Thursday, March 6, 2025

Mahatma's Pecking Order / Vaishnavas Espana / Jaganath Spain writes 03 06 25

Pedophiles are "like Jesus, Haridasa Thakura and Prahlad." ???

PADA: Mahatma is talking about us not wanting to have a high place in ISKCON's "pecking order." OK first of all, Mahatma's illicit sex with men, women and children messiah pals, and his assorted homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, druggies, porno swamis, and accessories to murders messiahs, are given the highest post in Mahatma's pecking order, they are made into Mahatma's "God's spokesmen messengers" and messiahs, who are (according to Satsvarupa) "like Jesus, Haridasa Thakura and Prahlad."

Yep homosexuals, pedophiles and deviants posing as messiahs are "like Jesus." OK there is no higher pecking order position in a spiritual society than "like Jesus." And that is why Mahatma's program is burying their pedophile alleged Jesus in samadhis. Mahatma is speaking of "gaining influence," well his homosexual and pedophile alleged Jesus get the most influence, being worshiped "as good as God" messiahs no less, then placed in samadhis for their eternal worship going on forever.

As for the ISKCON children victims? They have been and still are evidently on the lowest rung of the Mahatma pecking order, which is why many of them were struggling just not to become homeless bums when I was in LA. They were not getting much influence or support in the pecking order. Some of them had to get a job at Mc Donalds, or they would have been homeless.

And that is also when Mahatma's highest pecking order Saudi Prince lifestyle messiahs were setting up opulent camps in Carpenteria estates, Beverly Hills, Malibu, Venice Beach etc. Yeah the homosexual and pedophile messiah's club leaders are the highest rank in their pecking order, the victims, ok not getting hardly honorable mention or even a recognized place in the pecking order. 

Almost none of the former kids around here ever get any sort of outreach from any ISKCON leaders. Children did not rate high on their pecking order. Or they don't even exist on their pecking order at all? Or worse, the children's skulls are part of the pile that made the hill the Mahatma gurus are standing on top of.

Meanwhile! More and more people are coming out of the woodwork to complain about the GBC's gurus. That is good news indeed. Nice, but a little late to save the Vaishnava women, children, elders, cows from being mistreated. And a little late to save the millions of regular "karmi" citizens from reading terrible accounts of "GBC gurus" misbehaving and -- creating scandal after scandal after scandal -- giving Krishna's movement a black eye and a reputation of being a criminal guru's cult.

Whatever is being done now to protest is good, but way too little and way too late to save a lot of people from another perspective. Of course, better late than never is also true. And the situation in Spain is apparently that the guru has put his name, or his lackeys names, on the legal ownership of ISKCON properties. 

Now it is almost impossible to dislodge them, since they have built up their legal and financial empire situation over decades -- and dismantling that is nearly impossible without making maybe a big fraud lawsuit, which most devotees cannot organize -- and would be difficult to engage in anyway -- since the first question is, why has it taken so long for anyone to protest?  

A lot of people still fear coming out. And one "woman" who writes to PADA is allegedly actually a man who is afraid of using his actual name. OK there is still a lot of fear and "holding back." One woman who is now a grand mother was molested as a child, and she only recently came out with her story, well sort of, not the whole story. OK she fears reactions from "the Vaishnava community" which does not support victims a whole lot. So we still have a long way to go to heal and mend all this.

But yeah, ISKCON has become an illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's cult. Anyone who protests can be beaten with shoes or worse. And anyone who becomes a whistle blower can expect ill treatment from not only the guru cults, but also many of the rank and file who have enabled the guru cults. 

Even now some people are complaining that PADA is a liar and all that, which aids and abets the molester messiah's program. Seeing how badly whistle blowers are treated, we can see why so many people are afraid to come forward and complain. OK ISKCON has become a violent pedophile worshiping cult. There is no other good way to explain it.

Personally, I cannot imagine worse future karma than turning a blind eye to child abuse, of any child anywhere. When any normal person finds out any children anywhere are in distress, they immediately want to address the situation and help those children. In ISKCON, when me and Sulochana wanted to address the mistreatment of KRISHNA's CHILDREN, we were beaten down and had just about zero support from the "Vaishnavas," resulting in us becoming targets for assassination. 

Around my area here, little kids can ride around on their bikes all over the place, and the parents don't even worry one iota, because they know people like me will make sure nothing happens to those kids. 

All this means -- in ISKCON the main persons being helped, enabled, empowered and defended are -- the pedophile messiah regime's leaders, such as the guru leaders, the pedophile's hand maiden "senior devotees," their enforcers, and their molesting webs and nests protecting association. And their legal defense web of layers of lawyers.  

