Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Why did Srila Prabhupada not say much about poison? 04 30 24

Krishna With Flute
Art by PADA

PADA: I was the original person who got a copy of the "poison tape" and made it public in Los Angeles around 1997, and had the first transcript made by a Bengali gentleman. First of all, I was wandering around the Santa Monica Mall with headphones on, listening and re-listening to the tape over and over. I was realizing -- releasing this tape would forever change the history of the Krishna religion, the history of Vaishnavism, and the history of the world as well. 

And the GBC leader's cabal -- who we originally thought were maybe only lousy, rotten and bad people, perhaps at worse lusty dogs -- artificially seeking the post of being glorified as saintly gurus -- would then be transformed into being seen as much worse than incompetent motivated fools but now as -- diabolical Satanic beings, who would torture an elderly saint, sadhu and pure devotee of God -- with poison. 

It would change the history of the religion, and ultimately the history of the world -- and it would not be possible for me to put the genie back into the bottle once released. So I was hesitating for some time, wondering what would be the best way forward. Eventually, I decided to go forward no matter what, because it is too important of an issue to be kept a secret. 

Needless to say, not everyone was happy with that decision. Even some of the so-called ritviks like the IRM's Krishna Kant, Kamsahanta and others told me not to release the issue because "we will lose our buildings." I never understood why I should protect "our buildings" where they are promoting the worship of debauchees and even pedophiles as God's successors. Sorry IRM folks, that is your building, your program, and you own it, but it is not mine!

Meanwhile, I was thinking -- at any moment -- I could go to sleep and not wake up, so I had to bring this out before I am not here myself. The person who gave me the tape said I had to do it -- because "no one else will." Anyway, we made a sign "I am being poisoned" and marched in front of the Rathayatra parade, and that was it, the cat was out of the bag. But yeah, the IRM folks never forgave me for doing that, and they still say on their site they "defeated PADA" on this issue. Ummm, nope.     


- By Narasimha das 

“My theory has always been this: If he had called out the poisoners, it would have caused turmoil and the movement’s forward momentum would have been lost. The "fanblade-still-turning effect" would have been lost and probably few would have joined after 1977. 

A likely scenario: one faction would have believed Srila Prabhupada; they would have immediately attacked the GBC in India with machetes and in the US with guns. Another faction, possibly larger, would have defended Tamal and cohorts, who would create further offenses claiming Srila Prabhupada was mistaken or demented, as they now openly claim when faced with Srila Prabhupada's words on this topic. 

PADA: There would have been a lot of chaos, that is for sure. It also does seem like the poisoners would have destroyed all copies of the "poison tapes," but for some reason [Krishna wanted these tapes to come into my hands?] they did not. And that means, the audio tapes still existed -- and were then able to be transferred to me in 1997. 

Perhaps Srila Prabhupada knew the poison issue would surface eventually, and Krishna protected a copy of the tape so that I would get it later. I did start praying to get a copy of the tape around 1990 and was worried I would never get it. I believe Krishna did want the issue to surface eventually, and He made an arrangement. 

On the other hand, a number of devotees -- like Adhridharan -- subsequently told me they knew about the poison issue at the time in 1977, but they opted to remain silent. Maybe Prabhupada was relying on them to blow the whistle? But they never did. And they did not appreciate my efforts to bring it out later.  

Srila Prabhupada had asked for all devotees to come to Vrindaban, but they were not told and no one came. He was likely thinking the movement had already been hijacked. 

PADA: Good point, he is already thinking the movement has been hijacked, probably true analysis. He had already mentioned the sinister movement in his movement. 

Srila Prabhupada had repeatedly said that going on parikrama would cure him. But they didn't let him go. So, he saw those near him were controlling the situation, and the troops were scattered around the world and working under false authorities. 

There are many possible reasons why he didn't say or do more regarding both initiations and being poisoned: (1) He wanted to spend his last days in the mood of a paramahamsa, not chastising neophytes and rascals. 

(2) He wanted the momentum he had created in ISKCON to continue for some time more. 

(3) He wanted the cheaters to self-expose themselves. 

(4) He wanted more soul searching among his real disciples. 

PADA: There you have it. The sincere disciples should have challenged the bogus gurus right out of the gate -- as I did. But many wanted to go along to get along, and they conspired with the GBC gurus. Hrdayananda said that he did not want to be a guru, but Praghosa insisted that he do it. 

Satsvarupa said he did not want to be a guru, but Brahmananda lead him into a Vyasa seat. Ramesvara said he wanted to resign, but his guru God brothers would not allow that, and so on. So there were many rank and file who sort of acted as enforcers and enablers for the false gurus.

Even nowadays we have people like Mathura Pati's "senior devotee advisor Bhakta das" -- a Thai bar girl hopping / designer drugs arrested / child porn arrested / shiksha guru and spokesman for their "Prabhupada" society -- crying that we are not helping them in promoting Saint Radhantha, a kingpin leader of the molester messiah's camp, poisoner camp, and a person who helps bury pedophiles in samadhis. PADA is not helping promote the worship of the pedo-meister guru sampradaya, boo hoo! 

And when we were protesting the molesting, poison, book changes and who knows what else, and so on, Bhakta das was hanging out partying with Thai bar girls instead of helping us. In other words there are still people out there ignoring the issues, or worse, defending the bogus guru's process. 

And thus there are still a lot of people compromised with the GBC's guru process, and they are still promoting it now. So when Prabhupada left -- it was a test to see if the sincere disciples would counter a bunch of lusty dogs sitting in his seat, the seat of the King, but many started to promote worshiping the lusty dogs sitting in the King's seat. 

They were offered a share of Judas' gold, and they took it to benefit themselves and not the society. In short, they were tested and they failed the test. And naturally, many of them were thus not happy when we brought out the poison tapes, because it made them look compromised with Judas all that time. There are still people out there saying we are discussing "stools" because we exposed them as compromised with this process.  

(5) He wanted to delay until later when it would be much easier to see that the GBC had gone rogue. 

(6) He wanted to leave sooner, seeing the situation of intrigue and deceit. 

(7) He was hearing and heeding the call of Krishna and another mission. 

(8)This lila is like the crucification of Christ and ultimately meant for his glorification and his mission. It is also possible that behind Tamal and his cohorts was some outside agency that feared Srila Prabhupada and the Hare Krishna movement’s rising power. 

The New York and London Rathayatras were powerful eye-opening demonstrations that riled the ruling powers. Srila Prabhupada did say that the planet was controlled by powerful rakshasas, so this is not just a silly idea.” 

WARY OR CONSIDERATE? -About Srila Prabhupada’s vagueness, ambiguity, and refusal to name his informant or poisoner, and his unwillingness to disclose anything more, he was either: (1) wary that his poisoners would cause disruption to his mission if he named them, or (2) concerned they would cease their all- redeeming service if he exposed them. Srila Prabhupada put his poisoners’ service, by which they were earning immeasurable spiritual benefit, even above his own physical well-being. 

The pure devotee accepted poison from those who were rendering great service to the movement. The poisoners were spreading the movement, if only to use it for themselves. Srila Prabhupada understood that if exposed, the poisoners would dispute the fact anyway, and that unexposed they would continue to expand the movement even though they had private ambitions to sit on his seat. 

Srila Prabhupada always encouraged everyone to keep chanting and serving Krishna, in any situation and regardless of motives, which would eventually and hopefully become purified of selfishness.

