Saturday, March 8, 2025

The ISKCON Guru Fallacy VIDEO / Ukraine Update 03 08 25

PADA: Well I have to say it: All of the people who said our 1978 PADA idea of continuing to have Srila Prabhupada as the current and ongoing acharya "will never be accepted," are being proven wrong. Then again, when the competition for Srila Prabhupada being the acharya is -- the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's program, which bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas, we really do not have very solid competition for our idea. 

That is why I had confidence, even in 1978, that our "Prabhupada is the current acharya" idea would eventually become the standard. It is the only idea that has any actual spiritual substance and validity. I am sorry that so many Vaishnavas had to be banned, beaten, molested, sued and killed, and ISKCON had to go bankrupted -- and become and empty shell, with tons of bad news media spread all over the public to give ISKCON a horrible reputation -- before a lot of people could figure all this out. We had to learn the hard way. 

Some people keep asking me, is there any written instruction to continue the worship of a pure devotee? Ummm, if we need a written instruction to worship pure devotees, and not worship the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children deviants, we need to jump start our spiritual life all over again from square one. 

Why? Since every meat eater karmi mleccha already knows -- we have to worship a pure devotee, not debauchees, with no written order required. The supersoul is already guiding these folks very nicely, worship Jesus, not a Satanic lusty and intoxicated fool.

It is just the right thing to do. Do we need a written order, not to eat dog poops? Didn't think so! So this has been the whole problem in ISKCON. There IS "an order" to worship 11 conditioned souls -- the so-called guru appointment. And there is NO order to worship a pure devotee. And then people like Sridhara, Narayan, Gaura govinda maharajas and others say -- worshiping a pure devotee "is not found in our tradition."

OK so eating mangoes is not found in our tradition, eating dog poops is found in our tradition. Then they wonder why ISKCON has become unpopular? OK it has become very smelly poopular, that is why. 

But yeah it is amazing how many hundreds of times ISKCON people got into my face yelling -- well prabhu -- there is only an order for us to eat dog poops, and not eat mangoes, so I am going to eat dog poops. Yeah, and your entire religion is going to smell like dog poops also. And it has. And your children will all run away as soon as they are adults, not being able to tolerate the bad smell. As happened. 

But the good news is, more people are saying, hey wait, maybe eating dog poops is not a good idea! Maybe we should -- wait for it -- eat mangoes instead! Duh-oh! These FOLK guys also touched on the poison issue very diplomatically, we do not have an official position, but yeah, Srila Prabhupada does say he is being poisoned. And they provided the text. This issue is continuing to get traction, and everyone knows it. He does say he is being poisoned, that cannot be denied. Anyway, the winds are shifting our direction, no one can stop that process now.

ys pd



Hare Krishna dear devotees,

For 3 years now Ukraine has been fighting against the military aggression of Russia. During 3 years of this criminal and sinful war of terror more than 2500 children and 40 Ukrainian devotees have been killed, 4 ISKCON temples were bombed.
Unlike the majority of religious organizations in Ukraine and the whole world, ISKCON did not publicly condemn the killing of its members and bombing of its temples. This silence led to massive broadcasting of the demon-putin's propaganda by Russian ISKCON leaders. Some of them even publicly tell the devotees that it's their "duty and will of Krishna" to go kill Ukrainians including devotees. It's a direct violation of ISKCON's 1st regulative principle - ahimsa.
Chairman of the GBC's Executive Committee HH Guru Prasad Swami recently made a public statement in his interview in Ukraine explaining GBC's refusal to condemn the killing of Ukrainian devotees by different reasons among which is "destiny, own fault for fighting Krishna, it's mundane politics" and etc.

In this public letter to him and the whole GBC Ukrainian devotees ask them a series of questions voicing their disappointment with such heartless and impersonal position.
140 devotees from Ukraine and other countries including Russia signed this letter. We would like to ask today for your support and add your voices to our call to GBC to protect dharma, justice and morality. Please write in the comment to this post if you want to join this petition by simply adding your name and country where you are from or write an email to
Text of the petition on Google doc:

PADA: First of all I would not trust the keys to my Ford Pinto to Guru Prasad. I do not seem him as a reliable person to take care of anything sensibly. Basically, he is more of less in the middle of most of the controversies going on in ISKCON post 1978. Notice that almost whenever a GBC says something, he upsets all sorts of people. They just don't have good bedside manners and diplomatic talents.

