Friday, October 7, 2022

ISKCON's Abuse Victims and the Karma Chakra

NMD: The Gurukulis need to repent and consider why they had such bad karma, and the abusers were just facilitating our karma, if we just chant Hare Krsna and trust in the GBC everything will work out as Krsna wants. There is no need to fight the system or try to bring up shameful topics like child abuse that only distracts the new sprit souls from gaining krsna prema.

Better we sit in our collective shame and try to understand it was Krsna's pastime for our betterment. The teachers were just facilitators sent by Krnsa into our lives to destroy the demonic nature that was in our hearts as young children, so that we could truly surrender to the movement and GBC when we properly mature in our spiritual understanding.

Before you become critical of leadership and the advanced devotees that have dedicated their lives to ISKCON. Better to think about what you could have done better at 5,6,7 years old, take responsibility for your lives. 

[PADA: Here we go again, many / most (?) of the adult leaders and adult parents knew there was an abuse problem, but they largely never went to the police. In other words they did not take responsibility to resolve the issue. 

Whose job was that? I forgot, it is the job of the 5,6,7 years olds kids! The amount of brain washing going on here is simply astonishing. How many people think 5,6,7 years old children need to take responsibility for their situation? 

Sorry, young children, and even adult women, and cows and other dependents, are in fact dependent on being protected. They are not meant to be in charge of fighting for their own survival. No one at 5 years old is capable of defending themselves, and it is a misleading and specious argument to claim they are. The adult leaders and parents fumbled the ball, not the 5 years old victims. This is just blame shifting to the victims.]

Did you attract the abuse through your actions, was it past karma that you needed to burn off, were you Lusty as a child and therefore attracting the sexual attention of the adults that were caring for you?

[PADA: Lusty children caused their abuse? And lusty women -- who were just walking down the street to buy a bag of potato chips -- attracted their attackers? Ummm, nope, the perps were lusty and the victims, not. Plus, most children have no idea what sex desire is, or what sexual activity is etc. Again, victim shaming.]

Please stop going after others in leadership, the members of the GBC and the Guru's of ISKCON are not responsible for the accidental fall downs of a few fallen souls this is Maya confusing you, take responsibility what could you have done better. Maybe it's time to forgive the horrible abuse and understand they were young men and women just doing there best to serve Prabhupada.

[PADA: Serving a homosexual and pedophile guru process is not serving Krishna. Why do we have to keep repeating that?]

There is truly no need for leadership to take responsibility for any sexual or physical abuse that "might" have occurred in a moment of forgetfulness of Krishna.

[PADA: If there is a mass child abuse process, then the leaders are the primary problem. They are in charge.]

The faithful men and woman in the GBC and leadership of ISKCON have carefully analyzed the evidence and found for the most part it was the actions of the children and Lusty woman that had demonic tendency that attracted the abuse into their lives, therefore it is not necessary for anyone at a any level of leadership to take responsibility for any abuse that "may" have occurred.

Ask yourself why should a spiritual leader, teacher, or Guru who may bring millions of dollars into the organization need to repent or in anyway, why change his mentality for a momentary fall down. It's is better that we accept that they are empowerd by Krsna,

Karma dosen't apply to the advanced souls who have surrender, they are above this system Krsna created. The fallen householders, gurukulis, women and children of ISKCON -- this lower class of devotee have failed to understand their humble position has servant of the servant and their duty to follow the empowered Guru.

All glories to ISKCON and Srila Prabhupadas "true" dedicated followers.

V Devi Dasi: I see exactly what you’re saying - this is the very narratives that are problematic, placing blame on the child, or the victim, and gaslighting them.

[PADA: This is almost the same argument an ex-devotee gave me here in Berkeley. He started eating hamburgers, citing that Kali Yuga's cows already have the karma to be made into hamburgers, so he has no karma by eating them. He is karma free, the cow is the main carrier of bad karma. That is not really how the process works. A cow may have that karma, but once we engage in eating the cow, now the karma chakra has spread to ourself. Same process with the child abuse. 

