LD: Mathura Pati says he cannot understand PADA. He cannot understand ... children should not be beaten and raped? And that needs to be stopped? Where did they dig up this less than animal creature ... to represent Krishna? He does not understand that beating and raping children needs to be stopped? WTF!!!!
He does not understand? We understand who he is quite clearly, he is another enforcer of the GBC child beating and rapes program. And he is angry someone is stopping his program. I have no idea why this person ... who has no idea that children beatings and rapes is wrong ... and needs to be stopped ... claims to be a devotee of God? He needs to be exposed ... and I am also going to do that too.
These child beating and rape defenders need to be removed from the devotee society. Kuli girl was stopped from being abused, and Mathura Pati is angry she was saved? WTF!!!! He does not understand, because the child beating and rape program people also never understand. These GBC people just walk around like nothing is wrong here, and he is one of them. We understand it all very clear.
DD: Mahatma Prabhu has asked that this message be posted. He noted the concerns that others had raised about a comment that he had made in a recent class and is seeking to clarify his stance regarding child protection. Apparently he was unable to post it himself.
"In light of the present increased concern over protecting our children, I can understand that based on me quoting Srila Prabhupada saying “not to blame the agent of our karma” and adding that “karma is our teacher,” it appeared that I am condoning or empowering child abusers and/or sending a message to the abused that it is your karma that you were abused. That was never the intent of these quotes, neither have I ever said this – or would ever say this – to anyone, child or adult, who has been abused.
Please know that I have taught workshops for twenty years and have helped abused devotees heal, but never within the context of justifying or condoning abuse in the name of karma. But you helped me understand how sensitive we have to be when talking about karma and I will be more careful in the future in order to avoid giving the impression that the victims are responsible for the abuse they suffered and the perpetrators are innocent agents of one’s karma. .
Like all of you, I was shocked, heartbroken, and sickened to learn about the abuse that has gone on in our schools. I stand firmly in support of efforts to prevent abuse in all its forms within ISKCON. Moving forward, I am committed to continuing my support for child protection and healing, both through workshops and on a one-to-one basis."
PADA: Yeah you are part of a program that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills vaishnavas, then you give them therapy classes after the fact. Told ya! ys pd
Dear Esteemed Vaishnava Gentlewomen and Gentlemen:
I offer all of you my heartfelt pranamas. Srila Prabhupada ki jaya! I also offer all of you fifty-six (56) instances in which Srila Prabhupada expresses one way or another that he does not want tampering with his books, the way that the Jayadvaita S. and Dravida Das have been doing over the decades, which are now being supported and promoted by the likes of Radhikaramana Das, Krishna Ksetra S., Banu S., and others:
"This is very serious subject matter, and we cannot allow deviations to infiltrate. Therefore, we have to maintain the standards and not divert by changing the books to fit the public or whims of some self-interested persons."(Letter to Jayadvaita, July 2, 1975)
"So these imperfectness, discrepancy, is not to be added with these books. That is our request. You should not add this discrepancy or that discrepancy, so many discrepancies. Otherwise, that is not very good service. To study imperfectness from the perfect person, that is all right, but to study perfectness from imperfect person, that is not all right."(Morning Walk, May 4, 1974)
"The editing should remain as it is. The so-called scholars' opinions and interpretations are not very important. The most important thing is that we are presenting Bhagavad-gītā as it is."(Letter to Bali Mardan, April 29, 1974)
"Regarding the changes in the books, no, you cannot do it. Once published, whatever is done is done."(Letter to Radhavallabha, July 11, 1977)
"Our books must remain as they are. Do not change anything."(Letter to Ramesvara, April 10, 1977)
"Our books must not be changed. This is the sum and substance of my order. Let me hear further from you in this connection."(Letter to Ramesvara, April 10, 1977)
"Regarding changing the cover pictures, no, you should not do that. The pictures must remain as they are."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 10, 1975)
"Regarding your question about using reference materials from other editions of the Gītā: I have already answered this question several times. The authorized edition is the Macmillan edition. That’s all."(Letter to Ramesvara, January 27, 1977)
"Regarding your questions: I have already answered many of these questions. We cannot make any changes in the books. So whatever mistakes there may be, that should be corrected by the editors, not by changing the style."(Letter to Radhavallabha, July 9, 1977)
"Regarding your question about how to read my books, the method is that you must read one chapter, then the purport, then the verse. If you have understood the purport, then attempt to say it in your own words. This is important."(Letter to Lalit Bihari, February 6, 1976)
"Concerning the purports to Brahma-samhita, you should inform the publisher that the author of the book, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, specifically states that the production should not be changed, that it is perfect as it is. You should insist on seeing all the proofs before it goes to the printer."(Letter to Karandhara, April 24, 1974)
"Regarding your question about removing material that has been added unnecessarily, yes, that should be done."(Letter to Jagadisha, August 13, 1975)
"Regarding your question about changing the cover pictures, no, they must remain as they are. We cannot change. The cover picture for Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has been specifically chosen and it must remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 10, 1975)
"The original books are still available and must be followed completely. There is no need to change what I have written. There is no need to add or subtract anything. My instructions are complete in my books."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 22, 1977)
"So far as your ideas to change or introduce something in the books, that is not at all advisable. You cannot change anything or add anything in these books."(Letter to Bhagavan, July 22, 1972)