Partrikananda das reported in 1998 that Srila Prabhupada told Bhagatji that his disciples were not very advanced and he would not be surprised if they tried to do him great physical harm. Srila Prabhupada knew what was going on: "One who executes Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission must be considered eternally liberated. He is a transcendental person and does not belong to this material world. Such a devotee, engaging in the deliverance of the total population, is as magnanimous as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. [...] because his heart is always filled with compassion for all conditioned souls." (CC Mad 15.163)” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.648)


“ALL RIGHT, LET ME DRINK (POISON)” - “Sadhu is titiksava, tolerates all kinds of miserable conditions. He is sadhu. Because this is a place of miserable condition. A sadhu learns how to tolerate [...] never disturbed. Yasmin sthito gurunapi duhkhena na vicalyate. 

A sadhu, who has got the shelter of Krishna, if he is placed in the severest type of dangerous condition, he is never disturbed. Just like Prahlada Maharaja, his father was putting him in so many dangerous conditions, even he was supplying with poison. He knew that “My father has given me poison to drink. All right, let me drink. 

If Krishna likes, He will save me. I am now put into such dangerous position. I have to drink. Father is giving poison. Who can check?” And such a big powerful Hiranyakasipu. The mother cried, requested... He forced the mother, Prahlada’s mother, “Give your son this poison.” So she begged so much, but he was a rascal demon. “No, you must give.” So the mother knew, the son knew that the rascal father is giving this poison. What can he do, a small child? “All right, let me drink.” Gurunapi duhkhena na vicalyate. He is not agitating. “All right, if Krishna likes, I will live.” 

This is the position of sadhu. He is not disturbed. [...] In all circumstances, he is tolerant. [...] Sadhu does not become disturbed. Titiksavah. At the same time, karunikah. He is himself disturbed, but he is merciful to others. Just like Jesus Christ. He is being crucified, and still he is merciful: “God, these people do not know what they are doing. Please excuse them.” This is sadhu. 

He is personally being disturbed by the demons, but still, he is merciful to the general people. They are suffering for want of Krishna consciousness. So even up to the point of death, he is trying to preach Krishna consciousness. “Let the people be benefited. Eh, what is this material body? Even if I am killed, I am not killed. This body is killed, that’s all.” This is sadhu. [...] In one side he is tolerant, and other side, merciful.” (SPLecture July 18, 1973)

SRILA PRABHUPADA TOLERATED HIS POISONERS OUT OF COMPASSION- It is hard to understand on the basis of our experiences amongst the conditioned souls in this cruel, material world, but Srila Prabhupada tolerated his poisoners because of his great compassion for them. They were doing some service, motivated as it may have been, and he considered that more important than his own physical welfare. 

A pure devotee will not speak in his own defense nor ask anything for himself, not even his own life. A remarkable feature of Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance pastimes is how he did not move to save himself nor to name or accuse his poisoners. Similarly, Christ on the cross prayed, “Forgive them, O Lord, for they know not what they do.” This is the nature of a bona fide saint like Srila Prabhupada, yet some expect Srila Prabhupada to behave like them- defend and fight. 

Haridas Thakur, still alive after being beaten mercilessly, said to his executioners, “If my being alive for even one minute inconveniences you, then I will die immediately.” And he became unconscious, apparently dead, to be thrown into the Ganges. Jesus Christ also did not protest when crucified, even though he had the power to escape. We believe Srila Prabhupada knew who his poisoners were, but did not care about himself, nor want to inconvenience the poisoners who also were giving him service. Srila Prabhupada was reconciled to his departure and to being poisoned, making the poisoning known in his last days so the truth be known. It was a divine plan.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.648)

PADA: Yep, the whole issue is basically a sort of baffling mystery. And perhaps one of the most baffling parts of the mystery for me is, how did I get the job of releasing the story? God works in mysterious ways, no question, and I can verify that! Anyway the issue is out, and we are all going to have to deal with it now. ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com


𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝟬𝟭 𝗠𝗮𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 [𝗠𝗮𝘆𝗮𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗮, 𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹, 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲

𝙎́𝙧𝙞̄ 𝘼𝙗𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖̄𝙢𝙖 𝙏̣𝙝𝙖̄𝙠𝙪𝙧𝙖 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮

"শ্রীরামদাস আর, গদাধর দাস ।চৈতন্য–গোসাঞির ভক্ত রহে তাঁর পাশ ॥ ১৩ ॥

śrī-rāmadāsa āra, gadādhara dāsacaitanya-gosāñira bhakta rahe tāṅra pāśa


śrī-rāmadāsa — Śrī Rāmadāsa; āra — and; gadādhara dāsa — Gadādhara dāsa; caitanya-gosāñira — of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; bhakta — devotees; rahe — stay; tāṅra pāśa — with Him.


Two devotees of Lord Caitanya named Śrī Rāmadāsa and Gadādhara dāsa always lived with Śrī Vīrabhadra Gosāñi.


Śrī Rāmadāsa, later known as Abhirāma Ṭhākura, was one of the twelve gopālas, or cowherd boyfriends, of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu. The Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā verse 126, states that Śrī Rāmadāsa was formerly Śrīdāmā. In the Bhakti-ratnākara Chapter Four, there is a description of Śrīla Abhirāma Ṭhākura. By the order of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu, Abhirāma Ṭhākura became a great ācārya and preacher of the Caitanya cult of devotional service. He was a very influential personality, and nondevotees were very much afraid of him. Empowered by Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu, he was always in ecstasy and was extremely kind to all fallen souls. It is said that if he offered obeisances to any stone other than a śālagrāma-śilā, it would immediately fracture.

Ten miles southwest of the railway station Cāṅpāḍāṅgā on the narrow gauge railway line from Howrah, in Calcutta, to Āmtā, a village in the Hugli district, is a small town named Khānākūla-kṛṣṇanagara, where the temple of Abhirāma Ṭhākura is situated. During the rainy season, when this area is inundated with water, people must go there by another line, which is now called the southeastern railway. On this line there is a station named Kolāghāṭa, from which one has to go by steamer to Rāṇīcaka. Seven and a half miles north of Rāṇīcaka is Khānākūla. The temple of Abhirāma Ṭhākura is situated in Kṛṣṇanagara, which is near the kūla (bank) of the Khānā (Dvārakeśvara River); therefore this place is celebrated as Khānākūla-kṛṣṇanagara. Outside of the temple is a bakula tree. This place is known as Siddha-bakula-kuñja. It is said that when Abhirāma Ṭhākura came there, he sat down under this tree.

In Khānākūla-kṛṣṇanagara there is a big fair held every year in the month of Caitra (March-April) on the Kṛṣṇa-saptamī, the seventh day of the dark moon. Many hundreds and thousands of people gather for this festival. The temple where Abhirāma Ṭhākura worshiped has a very old history. The Deity in the temple is known as Gopīnātha. There are many sevaita families living near the temple. It is said that Abhirāma Ṭhākura had a whip and that whoever he touched with it would immediately become an elevated devotee of Kṛṣṇa. Among his many disciples, Śrīmān Śrīnivāsa Ācārya was the most famous and the most dear, but it is doubtful that he was his initiated disciple.”

[Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta » Ādi-līlā 11.13 | 1973 Edition. all Synonyms, Translation and Purport by his Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada]
𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲: https://krishnaconsciousnessmovement.com/?p=30046

Monday, April 29, 2024

ISKCON Bhakti Vikas Swami in the News (Again) 04 29 24


Does anyone have a copy of the Hansadutta album "Nice but Dead"?

