OK where do I sign up? Problem is, at the same time, most of these groups complain "the ritviks are like the Christians" because they worship a departed acharya. Ummm, what? We should join the Christians and condemn them simultaneously? OH yeah, probably because, the Christians do not worship illicit sex with men, women and children as their gurus.
Meanwhile a few people wrote to complain to me that Mathura Pati / Mathias Sabji has been plastering his Zionist bankers / N*zi materials on their forums -- so they had to block him, because he is trying to bridge Vaishnavas with H*tler. Same thing, we need to add this and that the make Vaishavism popular. Unfortunately, someone sent me a flyer where some of the Aryan brotherhood folks in the midwest were advertising Mukunda's site, which is not helping us whatever.
Meanwhile someone told me Mathura Pati / Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur types were complaining about Henry Doktorski. OK I also do not fully embrace everything he says, for example he has had the idea that Srila Prabhupada had been saying Kirtanananda is a pure devotee, and he is a diksha guru (who can absorb sins etc.), and he should be worshiped as such all over ISKCON. I never had that impression -- ever.
I was told he was a renegade in 1971, and therefore I always doubted his status. And when Sulochana told me he was going to New Vrndavana in 1979, I said under no circumstances should you ever even visit that place, it is a personality cult. So there were some of us who never trusted Kirtanananda, ever. And we never had the idea KS is a pure devotee, from Srila Prabhupada or anyone else, ever. OK one of the reasons Sulochana was assassinated is, he was saying there was no guru appointment.
So I blame the so-called Prabhupada devotees who were telling people to worship Kirtanananda as a pure devotee, because they were not citing anything from Srila Prabhupada that I can confirm. What I can confirm is -- that Srila Prabhupada had a lot of negative things to say about KS. Unfortunately, Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati are still working with the cheer leader program of people who glorified Kirtanananda. Henry Doktorski is NOT promoting the cheer leaders of the Kirtanananda lover's club.
So these guys have been telling people to work with Bhakta das, who has promoted the worshipers of Kirtanananda like Bhakta's "Saint Radhanath." Radhanath even had Kirtanananda placed in samadhi. So these guys like Mathura Pati just cannot stop promoting the hand maidens and worship promoters of their homosexual and pedophile guru process, and worse -- pedophiles in samadhi process. But even some karmi media people asked me "what is pedophile samadhi"? Yeah, even they know this is bogus. At least Mathura Pati says the reason he is working with the cheer leaders of the pedophile messiah's club is, they oppose PADA.
OK that means he cannot find anyone -- apart from his pedophile messiah club pals -- to oppose me. Of course, they were already working with Prahlad, who says anyone who opposes their pedophile pooja is "a sahajiya," which is exactly what Kirtanananda says. And Sulochana says they are calling us sahajiyas to make us targets -- for assassination. So they are still working hand in glove with Sulochana's murderers.
Henry is at least NOW is saying that Radhanath is a bogus guru, and he had a hand in many criminal out croppings including -- the assassination of Sulochana (and me being targeted by New Vrndavana goons). So Henry at least has realized that these Radhanath folks are bogus, and should NOT be promoted. We are still waiting for Mathura Pati and his pals to wake up and stop promoting the Kirtanananda lover's club folks, but since they are more worried about H*tler and WW II, they are not even aware of these real issues.
And Henry thinks PADA did a needed job bringing out the child mistreatment issue, these guys don't think that was a good idea, but neither does Kirtanananda. So it is a mixed situation, but the people who are still licking the jack boots of Kirtanananda / Radhanath program's cheer leaders, have made zero progress on any issue.
Anyway, these are all the symptoms that ISKCON has failed, and is spawning its own competition and many bogus off shoots. The only good news is, a number of people are realizing that, and they are going back to exclusive focus on Srila Prabhupada.
ys pd
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