Tuesday, August 27, 2024

ISKCON's Lokanath swami Court Case Pt. II etc. 08 27 24


DD: Hare Krishna.

The Vedic Inquirer was established in 2020 to aid those campaigning for improved child protection in the Krishna Consciousness Movement. It performs a valuable community service in this regard - sometimes bringing to public attention the crimes committed by abusers, sometimes providing information about how to recognise red flags, recover from or respond to abuse, etc.

Now its very existence is being threatened.

In late 2023, Lokanath Swami sought to sue two of Vedic Inquirer's most active contributors and admins (Saraswati and Damodara) for defamation claiming that the information they (and others) shared about him were fabrications. In April 2024, his legal team withdrew the case upon a judge's advice since there were some technical issues with it. This left his legal team with an option to resubmit their case - which they have now done.

This time, Lokanath's lawyers are not only after a public apology, retraction, gag order, financial damages, etc but wish to take down the Vedic Inquirer page.

Naturally, Saraswati and Damodara wish to defend themselves against these charges. Due to the kindness of the community - who rallied around financially last time - and some kindly disposed lawyers who were prepared to work at discounted rates, they were able to afford a highly competent legal team to represent them.

We are again asking for your kind support in helping Damodara and Saraswati to fight this case which has been brought against them. It's vital that child protection advocates are not bulldozed into silence by those who wish to keep their gross transgressions a secret.

Show your support for this GoFundMe

PADA: I don't know what it is with these guys like Bhakti Vikas swami and his "voted in" guru pals like Lokanath, but they seem to think that everyone is going to accept their fabricated guru system -- if they hide behind a wall of lawyers. Already the Jayapataka people wrote to complain to me -- that my helping various lawsuits has cost ISKCON $100,000,000, maybe more. 

Well perhaps we did cost them $100M, but they keep forgetting that they created these lawsuits themselves. Anyway, picking on Saraswati and Damodar is just making the GBC folks like all the more like bullies, and / or corrupt and manipulative. I hate to say it but -- the jig is up, the cat is out of the bag -- the info is already out there -- a long time ago -- the GBC guru system is corrupt. Hiring lawyers to defend the name of the GBC at this stage is too little too late.    

At the same time, I have to say, there seems to be a big problem with the courts over in India. There are all sorts of bogus God men running amok all over India, claiming to be acharyas, and / or incarnations of Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, Dattatreya and who knows what else. And there is a slew of bogus female God women as well, posing as incarnations of Mother Durga, or perhaps one of the gopis etc. And the courts there don't seem to have a clue how to determine what is what -- and who is bona fide and who is not. 

Of course, my argument -- at least here in the West -- has been -- illicit sex with men, women and children, drunks, drug takers, porno swamis etc. -- types of behavior -- is not found in God and / or God's successors, thus deviants are not, were not, could not have been God's successors -- at any stage. And that is why the India ICC people said I evidently do not understand how all these deviants are gurus because, I am a mleccha. 

Well jeepers dudes, thanks to God I was born a mleccha then, because then I do not believe contaminated beings are, were, or could have been God's successors. Then again, Srila Prabhupada always says -- contaminated beings are not and were not gurus either. 

So I am not sure exactly what arguments are being used in the courts over there, but I already submitted to the courts of public opinion a long time ago -- illicit behavior is not found in ANY acharyas, messiahs and / or successors to God, and I do not believe that deviation types of behavior should be allowed to stand as a legal principle for God's successors. 

In sum, I think maybe the Damodar party should take the gloves off and "tell off" the GBC folks in proper terms in court, and describe in detail some of the nefarious behaviors of the GBC's alleged messiahs. Again, I said Bangalore should have done the same thing a long time ago too. Did I forget to mention we had to have the GBC sued for mass child abuse over here?

All this, after -- one of their messiahs now in a samadhi is -- Kirtanananda, alleged to have had oral sex with young males, also alleged to have tried to have sex with a cat, but is now buried by the Lokanath GBC folks in a samadhi over there. Does the court there think this is bona fide behavior for persons fit to be in a samadhi in the holy dham? Good question, could be raised by anyone. Maybe it is time to raise these types of questions now. 

Yeepers pilgrims, yep -- so glad I was born in mleccha land and I know what is fit for a samadhi and what is not, while a number of folks there self evidently think illicit sex with young men and maybe cats deserves a samadhi. 

And that is the whole problem also with Lokanath himself, he evidently also does not know that sex with young men and maybe cats is not fit for a samadhi either, so he goes along with the bogus GBC guru's samadhi party. Yeah ICC thanks a lot, for glorifying us mlecchas, we are way more advanced than you ever will be. 

Oh oh, all this -- just when people are already cursing at the GBC for suing people to stop them from using the name "Hare Krishna." Well keep it up guys, you are digging your hole deeper. And digging your grave deeper at the same time. Lord Yamaraja not only dislikes "high court judge acharyas," indeed he detests them. And so do his followers. 

Deviants are not God's successors, never mind sex with cats is not either. Yep, very blessed I know these things. Dumb as I am, at least there are some things I do know, which is self evident Krishna's mercy on me.   