PADA: Yeah Hansadutta for some time was trying to make himself out as a rock star, and he made his own album. Guru guru on the wall, it was going through the other 10 gurus, have you ever seen a guru, thin as a cane, looking insane (Satsvarupa). When his farm was busted his diary said -- these are people who need to be terminated, and the other gurus were on the list. 

I don't have the album or know who would, but it did show us the mentality of these people at the time and it is an important part of the history. These guys hated each other just as much as they hated us whistle blowers, but they cooperated for mutual benefits, something like gangsters making a cooperation pact. When I was in Berkeley near this time, I used to sing 99 gurus on the wall, 99 gurus, and what should happen if one should fall, 98 gurus on the wall, hee hee! ys pd


PADA: It does look like the child abuse issue in ISKCON is finally boiling over, and getting more into focus -- after so many years of neglecting, delaying, obfuscating, denying and even opposing correcting the issue. 

A "senior ACBS devotee" was talking to me the other day on chat, and when I asked him something, there was like a two minute wait for a response. I was wondering if he had hung up on the call. But actually -- what was really going on -- the wheels in his head were spinning -- and he could not make a rapid reply. 

In other words, he could not deal with the questions I raised. And so his responses were very slow. Finally, he was answering my questions with his own questions, which means he could not make a concrete answer -- and so he tried to divert and change the subject. 

This is the same problem we had with the Mathura Pati group. OK these guys wanted me to work under the Krishna Kant IRM, and that means I had to surrender to Jayapataka, and go to the Caribbean on vacation -- and drop the molesting issue, book changes issue, and poison issue. Fine vacation that would have been! 

And later they wanted me to help them promote their designer drugs and child porno arrested shiksha guru authority Bhakta das, and help them glorify Saint Radhanath. And they also wanted me to help them promote Bhavananda's bucket boy Hari Sari. Oh wait a minute, Jayapataka, Bhavananda, Hari Sauri, Radhanath, Kirtanananda etc. are all the main people credited with orchestrating the molesting empire in the first place. Why would I join that group? And Mathura Pati is infuriated, I am not joining him in promoting this group?  

And yeah, I would have been dead after a few days of starting my vacation in the Caribbean. Problem solved! 

No, the problems will continue. Just getting rid of the whistle blowers does not make the problems disappear. A number of people have thanked me for recently bringing out the 1997 history, but they actually have to thank Mathura Pati, he is the person who wanted all this history reviewed, and we obliged. 

Anyway, long story short, the flood gates on this molesting issue are opening more each day, and it is turning into a Tsunami. LONG OVERDUE, but better late than never.

And yeah Bhakti Vikas swami is up to his neck in promoting this empire and he is the sannyasa disciple of the leader of his Auschwitz for kids project, Jayapataka. All of these people will have to be held accountable by Yamaduttas for their orchestrated process of -- starving, beating, molesting, abusing and even raping Krishna's children. 

And agreed, we ourselves are very ignorant fools, and we do not know a whole lot about anything really, being conditioned souls lost in a giant dark cloud of material fog and illusion ourselves. Except -- we DO know one thing for sure. Anyone who harms even a hair on one of Krishna's children will not be forgiven by Krishna, or any agents of Krishna. 

And the punishment will be long, hard, sharp, extremely painful, and could easily be going on for millions of years. No one is allowed to harm any child, what to speak of Krishna's own personal children.

I have an atheist lady friend. She likes to joke and taunt me -- saying she believes if there is a God, He is very cruel -- since the whole universe is just made to make all living things suffer. And she tells me -- the only reason she does not end her own life is -- then her associates would suffer, so she cannot add to the suffering of the cosmos. Then she would become the very thing she does not like about God, causing suffering. 

In other words, she is a devout atheist, and she thinks God is a cruel master -- if He even exists at all, but she would not knowingly ever cause ANY suffering to any other living being. Because then -- she would be proving she is the same thing she complains about towards God, creating suffering. OK! That means she is more advanced than the entire GBC put together, they cause suffering to all sorts of other living beings on a regular basis. Whereas -- she would never even dream of causing suffering on any other living creature. She would make a better GBC than the whole lot of them put together. ys pd


SRD: I have lost count of the times I've heard devotees naively take at face value the "claims of innocence" of people responsible for child sexual abuse. While it is essential for any functioning society that everyone benefits from the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, it is also important to recognize that it is incredibly naive and destructive to assume that a child abuser will be forthcoming about his crimes.

A person that is willing to cross the line of assaulting a child to seek some perverted gratification, well have zero reservations lying about it. At the bottom of my recent post about Laxmimoni I included a letter written by Kripakara das.

Kripakara was convicted for child sexual abuse and served prison time for his crimes. His letter shows that even a confirmed child abuser can convince himself that he is the victim of 'persecution' from the ISKCON Child Protection Office. This letter offers a rare glimpse into the mindset of a child sex offender.

Disregarding the fact that the man is a confirmed child sex offender, recently Bhakti Vikash Swami (BVKS) invited Kripakara to speak to the children at his Gurukula in Salem, India. It is important to note that in his latest video about child protection, BVKS appears to speak specifically about Kripakara when he spoke on the need to give compassion, opportunities and space for 'ex-child abusers'.

Aside the fact that Kripakara has offended multiple times, it is extremely dangerous to assume that a child abuser is no longer a threat.



Re: Official Decision

Saturday, November 4, 2000 5:37:36 AM



From: krpa@bigwaters.qld.edu.au (Keith Foley)

To: Dgovinda@aol.com

Well after ten years of these restrictions I doubt I will find anything left in my heart with which to lead kirtan or give a class. Maybe I could give a class about how ISKCON protects its members, or how even if one commits the most abominable actions he is to be considered saintly if he is rightly situated etc etc.

I cant believe the draconian nature of your decisions. It seems fairly obvious to me your decisions are not based on justice or facts, you are like the non-devotees who are currently witch-hunting pedaphiles. Most so called child molesters and pedaphiles ... God they are such horrible names with such awful connotations, end up ending their lives.

Society has little understanding, and you have less, because you are running scared. I understand ISKCON has huge lawsuits pending. I don't know what to say to you or your committee. I guess I always knew what your real agenda was. You have placed ever more strain on my family, and on my already weakened faith.

I was always honest with ISKCON about my shortcomings, but you have not been honest with me. Why do I feel I am wasting my time? Dealing with you is like dealing with the government, you know you are never going to be treated fairly or properly.

We are already judged by Krsna in our hearts, and I am ever grateful he is in my heart. I have made my peace with him and have no fear of his embrace. It is only his holy representatives that worry me. And ISKCON has an atrocious record there doesn't it.

Your servant


DS: Re: Mindset of Career Abusers : these kinds of examples are very instructive for us who have chosen to use some of our energy for child protection and exposition of our popular predators. Krishna is training us in this psychological science, somehow we have volunteered out of our own devotional convictions and sense of humane justice, and we participate the best we can in this forum as well as our local community.

But sometimes we might find ourselves stretched psychologically, as we become more and more acquainted with the sinister predator mindset. As we see in this example, the mindset is truly horrifying -- blatant narcissism, shifting blame to the justice administrators, not accepting accountability, and the most horrifying mindset of all -- these symptoms prove that the predator mentality hasn't changed or reformed at all. It is ingrained and incurable, as confirmed by modern psychological sciences.

