Saturday, October 16, 2021

Vrndavan Vice President Defends Lokanath Regime (VIDEO)


[PADA NOTE: Thanks for trying to send me this Satyavrata link Pratyatosa dasa. Sorry, I do not check to see the comments posted direct to this blog because most of it has been thousands and thousands of spams. I was just overwhelmed trying to deal with it. Anyone who wants to send me links / or comments has to send to:]  

[PADA: Lokanath's defender and promoter speaks up.


"I am mainly a Prabhupada person and not a GBC guru person." Hee hee. Well then why isn't ISKCON promoting that idea? Why isn't everyone being told to be mainly a Prabhupada person and back pedal being a GBC guru person? Isn't that ritvik de facto?  

There does not seem to be any good explanation from Sanaka Sanatana dasa for how Lokanath got to touch a young girl? He essentially says that the Lokanath victim's Indian family made up these charges. However no normal family, never mind an Indian family, wants their child to be linked to a child abuse claim, unless it is a valid claim. 

This makes no sense because -- it might cause the child to have a lifetime stigma. So the people who make these claims are generally bona fide, especially if they have no track record of making false claims. There is no record of Satya's family making any other false claims, and thus it is an insult to her and her family to say they are essentially liars. 11 years old children also generally do not discuss any sexual activity involving themselves, unless it is induced upon them by an adult, Lokanath swami being the prime suspect here.

Then Sanaka Sanatana says that because Ramparasar's pregnant wife was kicked out of an ISKCON apartment by various ISKCON GBC leaders, and that caused her to have a miscarriage, that made Ramparasar "set up Lokanath" with this abuse charge -- by getting his relatives to make these false claims. Well first of all, Ramsparasar is right, three ISKCON sannyasas are responsible for the death of his unborn child because they conspired to attack his pregnant wife and his family just shortly before she was going to give birth to her baby, by creating a chaotic situation of kicking her out of her temple apartment residence. 

So the Lokanath program intentionally created a havoc situation for this defenseless and helpless pregnant woman by kicking her out, and that most likely caused her to miscarry the fetus. And the baby died. Notice the problem here? Lokanath gets 30 years of mercy -- when he makes a breach of conduct -- but a pregnant woman get 30 seconds of mercy -- then the mercy ends -- and the Lokanath program starts jack booting her in the head. OK there is no mercy for this poor pregnant lady, only mercy for child touching deviants posing as messiahs.

And because of their lack of mercy, her baby is now dead. Isn't that the real superior crime here, and the Lokanath swami child abuse crime is the lesser -- but still evil -- crime? 

Why is it that a pregnant women gets zero percent of mercy, while Lokanath swami gets ten thousand percent of mercy. No explanation is even attempted here. Sanaka Sanatana raises more questions than answers. Who is authorized to jack boot any pregnant woman in the head by removing her from her apartment and creating chaos -- just at the moment her baby is ready to be delivered? When we all know -- that can easily cause a miscarriage and kill the fetus. 

And worse, the mother and her baby are Vaishnavas, who deserve utmost protection from the Krishna society -- unless it is the Lokanath society -- and the mercy dries up instantly. Even Narada Muni says that attacking a pregnant woman should never be done in any circumstances -- even if the child is a demon. It is forbidden. Yet! Evidently -- not forbidden for the Lokanath jack booter's program? It seems the Lokanath program has a license to jackboot pregnant women in the head -- and cause them to lose their baby. Who gives them this license?

So now a baby is dead, and that is the reason Ramparasar allegedly set up his relatives to concoct this molesting complaint. OK maybe, but meanwhile the complaint that the baby is dead is buried and forgotten. A baby is dead, isn't that the more important issue here? Nope, all that the Lokanath people worry about is the reputation of Lokanath. Dead babies are simply collateral damage under Lokanath's program's jack boots evidently. 

Worse! Thousands of other children are being molested under the Lokanath regime's jack boots, and then ISKCON is sued and is bankrupted. Isn't that a bigger problem too? Nope, Lokanath is said to be "aloof" while all this is going on, and he does not seem to worry one iota about all these issues. Not my kids, not my money, not my problem. OK that is the root problem right there. 

Lokanath is supposed to be a leader, and he is thus supposed to be overseeing, checking, and containing all these problems, not sitting around advertising how distant and aloof he is. He is not supposed to be aloof. He is supposed to be a leader -- and thus helping manage the situation. 

