Saturday, August 17, 2024


Maybe Srimati Radharani and the gopis own Krishna.
Certainly, none of us!


PADA: Not good pilgrims. Not good at all. And not making India look like the land of dharma either. Sadly, lots of people are rejecting ISKCON and the Krishna religion because they feel it has become a haven for bogus gurus, crooks and predators. We have to do better as a society, and so does India as a society. Oh oh, "Police are being criticized for mishandling the case." And ISKCON GBC are being criticized for mishandling cases. Oh jeepers.  


[Older Meeting from 2010]

PADA: Oh oh, here we go again, another legal snaggle for the Prabhupada worshipers. Now we cannot chant Hare Krishna because we don't own that name, they do. Seriously folks? Are these guys not taking their meds again? Guess what, you guys don't even own your own socks, you are NOT the proprietors! You own zero! It all belongs to God! Never mind you do not own the name of God. Sheesh pilgrims! When are they going to learn? ys pd 


These folks are being told they cannot use Hare Krishna. This post is raising awareness about an important issue. 

A business is attempting trademark “Hare Krishna” and “Hare Krishna Movement” in New Zealand. A successful trademark on “Hare Krishna” in Australia is being used to threaten devotees in Brisbane who put a sign saying “Hare Krishna temple” on their temple.

We are opposed to trademarking the Holy Name. We will not allow it to be trademarked in NZ, and we will challenge and deregister the trademark in Australia.

Below is a letter from devotees: Opposition to Trademark Applications 1265919 and 1265920

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the trademark applications 1265919 and 1265920, seeking to register "Hare Krishna" and "Hare Krishna Movement" respectively.

As a concerned member of the Hare Krishna community in New Zealand, I firmly believe that these terms cannot be owned or monopolized by any single entity.
As Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of ISKCON, stated:
"The Sankirtana Movement is not my invention... Hare Krishna cannot be copyrighted." (Letter to Dinesh, 6th July 1969)

"Krishna consciousness is not limited; it is not a trademark or copyright. It is open to everyone." (Lecture, 10th April 1972, Tokyo)

"We don't claim any proprietorship over the Holy Name. It is the property of everyone." (Lecture, 17th August 1975, Vrindavan)

The Vedic scriptures also emphasize the universal nature of the Hare Krishna mantra: "The Holy Name of Krishna is transcendentally blissful. It bestows all auspiciousness." (Brihan-naradiya Purana, 38.126)

"The chanting of the Holy Name is the greatest austerity and the most auspicious activity." (Skanda Purana,

Granting ISKCON Inc exclusive rights to "Hare Krishna" would:

1. Suppress diverse Hare Krishna groups and individuals from identifying with their faith.

2. Restrict religious instruction and cultural activities.

3. Contradict the principles of openness and sharing embodied by the Hare Krishna movement.

ISKCON Inc already has its distinct trademark. Attempting to trademark "Hare Krishna" is an overreach, akin to trademarking "Christian" or "Jesus Christ".
I urge you to reject these trademark applications, ensuring the term "Hare Krishna" remains accessible to all who identify with it.

Thank you for considering my opposition.

Sincerely, Vanessa Lassman

References: - Bhagavad-gita As It Is (Macmillan, 1972) - Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1970-77) - Caitanya-caritamrta (Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1974-75) - Letter to Dinesh (6th July 1969) - Lectures by Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktivedanta Archives)

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June, 6, 1969 and the copy of the agreement which you sent. The first thing is that I have already given you my word, so there is no need of an agreement with me. My word is final agreement, but if you want it for business reasons, I have no objections to sign it. But the wordings are not always clear

Another thing is although I have brought this Sankirtana Movement to the Western World we cannot make it copyrighted. The Sankirtana Movement is not my invention. So how can it be copyrighted? Besides that, as you will find in the album of my previous recording, the chanting of Hare Krishna is going on since time immemorial.

So Hare Krishna cannot be copyrighted, although the tune in which I sing with my disciples, that may be made copyrighted. I have no objection to sign this agreement, but don't be misled that the chanting of Hare Krishna or Lord Caitanya's Movement can be made copyrighted.

A business is attempting to trademark “Hare Krishna” and “Hare Krishna Movement” in New Zealand.

Suren Vallabhjee writes the NZ Intellectual Property Office at ( you can email them too).

With regards to The trademark numbers are 1265919 to trademark "Hare Krishna" and 1265920 to trademark "Hare Krishna Movement".

I would like to submit that these are Names of God and cannot be claimed or registered or trademarked to anyone.

Over 200 million people in India and worldwide revere these Names of God , and most call out these names as in Praise the Lord or Hallowed be thy name.
Please do not approve any type of copyright or ownership of the Holy Names. It would be the same as allocating rights and control to the name of Allah, Jesus Christ, or Buddha.