Meaning: the predator still has the same sinful urges and attractions, and in order to serve these continued urges, they mold their life by social manipulations to continue getting unrestricted access to children.

And shockingly, as we see here, this free access to potential victims is fully endorsed and enabled by leaders and the followers who indulge the same terribly misplaced leniency in favor of the predators.

Now here is the most disturbing aspect of our training in these advocacy services -- that to truly understand the mindset of our popular predators, we must get a sickening glimpse into their twisted motives, their urges and attractions that make them the monsters they are.

This is why the tireless workers in government and law enforcement agencies dealing with predators and child abuse face a most difficult task that strains the very core of their own sanity. Because being exposed to career predators and getting a glimpse into their perverted nature is like standing close to an erupting volcano of toxic negativity and disgusting inhumanity. Only the strongest survive in this advocacy and predator hunting profession, it is not for the feignt of heart.

May Their Lordships and all of our Guru-Varga bless us with the strength to make a positive difference in the lives of the tormented souls, no matter how small a difference we make is certainly pleasing to the Lord of the Vaikuntha Children.

DD: Masters and slaves .... I hope not heading in this direction.

CB: Unbelievable arrogance. He should hide his head in shame for the rest of his life and pray the parents of the abused don’t get their hands on him. The victims of child abuse carry that burden their entire life.

EB: Once, convinced of such a crime , there is no " correction" happening. This is a psychological dysfunction of a person which could be restricted not corrected. In Australia, once convinced, the person has to sign that they will never be present 200 metres from any facility that has children. If they happened to be present, they could be re-arrested or penalty could be imposed for breach of contract of release from prison. This is about putting a deterrent for reoffending. A very serious situation.

VJ: BVKS has no logic, no common sense, nor morality, no tattva. A fool idiotic ignoramus.

SS: Ughhh!!

AP: One who supports and defends a child abuser is on the same level of the abuser. Such is Bhaktivikash swami, another kali Chela.

The wave of protest is coming.
It cannot be stopped. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

HKM Jaipur / Mathura Pati / Book changes Quotes / 04 28 24

Hare Krishna Movement Jaipur:


These devotees have a really nice big temple program, which seems to be always crowded with visitors. And the government gave them control of a big cow protection property. Good service!


Original Bhagavatam Reprint:  


PADA: This was one of the first books I got in 1971. Very dear to me personally, and I hope we can get it reprinted. It is a rare jewel! 



Mathura Pati Update

OK still some confusion on this, so here we go (again)!

Mathura Pati promotes the IRM against PADA, but Krishna Kant wanted me go to the Caribbean to work under Jayapataka. Neither the IRM or Mathura Pati has ever explained why it would be a good idea for me to work under the leader of a homosexual and pedophile "Auschwitz for kids" program. 

Meanwhile Jayapataka is a main suspect in the poisoning of Prabhupada. Notice how badly these guys select their "authorities." And many devotees think I would have disappeared for good in the Caribbean. And the IRM and Mathura Pati have never explained why I made a mistake rejecting their "authority"?      

Then Mathura Pati promotes as his authority and spokesman Bhakta das -- who was arrested for designer drugs and child porn. And he is the new authority of the Mathura Pati society. Welcome to the Mathura Pati "Prabhupada program" -- where you can listen to people who are -- Thai bar girl chasers, arrested for selling designer drugs, who get arrested for child porno, and who are cheer leaders of a Saint Radhanath pedophile guru program! Bring your kids! Why does Mathura Pati want children to accept a person arrested for child porn as their shiksha guru? 

So clearly when Mathura Pati says he is ONLY promoting Prabhupada, he has lied. He is instead promoting the cheer leaders of his homosexual and pedophile guru program, which is clearly not Prabhupada's. And thus he has lied that his homosexual and pedophile guru pal's program is -- Prabhupada's. 

It is not. 

He is still trying to juxtapose his Bhakta das / Saint Radhanath / homosexual and pedophile guru process with Prabhupada's, just like the GBC. And he is advertising his child porn arrested authority as the spokesman for his "Prabhupada society."   

But that is Mathura Pati's level of advancement, he finds a nice child porn arrested criminal who is promoting a pedophile guru process leader like Saint Radhanatha, and he bows down and makes that person his shiksha guru and the authority of his organization. And he advertises to the world that people should listen to his pedophile guru promoting pals. And then he says, he only listens to Prabhupada. Sorry this is a lie, Bhakta das and Saint Radhanath are NOT Prabhupada. 

And get your kids to come along! So this is called grooming of children. Mathura Pati is grooming children to listen to his friends glorification of his Saint Radhanath pedophile guru program, so he can entice children to worship his Saint Radhanath pedophile guru program. OK at this point, none of the other Prabhupadanugas are promoting Saint Radhanath or his cheer leaders.

Did If forget to mention there was an anal sex epidemic in the Mathura Pati / Bhakta das / Saint Radhanath program. So as soon as Mathura Pati finds a nice anal sex with children program cheer leader, he makes that person the authority of his institution.      

Sorry! Jayapataka is a prime suspect in the poisoning of Prabhupada. We cannot and will not accept him as an authority. Jayapataka's whispers are evidently on the poison tapes, which Mathura Pati's pal Krishna Kant told me NOT TO RELEASE so they could save their poison party pals. 

And Krishna Kant also said do NOT sue the BBTI for original books. So when Mathura Pati says he wants original books, that is another lie. He wanted me to surrender to the IRM and NOT have our original books lawsuit.

Mathura Pati never explains why he is promoting the people who want to save the evident killers / Judas party -- of pure devotees from being exposed. Of course, many people say, that is because he is a defender of these poisoners. Why does Mathura Pati work with the people who want to defend the poisoners of pure devotees from being exposed? OK some have said, he is a boot licker of Judas.  

And it is bona fide to quote Hari Sauri, Bhavananda's bucket boy. Oh yeah, another program that has created an anal sex epidemic. Mathura Pati knows how to pick his authorities! If it has "anus" and "sex" involved, he falls down on the ground and claims he has found his worshipable shiksha authority guru masters! And when he sees PADA is not worshiping his anal sex guru process, he starts crying and seeks shelter of the divine words of Hari Sauri to give him comfort! And he says Prahlad is a good devotee, because he cites Hari Sauri. 

OK Saint Radhanath's credibility is basically in the tank with PADA's readers, and almost zero of our readers think we should promote such persons like Radhanath -- or their Bhakta das cheer leaders. And some people are very upset that we need to promote the IRM complaints about PADA, without mentioning that the IRM wanted us to work with Jayapataka, the leader of the worst ISKCON molester program. In other words -- the Mathura Pati process -- lied. They never explain that they wanted PADA to surrender to the poisoners of pure devotee / molester camp in Mayapur party's leader Jayapataka.

More recently Mathura Pati has been openly quoting an ex-devotee who has since become a fanatical Christian, and who openly says he hates Prabhupada and the Krishna religion. OK so we also have to work with the people who hate Krishna to fix things. Yep, as soon as Mathura Pati finds a person who says he HATES KRISHNA, he falls downs and licks that person's shoes and asks them to become the shiksha guru of his organization. And now he is crying because PADA is not joining his Krishna haters society.    

Yep, let us find people who HATE KRISHNA and make them the authorities of the Mathura Pati program! Why does Mathura Pati always go to the slime ball people like Krishna haters, pedophile guru promoters, designer drug sellers, child porno programs folks and so on? Because, as Srila Prabhupada says, a man is known by his company, and that is the company he seeks out, because he is like them. Like minds attract!  