Oh I forgot, he is so advanced, he is aloof -- while the devotees of God are being banned, beaten, molested, sued and assassinated. And ISKCON is declared bankrupted. OK that is the time to take action to help others, not to be aloof. But then again, Lokanath swami is a prime defender of the GBC's regime, he is not aloof at all? Even recently he says the ritviks are bogus, all that because we ritviks do not promote worship of deviants as messiahs, and / or create giant child molesting programs at industrial factory levels.  

Yep, and thus -- thousands of kids are going into Lokanath swami's molester messiah's program's wood chipper -- while he sits around proudly being aloof. And they are all proud of that? Again, that is the problem. The children are being molested, and people are telling us how proud they are that the leaders of that regime are "aloof." That is called the crime of omission, not helping others when it is our duty to do so. If we see a baby who is drowning, and especially if no one else is helping, IT IS our duty as a human being -- to help, and save the baby. Not to sit around proudly being aloof -- which is criminal negligence.

The house is on fire, and we are proud that the fire department people are sitting around being aloof -- and watching it burn. Many people are screaming in pain, and then they are dead. And that is our proudest accomplishment, we sat around and did nothing substantial, rather we were aloof. And that is being advertised as the proper process, being aloof when all this suffering is going on left, right and center. Yep, they watched from a distance -- being aloof -- as the ISKCON ship was sinking and the passengers were suffering, drowning -- and dying.  

The father of Satya asked Lokanath to read to Satya, fine, but Lokanath should be aware that this should be done in a fully supervised situation at all times to avoid any suspicion. Satya's testimony seems to be being avoided here, because her description does not line up with Lokanath's, or this Sanaka person. 

OK Satya's incident did not become prominent immediately, because it took her time to process the information. And it also took the parents time to process the incident. Child molesting incidents are not always immediately processed, and sometimes it takes 20 years for a child to express what happened. 

Meanwhile, this devotee tries to blame all the problems on "the ritviks," you mean the people who are saying acharyas are not engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children acharyas are the problem? And we should simply accept -- the GBC already adjudicated all this. You mean the people who reinstated oral sex with taxi drivers as their Vishnupada, are a reliable committee to make a decision? 

And so, we should accept the GBC as our final authority -- at least that is what he says. But when the N.A. GBC (or EC) says Lokanath should step down, he won't? And some of the NA GBC say they won't attend the meetings if Lokanath is present. And supposedly, the devotees in India are more conservative than the Western devotees. Which is why they support a guru parampara that contains illicit sex with men, women and children (and cats?) and they bury homosexuals, pedophiles and / or porno swamis is samadhi in the dham. Sign me up! Worship of pedophiles in samadhi will never happen over here in the West, it is considered as low class -- if not totally unacceptable in human society -- and abominable.    

And then he says, the GBC forged the letter from Lokanath. That letter was made up by the GBC and not Lokanath, and they forged his signature. Forgery is a crime? Why was this crime never reported? And if the GBC already decided the issue, and we should accept them as the ultimate managers, why shouldn't we accept the letter they produced -- which they claim was penned by Lokanath? And why hasn't Lokanath ever written a counter letter, explaining that this is a forged letter, and producing his own "real" version of what really happened etc.?

And then someone from the GBC evidently leaked the Lokanath "forged" letter. Well fine, but why was it being hidden in the first place? Why all the secrecy all the time? And why was it never investigated, who forged the letter? And why? 

We need to accept the GBC, but they are liars and forgery criminals. And if they are forging evidence, how can we accept any of their evidence. OK then we should accept the authority of the "abuse experts" the GBC hired. Wait! When criminals hire their own "experts" to prove they are innocent, then the opponents get to hire counter experts. That never happens here. When the MAFIA leader is arrested, then immediately there are 10 "experts" in the court explaining that he is innocent. And we should rely only on the MAFIA's hired experts? 

Then he says Lokanath made 5,000 disciples so he is doing great preaching. Disciples of what? What are the disciples of an illicit sex with men, women and children (and cats?) process going to do to us people who worship pure devotees? They are going to ban us, beat us, sue us, molest us, chase us with baseball bats, and kill us, as they already have been doing all along. 

