Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Was Srila Prabhupada Poisoned? / Mahatma Health Update 09 25 24

“Was Srila Prabhupada poisoned? Examining the new evidence”

PODCAST: Episode 142 – Thursday 26th September 2024

We’re delighted to welcome Dhira Govinda Prabhu as our guest on this week’s podcast.

A member of the global ISKCON community since 1980, he has held a wide range of positions from Temple President to ISKCON’s Book Distribution Coordinator in the Middle East, and from Temple Board of Directors Chairman to the role that he is probably most well-known for – that of being the founder (and first director) of ISKCON’s International Child Protection Office.

And today… he is one of the founders of the new ‘Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation’ – an organisation that is committed to shedding light on what ‘really happened’ that led to Srila Prabhupada’s physical departure from the world in November 1977.

After years of research, advances in information technology and forensic analysis, Dhira Govinda presents evidence to suggest that ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya was poisoned with homicidal intent.

In this week’s podcast, we discuss the evidence. All of which is available for public pursual at the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation website: 

Direct links are also here:

- 22 Minute Audio Clip of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning: 
- Lab Report with Forensic Evidence: 
- Legal Opinion/Lawyers Comment on whether the evidence gathered can be used in a potential criminal investigation: 
This week’s podcast really is not to be missed!
You can watch it:
- on Facebook

- and on YouTube at
For more details about The Hare Krishna Project check out our website
#Podcast #TheHareKrishnaProject #SrilaPrabhupada #Prabhupada #ISKCON #FounderAcharya #Poisoned #PrabhupadaPoisoned #AudioFile #ForensicAnalysis #LegalOpinion #JusticeForSrilaPrabhupada

PADA: Sheesh pilgrims. When we first announced the "poison tape" audio in 1997, we had no idea that all sorts of additional testimony and evidence would be later on added. At the time, not only the GBC's folks but so-called "ritviks" like Krishna Kant's IRM, Kamsahanta, Sanat, Mukunda and others were openly saying "PADA is a crazy mad man" and so on and so forth. 

Sanat and Mukunda also insisted that I not have Nityananda work on the forensics, because they knew we would find other problems among their poisoner pals. Of course they also did not want me to work with Hansadutta to get original books, to save their book changer pals. In other words, a lot of people tried to block us when we introduced these issues. Of course even now people like Mathura Pati / Mathias sabji are saying PADA is a liar and crazy man, because he has to join kissing the jack boots of the Judas defenders. 

Ummm, not so fast there little crickets! Maybe PADA is not a crazy mad man -- after all! Did that ever occur to you folks?

Anyway, the "poison issue" has now taken a sort of life of its own, and many people are on board with it, including people in the former Soviet states, Russia, China, Australia, Europe and etc. It is moving ahead, despite all these naysayers complaints. Of course, same thing with the book changes issue, molesting issue, and other issues, all of that is ALSO moving forward as well. 

I congratulate Narada for helping bring myself and others onto his forum for us to speak out on some of these things. Bravo. Meanwhile someone else said to me, even if PADA is a mad man, sometimes it takes a mad man to tell the "sane" people the emperor has no clothes, because the sane people are too afraid of losing their precious social status to speak up and point out the obvious. Whereas the crazy guy has nothing to lose, so he will speak up, hee hee! 

ys pd   


*HG Mahatma Das’ Health Update, September 24, 2024*

Hare Krishna,

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

The doctors have reported that HG Mahatma Das is experiencing a setback in his recovery process, and his condition is very delicate. I don’t have more details at the moment.

Your prayers are very much appreciated. Please continue with your prayers and organize kirtans in your local communities for his smooth and successful recovery.

Radhapriya Devi Dasi

PADA: OK we never actually recover from pretending we are another Jesus and we can absorb other's sins acting as another diksha guru messiah of the Jagat. "Yes, as a matter of fact, me Jesus are equals." Not so fast there -- little teeny snail on my sidewalk! 

And you will never "recover" from orchestrating ISKCON's children to worship your anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiahs program, which caused numerous of those children to be starved, beaten, and horribly abused. We don't recover from any of that, other than, we go to Yamaraja and he places us in various hells so we can burn off these masses of sins.