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com   



Some thoughts on the occasion of Shrila Prabhupada Navami

27 Aug 24 Tues: Today is the 9th day of the waning fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada. Since this is the day following Shri Janmashtami, it is day of Nandotsava, or the festivities of Nanda Maharaja, who today celebrates the birth of his Son Krishna, across the Yamuna River in Gokula.

On this holy day in 1896, a great world prophet of the Holy Names, and direct servant of the Personality of Godhead Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, appeared in Calcutta. Shri Abhaya Charan De, young "Abhoy Babu," grew to become a directly empowered reresentative of the Supreme Lord, His divinity is clearly stated by the position of his stars at birth. Today, those with eyes to see can understand that Shrila Prabhupada has actually changed the entire course of world history.

Devotees can recognize the subtle, yet deep, influences of our Guru Maharaja everywhere. Now, as we approach the coming Golden Age (and the cataclysms that come before it), these influences are becoming more noticeable. Indians and Hinduism are widely accepted as a force to be reckoned with all over the world, although when Prabhupada came to America it thought to be a land of snake charmers.. In today's Presidential race of America, the Republican Vice-President candidate has an Indian wife, and on the other side, Kamala Harris's mom was Indian. One of the potential candidates for the Republican nomination was also Indian.

People are waking up to the concepts of yoga, karma, yagna, bhakti, kirtan,, namaste, henna, tilaka, kum kum, saris, and pilgrimage to holy cities of India. Sanskrit words now decorate everyday English language. Indian cuisine has become very popular.

But, as the saying goes, "Many are called but few are chosen."

Each one of us, now, should put forth the endeavor to become one of those chosen few by taking the essence of Shrila Prabhupada's message seriously Make this lifetime the last birth within this world of samsara. Now become one of Prabhupada's chosen few by accepting his instructions to live by the Holy Names, and then go back to Godhead at the end of this seemingly endless journey through the material tabernacle.

Today, among Prabhup[ada's chosen few, there are actually tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Krishna bhaktas who are endeavoring to find the essence of what is called "Indian culture" through becoming Krishna conscious.

Krishna, the Son of Nanda and Yashoda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Shrila Prabhupada has placed each of his servants on the path to the Lord's lotus feet as the servants of His servants. This journey along the road of bhakti-yoga--pure devotional service-- is open to everyone, This road is extremely detailed and complex, yet at the same time amazingly simple. The surrendering process unto Yashodanandana the Lord of the Universe, has been plainly explained from every angle by Shrila Prabhupada in his timeless instructions.

Unlike the books and translations of mundane scholars, Shrila Prabhupada's voluminous instructions found in his spotless Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Shrimad-Bhagavatam, Shri Chaitanya-Charitamrita, and many others, carry the direct potency of Krishna via the unbreakable chain of disciplic succession. 

In other words, no one should lament that he "has missed the boat," by not meeting Prabhupada personally. His Divine Grace is with us here and now. To reach the supreme goal of the lotus feet of Krishna's pure devotee, we need only reach out to him with a mind that accepts his instructions, which are clearly given in his books. 

As he often said, "I have given you everything. Now take it."

As the great Vaishnava poet / acharya Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "He reasons ill who says that Vaishnavas die, when they are living still in sound." In this way, Shrila Prabhupada is here with us today through his all-important guidance.

Simply by accepting the instructions of Shrila Prabhupada within our hearts, and by following them, His Divine Grace is there with you as much as he is with any sincere disciple. Accept this point and become liberated.

In Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita (Antya 7.11), Shrila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami explains,

kali-kālera dharma--kṛṣṇa-nāma-saṅkīrtana
kṛṣṇa-śakti vinā nahe tāra pravartana

"The fundamental religious system in the age of Kali is the chanting of the holy name of Krishna . Unless empowered by Krishna , one cannot propagate the sankirtana movement.

As the lord of sin Kali trembled, the world witnessed that wherever Shrila Prabhupada placed his lotus feet, a temple and devotee congregation arose almost magically. No one else has ever done this in the history of the world, Prabhupada's potency, though hidden from the eyes of materialists, is plainly visible to all devotees. Take his message to heart, surrender to him, serve him in your daily routine, chant the Holy Names while living a pure life. Do this, and maybe very soon we can hope to meet in Goloka, the Spiritual Sky of eternity, knowledge, and bliss by the grace of Krishna's pure devoee.

Srila Prabhupada ki jai.

1 comment:

  1. M Dasi: Oh here we go again. We are going to buy our way into being gurus n' residents of Krishna loka with -- courts. They honestly believe Yamaraja ... gives a hoot about the laws and courts?

    Gaudiya Matha high courts gurus. Very displeasing to Krishna. All they "prove" is, they are nasty rats and bullies we originally thought they are. They are "proving" they are "lawyered up" criminals, again.

    Lokanatha is a Jokernath, which is what his victim says. I am with her, and so are all moral people. I almost forgot, you mean the sex with cats guru program thinks ... they are right?


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