Saturday, September 23, 2023

Unity of the Prabhupadanugas 09 23

PADA: Thank you very much D Dasi for your question: "Shouldn't the Prabhupadanugas also cooperate together ... and make a public statement regarding child abuse? And shouldn't each Prabhupadanuga agree to sign and agree to that statement. And what should the statement say"? 

For starters, the last thing the Prabhupadanugas need -- is to be lumped in with the GBC's child abuse agenda. We have to avoid that perception at all costs, or else people will think the "reform and reorganization" attempt -- is contaminated with the same root (beeg) problems as the original deviants. 

After a short while, no one will remember who was Hansadutta, Bhagavan, Harikesh, Jayatirtha and others, but the problems of ISKCON's child abuse history will be remembered for decades to come, if not a century to come -- or more than that. So we have to make sure that the reform is not linked to that deviation, or people will not view the reform as an improvement. And if we can unify on this issue, good. If not, then that means some of the reformers are in fact contaminated and compromised with the trouble maker's agenda, as even some of my law enforcement friends think -- they are.  

OK so there are a number self advertised "Prabhupadanugas" who vehemently disagree with PADA on our position of eliminating and containing child abuse. And this has been a sticking point on making agreements and alliances amongst the so-called Prabhupadanugas, or those claiming to be among them. 

For example, Sulochana wanted to have the GBC sued for the child abuse, in order to stop or at least start to contain the child abuse. And these types of court cases tend to reduce the suicides of victims, and can get hundreds or even thousands of potential future victims pulled from the suspect's schools, as happened with the ISKCON lawsuit. 

However, as soon as the actual court case came up -- to address the ISKCON child abuse -- many people who claim to be Sulochana's followers -- did not want this lawsuit to occur. But that was one of his main objectives, to at least alert the ISKCON citizens to the child abuse -- to prevent more abuse -- and to contain the problem. And save children. 

Yet many "Prabhupada people" were happy to have the regime go on, and continue have the ongoing suicides and abuses process continue, self evidently. In fact Sanat and Mukunda said they would like to see all the victims "die in a bloodbath in Dallas." It seems always the same thing with these folks, the victims have to be punished and suppressed, and even be welcomed to step into their graves, but never -- the perps -- as many people -- including the courts and media -- noticed. 

Naranarayan Visvakarma began to argue that PADA editor is a sexual predator himself, because that is all he meditates on, as if the persons trying to rescue children from abuse are the problem, and not the abusers. The police are the criminals -- because they meditate on crimes. 

But! The criminals are the innocent people. Hee hee! Sorry. We simply report the news, we do not create it. OK so he was not happy we were exposing the ISKCON folks he was always hanging out with -- and hugging and patting on the back -- over on Watseka. And then he gathered together a gang to come after me.

Some of them, like the Krishna Kanta IRM folks, Kamsahanta, Prahlad etc. said "this lawsuit will take away OUR buildings." They agreed with the GBC's folks, they all own ISKCON's property as "their buildings" -- where pedophiles are being worshiped as their messiahs. The pedophile pooja property is also our property -- so they identify as co-members and co-owners of the pedophile's messiahs project -- and their buildings. Mi casa is su casa!  

The buildings of the pedophile messiahs program -- are also I, me and mine. Umm, and they object because we are saying -- this not PADA's program or PADA's buildings. Of course, while they wanted to save "their" precious buildings, they did not seem to any care at all that precious children who were still being abused, and some of the previous victims were taking their lives etc. We are very concerned about saving the bricks and stones, people can be tossed under the bus. 

OK that is the same process as the GBC's gurus. Save a brick -- but not a child. Same problem we are having with Hawaii Narayan. He is all about saving cows, but what about all the children who have been victims under the GBC's and Narayan Maharaja's mass molester program. "They got their karma." Tough luck! 