But I am honored, you guys have to work even with the Krishna haters and poisoners of pure devotee's party to oppose me, that means, my work must be a very important priority to some of you Judas / pedo guru defender guys. Did I forget to mention, it is too little too late, the cat is out of the bag already. 

Anyway, this is a good development, Mathura Pati's position is being more clear all the time. Let us surrender to the explanations of the Krishna haters, pedo guru lovers, child porno arrested deviants etc., that is how we will fix things. And PADA is bogus because he is not joining Mathura Pati's pedo guru and Krishna hater's society! And he is not in the Caribbean under the authority of Judas! Oh boo hoo, gimmee a kleenex please already! 

Told ya!

ys pd 




These are 20 authentic quotes:

No, the printing of the Gitar Gan cover this fashion is not at all approved by me. You have done most nonsensically. Why change the cover? When people look to see the Bhagavad-gita they expect to see Krishna and Arjuna, not the picture of Krishna with cow. You have done a great mistake by changing the front picture and it will hamper the sale. In future you don't do any changes without asking me first.’

Letter to: Bhargava

Dated: May 29, 1976

Location: Honolulu

‘You may title this book, Teachings of Lord Kapila, but it must be subtitled, "The Son of Devahuti". That will remain, do not try to change it. The Americans may like it or not like it, but we must make the distinction between devahuti putra kapila, and the atheistic Kapila. Do not try to change anything without my permission.’

Letter to: Radhavallabha

Dated: Aug. 26, 1976

Location: New Delhi

‘Please accept my blessings. With reference to your letter to Harikesa dated 21st inst., regarding the purport, 2nd paragraph to Bhagavatam 2.2.38, it is clear. Do not try to change anything.’

Letter to: Gopiparanadhana

Dated: Sept. 28, 1976

Location: Vrindaban

‘I also do not like too much editorial work. This too much editorial work on Gitopanisad has created some misunderstanding between the editorial staffs. Anyway, in future, one man should edit it and be sufficient for our printing. And I do not want that Lord Caitanya's Teachings should be edited again and typed again and waste time in that way.’

Letter to: Satsvarupa

Dated: Dec. 23, 1967

Location: San Francisco

‘Our actual credit is that we are simply repeating Bhagavad-gita As It Is without changing it, altering it or adding any mundane opinion. We simply repeat what previous acarya have said and that is our merit.’

Letter to: S. K. Roy

Dated: Dec. 16, 1974

Location: Bombay

‘I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 4 March, 1970, along with the edited copy of the Foreword to KRSNA. Thank you very much. The few alterations of dates is approved by me, so it is alright.’

Letter to: Hayagriva

Dated: March 9, 1970

Location: Los Angeles

The nonsense, they are... They are correcting my trans... Rascal. Who has done this? Munayaḥ is addressing all these munis.

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

Such a rascal Sanskrit scholar. Here it is addressed, sambodhana, and they [indistinct] it---"munayaḥ---of the munis." It is very risky to give to them for editorial direction. Little learning is dangerous. However proper Sanskrit scholar, little learning, dangerous. Immediately they become very big scholars, high salaried, and write all nonsense. Who they are? [pause] Then?

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

Prabhupāda: Distorting. What can I do? These cannot... These rascals cannot be educated. Dangerous. Little learning, dangerous. So how to correct? The leader of these dangerous---Rādhā-vallabha.

Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Rādhā-vallabha?

Prabhupāda: Hmm. He's a dangerous, who maintains these rascal with this work. He'll always have questions and alteration. That is his business. That is American business. They take that always. What can I do? Ultimate, it goes for editorial. They make changes, such changes.

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

These rascal editorial... That Easy Journey, original, this [indistinct] Hayagrīva has changed so many things.

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

So you... What you are going... It is very serious situation. You write one letter that "Why you have made so many changes?" And whom to write? Who will care? All rascals are there. Write to Satsvarūpa that "This is the position. They are doing anything and everything at their whim." The next printing should be again to the original way.

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

So write them immediately, that "The rascal editors, they are doing havoc, and they are being maintained by Rāmeśvara and party."

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

So they are doing very freely and dangerously. And this rascal is always after change, Rādhā-vallabha. He's a great rascal. [long pause] Read.

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

So everything is explained in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. And then these unfortunate rascals, they are distorting. What can I do? How to stop it?

Type: Conversation

Date: June 22, 1977

Location: Vṛndāvana

We are therefore presenting Bhagavad-gītā as it is. We do not change. Why should you change? What right you have got to change? If Bhagavad-gītā is a book of authority, and if I make my own interpretation, then where is the authority? Can you change the law book according to your interpretation? Then what is the meaning of that law book? That is not law book. You cannot change. Similarly, if you accept Bhagavad-gītā as the book of authority, you cannot change the meaning. That is not allowed. What right? If you have got some opinion, if you have got some philosophy, you can write in your own book.

Type: Bhagavad-gita

Date: April 27, 1974

Location: Hyderabad

‘I have seen on the new books printed that on the spine of the jacket the words “Bhaktivedanta Book Trust” have been omitted. Formally they were there on all the books. It is understood from Ramesvara that you removed these words. Why did you do this? Who authorized it? Did Bali Mardan authorize it? These things must be there. Please see to it.’

Letter to: Jayadvaita

Dated: Dec. 2, 1974

Location: Bombay

You cannot interpret my book in your own way. That is not allowed. No gentleman will do that. You, if you have got a different view, you put your views in your own book. Don't drag my book. That is honesty. And because my book is popular, you take advantage of my book, and you interpret in your own way, this is most dishonest. You cannot do that.

Type: Conversation with Dr Copeland

Date: May 20, 1975

Location: Melbourne

‘I have received back the edited papers on Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Brahmananda & others cannot change the style. They want to see if there is any grammatical discrepancy.’

Letter to: Satsvarupa

Dated: Jan. 22, 1968

Location: Los Angeles

‘I have sent a few tapes to Bhagavan das. He sends to you his edited copies and they may be made final. I want two editings only, just to see if there is any grammatical or spelling mistake.’

Letter to: Satsvarupa

Dated: Feb. 15, 1970

Location: Los Angeles

Of course, I am not well versed in your language, but you simply, if you understand that English and translate it into Parsi, that will do. As it is, you translate. Don't make any change. Then it will be all right. [Ātreya Ṛṣi translates] And when there is difficulty, you can ask Ātreya Ṛṣi. Harikeśa.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Not Understanding -- What? / Mahatma Second Thoughts / Book Changes Quotes from SP / 04 27 24



LD: Mathura Pati says he cannot understand PADA. He cannot understand ... children should not be beaten and raped? And that needs to be stopped? Where did they dig up this less than animal creature ... to represent Krishna? He does not understand that beating and raping children needs to be stopped? WTF!!!!

He does not understand? We understand who he is quite clearly, he is another enforcer of the GBC child beating and rapes program. And he is angry someone is stopping his program. I have no idea why this person ... who has no idea that children beatings and rapes is wrong ... and needs to be stopped ... claims to be a devotee of God? He needs to be exposed ... and I am also going to do that too.

These child beating and rape defenders need to be removed from the devotee society. Kuli girl was stopped from being abused, and Mathura Pati is angry she was saved? WTF!!!! He does not understand, because the child beating and rape program people also never understand. These GBC people just walk around like nothing is wrong here, and he is one of them. We understand it all very clear.



