Saturday, August 3, 2024

Deity Worship / Saranagati Fire / Bhakti Caru / BVKS on Sahajiyas 08 03 24


Actual deity worship process


Saranagati Fire Relief Fund

Saranagati's Venables Valley Wildfire Relief Fund (

PADA: Some other devotees here in California narrowly escaped a big fire. I hate to say it but, climate change is making things worse, never mind all the other things making it worse. Anyway, we hope for the best for these devotees, it looks like the fire had a bad impact on their facility there. Fortunately, it looks like no one was harmed. But we have seen where it may take decades for forest areas to recover from fires, it is a big problem, and it does not seem to be getting better.  ys pd  



(1) “…Bengali proverb, ati bhakti corera lakshana: Too much devotion is a symptom of a thief. A person who assumes himself to be a great devotee but mentally is thinking of something else is duplicitous.
One who is not duplicitous is called sadhu." (CC Mad 17.15)

(2) “Do you know what show bottle means? It means colored water in a bottle which looks just like medicine, but which does not work." (SPConv NY, July 1970)

(3) "By lips [Kirtanananda] says that he is a surrendered soul but by action he is thinking differently." (SPL Satsvarupa, Oct. 6, 1967)

(4) Bhakticharu: "We see how miserably we failed to fulfil that instruction. Srila Prabhupada's greatest asset was his devotees, and that asset we started to lose first. Now we are about to lose everything
else that His Divine Grace gave us to maintain. I do not want to blame anyone for all the mistakes that were made, but we must nonetheless recognize them and learn our lesson from them. Therefore, with all
sincerity, I say that we are losing everything because we had been thinking that Srila Prabhupada is now dead and gone, and we started to claim our shares of our inheritance.” (Nov. 18, 2001)

PADA: Bhakti vikas swami has been chastising unqualified people for thinking they are engaged in gopi lila / Rasalila (Krishna's conjugal pastimes) when they are not. That is great, except his "rati keli siddha" (Rasalila) gurus have been "engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children." OK and taking drugs, drinking Vodka, watching porno, and who knows what. Umm, since BVKS' rati keli assistant gurus -- are often falling into lusty and illicit behavior -- isn't BVKS one of the main people mixing mundane sexual attraction with gopi lila? And isn't that sahajiya (mixing mundane and pure)?

Yep, it is BVKS himself who has been juxtaposing illicit sex -- with Rasalila. Worse, BVKS' friend Jayadvaita asks "why in the hell" are people chanting Srila Prabhupada's name -- at the guru puja ceremony (where the guru is glorified as engaged in assisting the gopis aka Rasalila). Yeah, why aren't people chanting the names of the members of BVKS illicit sex with men, women and children guru succession -- instead of Prabhupada's name -- as "rati keli" -- assisting the Gopis -- personalities? 

Worse, the BVKS "Rasalila" guru program has buried a known homosexual pedophile -- and other deviants -- in samadhis, near the samadhi sites of actual acharyas who are actually considered as actual gopis, manjaris and assistants of Krishna's Rasalila. Just today another woman wrote to PADA, totally mortified and aghast -- that sexual deviants and other deviants are being buried by the BVKS program in samadhis, in the dham no less. Why would they do that if they had an ounce of respect for Krishna and the dham?     

Srila Prabhupada told us the sahajiya cults of Bengal often mix together illicit sex with Krishna's lila -- or Rasalila, and as such they have "dragged all of Bengal to hell." But generally speaking, these bogus Bengal sahajiya cults only have gurus who engage in sexual affairs with mature grown women, who are at least able to give adult consent. Whereas the BVKS "Rasika gurus" have been found engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children, which means the non-consensual aged could become victims of his Rasika guru process, and supposedly, a number have been.