The PADA attack group would thus include many "Prabhupada" people such as Nara Narayan Visvakarma, Krishna Kant, The IRM, The Hare Krishna Community Jaipur -- and Dayalu Nitai's overall group -- and others. For example, Dayalu Nitai's group wrote to tell me -- anyone who is trying to stop child beatings and child rapes regimes (ok PADA) "is a non-devotee who has no credibility." Fer sure. 

Wow, only bona fide Krishna devotees -- like them -- defend and support mass child beatings and child rapes / bogus religion regimes. Who knew? Yep, we cannot make this stuff up. Of course, people like Bhakta Peter like to repeat Tamal and say -- "PADA is a liar," because that is how these regime people can cover up for their molester regime and bury their crimes against children, as they have done.  

Yep. They ALL say the same thing. "This is all lies." Ditto parrots. Well nope, none of this is a lie, the regime they are defending actually beats and rapes little children. For real. Prove otherwise? OK they can't. Nor do they even try lately really, since that just makes them dig their hole deeper.  

And they wanted me to listen to their youtube video, which they made with Radhanath's cheer leaders like Bhakta das. They were upset I did not help their program and advertise their program. But they are advertising in public -- defenders of a program which buries homosexuals, pedophiles and porno swamis in samadhi in the dham. Sorry, we cannot "unify" with these folks. 

Thus! PADA is not bona fide. Well jeepers, make me not bona fide then, where do I sign up to be a bogus gopi sahajiya! And Bhakta Peter says he cannot see a big problem with promoting the cheer leaders of Radhanath's regime either, never mind that program bans, beats, molests, sues and assassinates Vaishnavas. And it is DIRECT connected to Sulochana's disappearing. No problem here prabhu! Just a bunch of molested kids ... and dead devotees who exposed our process. OK that explains why we had to work with "the karmis," they see major problems here.

Then Dayalu Nitai wrote to tell me the reason he supports Prahlad's defense of the child beatings and child rapes programs is "I am a regular Prabhupadanuga." Umm, well then maybe we should ask something else first, "are you even a basic level human being since your team defends mass child abuse regimes"? 

Sulochana used to say, even dogs do not abuse children, and even dog eating humans do not abuse children. Nor would they support anyone who defends these crimes. Sulochana thought these molester messiah's program folks, and / or their apologists and defenders, are collectively not on the level of dogs and dog eaters, never mind they are NOT Krishna's devotees. So how are they following Sulochana? 

So this was the main group who defended the child beatings and child rapes program: Krishna Kant's IRM, Kamsahanta das, Naranarayan Visvakarma, Prahlad Das (Paul Coats), Mukunda das (Mark Whiteley), Krishna Kirtan, Panchali, and many others. They all joined the GBC group and complained that PADA is a drunk who drinks Vodka. Yep, only drunks oppose child beating and rape regimes. These "sincere devotees" are, as Sulochana used to say, "boot lickers for the b*tt busters."  

And Mahatma das (Mario Pineda) said I was wrong to oppose the IRM, because the IRM wanted to halt me from addressing the book changes, molesting, and poison complaint issues. They thought I needed to take a vacation in the Carribbean, where I would have been handily disappeared. Hee hee. Krishna Kant announced that he is "going to war with PADA." Sounds like "unity" right there!

Wow, so only the sincere devotees who chant Hare Krishna -- are the main people defending child beatings and child rapes bogus messiah's regimes, whereas it is only us fallen sahajiya village drunks -- who know that this child abuse process is abominable and unacceptable. That means they are saying any common drunk is more advanced than a sincere follower of Krishna. 

Of course, GBC people give us the same argument: you are a drunk sahajiya, --- ummm, because you oppose our child abuse regime. The GBC speaks, and these "Prabhupada" people are their parrots. 

And then? Prahlad said he wanted to assist the GBC goondas to find me, evidently to kill me. Pancali's husband also said maybe PADA needs to get a new body. Of course, after I threatened to report him to the New Zealand police, his complaints disappeared. Anyway that means, they not only DO NOT want to contain child abuse, they want to work hand in glove with the child beating and raping program's goondas -- to help them defend the child abuse regime. 