Your humble servant

Surendra Vallabhjee

A contribution from Mahabuddhi dasa ACBSP:

This is ridiculous. ISKCON can use their corporate name for business, not patent a Vedic Mantra, used by millions of followers. The Gaudiya Math and all of their branches also propagate “Hare Krishna” long before ISKCON was even Established. My Guru (Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada) popularized the chanting of the “Hare Krishna” Mahamantra worldwide, but He obtained that from his Guru Maharaja and the long standing practice of the Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya Sampradaya of Vaishnavism. 

The Vedic Mantra is derived from the Kali Santarana Upanishad of the Vedic Scripures. So are we now going to patent the Vedic Mantras meant for all mankind? Whats next? The patenting of the Name of God? Krishna! This is foolishness by some neophyte devotees in New Zealand or anywhere else in the world that have little or no understanding of our Gaudiya Vaishnava heritage coming down from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. 

As stated by others the chanting of “Hare Krishna” Mahamantra is not the property of ISKCON. The real patent would belong to Lord Krishna and Veda Vyas the compiler of the Upanishads of the Vedic Scriptures. This ISKCON attempt to patent “Hare Krishna” would be an infringement and an offense to them and the millions of followers of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. It is against our own philosophical tenets- so those propagating this nonsense are actually not practicing Vaishnavism- but just corporate business and should be recognized as such by the greater Vaishnava Community of temples and religious institutions. Hare Krishna!

Mahabuddhi dasa Ph.D.

President Florida Vedic College

A Dasi: ISKCON leaders suing people for using Hare Krishna? Not only that, and not being transparent, corrupt, controlling, back stabbers, manipulators, usurpers,
protectors of rapers, business magnates, bullies, that’s all I got from the events happening over time. I am missing anything else?

Anyone feel free to add. We can not dishonour the work of Srila Prabhupada’s mercy upon his gift and commitment to save the world.


PADA: Yes, every year the GBC's gurus have been having Vyasa pujas for themselves, of course over 50% of them fell down, blooped and etc. And the other 50% promoted the falling 50% as gurus, so they too were in illusion. In other words, they are mis-using the title and post of Vyasa. 

Now they are trying to copyright the term "Hare Krishna" in some countries, so they can stop our people from preaching about Krishna. In short, they want to force us to accept their unqualified Vyasa successors by legal means. Now they want to copyright Hare Krishna so we have to worship them if we want to chant Hare Krishna. Neine danke! ys pd

"The Sankirtana Movement is not my invention. So how can it be copyrighted? Besides that, as you will find in the album of my previous recording, the chanting of Hare Krishna is going on since time immemorial. So Hare Krishna cannot be copyrighted, although the tune in which I sing with my disciples, that may be made copyrighted. I have no objection to sign this agreement, but don't be misled that the chanting of Hare Krishna or Lord Caitanya's Movement can be made copyrighted."
This was in a letter to his disciple Dinesh in 1969.

There are many Hare Krishna adherents in New Zealand, and around the world, who are not part of the ISKCON Inc business. Allowing ISKCON Inc to trade mark "Hare Krishna" in the realm of religious instruction or cultural centres will result in the suppression of freedom of religious expression and religious practice in New Zealand.

There are many, many groups and individuals currently identifying as "Hare Krishna" and members of the "Hare Krishna movement" in New Zealand, offering religious instruction and cultural activities, including cultural centers.
ISKCON Inc already has its trademark of ISKCON to identify itself distinctly within the broader Hare Krishna movement. It cannot be allowed to own an entire religion. It is a denomination.

thank you, JW (hare/ krishna)


  1. Australians can chant “Hare Krishna” - Krishna is the father of everyone - but if they think they now own it and can sell it back to Indians ("demanding" complete ownership and control of their temple in exchange for the "rights" to the "trademarked Hare Krishna®"), then they are giving serious "sell woven cloth back to Bengal" vibes - complete with “cut off the thumbs”.
    Prabhupāda: They committed so many sinful activities, yes, for maintaining their empire. To sell their Manchester-made cloth they ruined the cloth industry of India and cut this finger.
    Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Cut the thumb off.
    Prabhupāda: Yes. Thumbs of the weavers, so that they cannot manufacture anymore.
    - Morning Walk, October 6, 1975, Durban

  2. LD: Already back firing. Every body I know says ... this is another sign how weak and desperate the GBC are. Clinging onto what little power they have left. It is going to cause more people to despise and reject them.

    Banning the name of Krishna ... under the plea ... we own the name of God ... is the worst example of these bogus false religionists imaginable. All that !!! after they made the name of acharya handed off to their pedophiles acharyas. Pedophiles own the name of acharya, and we own the name of Krishna!

    These people are falling into more and worse illusions by the hour. Srila Prabhupada says ... the rascals will lose their intelligence, and we see that happening more all the time with them. The only reason they own anything is, they stole it from us, and from Krishna. And they will have to pay it all back.


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