Thursday, August 29, 2024

Lokanath Lawsuit / KMD Writes 08 29 24



SD: After publicly sharing documents of Lokanath's child molestation case, Lokanath "Swami" sued myself and another child protection advocate DD in November 2022 for defamation. Defamation laws in India are different than other countries like the United States where truth is the best defense.

“Indian criminal defamation law appears, in both letter and spirit, to have become only more regressive since it was first enacted in 1860. Truth is not an absolute defense.”

“India and other major democracies have taken two different approaches in the area of defamation law. In the U.K. and U.S., defamation law has been transformed.”
In early 2024, a judge in the High Court of Delhi ordered Lokanath to withdraw his lawsuit, so he did. Lokanath has now filed another defamation lawsuit against us, asking us to pay 2.25 Crores (about US$270,000).

In this lawsuit, Lokanath is disturbed that "several such people in and from Delhi... have personally approached the Plaintiff [Lokanath] discussing the defamatory contents..." and that we are "impugning his character and discussing the same with other people associated with ISKCON and Hare Krishna movement in Delhi thereby causing huge damage to the reputation of the Plaintiff in Delhi."

What DD and I (and others) have done is publicly asked ISKCON leaders to follow their own rules with Lokanath and give his child molestation case to their ISKCON Child Protection Office. Or remove him from leadership, per the ISKCON GBC's 2018 Resolution that child abusers can not hold positions of leadership in ISKCON.

We also publicly shared this information for people who were taking spiritual guidance from Lokanath, or who were considering taking spiritual guidance from him, as this information might inform their decision. I have heard many stories of Lokanath's disciples wishing they had known he was a child molester before they took initiation from him, as it would have impacted their decision.

Please help us in this cause for child protection and free speech by donating and sharing. Thank you!

PADA: Sheesh pilgrims. ISKCON is known already in most parts of the world for promoting deviants as its acharyas -- resulting in banning, beating, molesting, suing and even killing dissenters. Why do some people in Delhi have to be the only people in the world who don't think this is a problem? Guess what, there are also people in Delhi -- who do think this is a problem.

Lokanath thinks suing people is going to make him look more saintly, well it is making him look even more like a unrepentant tyrant and thus -- worse. And yeah, where are the GBC? They promised the victim that Lokanath would not hold a post of authority, when is this going to be implemented? And while they are monkeying around, they are causing all sorts of problems with people being mis-informed on all this. 

Sorry Lokanath, most ordinary moral people believe that folks like the Lokanath program -- burying homosexuals and / or pedophiles and / or sex with cats -- in samadhi the dham -- are bogus. Most people also do not believe illicit sex with boys, sex with cats, taking drugs, offering LSD to the shalagram and so on and so forth is, was, or could have been -- part of Krishna's guru parampara. 

Nor are any of the participants in all this contaminated mess eligible to be placed in samadhis, especially right near the samadhis of the greatest saints in Vrndavana. But Lokanath's people don't seem to know what is what? 

And that is why Srila Prabhupada says -- people in the modes of ignorance do not know what is good or bad, they have no discrimination. And that is why the Lokanath ICC people wrote to tell me I do not accept their contaminated acharyas program, because I am -- a mleccha. OK they have no shastra explanation, it is all name calling and etc.

Yep, Lokanath thinks shutting down a forum that is addressing mass child abuse is going to be helpful. Isn't that helping the exploiters and not the children? 

ys pd 





Two Extremely Important Instructions of our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad on His Transcendental Books:-

1) "These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing." - (Srila Prabhupad, 19th October 1974, Atlanta)

2) "Bhagavata (Srimad Bhagavatam) is giving you KRISHNA. Therefore everyone should read Bhagavata & Bhagavad Gita. So this is the parampara system, we are giving. In future, if they follow, they will also be delivered. This is wanted. We have made some plan. We are making. So this will be left. When we shall die, this will be left. And anyone who will accept this parampara system will be promoted to Krishna consciousness." - (Srila Prabhupad, 18th April 1977, Mumbai)


When we read the Transcendental Books of our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad, we actually hear Him. Srila Prabhupad gave the Parampara System for the deliverance of the future generations.

As per His Parampara System, those who will read His Transcendental Books, especially - Bhagavad Gita & Bhagavata (Srimad Bhagavatam), will be delivered from this illusory material world & will be promoted to Krishna Consciousness. This is not my opinion but the divine words spoken by our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad.
Srila Prabhupad wrote in His explanatory purport in Srimad Bhagavatam - 


"The āchārya gives the suitable method for crossing the ocean of nescience by accepting the boat of the Lord’s lotus feet, and if this method is strictly followed, the followers will ultimately reach the destination, by the grace of the Lord. This method is called āchārya sampradāya. It is therefore said, sampradāya-vihīnā ye mantrās te niṣphalā matāḥ (Padma Purāṇa). The āchārya sampradāya is strictly bona fide. Therefore one must accept the āchārya sampradāya; otherwise one’s endeavor will be futile."

Those who are very intelligent, very pure & very lucky, will get this golden opportunity of taking the direct shelter of our Gurudev/Acharya His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. By His mercy, one can get KRISHNA very easily, otherwise one may take billions of births, one will never get KRISHNA. When one gets KRISHNA, he/she gets everything.

Jai Jagad Gurudev Srila Prabhupad
Jai Param Satya Shri Radha Krishna
Hare Krishna
Thanks. Regards,

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