Even my own kids said, wow, this Prahlad guy is trying to get you killed, he is working with the GBC's goondas. Well yep, all of these anal reconstructive surgery epidemic worshiping pooja folks -- think alike! Even my friends (like some law enforcement folks) could see, they are trying to get you kicked off the internet, and also kicked out of your body, because they have the same essential agenda as the pedophile messiah's club: i.e. defend the regime and suppress complaints. And that is how they keep their child beatings and rapes process going along. Even the cops can see how they all operate. 

Yep, perhaps they want to even have us advocates for the abused children -- assassinated. OK, so how are they any different than the people who actually killed Sulochana, when we look at their bottom line? And worse, they are advertising the cheer leaders of the program that assassinated Sulochana.

So, before we get to "who is a Prabhupadanuga" And "who is a devotee of Krishna"? First of all, we have to determine "who is an actual human being, in human consciousness. And who is less than a dog or a dog eater"? And then we can decide who to unify with and who not.

Not only members of this "Prabhupada" group but also the GBC's folks, Kailasa Chandra's folks -- and similar others -- began to say that anyone who opposes the child beating and rapes program is "a drunk sahajiya." The Kailasa folks even posted that PADA is "LOL" -- for our reporting child abuse. Child abuse is a joke.

Child beatings and rapes are

"LOL" for these folks.

So all of them combined to attack us and defend the child beatings and rapes project -- GBC people, IRM people, HKC Jaipur people, Kailasa people et al., they all said our opposing the child beating and rapes program makes us "drunk sahajiyas." Wow, same thing the GBC's folks argued. Ditto heads.

And thus Prahlad and others said the same thing, we are persons who do not chant our rounds etc. OK so children MUST BE be allowed to be beaten and raped, and take their own lives in trauma and disgust, because that program is "following Krishna." And anyone who objects to their child beatings and rapes process is "not following Krishna." That is what the people who killed Sulochana argued all along? Neither my law enforcement friends see how these groups are any different. 

The sincere people are defending child beatings and rapes regimes, and are having us dissenters taken down with violence. What kind of advertisement for the Krishna religion is that? We are cheerleaders of a child beating and child rapes program, and only the fallen non - followers are against our child beating and child rapes process. 

Again. That is the worst advertisement for the Krishna religion ever. A media person recently told me -- a religion that worships pedophiles as its messiahs is the worst example of religion -- ever recorded -- in the entire history of religion. He has never heard anything so obnoxious. OK so try to understand, the average Joe does not think these folks are in even basic non-animal / human / moral consciousness, never mind advanced religion consciousness.

And yep. The same group began to advertise Radhanath's cheer leaders like Bhakta das to get "the real story." Did I forget to mention Bhakta das still says the ritviks are bogus? And his program has advertised "Saint Radhanath." Oh yeah, we are bogus, we don't worship Saint Radhanath, chief hand maiden of homosexual and pedophile messiah's like Kirtananda.

Saint Radhanath

And yep, it got worse than that. This group also began to cite Hari Sauri, who wrote against me and Sulochana. And Sulochan said -- Hari Sauri is trying to paint us demons, to get us assassinated. And he was assassinated. 

I was hours away from being assassinated, according to the FBI. Why would we cite Hari Sauri, when he is Bhavananda's bucket boy, and one of the big leaders of the Mayapur molester camp? Ummm, unless we had sympathy for these folks and their agenda, and we thought they are our authority.  

So the child beatings and rapes problem was one of the main cause celebre issues Sulochana objected to. Yet some so-called supporters of Sulochana glorify the cheer leaders of the people -- who paid to have Sulochana assassinated. And they promote the writings of the people who said me and Sulochana are sahajiyas -- the same people Sulochana said - are painting a bulls eye on my back -- to get me assassinated. 