"If there is any doubt about the meaning of any Sanskrit or Bengali text, then you should ask Pradyumna. But from now on, do not change anything. Whatever is already there, that should remain."(Letter to Jagadisa, April 28, 1975)
"Regarding the wording of the verse, there is no need for changing anything, it is alright."(Letter to Karandhara, May 26, 1975)
"I have given you everything fully, so now it is your responsibility to finish what I have begun. You must preserve and increase whatever I have given you, not spoil or reduce it. The success of your preaching will be substantiated by how much you can deliver the message purely." (Letter to Gurukripa, December 12, 1974)
"Regarding your question about editing and grammar, there is no need for any editing or grammatical correction in my books. The only thing that is required is that they should be published as they are."(Letter to Brahmananda, September 30, 1976)
"Regarding your question about changing the Srimad-Bhagavatam, you should not do this. You cannot change anything. Whatever is there is alright."(Letter to Karandhara, May 28, 1975)
"Regarding your question about changing the books, there is no question of changing anything. Whatever is there is all right."(Letter to Gurudasa, May 1, 1975)
"So far your question about changing the format, the format can be changed slightly to make it more attractive. The text matter cannot be changed or edited in any way."(Letter to Ramesvara, August 15, 1975)
"There is no need for changing anything. The books are already authoritative."(Letter to Brahmananda, January 8, 1975)
"Regarding your question about changing the cover picture of Teachings of Lord Caitanya, no, you should not do that. The picture must remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 10, 1975)
"Regarding the change in wording of Mantra Seven, it is not to be changed. Do not add anything or take anything away, that is strictly prohibited."(Letter to Jadurani, August 28, 1974)
"Regarding changing the appearance of the books, this is not good. The books are not to be changed."(Letter to Ramesvara, July 13, 1975)
"You may ask these questions to me directly and I can answer them. But you cannot change anything. That is not allowed."(Letter to Bali Mardan, September 26, 1976)
"Regarding your question about changing some of the older books, that should not be done. There is no need for any changes."(Letter to Brahmananda, September 30, 1976)
"Regarding the cover changes on my books, I am very much dissatisfied if there are any changes in the cover."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 23, 1975)
"Regarding your question about changing the spelling, no, you should not do this. The spelling should remain as it is."(Letter to Karandhara, May 26, 1975)
"So far as your question about the New York address, there is no need for changing anything. Whatever is there is alright."(Letter to Madhudvisa, April 11, 1976)
"Regarding your question about adding footnotes, no, there is no need for that. The books should be published as they are, without any changes."(Letter to Jayadvaita, August 11, 1975)
"You are right when you say that it is not necessary to try to improve on what I have given in the book. [...] Our first duty is to repeat what we have heard from our spiritual master, and if we do it without any adulteration, that is perfection."(Letter to Satsvarupa, February 14, 1970)
"It is not good to change our position, the way of preaching should remain the same, but the presentation may be changed or modified to make it still more effective."(Letter to Bhakta dasa, May 22, 1972)
"Regarding your question about changing the verse, that should not be done. You cannot change anything."(Letter to Radhavallabha, June 9, 1977)
"So far your question about changing things in the future: No, there is no question of changing anything."(Letter to Mandali Bhadra, May 28, 1975)
"Regarding the story of Lord Jesus Christ, we have no objection to your adding these stories along with others from our scriptures, but we cannot add anything by our own caprice."(Letter to Mukunda, February 6, 1970)
"So far your question about changing the translation, no, you cannot do that. The translation should remain as it is."(Letter to Jayadvaita, July 11, 1977)
"Regarding changing the spelling of words, no, you should not do that. The spelling should remain as it is."(Letter to Madhudvisa, September 15, 1975)
"Regarding your question about changing the Bhagavad-gītā As It Is to Bhagavad-gītā As It Was, no, you should not do that. It should remain as it is."(Letter to Jayadvaita, August 11, 1975)
"So far your question about changing the verse, no, there is no need for changing anything."(Letter to Ramesvara, July 7, 1977)
"Regarding your question about changing the Sanskrit words to English, no, you cannot do that. Everything should remain as it is."(Letter to Radhavallabha, April 26, 1977)
"Regarding changing the books, I have already written that there is no need for changes. No, you cannot do that."(Letter to Bhagavan, July 22, 1972)
"So far your question about changing the manuscript, no, that should not be done. Whatever is there is alright."(Letter to Karandhara, May 28, 1975)
"Regarding your question about changing the original manuscript, no, you cannot do that. It should remain as it is."(Letter to Jayadvaita, August 14, 1974)
"Regarding changing the books, no, that cannot be done. The books are already perfect. There is no need for any changes."(Letter to Tamala Krishna, July 27, 1970)
"So far your question about changing the style, no, you should not do that. The style should remain as it is."(Letter to Radhavallabha, June 10, 1975)
"Regarding changing the wording of the verse, no, you should not do that. The wording should remain as it is."(Letter to Svarupa Damodara, June 21, 1975)
"Regarding changing the style of my books, no, you cannot do that. The style should remain as it is."(Letter to Bali Mardan, June 11, 1975)
"Regarding changing the appearance of the books, no, you should not do that. The appearance should remain as it is."(Letter to Bali Mardan, June 11, 1975)
"Regarding changing the cover, no, you cannot do that. The cover must remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 23, 1975)
"Regarding changing the style, that should not be done. The style should remain as it is."(Letter to Hamsaduta, June 10, 1975)
"Regarding changing the manuscript, no, you cannot do that. The manuscript should remain as it is." (Letter to Hamsaduta, May 28, 1975)
"Regarding changing the verse, no, you should not do that. The verse should remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 7, 1975)
"Regarding changing the books, no, you cannot do that. The books should remain as they are."(Letter to Satsvarupa, August 28, 1973)
"Regarding your question about changing the translation, no, you should not do that. The translation should remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, July 11, 1977)