DD: Mahatma Prabhu has asked that this message be posted. He noted the concerns that others had raised about a comment that he had made in a recent class and is seeking to clarify his stance regarding child protection. Apparently he was unable to post it himself.

"In light of the present increased concern over protecting our children, I can understand that based on me quoting Srila Prabhupada saying “not to blame the agent of our karma” and adding that “karma is our teacher,” it appeared that I am condoning or empowering child abusers and/or sending a message to the abused that it is your karma that you were abused. That was never the intent of these quotes, neither have I ever said this – or would ever say this – to anyone, child or adult, who has been abused.

Please know that I have taught workshops for twenty years and have helped abused devotees heal, but never within the context of justifying or condoning abuse in the name of karma. But you helped me understand how sensitive we have to be when talking about karma and I will be more careful in the future in order to avoid giving the impression that the victims are responsible for the abuse they suffered and the perpetrators are innocent agents of one’s karma. .
Like all of you, I was shocked, heartbroken, and sickened to learn about the abuse that has gone on in our schools. I stand firmly in support of efforts to prevent abuse in all its forms within ISKCON. Moving forward, I am committed to continuing my support for child protection and healing, both through workshops and on a one-to-one basis."

PADA: Yeah you are part of a program that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills vaishnavas, then you give them therapy classes after the fact. Told ya! ys pd



Dear Esteemed Vaishnava Gentlewomen and Gentlemen:

I offer all of you my heartfelt pranamas. Srila Prabhupada ki jaya! I also offer all of you fifty-six (56) instances in which Srila Prabhupada expresses one way or another that he does not want tampering with his books, the way that the Jayadvaita S. and Dravida Das have been doing over the decades, which are now being supported and promoted by the likes of Radhikaramana Das, Krishna Ksetra S., Banu S., and others:

"This is very serious subject matter, and we cannot allow deviations to infiltrate. Therefore, we have to maintain the standards and not divert by changing the books to fit the public or whims of some self-interested persons."(Letter to Jayadvaita, July 2, 1975)

"So these imperfectness, discrepancy, is not to be added with these books. That is our request. You should not add this discrepancy or that discrepancy, so many discrepancies. Otherwise, that is not very good service. To study imperfectness from the perfect person, that is all right, but to study perfectness from imperfect person, that is not all right."(Morning Walk, May 4, 1974)

"The editing should remain as it is. The so-called scholars' opinions and interpretations are not very important. The most important thing is that we are presenting Bhagavad-gītā as it is."(Letter to Bali Mardan, April 29, 1974)

"Regarding the changes in the books, no, you cannot do it. Once published, whatever is done is done."(Letter to Radhavallabha, July 11, 1977)

"Our books must remain as they are. Do not change anything."(Letter to Ramesvara, April 10, 1977)

"Our books must not be changed. This is the sum and substance of my order. Let me hear further from you in this connection."(Letter to Ramesvara, April 10, 1977)

"Regarding changing the cover pictures, no, you should not do that. The pictures must remain as they are."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 10, 1975)

"Regarding your question about using reference materials from other editions of the Gītā: I have already answered this question several times. The authorized edition is the Macmillan edition. That’s all."(Letter to Ramesvara, January 27, 1977)

"Regarding your questions: I have already answered many of these questions. We cannot make any changes in the books. So whatever mistakes there may be, that should be corrected by the editors, not by changing the style."(Letter to Radhavallabha, July 9, 1977)

"Regarding your question about how to read my books, the method is that you must read one chapter, then the purport, then the verse. If you have understood the purport, then attempt to say it in your own words. This is important."(Letter to Lalit Bihari, February 6, 1976)

"Concerning the purports to Brahma-samhita, you should inform the publisher that the author of the book, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, specifically states that the production should not be changed, that it is perfect as it is. You should insist on seeing all the proofs before it goes to the printer."(Letter to Karandhara, April 24, 1974)

"Regarding your question about removing material that has been added unnecessarily, yes, that should be done."(Letter to Jagadisha, August 13, 1975)

"Regarding your question about changing the cover pictures, no, they must remain as they are. We cannot change. The cover picture for Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has been specifically chosen and it must remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 10, 1975)

"The original books are still available and must be followed completely. There is no need to change what I have written. There is no need to add or subtract anything. My instructions are complete in my books."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 22, 1977)

"So far as your ideas to change or introduce something in the books, that is not at all advisable. You cannot change anything or add anything in these books."(Letter to Bhagavan, July 22, 1972)

"If there is any doubt about the meaning of any Sanskrit or Bengali text, then you should ask Pradyumna. But from now on, do not change anything. Whatever is already there, that should remain."(Letter to Jagadisa, April 28, 1975)

"Regarding the wording of the verse, there is no need for changing anything, it is alright."(Letter to Karandhara, May 26, 1975)

"I have given you everything fully, so now it is your responsibility to finish what I have begun. You must preserve and increase whatever I have given you, not spoil or reduce it. The success of your preaching will be substantiated by how much you can deliver the message purely." (Letter to Gurukripa, December 12, 1974)

"Regarding your question about editing and grammar, there is no need for any editing or grammatical correction in my books. The only thing that is required is that they should be published as they are."(Letter to Brahmananda, September 30, 1976)

"Regarding your question about changing the Srimad-Bhagavatam, you should not do this. You cannot change anything. Whatever is there is alright."(Letter to Karandhara, May 28, 1975)

"Regarding your question about changing the books, there is no question of changing anything. Whatever is there is all right."(Letter to Gurudasa, May 1, 1975)

"So far your question about changing the format, the format can be changed slightly to make it more attractive. The text matter cannot be changed or edited in any way."(Letter to Ramesvara, August 15, 1975)

"There is no need for changing anything. The books are already authoritative."(Letter to Brahmananda, January 8, 1975)

"Regarding your question about changing the cover picture of Teachings of Lord Caitanya, no, you should not do that. The picture must remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 10, 1975)

"Regarding the change in wording of Mantra Seven, it is not to be changed. Do not add anything or take anything away, that is strictly prohibited."(Letter to Jadurani, August 28, 1974)

"Regarding changing the appearance of the books, this is not good. The books are not to be changed."(Letter to Ramesvara, July 13, 1975)

"You may ask these questions to me directly and I can answer them. But you cannot change anything. That is not allowed."(Letter to Bali Mardan, September 26, 1976)

"Regarding your question about changing some of the older books, that should not be done. There is no need for any changes."(Letter to Brahmananda, September 30, 1976)

"Regarding the cover changes on my books, I am very much dissatisfied if there are any changes in the cover."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 23, 1975)

"Regarding your question about changing the spelling, no, you should not do this. The spelling should remain as it is."(Letter to Karandhara, May 26, 1975)

"So far as your question about the New York address, there is no need for changing anything. Whatever is there is alright."(Letter to Madhudvisa, April 11, 1976)

"Regarding your question about adding footnotes, no, there is no need for that. The books should be published as they are, without any changes."(Letter to Jayadvaita, August 11, 1975)

"You are right when you say that it is not necessary to try to improve on what I have given in the book. [...] Our first duty is to repeat what we have heard from our spiritual master, and if we do it without any adulteration, that is perfection."(Letter to Satsvarupa, February 14, 1970)

"It is not good to change our position, the way of preaching should remain the same, but the presentation may be changed or modified to make it still more effective."(Letter to Bhakta dasa, May 22, 1972)

"Regarding your question about changing the verse, that should not be done. You cannot change anything."(Letter to Radhavallabha, June 9, 1977)

