Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Satsvarupa Health / Nityananda Book Excerpt 03 04 25


Over the last weeks a new phenomena has emerged. Three times SDG has tried to move from point A to point B without assistance. He fell twice, but fortunately there were no breaks or bruises. Our concern is growing. 

We are making a schedule of monitors so that Maharaja is not alone for most of the time. This puts more stress on the health care team, so it would be nice if volunteers come forward to help with this new service. The monitors do shifts upstairs while Satsvarupa Maharaja writes, chants, listens to tapes, rests, and sometimes engages personally with the monitor as he desires. 

It is a personal and necessary service, along with other services in the house or garden, such as cooking, cleaning, weeding, etc. Anyone interested in helping out can contact Krsna devi dasi at krsnadd@gmail.com or text her at (518) 822-7636. 

Thank you.
Hare Krsna,

PADA: Well I don't want to wish anyone unwell, but Satsvarupa was writing that me and Sulochana are poison pens, so SDG was trying to get us whacked and one of us was whacked. When we were exposing the mass child abuse, including that Kirtanananda was having oral sex with young males, SDG stepped on the gas pedal to run us over and defend his homosexual and pedophile messiah's guru program.  

SDG wrote many Kirtanananda glorifications -- things like -- Kirtanananda is everywhere, Kirtanananda is like Jesus, Haridas Thakur and Prahlad -- no less, so we were "offending the greatest pure devotee -- who is as good as God and Jesus," and so on. Calling us poison was intended to have us "poison pens" eliminated, terminated, and that was intentional. And it worked. 

OK SDG is an accessory to murder, and a host of other crimes, like empowering mass child abuse, by being the cheer leader of the GBC guru gang. Amazing that the GBC folks think a homosexual pedophile is another Jesus, and their pedophile new Jesus can absorb sins like the actual Jesus, and 300 "senior devotees" and their families were living at New Vrndavana supporting all this foolishness. 

Meanwhile the only reason anyone is taking any care of SDG or his foolish self-elected messiah's pals at this stage is -- that he lied that he was appointed as a guru. That way he got servants, nice housing, and all sorts of personal perks and benefits -- that none of us rest of us rank and file obtained. 

Certainly many children reported they were not getting proper food, clothes, soap, medicine and basic needs, and then there were the abusive teachers -- while people like SDG were hanging out in Howard Johnson motels, watching football and ordering take out pizzas. 

Satsvarupa is in sum, exploiting religion for his personal gains. While he reports kicking dead sea gulls on the beach in his new gummy boots, everyone else has to suffer and pay for his leisurely lifestyle, including children whose needs are not being met -- so his needs can be met. Satsvarupa was the GBC's main position paper writer after 1977, and he helped make many GBC reports, and the infamous 1980 "Mahajanas Have Difficulties" paper etc. Sulochana called SDG "the Joeseph Goebbels writer of ISKCON." 

In sum, SDG is a founder father / main writer / hand maiden mastermind / of the illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club, that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas.  

And thus he seems to know what his future is. A woman who was formerly a Krishna kid says she finally realized that Satsvarupa is -- a con-man, a crazy person, a tranquilizer pill addict, a lusty dog, and a big enforcer for the GBC's homosexual and pedophile molester messiah's guru program, where thousands of children suffered badly under their watch. 

Therefore, she is now shocked and astonished that her "senior devotee parents" coerced her into taking initiation from SDG when she was a teen ager. She wonders, what kind of parents would have their child worship this insane dope head, pill popping lunatic, mad artiste, who supports Kirtanananda's pedophile worship, and tries to get dissenters whacked because HE IS THE POISON PEN? 

And when many kids were in LA when I was there, a lot of them had pretty dire economics. Some of them were sleeping in their cars. One of the kids proudly told me he was finally getting a job at Mc Donalds. So everyone else has to suffer dire economics, if not banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing, and have basically nothing, so that a few elites can have a lifetime of servants, free medical care, food, housing and lifetime pension support.

Obviously SDG has already gone to hell, just look at his art. He is just appearing to be here temporarily. He writes "the more I chant the drier it gets." Well yeah, offenders won't get the bliss of the nama. Anyway, he is the master mind brain writer of an illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs club. He helped the pedophile guru system and glorified his homosexual pedophile pals as another Jesus. 

Serving him is not going to benefit anyone materially or spiritually. At the same time, I feel bad for the guy. He wanted so badly to make his old New York City hippie -- dee do dah -- gay household pals into another Jesus, he forgot that this is creating severe karmic reactions for doing these types of things. 

