Thursday, September 12, 2024

Kashava Holt Departs 09 12 24

The Monkey On A Stick Movie is almost done. They had to clean up some permissions and technical issues, but it is almost a wrap. 

PADA: Yeepers pilgrims! This is going to be the third Krishna kid to depart in the past three weeks. I think he was only around 32. Another Krishna kid departed -- possibly from alcohol abuse, also at a younger age. And a young lady departed -- from possible drug abuse, only 29 years old. 

This is not a good sign pilgrims. There is one former Krishna kid who keeps telling me I am living in the past -- and no one cares about these "old issues" anymore. Well nope, that is not true. What happened in the past is affecting these Krishna kids now. Presently.

Yeah. He wants me to forgive, forget, move on, and start to work with people like ISKCON's molester messiah's project's chief apologist, enabler and supporter -- Mahatma dasa. OK but it is not my call to forgive, forget and move on -- with these Krishna kid's cases. 

Obviously many of these Krishna kids are carrying around some baggage from the past -- and they are a sort of collective group of victims IMHO, and therefore only the victims are in a position to forgive, forget and move on. I cannot forgive the victimizers on behalf of these victims, it is not in my capacity. Only a victim can resolve this with their victimizer group, it is their call. If someone is a victim of a crime, it is not up to me to forgive the criminals who created their victimization. And it is amazing some people don't get that. 

Anyway, all that being said, something is still wrong with the situation with a number of these Krishna kids. And it is called denial to try to claim this is not a problem. It is a problem, and it has not been resolved to the satisfaction of many victims, or PADA -- who advocates for these victims. And yeah, just because a Krishna kid was not directly abused, he knows others who have been, and it afflicts them in other ways.

So this is good news and bad news. The good news is, this person evidently did not have to endure a long, protracted and painful illness -- that has afflicted many other Hare Krishnas. The bad news is, the problems going on with the Krishna kids has not been fixed -- and so every now and again, another one of them departs. 

This devotee also had a brother who was taken out in Goa, and from what I understand -- that crime was not solved. I dunno, maybe someone has an update. But if the brother was wandering around Goa, without support and protective company from the Krishna society, that is not good either. Why are these Krishna kids randomly wandering around hither and thither? Why didn't the society shelter them and keep them in a safe association? OK I could go on and on here.

In any case, his soul has departed from here. All his problems here are now over. And therefore, we wish his soul to be blessed and assisted by Krishna and His higher authorities. In sum, God speed spirit soul! ys pd    

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