So these people are clearly -- against Sulochana -- while advertising themselves as the main advocates of him. So yes, for starters each person claiming to be a Prabhupadanuga should sign a note:

"I fully support PADA's and Sulochana's efforts to contain child abuse. It must be contained urgently, effectively and immediately. And we do not support or promote any of the people involved with the molester's regime, or its apologists and cheer leaders. And if we opposed the whistleblowers on child abuse in the past, we hereby apologize and pledge to work with them on resolving this issue."

Otherwise, we cannot align with them, because they are promoting the wrong agenda. Even my law enforcement friends say, the people who oppose you are feeding the molesting program. Of course, lets not get started with all the complaints we have had about Mukunda's Hitler program etc. 

In sum, unity is a good concept, and I am all for it. But unless we unify under the right principles, we will go around in a big circle away from the corrupt regime, and become another corrupt regime ourselves. Notice below -- when we were starting to put together the child abuse expose, the GBC guys were doubling down on keeping it going. And then these "Prabhupadanugas" doubled down on -- stopping PADA. They all unified together, to sustain the regime -- and its odious agenda. Anyway, my job is to report the news, and it is what it is.

So let us see how people respond, and if they don't, that is self explanatory. If people cannot unify on this issue, there is not much use trying to unite on others. 

ys pd


The following is a letter written by Braja Bihari das aka Vraja Vihari and Arjuna das in 1995.

In this letter Braja Bihari successfully petitioned the GBCs to have Dhanurdhara reinstated as the principal of the Vrindavana Gurukula.

This letter is of particular historic significance. Dhanurdhara had been removed as the principal of the Vrindavana Gurukula following the protests of some of his former students.

His reinstatement played a significant role in pushing these Gurukula graduates to reach out to Turley.

Some ISKCON leaders used the Turley case to turn many devotees against Gurukula Graduates, they presented a story that somehow the gurukulis were the enemies of Srila Prabhupada...


Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 04:25 SST

From: "COM: Braja Bihari (das) BJD (Vrindavana)"



Subject Dhanurdhara Swami and Vrindaban Gurukula

Dear Board of Education Members,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

(I have sent this in three parts due to bad COM connections)

I have recently received a COM message from Bhadrinarayana Prabhu explaining the present situation regarding Gurukula alumni in America and their staunch objection to reinstating Dhanurdhara Swami as Principal of the Vrindaban school after his presence in Vrindaban is again permitted by the GBC. As most of you know, some of them are seriously threatening legal procedures.

I've spent the last few days contemplating a Vrindaban Gurukula without Dhanurdhara Swami. I considered the finances, the curricular development, the teacher's needs for guidance and encouragement, the school's vision for future development, the children's needs, the parent's concerns, my contribution, the recruitment and training of new teachers, the role of leadership in the school , the role of management, the school's reputation, the asram training, and the school's contribution to ISKCON. Especially in the form of providing trained preachers. Though Maharaj doesn't necessarily contribute to every one of the above categories, my conclusion is that he is indispensable.

He is the spiritual leader. The inspiration. The coach. The cause of the present glimpses of success. Even though the Yankees had Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris they still needed Casey Stangle to win the pennant. Removing him from the Vrindaban gurukula and expecting everything to just carry on, would be like removing Harikesa Maharaj unceremoniously from his zone and expecting the same enthusiasm and results in book distribution. (continued)

Part 2

I you like, we can discuss this conclusion I've come to. I can state my reasons, and discuss other's reasons why they feel Maharaj is unnecessary.

I realize that my conclusion may be hard for some of us to accept, but this is my observation seeing the miraculous transformation the school has gone through after DDS was again put in charge 5 years ago. (he was, by the way, again put in charge by the insistent begging of the GBC Tosan Krishna Prabhu.)