Lokanath is simply making another angry mob of people who want to kill us Vaishnavas. Even the Los Angeles police told me, "Don't you know these Watseka people WANT TO KILL YOU." And who are these Watseka people? They are the Lokanath people. Sorry, the world does not need 5,000 more people who will simply continue the Lokanath process to ban, beat, molest, sue, and kill the Lord's Vaishnavas. 

Then Sanaka sanatana das explains that even his own kids were abused in India. So that means, the problem has not been contained. These incidents should not be happening at all. So many kids were molested, and the same people in charge of the regime are -- pure devotees? Devotees of what? Sorry, this is another example of the way their child molester beeja has been spreading, and it is the creation of these leaders. All these molester webs and nests are happening for a reason, and the reason is -- them. They are not pure devotees. They are magnets for crimes, including crimes against children, because they are contaminated.

And he admits some of the Lokanath people, including some of his former friends, are rejecting Lokanath. OK that means our process is working, we are saving at least some people on a regular basis. They will reject the bogus guru, and perhaps then worship Prabhupada. At lease that does happen in some cases.

Anyway, he makes an effort to defend the fort, but the fort is already overrun with way too many scandals at this stage. A house cleaning is in order. And Lokanath should start the house cleaning by admitting that he and his pals are not, were not, and could not have been Krishna's guru successors. And their Auschwitz for kids process happened under their watch due to -- their crime of omission, i.e. criminal negligence, or worse -- commission, aiding and abetting the molester regime, which THEY have been orchestrating all along. ys pd

Anyway, write to this guy and see what he says -- 



And send his replies to:


  1. SD: - Namarasa has refused to speak about child protection on his show, saying he "can't get excited about the topic" and outright canceling interviewees when they became involved in child protection work.

    - When he announced he was interviewing someone defending a child molester, he blocked comments on his announcements.

    - Multiple people asked him to add a voice for the victim. He refused.

    - When the interview began, he allowed comments. Comments were being made refuting what was being said, with evidence, as well as asking follow-up questions. He deleted the comments. Then he blocked comments 20 minutes in.

    - He deleted comments on the YouTube video of this interview, then blocked comments.

    As a parent in ISKCON, people who don't support child protection concern me. People who defend a child molester because he has "lots of disciples" concern me.

    - How many disciples does one need to make it okay to molest a child?

    [PADA: We seem to always get deleted, that is why we are doing the right thing by making our own process of exposing them. They deleted us the whole time, which is why they were sued for $400,000,000. ys pd]

  2. DD: There are massive differences between the accounts given by the two camps of this big current case. The "defendant" camp says it was an accidental touch. The "prosecution" camp says it was not one single touch and not accidental. Why this difference in accounts? To my knowledge, the piece of evidence that suggests the prosecutors might be correct is a letter written by Satya, in anger, detailing that it was much more than just one accidental touch. Why is it possible for the defendants to ignore this letter? Is it a lesser known piece of evidence? Is the authenticity of the piece of evidence doubted? Is there proof that it was definitely written by the victim?
    I feel frustrated that these key points are never discussed.

    [PADA: They never discuss any of the real points. It is a lot of fluff and bluff everytime. ys pd]

  3. SD Dasi: Vrndavana? Where they buried Kirtanananda? These people have no idea what the Vedas are even teaching. They are like kindergarten children talking about PHD matters.

    Imagine telling Prabhupada we are going to bury pedophiles in samadhi in the dham ... right near your samadhi ... and worship pedophiles like Lokanath in the dham. And Sanatan's own kids are abused there. Is there going to be no lesson learned ... ever?

    These people are either brain washed ... brain dead ... or they are on the payroll and they just don't care ... because it will disturb their business.

    Lokanath's glorious aloofness is getting people banned, molested and killed. Maybe he needs to quit being such an "aloof" and start getting involved in problem solving ... not problem enabling. One woman was assaulted on a train as the passers - by ... said and did nothing to help ... just yesterday. The aloof people are ... doing the right thing? The glories of being aloof ... makes the criminals happy.

    You are right ... being aloof ... when there is criminal behavior ... enables all the criminal behavior. This is not something to brag about ... we enabled criminals and molesters ... with our being aloof. What is wrong with these people? Being aloof means ... he is aiding and abetting the crimes. They are glorifying sitting and doing nothing when people are being abused ... then they make pretend they are upset when so many people ... are abused. No one notices what the problem is here? ISKCON is paying dearly to maintain these leaders ... and they are not leading.