I have a lot of folks reading my blog. One question I get all the time is, who on the GBC do we write to with suggestions, complaints or feed back? That is a really good question, my answer is -- none of them. They never respond to any of my suggestions, complaints, or feed back -- other to say -- we are stopping you from entering the pammho network, and I am still stopped now. I have been asked this question for years, but there is no actual person on their leadership that I can recommend. The last exchange I had with the ICC India Bureau folks, they informed me that I have not understood that Krishna's acharyas are often falling down left, right and center, and enabling mistreatment of others including children, due to my "being a mleccha." That was their best proposal for cooperation. ys pd



The Worship of Personality and its Effects

The cult of personality, especially in religious or spiritual contexts such as ISKCON, can have profound consequences on sannyasis (renunciation monks) and gurus who, in many cases, have attained political rank and power within the institution, but are not true renunciators.

The worship they receive constantly significantly affects their mental health and behavior, as we see in practice with the successive crises they suffer, disguised from "disease" and "stress."

PADA: We keep hearing this mantra: The ISKCON guru has failing mental or physical health "due to all the stress of managing." OK well these guys kicked out or alienated 95% of the Srila Prabhupada devotees, like myself, who were conducting the "senior" managing. And then we had new bhaktas with no maturity and no experience becoming temple presidents and so on. 

If you remove the greater core of senior devotee managers, you will have a managing crisis. No kidding. Of course, these gurus are taking boatloads of karma, which is causing reactions like: headaches, fall downs, intoxicating with psychotropics, strokes, heart failures, watching porno, drinking Vodka, engaging in illicit sex -- and who knows what else, which makes the managing even more impossible with these dysfunctioning people. Therefore, when we reported mass child mistreatment and other crimes, there was basically no one with common sense in charge to report it to. 

But yeah, Satsvarupa, Hansadutta and others had bad headaches, Jayapataka had a stroke, and many of them have had all sorts of mental and physical ailments from artificially posing as saints. And some of them, like Satsvarupa, Jayatirtha, Harikesh, Bhavananda and others, really started doing insane and bonkers things almost right out of the gate.

Sannyasis and psycho gurus.

These individuals use worship as a manipulation tool, intensifying their emotional disconnection and antisocial behavior. This dynamic can lead to psychological deterioration, manifesting itself into visible mental illness and generating crises that can result in abandoning one's role.

PADA: A lot of cult leaders just get more and more disconnected from the reality of the problems they are creating for themselves, others, or the whole cult. And since they often ban the people offering critical suggestions, they then surround themselves with only "yes men" as their association, so they have no realistic feed back. An ex-gurukula student told me the GBC leaders are like North Korea's dictators, they have no idea what problems they are making for others, such as the ISKCON children. Or what a mess their entire country of cult is undergoing. They only worry about their own private world. 

Sannyasis and narcissistic gurus.

Constant validation feeds their fragile self-esteem. Worship makes them more dependent on external admiration, solidifying their image of greatness. Faced with the inability to handle criticism, you may experience identity crises that affect your emotional stability.

Sannyasis and opportunistic gurus.

They see worship as an opportunity to tap into the emotions of their followers. However, this transaction-based relationship can generate emotional instability, leading to anguish and crisis, for both the followers and the leaders. So many ISKCON victims feel badly cheated and so forth, and they are more or less permanently avoiding ever going to ISKCON temples.

Sannyasis and gurus influenced by the fervor of the masses.

This kind of leader puts more attention to popular fervor and their supposed positive impact on preaching than to the recognition that they are not really prepared for that stage of life.

All of them tend to develop abusive behaviors and demand special opulent and excessive privileges in terms of accommodation, food and preferential treatment of all kinds. They come to believe they are the great personalities their big guru titles demand, disconnected from their own reality, and prioritize external approval over their personal spiritual development.

PADA: Ravindra swarupa wrote something like that. He joined ISKCON to become spiritually happy, but ended up as a worn out pencil pushing bureaucrat administrator, with no spiritual taste. Well yeah, he thought he was the administrator of the acharyas, which is an impossible task.

Many sannyasis and gurus end up declaring that they have fallen ill due to the overwhelming responsibility of living up to the expectations of their followers. This is, in fact, their inability as conditioned souls that they are, to bear the burden of worship.

This phenomenon, as a whole, has a negative impact on the institution. Individuals who should be models of spiritual behavior are instead deteriorating mentally, and physically, undermining trust in the community.

Devotion and admiration, which should inspire and guide followers, become a source of crisis, creating a repeated cycle of guru's falling down and making major cases of disappointment -- and this is a disappointment that affects the integrity of the movement as a whole.