"So far your question about changing things in the future: No, there is no question of changing anything."(Letter to Mandali Bhadra, May 28, 1975)

"Regarding the story of Lord Jesus Christ, we have no objection to your adding these stories along with others from our scriptures, but we cannot add anything by our own caprice."(Letter to Mukunda, February 6, 1970)

"So far your question about changing the translation, no, you cannot do that. The translation should remain as it is."(Letter to Jayadvaita, July 11, 1977)

"Regarding changing the spelling of words, no, you should not do that. The spelling should remain as it is."(Letter to Madhudvisa, September 15, 1975)

"Regarding your question about changing the Bhagavad-gītā As It Is to Bhagavad-gītā As It Was, no, you should not do that. It should remain as it is."(Letter to Jayadvaita, August 11, 1975)

"So far your question about changing the verse, no, there is no need for changing anything."(Letter to Ramesvara, July 7, 1977)

"Regarding your question about changing the Sanskrit words to English, no, you cannot do that. Everything should remain as it is."(Letter to Radhavallabha, April 26, 1977)

"Regarding changing the books, I have already written that there is no need for changes. No, you cannot do that."(Letter to Bhagavan, July 22, 1972)

"So far your question about changing the manuscript, no, that should not be done. Whatever is there is alright."(Letter to Karandhara, May 28, 1975)

"Regarding your question about changing the original manuscript, no, you cannot do that. It should remain as it is."(Letter to Jayadvaita, August 14, 1974)

"Regarding changing the books, no, that cannot be done. The books are already perfect. There is no need for any changes."(Letter to Tamala Krishna, July 27, 1970)

"So far your question about changing the style, no, you should not do that. The style should remain as it is."(Letter to Radhavallabha, June 10, 1975)

"Regarding changing the wording of the verse, no, you should not do that. The wording should remain as it is."(Letter to Svarupa Damodara, June 21, 1975)

"Regarding changing the style of my books, no, you cannot do that. The style should remain as it is."(Letter to Bali Mardan, June 11, 1975)

"Regarding changing the appearance of the books, no, you should not do that. The appearance should remain as it is."(Letter to Bali Mardan, June 11, 1975)

"Regarding changing the cover, no, you cannot do that. The cover must remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 23, 1975)

"Regarding changing the style, that should not be done. The style should remain as it is."(Letter to Hamsaduta, June 10, 1975)

"Regarding changing the manuscript, no, you cannot do that. The manuscript should remain as it is." (Letter to Hamsaduta, May 28, 1975)

"Regarding changing the verse, no, you should not do that. The verse should remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, June 7, 1975)

"Regarding changing the books, no, you cannot do that. The books should remain as they are."(Letter to Satsvarupa, August 28, 1973)

"Regarding your question about changing the translation, no, you should not do that. The translation should remain as it is."(Letter to Ramesvara, July 11, 1977)

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Mathura Pati and His FBI Most Wanted Pal 04 25 24


PADA: Yes Mathura Pati prabhu, thanks for your first question. Right, the Tattva Darshan arrest story was originally posted by me, that is how people got to know of it. I believe you are correct, it was mishandled, however this was a case in Cambodia and it was not an ISKCON center or ISKCON kids being involved. 

I did not think people like Mahasringha should have gone there to bail him out etc., so I agreed -- it was a mistake to support him at that time. And I said that at the time. The Cambodia authorities contacted me about the issue, and I told them I was the main person exposing the case here. 

So it is a little odd that I am allegedly supporting Tattva, when I am the original person exposing Tattva. I never said I could not expose him, rather I was the person who originally exposed him. None of the other devotees even knew about the case until I posted it. You are claiming I did not expose him, when I was the original person who did. You keep re-writing history.  

So it was a bad situation, Tattva Darshan claims he was set up, some people believed him, but it is impossible for me to say what really happened there. But meanwhile I never advocated for him because I tended to accept he has some problems, which is why I reported his case in public to notify the devotee community to beware. I never retracted or changed that position, nor did I remove the original news story from my blog.    

Meanwhile Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur and yourself (Mathura Pati) have been promoting Bhakta das (William Benedict) as your authority and spokesman. Whereas PADA never promoted Tattva as our authority and / or spokesman.

And your friends like Prahlad and the HKC Jaipur guys even promoted a video made with Bhakta das speaking on their behalf on their site. And Mathura Pati, you have many times quoted Bhakta recently as your authority. 

For example, Bhakta das says that PADA is "writing about stools" -- which some of the victims are really offended by -- asking me, "why is Bhakta das saying that your writing about ISKCON's children equals writing about stools"? So this has really upset a lot of victims, that it appears the people in your camp refer to children as "stinky stools." 

Of course we are ALSO writing about the policy of changed books etc., which evidently is more "stinky stools" topic for you guys and so on and so forth. So it looks like Bhakta das does not like any of the issues we forwarded, and neither does the GBC. However implying that children and shastra are stinky stools is not winning you any credibility. People keep asking me -- why you Mathura Pati guys keep saying children and Krishna's books are -- stinky stools? WTF?   

And of course Bhakta was arrested in the USA for selling designer drugs like Procaine components. He skipped bail and fled to Thailand. And then he went to Puri India, where he was arrested for sex crimes, I was told part of the issue was some sort of child porn. [See portion of the Puri case filing below].

Allegedly, someone's minor aged daughter was being filmed having sex there, and Bhakta was charged and put into the Tihar jail. But Bhakta had already told me he likes to cavort with young Thai bar girls, which is why he hangs out in Bangkok. So he already had a sex addiction problem ongoing.  

And designer drugs were labelled as dangerous by the FDA because they can cause all sorts of problems, including induced abortions. Sulochana told me that New Vrndavana people were helping Bhakta's East Coast distribution. 

Meanwhile Bhakta das is friends with Saint Radhanath, and he told me I am offending Saint Radhanath. In other words, Mathura Pati, it looks like you find a person to serve as your spokesman / shiksha guru who is -- A: arrested for selling dangerous drugs that can cause abortions; B: he is arrested in Puri for sex crimes and maybe child porn, and the only reason Bhakta gets out of jail in India is the FBI wanted him back here for the drug charges. 

And C: Mathura Pati is a fan of Bhakta das -- who also promotes Saint Radhanath. OK same Saint Radhanath that Henry Doktorski details was part of the Sulochana hit job. But Tattva Darshan, the person we never forward as our spokesman, is the problem? But you guys program's great Saint Radhanath is also charged by many New Vrndavana kulis with -- being complicit in the mass child abuse there. OK you guys are promoting the cheer leader of a molesting and murder cult. 

So the people you are promoting have direct links to the Saint Radhanath child abuse regime in ISKCON, which has been my main concern. Although granted "devotees" like Bhakta das going out with Thai bar girls is not something we would recommend or authorize either. That is also a highly exploiting and abusing problem. Nor is there any proof that any of these Thai bar girls were not minors when your hero writer Bhakta das was exploiting them. 

That is why none of us can understand why you folks would keep promoting such a person as your authority all the time? Tattva was allegedly going out with bar girls as well, but we are not making videos of him to act as our spokesman.     

And Sanat / Mukunda / Prahad/ HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati etc. have been citing Bhakta das as their authority repeatedly for years together. In other words, they make a person who sells dangerous designer drugs, who hangs out with Thai bar girls, who is arrested for sex crimes and maybe child porn, and who promotes Saint Radhanath, as your guys cited and quoted spokesman. How did this guy become your spokesman and authority? Yeah, many people say Bhakta das is even a worse hypocrite than the GBC gurus, at least the GBC gurus try to put on a clean act, Bhakta doesn't even try. 

