Friday, August 9, 2024

The Real Jayapataka Story 08 09 24

PADA: Yeah oddly, some people keep insisting that "no one cares about PADA." Well fine, but we are the ones who said Jayapataka is a fraud in 1978, and more people are agreeing all the time. PADA's ideas are more relevant now, than ever before. People agreeing with PADA is increasing and not vice versa. ys pd

6 August 2024

Who really is Jayapataka Swami ? JPS files part one…

Today two stories about famous ISKCON sanyasi, who seems to have, err, some hidden – in plain sight – black spots, flaws in his devotional career? Or actually situation is worse which makes bigger picture very sad and frightening. Personally I was convinced for years that he is a saintly sanyasi fully devoted to Prabhupada’s mission and engaged in only glorious activities! Btw here is claim from his own Website :

“JPS was born as Gordon John Erdman to John Hubert and Lorraine Erdman on April 9, 1949, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (…) Later HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja was glad to see that his name – Gordan John (Gour Dhan Jan) – already suggested what Srila Prabhuapda confirmed, that he and two other devotees were formerly associates of Lord Caitanya and that they had taken their birth in the west to facilitate spreading Krishna consciousness around the world.” Sounds amazing, isn’t it ?

But the truth could be really different… He plays this role as his image of a world acharya? Really disturbing information and allegations against Jayapataka swami below, but some devotees might be still unaware of strange JPS behaviour and deeds?


His Character : Personal witness account by his female disciple originally posted already twenty years ago…

On Istagosthi Forum , August 03, 2004 :

“In the late 80s I travelled with sadguru Jayapataka. I considered myself blessed by causeless mercy and good fortune for such an honour. Over the following 2 years my faith in Iskcon gurus, leaders and even the science of KC was dissolved gradually and systematically.

Some cold facts of Jayapataka’s non-acharya, guru - or faithful disciple-profile were made very plain to me… said cold facts include :

Jayapataka does not chant his rounds, for days on end he wouldn’t pick up his bead bag or clicker…

Jayapataka was incapable of pronouncing the words Hare, Krishna and Rama … the GBC knows this and even assigned one of his disciples to sit and listen and then report, the report was in the negative. Even though the devotee was completely sold out to Jayapataka, he was honest.

The only time JPS will pronounce the mantra clearly is, when making a big show, as in Mayapur when on the rare occasion of him turning up for japa period. He will dominate the atmosphere, sitting on his ostentatious seating arrangement, calling out occasionally to “enliven everyone”…

While travelling, he would hardly ever attend the morning program, only making an entrance to give class, he would prepare for this by having a little read of comic book [folk tales and myths of India ] sourced from a Calcutta train station.

I never witnessed any study of Srila Prabhupada’s books … On occasion he would fall asleep giving his own class…

He undoubtedly has an eating disorder and packs it away in a manner embarrassing to those with him in public. On the plane he would have 10 course take out feasts, and in meetings with non devotee professionals who were visibly shocked and disgusted, he would gorge himself on feasts personally served by his “servants” while others would have a simple lunch.

Maybe I was a little too sensitive to other’s reactions… he would have a young female disciple wash his kaupins regularly, [he doesn’t wash his own, if there’s someone else to do it].

He (Jayapataka) is violent, I saw him beat a devotee round the face whilst on the Calcutta Rath Cart, he thought it was his disciple but it turned out to be his own God brother. I witnessed him give orders for gangs of fiery brahmacharis to go and sort various problems out … with bad reactions to the victims.

He threatened to “spill my blood” for humbly expressing doubts over his contradictory behaviour I had seen. At first he said he couldn’t remember anything then looking into my eyes pitifully told me he thinks he has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t know what’s going on anymore. So he is not responsible for the trouble he is giving everyone.

He is regularly dishonest, too many instances to write about here, but one example hails from our waiting in line at the airport whereupon he lets rip with a huge fart, then everyone in the place turned to look at him, his immediate reaction was to glare at me in a shaming and blaming way …. he would fly into hellish rages and accuse those around of causing all sorts of problems for which he was responsible. 

There are many more examples of heartless and cruel behaviour regarding Jayapataka, all of which I personally witnessed, [no need for hearsay and rumour for me to fully realize he is not quite the pure devotee he would have us believe].

I don’t think they all need listing, maybe if it comes to court, something like Nuremburg, I will be there.

His main thing is psychic vampirism, a major method is public shaming, he would do this in crowded airports sometimes screaming and baring his teeth like a monster or at least in front of a group of devotees, such as in New Talavan where he shamed an innocent young girl for not bowing down before him “what’s up, don’t you pay your obeisances to Sannyasi anymore”? He said it so mean, and all the other devotees gave her disgusted threatening looks, this was a young child standing outside her home just watching the devotees go by.