  4. PADA: Right CJD. This Sanatana guy dug their hole deeper. I agree. He mentions their kicking out the pregnant lady and her baby dying, not many people knew this. He mentions they made a letter only for the victim, which was not supposed to go public. That means they were never going to tell the Lokanath people. It leaked, because someone on the GBC tried to be honest, and he is the bad guy.

    Then to cover up their own leak, they said the letter was forged by the GBC. The GBC is forging letters? But Lokanath never made a public declaration that this was forged, and gave the correct account. Another cover up.

    Then they said Lokanath is fine because he is aloof from all this. Right, maybe thousands of kids are getting molested, devotees are being banned, beaten, molested, sued and assassinated, and he is sitting around drinking a lassi -- not giving a care in the world. Aloof. Dereliction of duty to manage, or worse covering up criminal child molesting, and maybe also, murders of Vaishanvas.

    And this guys own kids are molested, after all the exposes, lawsuits and clamor, problem is not solved because -- same people who made the problem are still in charge.

    He reveals some of the major holes in the story, and so I congratulated him for that. Good job, you covered areas not even known previously. You dug their hole deeper!

    Agreed -- Lokanath is voted into a parampara that contains illicit sex with men, women, children, taxi drivers, and cats, he has no clue what the Vedas are saying, and neither do his followers, that is clearly evident. He self evidently thinks God's successors are having sex with cats, and then his sex with cats messiahs should be buried in samadhi in the dham -- right next to Srila Prabhupada, because he self evidently hates Srila Prabhupada.

    I agree, only a person who hates Srila Prabhupada would bury sex with cats in a samadhi right next to a pure devotee. And so, their whole sampradaya is going to the sex with cats guru planet, yep I also agree. And this poor Sanatana guy is right there, not far from his sex with cats samadhi. He is either very ignorant, very compromised, or he is another very clearly deviant person -- part of their agenda. There are not many other options? Agreed! Anyway, it is Kali Yuga, the sex with cats guru sampradaya is always possible in this age, and Lokanath could not wait to become its head general in charge, so he could pollute the consciousness of the planet with his sex with cats pooja program. There are no other persons more sinful than this lot on the planet, most dangerous elements in human society, also -- agreed. Anyway, the rats are starting to eat their own now, we got them on the run. ys pd

  5. “In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. Secrecy and silence are the perpetrator’s first line of defense. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure that no one listens. To this end, he marshals an impressive array of arguments, from the most blatant denial to the most sophisticated and elegant rationalization. After every atrocity one can expect to hear the same predictable apologies: it never happened; the victim lies; the victim exaggerates; the victim brought it upon herself; and in any case it is time to forget the past and move on. The more powerful the perpetrator, the greater is his prerogative to name and define reality, and the more completely his arguments prevail.”
    ― Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence - From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

  6. S DASI: I'm writing a commentary on Namarasa's skewed and biased interview with Sanaka Sanatana. This will be in it:

    "Sanaka Sanatana claims Lokanath was only “holding the book” and touched “the lower part of the leg."

    Badrinarayan Swami said in 1999, “His hand was palm down, it was over her private area, he moved it away when the mother or other family member came in the room and then moved it back when they left. The girl moved his hand and he moved it back.

    Yasoda who is a social worker interviewed Satya and she said in 1999:

    “The report is inaccurate in two areas. If I recall it correctly, when she played the harmonium he caressed her thigh. He moved close to her on the couch when no one was there and pulled away when someone entered. His hand did not brush against her thigh while reading Krishna was on top of her genitals and I think he pressed down. The girl felt so violated because it was her vagina and also because he pulled away when someone entered and resumed when they were gone. This made her feel dirtier.”

    [PADA: Yep, as usual they find some Sanatana guy who is "not really aware of what is on the internet" to interview. Had he studied any of this, he would already be aware of all these points. They purposefully find unaware people as their spokespersons and defenders. Anyway, a rebuttal is in the works, so we can inform them -- again -- what are the actual facts. Namarasa should also interview someone who represents the other side of this story if he wanted to have balanced reporting. Meanwhile, most of our PADA readers are not buying Sanatana's efforts, he simply has not grasped the facts of the case. ys pd


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