Even if the victims have bad karma, the interaction karma still comes back to the perps, and in ISKCON, the karma comes back to their entire infrastructure of institutional abuse system of webs, nests, cover ups, apologists, deniers, putting them into posts like Lokanath etc. 

And if this is about an institution, and there is a systemic institutional infrastructure of abuse, then karma will spread to the entire institution. And it has. 

As for the GBC doing the best they could, yes they tried their best to have us banned, beaten, sued, chased with bats, and we would have no longer been on the planet without FBI arresting one of the people they sent to take me out. All this is now the history, and I am being interviewed by an investigation TV show as we speak, and that is the question they ask me, why were you banned, beaten, chased with bats, threatened to be sued, and the police had to arrest the people sent to take you off the planet, if they were sincerely trying to address the abuse issue? 

And as for the children, I do not think this was their karma, I think this was imposed upon them by deviants, and then the deviants tried to take me and Sulochana away, which is simply another deviation in their infrastructure, taking down the messenger. It is my karma as well? We don't know, but we do know that they are engaged in conscious deviation, and they still are in the Lokanath case. ys pd]


  1. M Dasi: Really sad argument here. We were five years old children, and we have to take responsibility for being part of a child molester worshiping cult. Who thinks like that? I know. The people brain damaged by listening to ISKCON's GBC leaders.

    Stockholm syndrome. The hi-jackers are doing everything they can to help us. NOT! Making matters worse ... the leaders promote Radhanath ... who gives some of the victims PTSD just by seeing his criminal face. And they promote Lokanath. And they keep Bhavananda's entourage in Mayapur etc. That is a sign they want to clean house. NOT!

    This is the same good ole boys club it always has been. It is really sad to see the apologists for the program still think the victims are the problem ... not the molesters and the program that protects them.

    This is why ISKCON is not being taken seriously by intelligent people. Any intelligent person who sees ... the child victims are being trained to say ... they are the source of the abuse problem ... will run away ... and take their children with them. Can't blame them?

    The movement that is supposed to save the world ... has lower standard for dealing with child abuse ... than the rest of the world. Blaming the five years old victims? Sorry, totally unacceptable in human society. Never going to fly in intelligent spiritualist society.

    As long as ISKCON pursues this horrific child abuse excusing course ... it is doomed to stagnate and fail. And it is stagnating and failing. And that is all for the better. It needs to fail.

  2. JJ: That means the parents trained their children to believe ... they are deserving bad treatment and bad karma. No one should call the police. "You are a bad seed offspring and deserve bad treatment."

    This is so far away from Srila Prabhupada saying ... they are Vaikuntha children. It is a cop out? What is it? We did not want to bother protecting our children, because they are "bad seeds" who deserve no protecting. The children did not come up with this idea themselves ... they were indoctrinated to believe these things.

    Leaders and parents were both part of the conspiracy against children. That is how it looks to me. Maybe also how it looks to Yamaraja. You have one duty as a parent ... mind the welfare of your kids. That does not happen ... because the kid is a rotten seed from the start.

    Where do they come up with this trash. I see some stories where the Christian fanatic parents might kill their own children. And when the police ask "because these kids were bad seeds taken over by Satan." That is why they do not deserve protection.

    This is all total cult speak. Face it. The parents failed to protect ... but they blame their failure on their own children ... the victims of their negligence ... bad seeds. This is how cults operate. Everyone who is REALLY to blame is not to blame ... because the victim is to blame ... then they make pretend they do not know why some of the victims commit suicide, or they hate the Hare Krishna religion.

    Because ... you misrepresented the religion. No wonder Srila Prabhupada says ... false religionists go to the lowest regions. The religion of 5 years old taking responsibility for their abuse. It never ends with these people does it? They just come up with one worse idea after the next ... all to make themselves look pearly white clean ... when their hands are full of the blood of these children. Just terrible!


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