Hi, I am Jagannatha Mishra, who preached to Yadunandana in 1977. In this interview with Yadunandana Swami, where details about his experience within the movement are narrated, it is crucial to deny several claims that are incomplete and misleading.

As someone who preached to him, I know the manipulation maneuvers he has carried out for decades to establish himself in power within the community. His words hide the reality of his personal ambition, which has caused suffering to all too numerous people.

Yadunandana mentions his inception in the movement and the role of his friends, but distorts the facts when talking about "our group," when actually it was my group and we were not his friends, he was a visitor. Even then, I was unable to make friends, until now.

Also, he omits that one of the requirements of his parents to enter the temple was a considerable monthly amount that was required to finance his permanence of 20,000 ptas in 1979, about 1,500 euros as of today.

Effective for who knows how many years. THAT fact, and then where did the money go, would be good interview questions.

He started his devotional career earning money, but that's not right to mention it.
Of course, omit those details that make him feel bad, because he is a hypocrite.
He also makes inappropriate comparisons with him regarding Bhaktisiddhanta's instruction to Prabhupada, very conveniently ignoring the abyss between those personalities and their situation which has never been sustained on authentic principles but in desires of power.

He mentions that the cook at that time had to go out to distribute books, otherwise he was rarely seen. That's not true, I was also a sankirtan cook and I have the testimony of others. 

What happens is that in their circle they are more like sitting in an office, with other office friends, and they didn't like that much about preaching in the street.
They had a feeling of inferiority they were projecting. 

No sankirtaner ever outshined other devotees. When we came to temples after months of traveling and distributing from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays and until some Sunday, dealing with tens of thousands of materialists, we saw temple devotees as angels.

So these leaders thought the Sankirtaneers had an elitist and negative mentality towards the office devotees, I have heard from other office devotees, but it was caused by his own feeling of inferiority.

The truth must prevail. Yadunandana Swami's words, though wrapped in an attempt at pleasant words, are an attempt to cover up his lack of ethics and manipulation over the years. It's crucial that we as a community be aware of these distortions and stand up for the truth.

We just have to observe what their actual contributions have been apart from climbing up the corporate ladder hills with a good dose of manipulation and extreme cruelty, crushing down others so he can rise to the top.

When asked why there was so much enthusiasm and missionary spirit before and not much now, he doesn't answer; he says we are better now than before. And that's because the current situation caters to its interests of his own greed and power. And he's part of the elite that drowned the enthusiasm and missionary spirit.

Now he has achieved his power objectives (sannyasa and guru) and controls the legal ownership of the properties of the Spanish Yatra by putting them in his name through his own Foundation. That's all what he really cares about.

Knowing all its negative influence on the Spanish Yatra for so many years, if I could go back and come to my group now to ask, I'd would have kicked it out.

video interview:
So you don't have to watch the whole video:

min. 3 - he was never from the group and there were no two groups
min. 25 - thanks Kesava Bharati, a convicted pedophile.
min. 32 - be compared to Prabhupada
min. 33 - He's referring to me.


Co-Creating the Future of Krishna Consciousness Movement #16 Things we are doing that need to stop, as they hinder the healthy development of the movement. Pt 3

Elders have always played a vital role in the culture in general - and Vaisnava culture in particular. In the early days of Western movement, Srila Prabhupada was the only elder. The movement was made up more or less entirely of young, passionate and inexperienced people. But now we are blessed with many elders—devotees who practice and deepen the teaching for 4-5 decades or more—and have the kind of life wisdom that also comes with advanced years.

However, the worry is that many of them - perhaps most of them - are somewhat marginalized. There are certainly elders in positions of authority — temple presidents, gurus — and one might assume that, according to Vaisnava culture, they would be very happy, eager, to receive advice from those wise elders in their neighborhood. 

But that often doesn't seem to be the case. Much attention is given to the worshiping and obedient young people. Elders are neglected — perhaps even seen as problematic non-conforming — voices of dissent.

Having devoted many of their first productive years to movement, many now find themselves struggling to survive, battling health issues... They have valuable experience, skills etc. But maybe we will favor the person simply ready to execute orders instead of those who may question some of the directions the movement is taking.

Shockingly, there could be blatant disrespect to lifelong practitioners in other sangas - even from relative newbies. Perhaps this reflects certain Kali yuga tropes in general - a lack of respect for experience, ambitious young alphas seeking to nudge the elders to make their mark...

Elders play such an important role in imparting vital cultural wisdom. They can provide a different kind of shelter and nutrition. When they are seen as disposable... when we value obedience over wisdom... so we hamper the movement.

The healthy development of movement depends greatly upon the accumulated wisdom, experience and balance that the advanced years usually bring.
In this next part, we will explore issues such as hypocrisy, selfish management, unprincipled / arbitrary decision-making, dislike for competence, violations / ethical deficiencies, and other issues with character and leadership capacity.