OK a whole lot of vigorous finger pointing is going on -- even among devotees -- and in the leaders of USA and EU, about who made the Ukraine mess -- and who should help clean it up. I do believe the USA's coercing them to give up their nukes made them vulnerable. That is simply a historical fact.

At the same time, the EU seems to be unable to step up and fix the problem that has resulted, which is right on their own doorstep. Can America please get over here and fix the mess in our back yard? If anyone has a motive to fix this, it is the people right there on the scene, namely the EU folks.

Now all of a sudden they are going to start spending on defense, you mean you guys sat back and watched all this mess for the past 3 years and did not realize it is going to be a big problem also for EU? OK starting now is a little late in the situation.

In any case, a whole lot of people are being slaughtered, on both sides. And yeah, animal slaughter leads to people slaughter. Also true. Still, I sort of sympathize with Ukraine's side, but at the same time, understand there is a larger karma chakra wheel spinning around in the background, and it may not be easy for us to see the real cause and effect for all this -- and a lot of other problems. God works in mysterious ways, no kidding!

Unfortunately, everyone sorta has to support the country they are living in, and maybe then have to be forced to join their military, and maybe then have to go into battle, and maybe then have to kill or be killed, even if one is a Krishna devotee. Just being a devotee of God does not mean our karma chakra has suddenly stopped. I have seen all sorts of suffering going on among many devotees, and they are not exempt.

My "end of life care" atheist nurse lady friend says, she is an atheist because -- some people come in there and pray every day for some of her departing patients. Other patients are alone and no one comes to pray for them, but they all end up the same way -- getting stuffed into a big black body bag -- before all the liquids start oozing out. Hee hee, therefore God does not care if He gets prayers or not. Got me there pardner!

I also had the karma of confronting a violent pedophile worshiping cult, and it could have been the cause of my death. So we all have our little bits and pieces of karma floating in and out of our situation, even when we are aspiring devotees, and that is the real reason all of us are in the state we are in. And if our state is -- to be living in Russia or Ukraine, it is somewhat destined to be what it is.

Our karma may be reduced by being a devotee, but it will not be eliminated fully. Of course even a pure devotee can be attacked, that is the nature of the cruel world we live in.

I just hope the devotees in Ukraine and Russia can get over this war which is really creating a mess for them. At the same time, more than a few people have suggested the Ukraine and Russia war is the result of those countries taking the lead in worshiping these bogus GBC's gurus, and the war there is a reaction.

I cannot say that is impossible. Anyway it is what it is, and we are all going to have to learn to live with these things in our world, it is not a nice place for a gentleman. But the GBC mangles just about everything they touch, this is just another example. Guru prasad was supposedly going to make some investigation into the Giriraj mess, but that does not seem to be happening. They cannot fix their own problems never mind the world's.

ys pd

1 comment:

  1. MMD: Classic. Is there a written order not to eat dog poops? No worries, I will eat it then. About right.

    Is there a written order to worship lusty idiots gurus? Don't think so. That is the real question. Why anyone needs a written order to worship a pure devotee ... and not lusty idiots?

    That means they themselves are idiots. In the normal material world, even idiots do not worship lusty fool gurus. Nor they need written orders ... to not eat dog poop. Heh heh heh. That is right.

    The real question .... history will wonder ... why it took so long for people to understand these things? It took 50 years for ISKCON to realize ... worshiping lusty fools gurus ... is not the path to Krishna?

    And the only reason they worshiped lusty fool gurus is, there was no written order not to? They needed a written order to not eat dog poops? That is right! This would be hilarious comedy ... if not for all the harsh suffering so many people had ... especially ... women, children and elderly devotees.

    The real problem then ...they wanted everyone else to eat dog poops along with them, get sick and ... maybe die. They did not bother to think ... how their idea was going to be bad for everyone else. Or they just did not care ...

    I have another devotee friend .... barely surviving stage 4 cancer. This is why ... a society should not eat dog poops, or worship fools, there will be bad results.

    They mention the poison issue on the video? It has become unavoidable at this time. Everyone knows about it now.


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