His idea of healing the problems devotees have in their relationships was to side with one party and gang up on the other so there is, so to speak, a winner, he just caused more trouble wherever he went. And this resulted in divorces and other problems like that.

One last thing to finish it for me was when I tried to forget it all and take it as my own faultfinding. I returned to Mayapur in the late 90s to get “purified”, he was giving class [no matter what the original topic was he would only harp on about his right to be worshiped]. His main lecture topic was how wonderful he was serving Krishna.

I was sitting to his side when it appeared that his features had changed, and he looked a bit scary, as soon as this entered my mind he stopped speaking and slowly turned to face me, this I swear is no exaggeration, his face was fully demonic and filled with wrath, it even changed colour and became grey with red eyes, he knew I could see the real him -- and didn’t seem to like it at all.

I wasn’t really fazed with his glaring rage and thought of him as a real unfortunate who has got himself in a right tangle. I am sure that one will not hold up in court…. but I believe I had real darshan… what would Omkara or Acharya or Mahatma do after such experiences ? Would they still follow blindly ?

Or could they perhaps face the truth that these people are posing as gurus and pure devotees while reaping a terrible carnage in the hearts and lives of sincere souls? They are the greatest asses.

It is all there right in your face. Do you really not get it! Like you guys, many of the Bengali devotees consider him the Acharya of Iskcon, he does not seem to mind that misconception at all, they also think he is selflessly travelling and preaching the science of KC all over the world, not true.

He plays this role as his image of a world acharya, when in fact one of the main reasons he travels outside of Mayapur and India is to keep away from those natives in his zone, because, quote ”they drive me craaazzy” and collect more money and unwitting disciples to enforce his own little deluded empire. In other words, he does not even like his "best disciples" and considers them a troublesome nuisance.

He takes complete advantage of the natural devotional nature of the Bengalis to live out this grandiose delusional fantasy without a care in the world as to his own madness [I for one am convinced he is seriously in need of psychological help].

Devotees sometimes cite his service history as proof of his divineness, not -- it seems -- realizing that there are many other unsung heroes who worked harder and more devotionally than him on those very projects he takes so much credit for. The difference is, they are humble Vaishnavas and therefore shun any wonderful displays of “specialness” and show-bottleism within the society of devotees. He won't give credit to the real workers and he steal their credits.

By nature he seems to be a ruthless politician at heart and would think nothing of having someone beaten or [if he thought he could get away with it] or even killed, if they stand between him and his fame, even those who now defend him or similar regimes.

He comes first, he has to be the biggest, best and baddest, or he gets very upset indeed, he runs on image, take that out of the picture and all you have left is someone in severe need of clinical psychological attention.

Am I straying from the facts here?? This is 14 years on for me and I am still disturbed and troubled. The GBC etc., know all this and much worse, much more than this, but still he reigns. What a f*** up useless cult.

Last night I had a dream of Jayapataka [it inspired me to post again] he came calling at my place in a travelling Vyasasana mobile [really] and wanted me to go with him again, I agreed thinking, “wow my guru has come for me personally”, I went to get my things from my room and found a whole flock of birds had come in through the window, all types really colourful and lively, in particular there were lots of humming bird types, so beautiful and delicate.

They allowed me to catch some of them to show to Jayapataka, I held them carefully in my closed palms and was just about to reveal them to Jayapataka, when he quickly and forcefully blew on my hands, all the life energy which I felt fluttering and vibrating in my palms left. As I opened them all that remained were lifeless, dead and featherless bodies… (any dream analysts out there?) maybe more later.

Yours desiring love and peace… sri fruitcake apada”

Dasdasi: I think your dream is pretty obvious even from the dream itself as well as everything you said in both your posts. Certainly you know you should never go anywhere with JP either in body or mind.

In your dream he killed those birds in your hands just by blowing. If he could blow them to death what would happen if you got any closer? Stay away from Jayapataka and some of the other ISKCON leader ones as well. Some of them put up good external shows but inside they are just like Jayapataka.

Nitaichandra: If indeed it is true that you had a special vision of Jayapataka, then maybe you saw his subtle body (aura), and also his original, real (?) features (theoretically supposing he is a demoniac creature envious of Prabhupada, while leaving the possibility open that none of the above is true).

So if he really is a demon who has been exposed by your subtle vision, then also many claims made by other people might also be true: 

Poison of Prabhupada issue, bogus guru takeover plans, enforced ritualistic worship of deviants, jackboot-licking, orchestrated child-abusing by his cheerleaders, pooja as good as Jesus, claiming to be qualified to assist Radha-Krishna in divine lilas, book changes etc.

That gives rise to the question if he has not incarnated (among others) especially for that purpose (usurping and destroying Prabhupada’s mission)?