PADA: Yep. As soon as me and Sulochana said that Kirtanananda is a homosexual and a pedophile pooja process, and many children are becoming victims of his process, we were criticized by the GBC folks and his followers as "drunks and sahajiyas." Hee hee, notice, the people criticizing a pedophile guru cult are often alleged to be -- the fallen, fringie, bogus devotees or sahajiyas, whereas the people defending that cult are supposedly the bona fide, sincere and strict followers. 

So this is the first problem with the BVKS guru system. The defenders of their homosexual and pedophile guru programs are "strict and bona fide" -- while the critics are allegedly bogus. Thus, they sort of turn the process of defending children from abuse on its head, and end up direct or de facto defending the exploiters of children -- and not the children themselves. 

This has already been duly noted by most previous ISKCON children -- "we are not being protected -- but the exploiting regime is protected." Hence, these ex-children are now conspicuous by their absence from ISKCON.     

Anyway, this has been the main complaint of the ISKCON GBC folks and / or Kirtanananda and his people, us "critics" and dissenters are cheap devotees or sahajiyas. And Bhakti Vikas has helped this false process along. And thus the disciples of Kirtanananda, and his other homosexual and pedophile guru cult cheer leader folks like Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati / Bhakta Peter etc. have been saying, anyone who opposes the homosexual and pedophile pooja program are "drunks and sahajiyas." 

More oddly, when we start to say that children are being mistreated, they may argue "PADA is writing about smelly stools (little children)." Wow, the anti-women and children beeja is very powerful in this group.  

This is like Deja Vu all over again. In Medieval times, sometimes the "dissenting" people -- those who criticized -- for example -- that the Bishop is having sex with people's wives -- were branded as infidels, insincere, cheap devotees, unrepentant sinners, and / or outcasts (sahajiyas) from the religion. Sometimes they were branded as being influenced by Satan and so on and so forth. And how many times we have been told we are offenders, we are destroying ISKCON, we are Satans, we are drunks and sahajiyas, and etc. Yep, discredit the whistle blowers, and prop up the regime.  

Great. However, most of the "karmi" helpers we have accumulated over the years, from law enforcement, the FEDS, the courts, the media etc. have never chanted one round or even one mantra, ever. But they do know that child mistreatment is criminal and must be contained immediately, without any doubt or hesitation. And that is why they have volunteered to help PADA, while we have often had a shortage of devotee helpers, and worse, we have had a flood of devotee critics and nay sayers. 

Anyway, to discredit the whistle blowers on child mistreatment is evil cult behavior, and it is giving the Krishna religion a bad name. And that is why an older devotee (big book distributor for many years) told me today -- the main thing he wants to see is, ISKCON having its doors closed and shut down worldwide. He said ISKCON is a walking bad advertisement for Krishna and His religion, and it is dangerous for children. 

So this is what has happened, promoting false gurus has discredited the religion, and at the same time, it has lead to mass abuse of the citizens, especially the children. The good news is, more people are agreeing with us, this is the whole problem in a nutshell. OK more folks agree -- the real sahajiyas are the GBC people like BVKS. He is among the main persons mixing mundane sex attraction fools with rasika. 

He is among the worst case sahajiyas ever produced in history. And Srila Prabhupada says the sahajiyas are gliding to hell. As for me personally, even if I was a drunk who watches TV, trying to discredit my complaints about child mistreatment is criminal, and there will be severe reactions in this life or the next. 

Child mistreatment is a crime, even the mundane people know that to be true. Gradually more and more devotees are waking up to these facts, but this has always been a fact, it is just that many people were asleep at the switch. As one media person told me, "It looks like the devotee community thought they could put their heads in the sand -- and the problems would disappear -- but instead, the problems grew to gigantic proportions. Ignoring the problems just enabled and accelerated them, and poured gasoline on the fire -- to make it explode." Well yup.  

ys pd

1 comment:

  1. E Dasi: When are the saffron robes millionaires going to donate to help Saranagati? Or help Talavan? I forgot, they are donating to lawyers to sue people. These people are the worst.


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