Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Mayapur / HKS News / Missing Tapes / Kuli Discussion 03 13 24


PADA: Yeah so many people have had to suffer to make this pile of Mayapur bricks. And they are supposedly worshiping Lord Narasimgha -- a deity Who wants to protect children from abusers. And then they allegedly make Mayapur an "industrial level" child abuse regime. Sort of "off the charts hypocrisy." It is baffling and mind boggling -- allegedly worshiping the child protector God -- and simultaneously reports of making child abuse rampant. Even the outside karmi media people are bewildered how this is going on, especially in the holy land of the Krishnas.  

In short, the regime has created a place known for industrial scale child abuse, while they claim to worship the form of God who opposes child abuse. Shameless hypocrites. They are using their worship of Lord Narasimgha as an advertisement for high class child protection -- when in reality -- it seems like predators, deviants, perps, pedophiles -- and their enablers, sycophants, attack dogs etc. are protected -- and not children. 

And then the GBC and their Prabhupadanuga EU attack dog pals said PADA is "attacking the Golden Body of ISKCON" for challenging their Auschwitz for kids deviation, in the Holy Dham. But yeah, there are a lot of victims cursing anyone involved in making, sustaining and protecting this regime. As they should be cursed! 

And therefore -- "cram it to the rafters with pedophiles, thugs, rapists and enablers and enjoy." Because? The same people who created this hot mess are still in charge there. And there has been recent reported abuse and attacks on ex-victims who were challenging their abusers.

Rather amazing, people like Prabhupadanuga EU's shiksha guru hero Krishna Kant wanted me to work under their Mayapur regime's leader Jayapataka, head honcho of their abuse headquarters. And that was to help the Mayapur regime protect and enable that program. And these attack dogs did protect the regime, and that is why this deviation has been enabled, if not crammed to the rafters. 

And that is why there are still a lot of bad actors floating around there, and in other sectors of ISKCON, and all of them will be held accountable by the higher authority for creating, sustaining or enabling all this. 

So yes, shame on these Mayapur managers. And shame on their attack dogs who wanted me to work under those managers, and they still do, because they are still forwarding the complaint that I refused to work with their Mayapur boss even now. 

But hey, the good news is, more and more people are agreeing with us, probably many more every day -- Mayapur is a cesspool, and it needs to be cleaned up. And failing that, it needs to be avoided and not supported. Yeah, so PADA readership has been steadily increasing, because these issues are resonating with the population at present. 

And some devotee said to me just today, even the mundane society is now obsessed with child trafficking, child predators, child welfare and so on, and so it is natural this issue will parallel in the ISKCON society. Lets hope so!

ys pd 


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Govinda Dasi

Both Kusha and I were at Kumbha Mela, 1977, quietly hidden behind the tent flap in Srila Prabhupada’s large tent. We could see everything and hear everything from our vantage point, but no one could see us.

There were perhaps 35 or 40 sannyasis in the tent that evening, and Srila Prabhupada was yelling at them. He was livid. He was saying things like, “This is not the meaning of sannyas, you have made a mockery of sannyas, there will be no more sannyas, I have got bad experience!” And more.


I have looked for it. That would be during the few days in January 1977 that he stayed at the Mela. It is obvious to me that Srila Prabhupada foresaw what these men were going to do. And he tried to stop it. Like he tried so many times to stop Tamal’s ambitions.

There is also a letter to Rupanuga just after Tamal took sannyas, saying, “now that Tamal has taken sannyas, we need to find a replacement for him on the GBC … and Prabhupada makes two suggestions as replacements. But Tamal refused to get off the GBC.

Fast forward to now, and we can see that our Iskcon society was destroyed by a band of so called renunciates who stole everything and destroyed the lives of our children. Srila Prabhupada wanted sannyasis to travel and preach and householders to be managers, GBC men, because they have to deal with women, children, money and temples.

Tamal knew this, and made arrangements to pack the GBC with “his” men, and now we see the result. Now it is time to wake up and demand change. Not all sannyasis are bad, some are traveling and spreading the Holy Names.
But none of them should be in the management. They have become rich elites with no regard for the wishes of their godbrothers and sisters. And NO regard for what Srila Prabhupada wanted. They should have NO POWER in the GBC or in the BBT.

VP: Listen to what they replied to me about Govinda Dasi's last post after sharing it on whatsapp!!!

Apparently they don't know what to say....

Tusta Gaura dasa: Hare Krishna pamho AGTSP thanks for the message...on iskcon problems there are no objections.... on the solution there are ...that of leaving ...where you go?