But Mahatma is very proud of himself. He has made his illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's project to be an alleged "part of Krishna's guru parampara"; he has made many of his God brothers suffer terribly and then go to hell by encouraging them to be gurus and take sins; he has created an epidemic of child abuse by supporting the regime that orchestrated that process etc. 

He has now got rid of almost all of the Western devotees so he could make his Hindu hodge podge out of ISKCON -- where my friend says -- 50% or more of these Hindus eat meat and 33% of them are mayavada. All this, so Mahatma could convert ISKCON into his homosexual, pedophile, intoxicated fool messiah's club, and a meat eating and mayavada hodge podge congregation religion, just what he wanted all along! And then he could have his homosexual and pedophile pals buried in samadhi, so children could worship these deviants as "previous acharyas."

OK well guess who is going to have to go to Yamaraja to take credit for all this? Yeah, so he is in bad health now, but his spiritual health has already tanked a long time ago, and now it is just catching up on the physical plane, just like it has for his other messiahs, such as Jaya-potato head. Good luck Mahatma, making an anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's club means, the hounds of Yamaraja are simply drooling in anticipation of coming after your soul, to take you where you belong, and they will. 

Wow, just saw another nurse testimony that she knows for sure "evil entities" are coming to take certain people's souls. She cannot see them, but she knows FOR SURE they are there, because her patients for sure see something horrible coming for them. And that is what Mahatma's future is, they will come for his soul, or they already are and it has not manifest fully yet ... 

ys pd

Burying homosexual pedophiles and porno swamis in the dham.
How much more rasika does it get?



Nanda Kumar das testimony, continued: “The situation was very intense, very heavy. Prabhupada's body was frail. Baradraja was singing beautifully as he always did. [...] So, one day in Vrindavan Baradraja was singing for Prabhupada, and it was a somber mood. [...] Baradraja was emotional and his voice broke on a note. This person, who was a singer and a musician himself, elbowed Baradraja and laughed. He made fun of the mistake. I realized that I have a situation here. I have to decide what to do. 

I'm Prabhupada's guard, and Prabhupada has told me that this person prays for his death. I see this person in that mood. What do I do? My alternatives were to either kill this person or to go to the senior God-brothers and share what I knew. Of course, the first one was out. I thought about the second one and realized that I wouldn't be heard. This person wields power that I don't have. 

The third alternative was to leave because I couldn't be there and see that. So I left. At that time [Oct. 1977], Kirtanananda was sincerely spearheading a group of devotees who were begging Prabhupada to stay. Kirtanananda was crying, "Please Prabhupada, we can't carry on without you. We're not advanced enough, we need you here." Prabhupada yawned and said, "All right, I'll stay." Because Prabhupada said that, I thought he was going to stay. I didn't want to stir up trouble at this special time, and I couldn't watch it. So I left Vrindavan and left India, and two weeks later Prabhupada passed away.”

In 1977 Upendra was caring for Srila Prabhupada, who was surrounded by his disciples. According to Upendra, Srila Prabhupada said: “You are all standing here outwardly saying, ‘You can’t leave us at this time. What will we do without you? Who will finish the Bhagwatam?’ But inwardly you are rubbing your hands together thinking, ‘When will the old man die so we can spend his money?’

"Srila Prabhupada had spoken this between tears, and Upendra also cried. Upendra told Vatsara das what Srila Prabhupada had just said. Vatsara is a close friend of Vatsala das and Sashikala dasi, who related this incident in 2000.
In the Dec. 1980 Topanga Canyon talks, Tamal said: “Jayapataka read an ultimate point that Hansadutta Maharaja was praying for Prabhupada's death. 

Sridhara Maharaja heard this and he said, ‘Yes, the same thing was there in my guru Maharaja's time. There was one disciple who guru Maharaja said was in the same mentality. My guru Maharaja chose to see the bright side. Yes, because he feels checked right now in his preaching determination. He wants to preach for me and for Krishna, and he cannot.’ The fact is that whatever we say, still Prabhupada named him [Hansadutta] after this incident to be a ritvik or a guru, according to your interpretation. I've been accused of the same thing. ‘That you tried to kill Prabhupada.’" (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.518)

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