I will dispatch false religionists to
the lowest regions.


  1. JD: Mahatma's pedo guru friends get all the honor and influence. And money. And ISKCON property. And guru poojya.

    Everyone else? Gets a kick in the head. Nothing has changed.

    They keep re-packing the same old same old crap in a new package. We know already what their package contains. The pecking order is ... their gurus are sometimes sticking their peckers in different places ... and sucking on other's peckers. And that makes them ... gurus.

    Anyone who does not agree ... becomes the enemy. Hmmm. No wonder ISKCON has so many enemies! We need them to have more and more enemies, let's do this! For Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. Make more enemies for these clowns! Before they ruin even more lives.

  2. M Dasi: When temple leaders heads are empty and dead, then their temples are empty and dead. "Form follows thought."

    We don't want you to have ego, desire for honor, or position. Why? Because if you have position ... that is dangerous for us ... you will challenge ours. You have to humbly accept out bogus position. And suffer.

    If you challenge us ... your ego is out of control. This is all about controlling others. Don't challenge us, be humble, don't have ego, because that keeps all the sheeps following us to the dead guru society slaughterhouse.

    And the sad thing is ... so many sheeps followed them ... and were slaughtered. We followed them humbly ... and now we have empty temples ... and burnt out youth population ... with maybe Hindus on Sunday ... because we and our children all abandoned their sinking ship.

    Don't have an ego, don't have a position, don't question us, and then ... we all end up on the slaughterhouse floor. With all due respectfulness, this Mahatma looks dead, sounds dead, acts dead, talks dead, and has dead temples result. This is like ... the night of the living corpses movies.

    Everyone listened to them ... and that killed the Hare Krishna religion ... and by the looks of it ... killed them too. He looks and sounds like a warmed over corpse ... and that is sure to rally the troops! Just kidding! I feel bad for the guy ... he died a long time ago but his ghost continues on ... not knowing he is dead already.

    Very sad for him ... and all of his victims. And that includes millions and maybe billions of people who read terrible things about them ... and they will be lost from Krishna for many lifes now ... thanks to these living dead corpses taking over ISKCON. They killed their guru, they killed his movement, they killed themselves. Sad and more sad is what happens next life for them doing all this ...

  3. MMD: All makes sense now. Mahatma's favorite theme -- be humble, be little, don't have big ego, don't go too high in pecking order. And ... little is big. Be a good little sheeple! But stay little!

    Don''t be a big sheeple ... you might ask too many questions. Keep everyone down ... so they will submit to the worship of him and his clown show. None of them are stepping down from being the big shots ... we have to continue to be the little shots.

    That is how they keep the little sheeple in line. Unfortunately ... not working too good right now ... too many damaged sheeple asking too many questions.

    For the record ... he looks terrible, sounds terrible, and has terrible message ... surrender to the bogus gurus, same thing he always said like broken record. All catching up to him.

    I agree M. Dasi! Mahatma looks like death warmed over. Cadaver-pada. Still holding on to their guru post, cannot let go, even when death is a knocking.

    That means they have some time ... to admit this was all a hoax. And if they don't, they will be punished more. But they are already being punished. Look at the state of these GBC gurus, they are a train wreck already.

    As Bhakti Vikas says, crashing jumbo jets. His jet crashed long time ago, he just hasn't figured out yet. A haunted ghost.

  4. PADA: Yep BD, It has worked pretty well for them. They told everyone to be humble, be tolerant, be nice, be little guys, don't question authority -- or the gurus, and then -- people were being banned, beaten, molested, sued and shot -- while humbly "tolerating." And then voila, ISKCON was bankrupted and the temples were empty.

    They got what they came for? Hard to say if they actually wanted all this suffering at the start in 1978. They might have, or all this suffering was destined to happen when false gurus are being promoted, and no one thought all this would be result.

    But the laws of karma are very stringent, making false gurus makes all sorts of problems, and that is what Krishna does. Someone told me it is like the tower of Babel, they wanted to make a stairway to heaven and they were punished.

    And the GBC's stairway to heaven ended up the same, except -- thousands of rank and file people ALSO had to suffer and go down along with the leaders, the whole operation was afflicted.

    In any event, M Dasi is right, these people are looking and sounding downright creepy these days. Another person told me Mahatma looks Satanic in this photo. I dunno, but the karma is catching up and it will only get worse, because false gurus are cast to the lowest regions.

    That is why Jayapataka hangs on here. He dreads going to his next stop on the karma wheel, because it is going to be bad, real bad, and he knows it, and wants to avoid going there. Unfortunately for him, he will be eventually forced to go there ...


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