1) you don't solve the problem but you avoid it

2) if you care about the mission what is the point of leaving to do what? (Sitting at home behind a keyboard throwing poop left and right?)

3) the solution is to stay do the best of ourselves (singing the rounds etc...) to satisfy SP ...then who / what does this or that is their (karma) business.

4) as we have an eternal personal relationship with Sri Krishna so we have to develop an eternal individual personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada regardless of our neighboring roommates then in the end ... moral of the story our Yamaharaj sees what we have done not what others have we stay within and give inspiration and try to be role models thank you very much. 


This is another response from Prabhupada Desh, Italian temple president:
Guru Charana dasa: Please don't send me any more of your material because I have no interest in it. Over the years I have learned that continuing to look for faults instead of good qualities in devotees does not give any spiritual benefit. 

I prefer to use the time to do something useful for Srila Prabhupada's pleasure.
So if you keep sending other things (the usual rumors we have known for years) I will be forced to block you. (on whatt'sapp) On the other hand, if you are interested in hearing other points of view with an open mind and without prejudice I am available to meet with you.



AD: Especially for females in midlife, it’s no longer optional to Mother and birth ourselves. It’s a must! How the F*ck do we begin!?! I feel, see and lift you, in love. Pictures are so rare. This one is when I’m 3 years old, right before I was kidnapped so I could be raised as a devotee. I’m learning to love her, the old Me.

PH: I'm sorry for all you went through BUT I fully support your courage in speaking out in this manner and for choosing how you will deal with your past reality. In my opinion you've certainly come out on the right and bright side of things and are a fine example of true spirituality and community. And with the next week in sight, Hara Hara Maha Dev!

TC: I'm so proud for you to not only help bring these atrocities to light, but choosing to courageously withhold your own historical account until it can be released to the world as just that ... a proper historical documentary of what transpired, not some gross misconstrued fantasy. You survived through some heavy childhood trauma, which will take so much healing throughout the rest of our lifetimes to find a bit of peace from. 

Gabor Maté does some phenomenal trauma work, and I wonder if by some miracle we could have his assistance with helping you on your healing journey. I'm here with you, every step of your journey. 

RB: About 20 years ago, I sponsored about a dozen Gurukulies to go through the Self Mastery Workshop here in California. It was intensely healing for all of them. It was perhaps one of the most worthwhile things I did while married to K.

Now that I'm retired from my business dealings, it is time to start up these workshops again. Also, about 20 years ago, I was planning on participating with Dhira Govinda Das in developing his workshops which, although I couldn't extract myself from my business at the time, have been extremely helpful to that deeply wounded generation.

This is something I would like to facilitate as I move into my last phase of life. All of the souls that took birth in this movement are special indeed, and deserve the highest possible quality of life available to them. It is intolerable to me to see their faith destroyed by sick individuals who could not control themselves. Anyone reading this is welcome to contact me to see how this can be facilitated. It takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes, it takes a village to heal their wounds as well.

Sending peace, love, and blessings!

A Kuli: Thank you for your care, now and then. You've always been one to seek ways to help and I sincerely appreciate you. 

RB: Craig Joseph I'm sorry to hear that you have been in hospital. I hope your health is improving steadily and rapidly! Thank you so much for your encouragement and wisdom, Prabhu!

PADA: Nanda Kumar / Craig Joseph is evidently avoiding me. He said that he was there in 1977 when all the leaders were laughing like hyenas as Srila Prabhupada was departing, and he knew something very sinister was taking place. So he had to either attack them, or leave, and he left. Yep, most of the people who knew about bad things going on -- just walked away and left, and that allowed the bad things to get worse. Including evidently, poisoning of the pure devotee. 

I recently have been taking shelter of the memory videos of the devotees" pastimes with Srila Prabhupada. Yours are especially heartfelt and I had been meaning to thank you!

What I concluded is that because he is so dear to Krishna, Srila Prabhupada's pastimes are also ever fresh, and I can listen to the same stories again and again and feel renewed inspiration. Thank you again for sincerely sharing your time with him. You are touching many devotees' hearts - and mine as well!

TD: The sad thing is the past has been buried from the new generation. No one talks about it because you'll be branded as a fault finder or being criticizing and of course ur association is avoided. Also they is still the denial that it didn't happen the way the abused will talk about it. The horrible part for me is when people who wasn't around the movement as yet talk as if they know exactly what happened.