My request, and it is a tall one, is that we suspend our personal feelings towards Maharaj and in the best interest of the Gurukula, the teachers, the students and the parents, work together to come to a more unilaterally satisfactory arrangement with the alumni. I'm not suggesting we in anyway ignore these young men. Rather, as Badrinarayana Prabhu mentioned, they are good-standing members of ISKCON. I'm certain, however, that they are not conscious, as many of you may not be, of the School's need for Maharaj's ongoing involvement, and devastating effect his removal would have. I am aware this won't be easy. The alumni sound determined and DDS can sometimes be hard to communicate with. Several of you, moreover, have weak relations with Maharaj, at least when it comes to this topic. I have heard, however, that Maharaja has made some contact at least with Mandala Bhadra and Caitanya Mangala Prabhu, and the talks were cordial. Please, let's try. I am making this request, that the BOE work on behalf of Vrindaban Gurukula, and just as a lawsuit is out of the question, adopt the concept that replacing Maharaj is equally unmentionable.

Part 3

What about mediation? Sesa Prabhu and Krsna Lila Mataji (in NY) are both experts at mediation? Would the two parties get together? LA Ratha-yatra? Mayapur What about us openting up communications with the alumni, explaining the results their request would have on ISKCON education and/or Vrindaban gurukula. etc. Asking them if they have an alternative solution that they would still be satisfied with, but would have positive, rather than negative ramifications?

(perhaps some financial remuneration, community service—let's be creative.) Who should do this? I'll write them if it would help. I'd fly there if I thought it would help. Somebody put in charge of school this year (I'm not sure who: DDS? GBC? BOE? ) so acting in the capacity I've been asked to, I am making these requests. What about one of you? Should we start a COM conference about it? I don't know if he is on COM, but I have a voice mail # for DDS: 212-726-1516.

My situation is a though one. I naturally do not fully agree with everything DDS says or does. But I am awed at what he has done here in the last 5 years. I'm not on the BOE. I'm not expert in primary education. I am swamped with two other full-time services. I do have some interest in communications/conflict resolution, and that sort of stuff. If I can be somehow an instrument of help bring about an auspicious solution to this mess please let me know. I will do anything to help in that way. So often we have some these situations and we "blow away" one party or the other. Let's try not to settle for that kind of solution. A WIN\WIN solution, I feel, would be by far the best offering to Srila Prabhupada.

Falling at your feet. I remain…

Your servant, Braja Bihari dasa

Chariman of the Steering Committee, Bhaktivedanta Swami International Gurukula, Vrindaban.

PS This request, is of course, contingent on the GBC's decision when to allow those involved in Rasika Bhakti back to Vrindaban. I'm not making any statement about that, only that whenever the "ban" is lifted, Maharaja again resume his service.


BB: We should suspend our personal feelings towards Maharaj. He’s indispensable.

DD: “I went right to [ ] room, which was the room next to the bathroom in the southwest corner of the gurukula, and beat him. I was screaming at him and did punch him several times…

“I kept him in my office and sat him in a corner and berated him. It was quite abusive. It was the morning of Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance and I kept him there until the afternoon. I think that he was not fed until after the feast.”

BB: He’s an inspiration. He’s miraculously transformed the school.

A former Vrndavana gurukula student: “You [Dhanurdhara Maharaja] were like, you better dance, or you’re going to get it. You chased me out of the temple room. You knew I could barely stand on my feet, you dragged me up the stairs and started beating on me. You dragged me into the shower and turned it on, while everyone else was getting hot milk. You were beating on me…

“Every day Dhanurdhara would bring one kid in front of the assembly before classes and smack him around. It was the daily example...It was one of his trademark beating techniques, to lift the kid up by his kaupins and swing him

around like a suitcase. The cloth would dig into your sides until you could barely breathe.”

BB: His removal would have a devastating effect. I am awed at what he has done here in the last 5 years.

DD: “I inadvertently created an atmosphere where the children could not open themselves to their teachers, and were therefore prey to exploitation by pedophiles.”


India lifts all statute of limitation for reporting child sexual abuse and introduces mandated reporting!!!

Not reporting abuse is itself a punishable offence !!!!

The flagship feature of the POCSO Act, and arguably the most debated one, is the mandatory reporting obligation imposed under Section 19. It requires every person who suspects or has knowledge of a sexual offence being committed against a child to report it to the local police or the Special Juvenile Police Unit.

