us in order to encourage child victims to commit suicide, and to say that paying for a molesting lawsuit is all about money and has nothing to do with victimization and abuse. They also know that its a bad idea to promote Hitler, Nazis, Zionist Illuminati stuff, what to speak of rabbit hunting folks using a photo of Srila Prabhupada. More people are saying that too, these Illuminati guys are way worse than the GBC in certain respects. Yup, agreed. More folks are writing to complain about them, so it looks like their tricks are being gradually exposed. Yes, the common complaint is, they are trying to make Krishna look like a defender of the Nazis and / or that Krishna believes other foolish conspiracy theories, which even the GBC knows is not a good plan. ys pd

  2. RE HKC Jaipur's Illuminati-pada In Trouble (Again)
    Dear PADA

    Right, Mukunda is becoming a real threat to Western Vaishnavism. On his website, he regrets that the railway-line to the former legendary concentration camp in Auschwitz was removed. Of course on the European Mainland they would immediately lock him up in jail. Somehow British authorities seem to have no problem with Hitler revivalist-freaks although it is a known fact that Hitler's regime killed 1.100.000 Britishers, what to speak of those millions on the Mainland. According to Sanatana Goswami, we belong to a certain religion when we actually follow the rules of that religion, nothing in kali-yuga is by birth, kalau sudra sambhava. So this Mukunda is simply on the bodily platform of material designation. Meanwhile, Mukunda's wife and children ran off, "this man should be admitted into a lunatic asylum". So the ISKCON lawyers rather sue ISKCON Bangalore but those who destroy the reputation of Prabhupada's movement in the West can do what they like.

    [PADA: Well yep. Hitler left his own country burning in ashes and left the women there to be raped by the invading forces. People could not even get any food for their children, there was no heating oil so people were freezing to death, and so on and so forth, because everything was in ruins. And in the end Hitler blew out his brains so he could avoid taking responsibility for all this.

    And that is the heroic person we need to follow? Yes, Mukunda's wife reportedly went to the police to get protection because he was beating her. So that is the problem with the HKC Jaipur and Prahlad process, some guy ruins his own country and blows his brains out, and he is a great person because his videos "get lots of hits." And Mukunda promotes the GBC's women and children beater program's cheer leaders apparently because, he is a woman beater himself and he identifies with that agenda. And now various anti-Krishna web sites are quoting Mukunda's site to show that the Krishna religion favors the Nazi process. So yes, these guys are claiming to be trying to repair Krishna's bad name, by giving Krishna a worse name than the GBC is doing by linking Krishna to the Nazis. That is the result of thinking demons are saints, whether we think Hitler is a saint or the GBC are saints, its the same mistake. Of course, as a number of people pointed out, demons would think other demons are saints, because they are birds of a feather, hee hee!

    Sulochan said these women beaters are probably covert gays who are afraid to admit they are gay, so they are envious of women and become aggressive with them. And so these WOMEN BEATERS should just find a nice gay man some where and start hugging and kissing that man and just have gay affairs and learn how to love at least one other person in this world, because regular gay people are not nearly as nasty as these guys are. I think Sulochan is right. HAH! ys pd

  3. Yes prabhu, they are quoting Radhanath's cheer leader Bhakta das, Bhavananda's cheer leader Hari Sauri, bogus smarta promoter Krishna Kirtan, and that is -- when they are not promoting Hitler and rabbit hunting. They are associated with the deviants because they part of their agenda. Yup! ys pd


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