Why is Bhakta das a good spokesman for the Prabhupada people? Oh yeah I forgot, Bhakta also promoted BV Puri who was stealing devotees from ISKCON by re-initiating them. Even the GBC eventually complained that BV Puri was exploiting ISKCON.

Anyway yes, Tattva is a criminal, and that is why he is going to the same festivals in India as Bhakta das. And that is why we never make Bhakta das or Tattva our spokesmen. Tattva and Bhakta das both attend GBC guru functions, so I am not sure why one rotten apple is clearly better than the other? Why are we even arguing if one rotten apple is less rotten than the other?

But this is good news. I have to defend my alleged NOT exposing Tattva, who WAS exposed by me? That makes no sense. I don't have to defend NOT exposing the person I DID expose? Are you guys smoking something over there? And where do you and / or Bhakta das expose Tattva? 

Whereas your own self advertised spokesman, whose words you guys promote all the time is:

1) Arrested for selling dangerous designer drugs -- which might produce spontaneous abortions -- among many other ailments. OK sometimes people go on killing sprees when they take designer drugs etc. And you are upset I am not joining you in glorifying the people making this into a business?

2) Bhakta's designer drugs business is alleged by Sulochana to be part of New Vrndavana East Coast distribution.

3) Bhakta admits to me he goes out with Thai bar girls, and honestly, does he know their real age? And even if they are over 18, it is still exploiting.

4) Bhakta's business is raided by the FBI and makes bad publicity all over the newspapers.

5) Bhakta skips bail and hides out in Thailand.

6) Bhakta is arrested in Puri for sex crimes which allegedly involve child porn / minors. Which is in the newspapers.

7) Bhakta promotes BV Puri, who is reinitiating devotees away from ISKCON. 

8) Bhakta is promoting Saint Radhanath, who is credited with running a big child mistreatment camp at New Vrndavana. And their guru there was having oral sex with boys in the motorhome. And Radhanath looks like he is involved in the taking out of Sulochana. 

9) You keep quoting the Krishna Kant IRM, who wanted me to go on vacation in the Caribbean under Jayapataka. Why do you guys always want me to work with the Auschwitz for kids program's leader? Sorry, I am not interested in working with your guys Auschwitz for kids program's leader, and it is sad I have to keep reminding you guys. Even my kids told me, neither I would have survived on your guy's plan to go to the Caribbean under Jayapataka, it was a set up to have me eliminated.  

OK, we could go on here. But why is your guys promoting the cheer leaders of a homosexual and pedophile guru program that bans, beats, molests, sues, and kills people -- a good idea? 

9) Oh yeah, the HKC Jaipur was citing Hari Sauri that me and Sulochana are sahajiyas, which Sulochana said -- was painting a bulls eye on us to get us killed. And thanks your guy's writer giving a dog a bad name, to hang it, Sulochana was killed. Why are you guys big giant fans of the people who get Vaishnavas killed, for protesting child abuse? And why are you with Saint Tutu pada's main henchmen, at all? The whole buggery guru program was going on in the Hari Sauri domain, and so he is you guy's hero writer? 

Anyway, yeah Tattva is another Bhakta dasa, they both like bar girls. But Tattva is not being promoted or cited as an authority by me. So, if you want to see who is worse, well OK many people think me exposing Tattva was not done well. OK fine, but that does not give you a licence to promote Bhakta das just because mistakes were made with Tattva. 

Meanwhile, all this history of Bhakta das has been on my blogs for years now, and the problem seems to be, you never study anything before commenting. Either that, or you are factually in bed with: -- the designer drugs program that can cause abortions; thai bar girls program; being arrested for sex crimes and /or child porn program;  Bhakta's Saint Radhanatha program that molested and killed people; and the Hari Sauri program that promoted Saint Tutu pada. But thanks for your first question, and already many folks told me  -- you are in bed with the wrong people. 

In sum, I said you are a promoting a defender of a violent homosexual and pedophile cult, like Bhakta dasa, and you are. We just need to know when you are going to start working with us, the people who are not fans of the pedophile gurus? Sorry, we are making Prabhupada our guru and not the pedo padas. 

But it is pretty simple really. I helped get hundreds of kids pulled out of the GBC schools, and evidently helped stop the suicides of many more victims. And that means -- by now -- we would have saved thousands of kids from entering those schools. And the Auschwitz for kids program could never forgive me for saving these victims of their program. I get it. 

Sulochana said they are tossing kids into a wood chipper, and I cut off the supply of victims. Of course, that means those of you feeding children into the chipper would object. That would NOT make any wood chipper operator happy! And the IRM wanted me to go to the Caribbean under the leader of that program, and you are in bed with that program. So it looks like you are just upset, you were exposed? Meanwhile we have asked you these questions for years, and instead of answering, you asked me a question. That is called GBC stalling technique.

Anytime you want to write to me a point for point counter to this article, you are free to do so, by sending to my e-mail. And then we can take it from there.  

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com


Bhakta das's "Radhanath Swami revival."

Bhakta das (William G Benedict): His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaja will be speaking at Srila B.V. Puri Maharaja's sacred ashram next to the Gundica Temple on July 12, 2013. Radhanatha Maharaja often visited with Srila Puri Maharaja. Srila BV Puri Maharaja liked him and called him a "sadhu".


Orissa Court Filing

Orissa High Court

William George Benedict Alias Bhakta ... vs State Of Orissa on 20 June, 2001

2. From the averments made in the petition it appears that on the basis of the written report lodged by one Maria Schmidova alias Mangala Devi Dasi, Sea Beach Police Station Case No. 75 of 2000, corresponding to G. R. Case No. 716 of 2000 in the file of S.D.J.M., Puri, was registered for the offences alleged to have been committed under the aforesaid provisions of law.

The report was in German language and could only be translated into English later. From 9-9-2000 the investigation started. The allegations in the F.I.R. are that the informant had-come to India on 27-9-1999 accompanied by one Kunja Bihari Das, Inter-pol Officer and while coming to Puri she was introduced to one Arjun, brother of the co-accused Mayapuri Chandra in the train. 

On his recommendation she stayed in Hotel Gandhara. The informant accompanied him to Gopinath Gaudia Math in the evening where she was introduced to the co-accused Ashok Sahu and Kunja Bihari Das and the aforesaid Ashok Sahu expressed his desire to marry her. 

Thereafter the informant left for Austria and they continued to communicate over telephone even after her return to Austria and in December, 2000 she came back to Puri on the invitation of Ashok Sahu and both of them stayed at Basu Hotel, Puri, where both of them had cohabitation. 

In January, 2000 she left Puri for Austria and returned with her minor daughter Tulsi Devi in March, 2000. After coming back to Pun the informant stayed with Ashok Sahu in a rented house at Bajia Panda and during her stay Ashok introduced her to the co-accused Mandali Bhadra Prabhu. 

On 28-6-2000 the informant learnt from one Sanjay that Ashok was a homo-sexual and on return home she managed to lead Ashok to the adjoining room where she was locked by him. She further stated in the F.I.R. that on 30-6-2000 she learnt from her daughter Tulsi that Ashok Sahu and Mayapuri Chandra came to Tulsi's room and committed acts of sexual perversion and made a video film of the incident.