Wednesday, October 26, 2022

MC Dasi vs PADA

MC DEVI: There’s a lot to be considered before one can draw any conclusions on the accusations on Lokanath Swami.

1. If this would have been a lawsuit, the case would have been closed due to lack of evidence.

[PADA: The Lokanath program says their acharyas are falling down left, right and center -- and their messiahs have been "engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children." That means they are insulting the post of acharya. 

Why do we need to prove this in court? It is common knowledge, they are saying God's successors are often degraded debauchees. Lokanath is just another one of their sexual predator acharyas, out of a pack of them. 

One young person just wrote to tell me he is extremely shocked and upset that ISKCON knew all along Lokanath is a molester and -- they covered it up and tried to make him think Lokanath is a pure saint. He said, "This has shocked and upset me to my core. This has shaken my faith. And my family members are very disturbed as well." 

Nothing new, the followers of Jayatirtha were crying when they found out he was fallen way back in 1979. They molest people's faith over and over and over and over. So it is not just the one victim here, there are many, many others, probably thousands and thousands, who have been burnt out by all this cheating. The goal of life is not to shock and upset others in the name of Krishna, and cause them to lose faith in the Krishna religion.]

From Urmila Devi Dasi (UDD):

2. This incident happened (if it at all happened) 30 years ago and has not been repeated.

[PADA: How do we know that? Victims do not always come out, especially when they see how badly the Lokanath victim has been treated. There is an ongoing investigation of another allegation however. In any case, we cannot say acharyas were deviating in the past, so it does not matter presently. Acharyas are not sexual predators of minors, now or in their past, nor are even ordinary garbage men sexual predators of minors -- now or in the past.]

3. The people accusing Lokanath Swami are ritviks. I read their Facebook page and website. There’s zero vaishnava etiquette nor any fear of committing 
vaishnava aparadha. There’s a lot of anger and poison in the sentences.

[PADA: Yep, well that is true to some extent. Only the ritviks know that God's successors are not debauchees, drunks, porno swamis and orchestrators of murders of dissenters. True dat! Meanwhile Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Bhakta Peter folks complained that me and Sulochana are sahajiyas. 

Correct, only us bogus gopis do not promote worship of their anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiahs. They just cannot get enough of their pedo-messiahs, which is why they began promoting the cheer leaders of the Kirtanananda program, and they began quoting Hari Sauri -- the biggest cheer leader of Andy Warhol pada. So these people are right, only us bogus sahajiya people are not worshipers of their child raping / sexually aggressing / child crotch grabbing guru projects. 

Wait? If only us bogus people object to their pedo-pada worship process, what does that say about their position? If only the village idiot knows the emperor has no clothes, then what does that make them?] 

4. Why are they “communicating” with Lokanath Swami through the World Wide Web and are not meeting him personally? What do you think could be the intention of such type of “communication”? 

[PADA: Yep, go to one of these GBC gurus and complain, and then be banned, beat, sued and maybe assassinated. Neine danke! We want to live, and live with all our limbs intact if possible. Sorry, going to these gurus and complaining is what the police told me is "a suicide mission." 

Even the police told me, don't ever go there, your life is in danger. Lokanath knows who all of us are and he is free to communicate with us via e-mail anytime he wants to. He never does. Rather Lokanath sics his India ICC people over to attack me as "a mleccha" -- because I am not promoting worshiping Lokanath's illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs. Yep, only us mlecchas are not worshiping illicit sex with minors guru projects -- which has made a number of Lokanath's program's other child victims commit suicide, and which bankrupted ISKCON.]

Think about it. If you would like to resolve an issue with someone wouldn’t you try to meet him in person? If you are not interested in their answer, and want attention to your own interests, then you create a website because you are not really interested in solving anything. I have met ritviks and also read their propaganda. This is the same style of abusive and offensive language. There’s no report about any attempt to talk with Maharaja on the website nor the Facebook page.

