Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Ukraine ISKCON / Hare Krishna Trademark 08 21 24

Ukraine and Russia were their main programs outside India.
Now in trouble. 


PADA: Yikes, India is balancing between Russia and China, both of whom could cause a lot of trouble for India, not an easy task. India has always tried to be pals with Russia for a lot of reasons, but it makes them look compromised with aggressors. No doubt Modi knows that already, so he is going to Ukraine to make him look more neutral. Good luck! ys pd 



PADA: Oh oh. ISKCON's attempt to copyright Hare Krishna seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest of hundreds or even thousands people being outraged and upset that some ISKCON leadership fools think they own Krishna. But this is actually a good development, it shows how desperate they are to maintain power and control, which is slipping out of their hands more each day. 

All they have done is outraged more and more devotees, from every stripe and every camp -- even the Gaudiya Matha folks, and made themselves look like the Pharisees and the corrupt Popes of the middle ages. One of the people forwarding the petition to save the Holy Name from being legally controlled is getting hacking efforts, no doubt from GBC-ophiles. And that too is just making them look worse. 

Of course there are people out there who don't like PADA, because we help victims of their Pharisees and middle ages Papal regimes.   

ys pd

Hare Krishna!

KM: Please sign this petition to stop the words "Hare Krishna" from being trademarked. It is the equivalent of trademarking the name "Jesus Christ" or "Allah" or "God", "Guru". These names, "Hare Krishna", are for all, without consideration of race, religion, country, color, gender, etc.

Sign the Petition

HW: Got my support on this. Its a bit like "... I own the property of the letters A, B and C, whosoever uses them will be fined..." such a thing is ridiculous and a shame that some seek such power to misuse the Holy Name.

RS: Can Krishna be copyright?

RRM: Kishori Mohan absolutely!!!!!

SD: Outrageous…

RRM: Then there will be the trademark of Srila Prabhupada and the lata bhija!????

KB Dasi: I shared the request and was asked why it is not on FB .... Glad that you now posted! 

G Devi Dasi: Who is trying to trademark?

JSH: Petition says it's ISKCON

VG: Not trying, have it already registered in Australia.

PDM: Currently. ISKCON Auckland, New Zealand are also trying to trademark "Hare Krishna" and "Hare Krishna Movement".


Letter from the GBC:

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

ISKCON Australia would like to inform all members that the Brisbane Bhakti Yoga Centre Inc. (BYC) operates as an independent entity and is not affiliated with, or sponsored, licensed, endorsed or governed by ISKCON Australia in any way.

BYC maintains its own management, finances, assets, and activities, and as such, ISKCON Australia does is not and shall not be liable to BYC or be responsible for any of BYC's conduct, operations, or representations in any way.

Despite the above, BYC has every opportunity to be part of and to work with ISKCON Australia but must follow the directions below. ISKCON Australia is the owner of various intellectual property rights in Australia, including the following registered Australia trade marks.

ISKCON therefore demands that, unless otherwise expressly authorised in writing by ISKCON, BYC immediately cease and forever desist from:

- using the ISKCON name and style and any variations of it;

- using any of the registered trademarks listed in the table above for any of the goods and, or services for which the marks are registered;

- using any other intellectual property of ISKCON, including, without limitation, any copyright works or subject matter other than works owned by ISKCON;

- representing itself as part of ISKCON in any way, whether expressly or impliedly, including by way of suggesting any affiliation with, or sponsorship, licence or endorsement of, ISKCON;

- representing itself as a Hare Krishna Temple;

- using the terms Hare Krishna Temple, Hare Kṛṣṇa Temple or Hare Krisna Temple in relation to any of the services for which the words HARE KRISHNA are registered trademarks of ISKCON.

ISKCON Australia continues to be dedicated to its mission and invites all devotees to participate in its ongoing activities.

Regarding the guidelines for centres not officially recognized by ISKCON they must:

- cease and desist from using any ISKCON intellectual property, including all use of the following terms and words such as ISKCON, and Hare Krishna, in any way which implies that they are proprietary terms or trademarks of that centre.

- The obligations in paragraph 1 apply to all forms of promotional materials, whether in hard copy or electronic format, including brochures, pamphlets, signage, websites, social media platforms, or other communication channels, including. any formal speeches, public events, or community programs.

- We ask that they do not seek the support of any ISKCON leaders who have official duties and responsibilities within ISKCON, whether as officers, senior preachers, sannyasis, or gurus.

- Recommendations for initiation should only be made through the official channels of an ISKCON authorised centre or regional authority.
- Avoid fund raising from existing ISKCON donors.

For BYC to be recognised and be part of ISKCON the following minimum requirements must be met:

- The constitution of the organisation must be approved by ISKCON Australia.

- All directors must be appointed by ISKCON Australia.

- All real property must be held by the ISKCON property holding company overseen by the GBC appointed property trustees.

- If Deities are to be installed the property must be mortgage free.
Your servant,

Aniruddha Dāsa | Secretary | ISKCON Australia
Co-Chairman: Rāmai Svāmī
Co-Chairman: Devāmṛta Svāmī
Secretary: Aniruddha Dāsa
Treasurer: Mathurā Manohara Dāsa
Member: Ajita Dāsa

PADA: Yeah "ISKCON" popularized Hare Krishna, and then they removed almost all of the best kirtan people who had been popularizing it. We used to have 95+ people here on the Saturday Harinama in Berkeley, including mothers with strollers. Now we have about three people, if we are lucky. No more mothers either, they are gone. 

The San Francisco temple was closed and is now a laundrymat. And most ISKCON temples have had to import hired Bengalis to be cooks and pujaris. When I was still going to the temple here, everyone was happy to see me, because I could lead the kirtan better than anyone else there, which says a lot about how bad that is. One local Muslim restaurant here had 10 of those Bengali ex-cooks and pujaris working there, as soon as they got their green cards, the left the temple and went to work for the Muslim restaurant. 

Sorry, they did not make Hare Krishna popular, they made Hare Krishna associated with mass child mistreatment and criminal activity, which I am now detailing in the new Monkey on a Stick Movie as we speak. Hare Krishna was made very unpopular by these folks, that is, if you can find anyone still doing harinama anywhere around here at this stage. And now that you guys have bankrupted the program, and Lokanath swami said ISKCON is a ghost town with no people in 1988, you own Hare Krishna? No, but you do own the mess you made of Hare Krishna. ys pd


  1. "The eighth offense is to consider the holy name of the Lord and His chanting method to be equal to some material auspicious activity. There are various kinds of good works for material benefits, but the holy name and His chanting are not mere auspicious holy services. Undoubtedly the holy name is holy service, but He should never be utilized for such purposes. Since the holy name and the Lord are of one and the same identity, one should not try to bring the holy name into the service of mankind. The idea is that the Supreme Lord is the supreme enjoyer. He is no one’s servant or order supplier. Similarly, since the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord, one should not try to utilize the holy name for one’s personal service."
    - Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.11 purport
    Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

  2. GW: Only a bunch of materially motivated people can claim ownership of the Maha Mantra or the words "Hare Krishna". Iskcon leaders lost it long ago and yet the Australian and New Zealand yatras have gone further lower into the muck by claiming in court ownership of the holy name. What's next? It just gets worse, worse and more worse with them every day. The temples are empty, because ... they are doing a good job owning the name?


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