I truly feel for those who suffered I know of some and are friends with a few. There are still abusers going around in different ways. I've always said Iskcon is an abusive organization. Be it physically, verbally or in the way we deal with each other.

I have known you for some time and I applaud your strength and courage. I pray that Sri Krsna continue to give you the strength and protection to carry on.....

A Kuli: THIS!!!THIS is so important that someone from my generation does not have to say! THANK YOU!!! Yes, we have experienced this our whole lives ... that if we speak up, we are crazy, that we are not good association, that we are creating the most spiritual suicide by being critical, ('vaishnav aparad') by speaking the truth about their behavior. 

When I was there after I graduated from college, the head Swami of the place told me exactly these words "we are going to write a book to re write the history of this place" I cringed. ... he was speaking honestly to me, in confidence, because he thought I was somehow still trying to protect the secrets of the place. I lost all respect at that time, and didn't think it was possible...but here we are. Truly a tragedy in the name of Srila Prabhupada and his some of the real devotees.

PADA: Same problem we are having with some of the so-called ritviks, they are challenging my version of history, but unfortunately, that is not going to work for them. If anything, the PADA version is gaining momentum all the time.

NV: Radhe Radhe!

YV: Respect to you for your bravery in speaking the truth!

MJ: I'm glad we kept our children in regular schools and at home, close to us. I pray for your healing!

MT: It wounds the heart to learn of these crimes ...

DM: Oh, Dear-hearted… I want to hold you in this… hold space for you. I’m looking forward to Space opening up in my life so we can commune. 

CM: I hope you tell your own story when the time is right, and are met in attuned compassion in the process. In the pieces I have heard, it’s amazing the grace and beauty and reclamation of spirit as your own that you have accomplished divine child essence. Love all the time.

A Kuli: Thank you sweet heart! Your blessings, so thoughtful, poignant and heart felt bless you and thank you again.

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SB: My great love to you. I know all too much about it, despite having not been there and getting out of the Joya cult when I was one years old, those who stayed in, was very bad and all around my childhood peripherally. Silence is complicity. 

AM: What a beautiful girl you were. What an amazing woman you have become. I hope you will find a good guide to help you heal the hurts of your past. I’ve had excellent therapists through perhaps explore there? All blessings to you, sweet songbird…

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GD: I’m so sorry Didi, sending so much love and hugs.

AK: Sending you lots of Love, my big sister who I always fought with, probably because we had no mother or role models for nurturing, sweet. loving kindness, sharing and / or compassion. Think of you often and pray for your healing. I am so grateful to Amma for how She has mothered and nurtured me to the extent my hardened little girl has been able to receive after going thru all that.


1 comment:

  1. MMD: I have noticed this myself. Krishna Kant always saying he "defeated the poison theory." What does that really mean?

    He has defeated the truth? He has defeated the statements of Srila Prabhupada? He has defeated the evidence ... "the poison is going down"? No. He has not defeated any of this.

    His goal is ... boosting up ... the sinister people involved in the poisoning. But he has not defeated the truth ... he has only made himself ... an accomplice ... of the sinister movement.

    Everyone knows, including Prabhupadanuga EU knows, KK is always saying these things to boost the sinisters. And they know KK wanted the Prabhupada people to work with Jayapataka. But despite all the evidence, they are STILL trying to get us to work for these sinister people ... and defeat the truth.

    Isn't it too late? We all know by now about their sinister child abuse. We all know about the sinister poisoners. We all know about the sinister book changers. Why would we want to defend or work with any of those people ... now?

    And this is why ... you can remove a person from the cult, but you cannot remove the cult from the person. They are still in the cult.

    And they are still with the sinisters, and that is why they want us to work with the sinisters. They really are way behind. Even more people around here are saying, I think these people are ... sinister.

    Srila Prabhupada said ... the sinister movement is in my movement. And Jayapataka is one of the primary sinisters of that movement. They wanted you to go to the Caribbean ... and work with Jayapataka!!! Because they already are working for him. They are sinister and they are attracted to other sinisters.

    I think that is the right idea ... they went to Jayapataka to get a position ... and he told them to stop these investigations ... and they followed through. And they are still trying to block these investigations.

    But that won't work, and what they still do not know, there is a ton of karma for working with these sinisters. They defeated the truth? No ... they defended the sinisters.

    And they will reap what they sowed for that. And one of the results is ... the pedophile program has not been taken down, thanks to these defenders of the sinisters. They should have helped remove these sinisters ... instead of being their defenders. But what do we expect from people who are making deals with the sinisters?

    They have defeated themselves.


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