Any person in charge of an institution who fails to report the commission of a sexual offence relating to a subordinate is liable to be punished.

The act not only punishes the perpetrator of sexual abuse, but also penalises those who have failed to report the offence with either imprisonment or a fine or both. Any person in charge of a company or an institution who fails to report the commission of a sexual offence relating to a subordinate under their control is liable to be punished with imprisonment and a fine under Section 21 of the act. The act, however, exempts children from any non-reporting liabilities. Over the years, criminal actions have been initiated against a number of individuals, particularly those in charge of educational institutions, for hushing up child sexual abuse offences.

No time limit for reporting abuse

Typically, the trauma that child sexual abuse victims endure prevents them from voicing their complaints immediately. Recognising this, in 2018, the Union Ministry of Law and Justice clarified that there is no time or age bar for reporting sexual offences under the POCSO Act. Consequently, a victim can report an offence at any time, even a number of years after the abuse has been committed. Therefore, organisations dealing with children in India cannot shun child sexual abuse complaints raised against their employees on the pretext of lapse of time. On the other hand, numerous states in the US and several countries across the European Union continue to impose limitation periods for child sexual abuse victims seeking legal recourse. Such limitation periods create formidable barriers for victims who intend on voicing their sexual abuse allegations later in life.

The ministry added that the POCSO Act does not provide for any period of limitation for reporting the child sexual offences.

“Now any victim, at any age, can complain the sexual abuse faced by him/her as a child,” Gandhi added.


  1. PADA: Yes D Dasi, -- Naranarayan / Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Krishna Kirtan / Pancali et al. folks said that my opposing the regime's child beating and child rape process is "destroying ISKCON, and destroying the unity of the Prabhupadanugas."

    Ummm first of all, there are plenty of Prabhupadaugas who are with me on this issue. OK what they really meant to say is, we are destroying their child molester regime by exposing it.

    As far as the term "Prabhupadanugas," we were the first persons to publish documents in 1984 using the term Prabhupadanugas way before any of them even knew about this term. They hi-jacked the title we created. They are the persons destroying the Prabhupadanuga unity, by demanding we acquiesce with the child abuse process.

    We cannot acquiesce. We don't and we won't. We are not part of that agenda, and never have been since we were old enough to know what child molesting is in the 1950s. We are out of that process, and all their objections are making the Prabhupadanugas look bad, if not evil. That is on them, they caused that bad image. ys pd

  2. PTD: Hansadutta told me -- The Windle Turley lawsuit was fully necessary because ISKCON is too dysfunctional to handle these matters. We needed the outsiders to come in and deal with the children being abused ... because ISKCON would never solve the problem on their own.

    "I have my own problems ... but at least I know we cannot allow children to be abused. I have my own children now and I know what it takes to bring them up in a safe place.

    "Look at all the expense of all their GBC meetings ... millions of dollars spent on travel to these meetings, and child care committees, and then ... nothing ever gets done. Except they spend a lot of money.

    "Someone else had to intervene. Even when the court was involved ... they still kept many of the abusers around ... because they do not know how to manage anything, and they never learn. And the bottom line is ... they just don't care about caring for children. And maybe they never will."

  3. KD: Reformers often become the thing they hate most. ISKCON devotees joined ... supposedly ... to get away from institutional bogus religions. And then they became the worst examples of it.

    The reformers ... who want to preserve the corrupt mission ... are the corrupt mission. My experience is ... most devotees are not neutral ... they will openly take down anyone making a real reform.

    Only saving grace is ... most normal people are against child abuse and they will help keep it controlled in ISKCON ... if the devotees won't. Hansadutta is right. The devotees are too dysfunctional to fix anything ... they need outside help.

    They are too fallen and corrupt to fix anything themselves. And when they try to fix things ... then they just try to cover up and preserve the corruption ... and they make the situation far worse rather than improve anything. I have seen that happen many times over with ISKCON.


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