Looking at his hell scape art, it is like he subconsciously knows where he and his pals are going. So they had an opportunity to serve a pure devotee, but they wanted to serve their concocted homosexual and pedophile messiah's program instead, so they lost their way. 

And that is an understatement. They went from going to Vaikuntha to going to the lowest planets. His servants will go there with him since they endorse all of his foolishness. So I am not gloating that he is deteriorating, but I tend to agree with many ex-kids who say -- all of these GBC guru people and their sicophants need to go for the benefit of the earth and human society. Once they are gone the planet will be relieved of a great burden. Well yup, I am more or less with that opinion. ys pd 

We call on the United States to uphold the guarantees made alongside Great Britain in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which established a direct obligation to defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity in exchange for its relinquishment of nuclear weapons. These guarantees are unconditional—there is no mention of treating such assistance as an economic transaction.

Lech WaƂesa, former political prisoner, President of Poland

PADA: Yeah, just give up all your weapons! You won't need any new weapons in future either! Just keep your old obsolete and rusty 1960s tanks, old Migs and 1941 rifles! We will defend you. 

Oooops, did we forget to mention, thanks for giving up your weapons but -- we are not going to defend you, you are on your own! I have to go buy some popcorn so I can sit and watch all of you getting taken out on TV! See ya later suckers!

Hee hee, yup, very reliable "security agreement treaty" help here. Very much like the security deal the USA made with the American Indians. Yeesh! ys pd



-However, it is very doubtful that secular courts and judges can accomplish much in correcting the wrongs committed against Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual mission of delivering the fallen souls. Rectification of the spiritual movement is beyond the understanding, capabilities, and jurisdiction of mundane courts or authorities. The Hare Krishna Movement is propelled by surrendered devotees, and only they are able, knowledgeable, and hopefully willing to restore purity and life to Srila Prabhupada’s mission. 

Courts can determine the if and who regarding the poisoning itself. Our focus should be to become educated in the evidence regarding Srila Prabhupada’s physical poisoning and how this is connected to the poisoning of his divine mission and mercy (see Book Two). It is the duty of determined Srila Prabhupada followers to rectify the anomalies that have developed since Srila Prabhupada’s departure. 

Secular courts cannot do this.

PUT TAMAL ON TRIAL IN THE COURT OF DEVOTEE OPINION Rather than wait indefinitely for others to ascertain Tamal’s culpability and guilt in Srila Prabhupada’s cadmium poisoning, it is completely legitimate for us to now conduct a theoretical trial by evaluating the evidence of Tamal’s involvement. This would be in the court of public opinion, or more exactly, this book’s reader’s opinions. 

The members and friends of the Hare Krishna movement may act as the jurors, and this is what we will do in this chapter: put Tamal on mock trial “in absentia” in the court of our book and devotee jury opinion. For discussion purposes only, we will evaluate the direct and circumstantial evidence that implicates Tamal in the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada and then add up the score, weigh the guilty vs innocent. In seeking justice and truth in Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning, and because there is such a large accumulation of evidence and facts, and since no legal court has yet undertaken this case, and may never do do, it is fully appropriate for us to perform our own theoretical evaluation. 

We should objectively examine the evidence and facts, discuss freely and openly within the constraints of Vaishnava etiquette, and become fully educated in Srila Prabhupada’s departure pastimes. How sure are we that Tamal is guilty of poisoning Srila Prabhupada?

What is the benefit of this exercise? The answer is that any change, whether in society, government, or the Hare Krishna movement, starts with convinced individuals who then live and act in accordance with their sincere and honest convictions. A spiritual revolution begins at home, with one after another individual understanding the facts and evidence, sharing with family, friends, and others, and then actually implementing reform and restoration in Srila Prabhupada’s mission, which includes but is much greater than ISKCON. 

This mock exercise trial will study the evidence to see how sure we are Tamal was complicit in Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning. This is limited to a few pages and does not pretend to adhere to strict legal standards with objections, hearsay rules, cross-examination, plea bargaining, laying foundations for evidence, jury instructions, relevancies, authentication issues, and so on. Has the evidence reached the threshold of full viability for a criminal trial if Tamal was still alive?
However, to put Tamal on trial for poisoning Srila Prabhupada will not address all the crimes he committed after Srila Prabhupada’s departure, which have immensely harmed the Hare Krishna Movement. 

That is not included in the scope of this chapter. When there is no secular venue for establishing truth, justice, and a verdict in the face of a great wrong, due to whatever circumstances that may prevent this, it is fully appropriate for the harmed parties to conduct their own private review of evidence in an alternative to a trial court, such as a commission, debate, book, or convention. (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories, 1.400)

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