Saturday, August 10, 2024

Emperor's New Clothes / 1986 Guru Reform 08 10 24

PADA: Most of the current ISKCON leaders are stuck being economically dependent on the financial status quo arrangement for their retirement account. Some of them -- like Trivrikrama swami, Mukunda swami and others have actually admitted "this is my career." Adikarta got into a physical fight recently with a husband -- when Adikarta was trying to take the wife to be initiated by him. And Adikarta had said to a mutual associate "I need to make more disciples so I will have money for my retirement." 

When people are financially dependent on a corrupt program, they tend to want to continue the corrupt program, because that is for their personal benefit. Even some of the India ICC managers told me, we have to keep Lokanath swami as the guru of our Zone, because he has many wealthy disciples who fund our Zone. Getting rid of him would create financial chaos for our Zone. OK, evidently it has always been all about the Benjamins, the almighty dollar. 

Notice also that when the GBC was collecting massive amounts of money from parents for "Krishna's sacred gurukula student's program" -- most of the money was being siphoned off to create Saudi Prince jet set lifestyles for the elites, and not to fund the welfare of the children. OK it has always been all about the money, even way back then, and nothing substantial has changed. In sum, the usa FEDS have a saying, it you want to find the root cause of a crime, follow the money, and that solves 99% of our cases. I think the same applies to ISKCON. All the problems, including -- why the children's program has not been funded properly, rests on which party has control of the manpower, assets -- and money. Or to sum, money is the root of all evil, and it is where Kali yuga rests (in gold or money). ys pd

SF Dasi: When people just start reading your material, I bet many think it is exaggeration, like many of us mainstream / naive / sheltered ISKCON conservatives used to be. Sadly, none of it is exaggerated. There is no need to exaggerate. Again, sadly.

For those who do read your material, when they start thinking it is all fantastic lies -- I would suggest them to check some of the documentaries and investigative journalism reports about other religions and their scandals. Then it is much easier believing it - when it is not one's own religion. If it can be true for all others - it certainly can be true for a supposedly very liberal one. The first layer of ISKCON cadre almost all are from converted hippies in ISKCON, which explains why they cannot take proper action on problems.

There are many even worse facts than what you post; starting with so much false representation, impersonating Gurus, pure devotees, and even pretending to be following the basic 4 regs by people who never really did much as adults. Most of them could not follow all 4 at the same time; and they made collosal false advertisement, criminal fraud levels; as well as even worse accumulations of predatory sex crimes.

DD: It may seem hard to say it, but some of the things that happened were inherent in the DNA, they were hereditary diseases ready to develop and adapt to the new body, both spiritual and social. Some have become chronic over the years.

PW: Another briliant comentary. Its very sad ... but realy very true.

DD: This situation was already visible in the first years of iskon ... everything was already perceptible even when Srila Prabhupada was alive, perhaps embryonically, but money and personal interest had already managed to infect the movement.

PADA: Yeah we all knew all along the leaders were: falling down left, right and center; often not chanting their rounds; sometimes running off with money and women; infighting among themselves, and sometimes calling each other ill names; causing one problem after the next etc. And then in 1977 Srila Prabhupada said -- suspend sannyasa, their sannyasa status is "a laughingstock." 

So when the same group of dubious folks said -- we are now rati keli siddha / assisting the gopis, acharyas, pure devotees, parampara members and so on, we should have tossed the lot of them out the door at the time. There was no way the same people causing all these failures could be catapulted into being pure devotees all of a sudden, and everyone should have known that already, but somehow or other, many people went along with the Emperor's new clothes illusion. 

And so many devotees suffered, especially the children -- whose program was neglected and ended up not being funded properly -- while the false Emperor's lived like opulent millionaire Saudi Princes. And we are still picking up the pieces now. ys pd

PD: Such a briliant analise Prabhu! Big Congratulations for You! Its exactly in point! Unfortunately it is ALL true..........Hare Krishna! All praise to Srila Prabhupada!!!


NND: Makes sense. No one believed PADA. "Fake news." Until it is too late. Then ISKCON is sinking like a rock ... in the sewer. Most of the children are all permanently ... gone from ISKCON, and it is bankrupted too. 

Same problem with people like Mathura Pati. He never reads PADA. 

Or else he would know by now -- his pushing Bhakta das and Saint Radnath makes him just look like another one of the perverts. And then ??? we have to ask why he is pushing the same group who got rid of Sulochana. He does not even know these things, and things like Pedophile's samadhi, are wrong? 

He needs to do his homework before speaking. They should have listened to PADA a long time ago. Not only that, they should have used common sense for themselves. Low class people who are behaving like cats, dogs, and pigs, cannot suddenly be God's successors. They should have known that all by themselves with no one having to remind them. Why do we have to remind them of any of this?    



Henry Doktorski:

August 1985: On or around this date in history 37 years ago, the North American GBC, temple presidents and ten ISKCON gurus attended a two-day emergency meeting at New Vrindaban. At this meeting, Ravindra Svarupa presented his paper, “Under My Order,” calling for guru reform. 

Coincidentally, during the New Vrindaban meetings, a message came from a brahmachari in Atlanta, Georgia, alleging that one of the ISKCON zonal acharyas (who had for years been suspected of having homosexual relations with boys and young men) had tried to have sex with him in Vrindaban, India, five years earlier, when he was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Bhavananda confessed to having homosexual relations “many times” during his career as an ISKCON guru. “From around 1980 to 1982, I experienced severe problems with my spiritual life and I fell down many times.”

Bhavananda admitted. “I developed a spirit of enjoyment, an enjoying spirit. . . . Of course I had hoped that these falldowns would not be known, but in our society there are no secrets, because you can’t keep a secret from Krishna. He knows everything. When some rumor came up regarding some of these problems, I denied it and it was overlooked, at least on a certain level, but many, many godbrothers were not convinced.” Bhavananda was suspended as guru. For six months. Then in March 1986, the GBC voted to reinstated him as an ISKCON guru. The Guru Reformers were aghast.

Yashomatinandan, the temple president of ISKCON Ahmedabad, explained, “At the 1986 GBC meeting, the climax of hypocrisy was to take place. It exposed each of our leaders in his true light. . . . A fallen sannyasi is vantasi: one who eats his own vomit. Not only that, but a regular addicted homosexual with a long, almost continuous history of such incidences was voted in by our leaders. . . . Our great scholar Hrdayananda Goswami flaunted all philosophical principles when he gave a sentimental rap . . . ‘Bhavananda is Prabhupada’s son and we must protect him,’ as if . . . devotional service means GBC-ship or guruship. 

We all went back to our temples with our hearts broken and hopes shattered having given Lord Chaitanya a wonderful gift of a faggot guru in his parampara on his 500th appearance day. We were absolutely convinced our leaders were destroying ISKCON.”

“Eleven Naked Emperors,” Chapter 12, “Preparing For Battle,” p. 255.

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