“Once i saw a strange ring on Jayapataka’s finger…i asked Him : Maharaja why do you wear masonic ring ??? His answer : because i am freemason…” (testimony of an anonymous east European devotee )

My name is A. Das and I was initiated by Jayapataka Swami in 1986 :

“From 1990 to 1995 I was his assistant and bodyguard, I traveled with him all over the world while my family lived in Mayapur. In all those years I witnessed the same things that Prem Sagar das mentioned on his letter and that is why I agree with him.

When I traveled with JPS to Dallas in 1994, the wife of the temple commander of that temple, who collected hundreds of thousands of dollars for her guru, Tamal Krishna Gosvami, and who had their children in that city’s gurukula, presented JPS with a folder with a detailed report on the abuses suffered by her children there.

First, her first son was abused, and she reported this to her guru, who told her that he was going to take care of the matter and sent her to travel to continue collecting. When she returned, she found out that her first child had been abused again and that the second had also been abused. She told JPS all the details in front of me and handed him a folder containing the full report on both cases.

JPS gave me that folder, and in Mayapur he asked me to file it in a cabinet in his office. In other words : nothing was going to be done about it. The only one who read the content of that folder was me and that is why I can confirm to what had happened No GBC or authority had access to that information.

On another occasion, when the gurukulis had sued ISKCON for millions of dollars for the abuse case, JPS was upset and complained that why should they give anything to them if he and other GBCs had not done any direct abuse to them, in fact they should sue only the abusers directly not the GBC.

At that time I gave my life for him and as his bodyguard in Mayapur I carried a 38-caliber pistol. One day, speaking directly about this matter, he told me that if anything happened, that if I even used the gun to defend him, he would say that he knew nothing about it as a result would be leaving me at the mercy of whatever could happen to me.

It was that moment that I realized, I thought that for years I had been giving my life for this person who told me that I would have to take care of myself, I would have to face the consequences by Indian Law if I ever use the gun in order to protect JPS.


A.das” ( Sent to Vedic Inquirer fb group in 2022 )

“His voice is on SP poison tape…” citation from American devotee, disciple of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

So JPS is very ill for long time now.. very likely that he will pass away this year or next (But looks like that somebody tries to keep him here alive in physical form as long as possible, ask yourself why ?), and then can you imagine how much more testimonies could emerge?

BH Radoslav

PS If you want to share any valuable information on these topics concerning Hare Krishna Movement do not hesitate and contact us, why wait…?

Haribol, help us with exposure ! We guarantee you full anonymity if needed.

And below you can download pdf with content from Istagosthi Site forum about JPS :

JPS files…part 1. You downloaded it from

Allegations against Hare Krishna guru Jayapataka, is Jayapataka swami a freemason, jayapataka swami allegations, jayapataka swami behaviour, jayapataka swami rejected by his own disciple, jayapataka swami strange behaviour, testimonies of ex jayapataka swami disciples, who really is jayapataka swami


1 comment:

  1. Mahesh Raja: Hare Krsna! He very much wanted to be recognised as on ---- transcendental platform symptoms----- BUT---- Srila Prabhupada tells him:

    So far the strange colors, etc., better when you see all these things that you chant and hear; that will help you to understand what they are. (Also, it may be some effects of your past drugs habit.)


    Letter to: Jayapataka
    11 March, 1969

    My Dear Jayapataka,
    Please accept my blessings. I am very glad to receive your letter dated February 28, and noted the contents with great pleasure. The transcendental experience which you had during kirtana performance at the Loyala University is very nice. Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection. Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishing if he had possessed millions of ears, and billions of tongues then he could chant the Hare Krishna mantra a little bit relishably. In the conditioned stage, we chant Hare Krishna mantra officially without any attachment and try to finish the rounds as soon as possible. Sometimes we also forget to chant the prescribed number of rounds. But Haridasa Thakura even at the last stage of his life, he was chanting 300,000 beads although Lord Caitanya personally asked him to not labor so hard. But Haridasa Thakura said that he would continue the practice till the end of his life. So that is the position of transcendental taste. Please therefore chant very sincerely with your present aptitude of mind and Krishna will bless you more and more in understanding this secret of transcendental vibration. Of course, sometimes the public may misunderstand such tears of bliss, so we may better have to check it from the vision of ordinary persons.
    So far the strange colors, etc., better when you see all these things that you chant and hear; that will help you to understand what they are. (Also, it may be some effects of your past drugs habit.)
    So far as painting on the body the Names of the Lord, this is all right. But there is no need of doing that in this country. Simply hearing is sufficient.
    Please ask Janardana what is the difficulty in editing BTG in French language. Of course, I received his letters that he was so much busy in so many ways, but still, this is also one of his responsibilities. In the absence of BTG printing, the machine is being used for some other purposes. Of course, when I was in Montreal, I think I gave permission to print some outside work, to get some money, but that does not mean that we should stop our own work, and print something in our press which is against our principles. Please try to convey this news to both Janardana and Dayala Nitai and they may please give attention.


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