Saturday, March 2, 2024

ISKCON Mayapur Abusers Update 03 02 24

AD: You may not be aware that Madhava Gauranga and Sri Radhe, the Child Abusers, are still living in Mayapur in the same place as some of their victims. They are freely going around, intimidating victims and anyone who crosses their path.

PADA: Yeah. Intimidating victims and intimidating the advocates for victims, post 1978 ISKCON trademark. I just had to explain to someone how Mathura Pati's Prabhupadanugas EU is still promoting Naranarayan das -- who was saying that their program of mass child starving, beating and rapes of children is "the Golden Body of Srila Prabhupada." 

That means Mathura Pati's team has been, and still is, telling little children that a program that starves, beats and rapes children is the "Golden Body of God and His Gurus." Then they wonder why their victims are upset with the religion, and talk badly of the religion? 

They are the ones creating the program of "talking bad about the religion" because they have been saying their mass child raping program is heaven on earth, the Golden Body of God and Vaikuntha no less, and guess what, your victims are not buying your lies and misrepresenting. It is the view of PADA, and the billions of people who agree with PADA, that their pedophile cult is the body of Satan and not God.  

But yeah, there are a lot of people out there who are trying to intimidate the victims, and us advocates for the victims, by misrepresenting that we are attacking "The Golden Body of ISKCON." And as a result, many victims still feel like they cannot express their feelings on this matter, they are being suppressed, because the perps and their GBC and / or Prabhupadanuga EU enforcers, enablers, defenders, advocates are out there -- attacking anyone who exposes their pedophile cult. 

What kind of persons think that starving, beating, molesting and raping children is "The Golden Body of God."? Well, it is these GBC people and their Prabhupadaunga EU defenders -- who do not like God, whom else? But the good news is, more folks are agreeing with PADA, they are a Satanic child sacrifice cult, and not the Golden Body of God. And saying their child abuse cult is the Golden body of God means, they are Satan's followers who detest God.    

Madhava gauranga assaulted one of the alumnis from the boys gurukula because the former student confronted him and now madhava gauranga is claiming that he was in fact victimized by the student. Now for the first time, finally, one of their victims from the girls school stood up, and confronted him. We are very proud of her courage.

Madhava gauranga and Sri radhe have spent the better part of 2 years canvassing leaders globally, claiming they were the abused victims. Sri radhe is claiming that she is the victim who has been abused the longest in iskcon.

The girls and families chose to remain professional and express vaisnava qualities, but with madhava gauranga attacking devotees, making false reports to police, and threatening the victims, they have had enough and are standing for what’s right.

S Dasi: Let's make sure that the memorandum barring Madhava Gauranga and Sri Radhe from VIP status in Mayapur is upheld and enforced. Every Mayapur resident reading this, should print the document, carry it around Mayapur with them, and ensure that the rule is enforced. It's the very least that can be done.

The best that can be done is if the ISKCON Child Protection Office takes the statements from their old students, completes an investigation stating in a formal report that the numerous complaints of child abuse from past students are "more likely to be true than not" (the preponderance of evidence used by the CPO) and that restrictions are placed on Madhava Gauranga and Sri Radhe holding them accountable for the enabling of child abuse perpetrated by Anirdesya Vapu, covering up child abuse perpetrated by Anirdesya Vapu, and the child abuse they directly committed themselves. 

PADA: Yeah, in 1997 we were saying that Bhakti Vidya Purna swami and others were creating severe molesting problems for children in Mayapura, and that is when Naranarayana and his Prabhupadanugas EU people [like Sanat / Mukunda] started to say that their favorite child raping program is "the Golden Body of Krishna and His Gurus." 

That means they wanted to cover up their crimes against children, and Prabhupadanugas EU still is promoting these folks now, to suppress these victims even now. That means they still have no idea that their child raping program -- and the Golden Body of God -- are not one and the same thing. 

They are in fact defenders of their child abuse cult by misrepresenting that it is something sacred and divine. And as soon as we came out and tried to contain it, they complained that I was ruining their alleged Golden Body of God. Horrible misrepresenting of who is God and what institution is the Golden Body of God.

This will help show that ISKCON cares about their children, and that the victims have been heard and are now being protected. It's never too late to do the right thing. It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to protect a child.

AM: Note the Five prominent photos of Lokanath on Dandavats today.

JF: Why are they not banned from Mayapur??

KE: ISKCON can’t ban someone from mayapur, only iskcon property.

JF: That's what I meant I guess, the Mayapur Iskcon complex?

KE: They should be banned from there, i can’t imagine why they wouldn’t be. I also can’t understand why either would even want to be there. given their own stories of abuse and suffering thanks to those in management / power, you’d think they’d want to stay away.

PA: Life is good for them. I once got a little tour of their home by SR. If I had a marble palace like that I wouldn't want to go anywhere else, either. The most memorable aspect was her personal bathroom, which was literally the size of my bedroom. It was unbelievable. She just casually passed it off; "I just can't stand a small bathroom."

KE: I don't doubt their own trauma, but this is why i don't believe that they care about the trauma they inflicted on others. They could seek other property and move on somewhere else, just live life in another location. But on the other hand, why bother? Lokanath is still going strong there, no child abuse ruling ever made about him, nobody cares, iskcon sure doesn’t.

VS: VIP treatment! Makes one humbler than grass. Not!

JS: There’s also a VIP queue as well in Yamaraja’s Court. Only for VIPs

TP: What about Bhavananda and Satadanya... why is no one talking about these two abusers? 

SJ: There have been a few conversations about them. It seems that child abusers have special protection in Mayapur. Similar to the child abusers in the Catholic Church fleeing to less developed countries where law enforcement is lacking, child abusers seem to be drawn like magnets to Mayapur.

TP: Where are the men... the real men? Has all of them been castrated in ISKCON? That is the question we should be asking ourselves?

RG: Is Mayapura still in the throes of The Raj 2.0 ?


PADA: The trauma is real folks!

1 comment:

  1. JJ: Telling children ... do not to expose "the Golden Body of Krishna" ... causes the victims to be silent. That is how they support the abuse.

    Because they don't care what happens to victims ... or the Golden Body of ISKCON. If we do not remove the molester tumor from the Golden Body ... it will die. ISKCON is dying "death of a thousand cuts" because the idea of holding back complaints is making a growing number of people angry.

    And more of them are going to come out and attack the Golden Body. They are not saving ISKCON ... they are destroying it. This shows where there thinking is ... they can cover up molesting by calling it the Golden Body of God. It is a giant cover up. Talk about dirty politicians!


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