[PADA: We are pretty much blocked and banned from any GBC sites. As soon as someone began quoting Srila Prabhupada on Mahatma dasa's forum, he blocked them. Why do we need to cat fight to get onto their forum? 

Lokanath should reach out to us, knowing we are being banned, beaten, sued and shot, to break the ice and open a line of communication. Right now the media is questioning me, "have any of them reached out to you"? Nope. We are banned, beat, sued and -- worse. Full time, all the time, never stops.]

5. There’s a letter circulating on the internet which some say is written and signed by Lokanath Swami but others say he never signed nor wrote it.

[PADA: But he admitted to Badrinaryan and others the main complaint is accurate. Apart from that we know the victim and so we have had this all verified, he is a sexual predator of minors.] 

6. As far as I know, if Lokanath Swami really molested that girl, why have we not heard him repeating it during 30 years? Pedophiles usually molest more than one child because they are sick and cannot control themselves.

[PADA: Acharyas do not have to prove they are no longer pedophiles?] 

7. There are many question marks on these accusations and for those who have a bad eye towards Lokanath Swami and who thinks Maharaja has really molested that girl, I would like to recommend to consider what Lord Krishna is saying in the Bhagavad-gita verse 9.30. 

Even if a person has done something abominable one should still consider that person person to be a sadhu=saint, if he is FULLY ENGAGED in DEVOTIONAL SERVICE to Lord Krishna. 

[PADA: A very contaminated neophyte (that's us) might fall into illicit sex with men, women and children, or worse. Of course that means he is not yet kanistha adhikary. That means he is still on the lowest rung of bhakti, that means, he is not an acharya. Of course while we may forgive a pedophile neophyte, we make sure he has supervised visits with the temple and we control his access to children. We certainly do not make him the acharya, with unlimited access to everything. 

Ishan das said that many of the senior devotees "committed the worst acts imaginable" after 1978. That means, being very generous, they are very contaminated neophytes, if even we can credit them with that much.]

Srila Prabhupada explains in the purport that a temporary fall down which is not intentionally done is what the Lord is referring to. WHO CAN DENY THAT LOKANATH SWAMI HAS NOT BEEN FULLY ENGAGED IN DEVOTIONAL SERVICE THE LAST 30 YEARS?

[PADA: Lokanath has spent 30 years promoting his pedophile guru system that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas, and causes children to commit suicide. And worse, he says the people making this system are acharyas. Servants of Beelzebub are not acharyas.] 

But in this case, it’s highly unlikely Lokanath Swami has committed this heavy crime, considering the normal patterns of pedophiles who abuse more than one child and who repeat it over a period of many years until they get caught by the police.

[PADA: Lokanath already supports a guru chain of illicit sex with men, women and children for all of his adult life. And he even wanted my kids to worship his pedophile pals as their gurus. He is a sick man. He should not be advertised as God's successor in any case. He isn't. 

In sum! There is no such thing as a guru who touches children's private parts and causes them a lifetime of trauma. There is no heavier crime than destroying the life of a child. I know the victim, and I know the suffering she and many other ISKCON children victims have had to suffer. 

And more than a few of them took their own lives, and we had to sue Lokanath's molesting program for $400,000,000 in Dallas, and he lost. This is not doing service to God. And you are making a mistake thinking this is service to God. ys pd]

1 comment:

  1. S Dasi: Always the same thing ain't it? We must always forgive the leaders ... who are "eternally serving the devotees" by ... as you say ... banning and removing and molesting and suing and maybe getting devotees taken out of their bodies. And they are causing unlimited grief, sorrow, disappointment, and victims are even sometimes dying as a result.

    And more than a few end up hating Krishna. All that has to be forgiven. But if we ignorant fools pip up a mouse sqeak ourself ... holy mother of God ... buckle up ... we are going to be beaten with shoes. There is zero forgiveness when it comes to us. Funny about that right?


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