Friday, August 23, 2024

ISKCON's Pranada Comtois Speaks Up (Video) etc. 08 23 24

PADA: Thanks prabhu for your concern that Israel is blasting the Palestine people, and PADA seems to favor the USA war hawks. OK I am not sure who said I am in favor of all that, but it was not me. Various people write me from time to time asking me why I support this or that, when I cannot recall ever doing so. 

However, all that being said, the Houthis are starting huge oil tankers on fire right in their own back yard, which can spill millions of barrels of oil into the Red sea, making it contaminated and impossible for aquatic life / bird life to live there. And it will pollute all their own coast lines etc. And then again, a giant oil spill there can land up all over the Eastern African / Egyptian coast as well, causing mayhem for those folks.

I just fail to see how these guys are the better option here. The Houthis rely on fishing / catching birds etc. to feed many of their own people, and pouring a million barrels of oil into their own fishing and bird life areas will -- kill off the aquatics, kill off the birds who land in it, and thus kill off themselves in the end. They will starve their own selves, never mind what millions of barrels of oil will do if it catches fire etc. 

And they are already short on food. I don't see these people as the best positive alternative to the Israel guys, but yeah, all of them are defective, it is just a question of degree.  

A lot of these guys are sort of a suicidal cult over there in my view, and for example they have shortage of water, food and electricity in Lebanon, but no shortage of missiles and machine guns. Pouring millions of barrels of oil into their own sea to kill off their own fish and bird life is how they plan to fix everything, but they will just make things worse, especially for themselves. They will suffer more than anyone else. 

ISKCON leaders have done basically the same thing, they kicked everyone out, then had major headaches trying to run things. They created their own problems, and their solutions just made things worse. It is called shooting yourself in your own foot. 

In sum. I think all of them are defective, but some are worse than others. That does not mean I support any of them. And truth be told, we in the West have made a lot of horrible environmental mess ourselves, we are just more clever and subtle about hiding it. 

The demoniac invent horrible ways to destroy the world, and there seems to be no shortage of that going on in multiple examples all over the planet presently. A devotee lady wrote to tell me that she thinks there is some bad astrology energy coming down in many shapes and forms right now, all over the planet, and I told her -- yeah, it seems that way.  

ys pd      

PADA: Pranada says that women are not being given good status in current ISKCON, and even Yamuna devi told her she could not work with the GBC managers -- even a long time ago, and supposedly Yamuna was crying about it. At the same time, Pranada evidently endorses the GBC leaders who have been repressing these women as -- gurus. 

Meanwhile she is herself famous for having an intimate relationship with one of these so-called gurus, namely Satsvarupa. Satsvarupa is also famous for supporting deviants like ISKCON's homosexual and pedophile messiah Kirtanananda, and repressing us "dissenters." 

And the whole New Vrndavana program was very exploitive for children, in addition to exploiting women. When Satsvarupa was seeing that me and Sulochana were complaining about all these abuses, SDG countered us by saying we are "poison pens." And Sulochana said, calling us poison pens has "painted a bull's eye on my back." 

So Pranada ended up trying to give therapy to one of the master mind criminals who created this whole bogus guru's show. And now she is giving out therapy to the victims, without really explaining that none of this was ever authorized by Srila Prabhupada.

Recently Pranada was recognized by Jayapataka for doing great work, oh oh he is the head master of the Auschwitz for kids program in Mayapur. I do not think Pranada is fixing things, because she is still tethered to the source of the problem. However, I should not pick on her too much, because is also a victim herself. The victim may become a victimizer.

In sum, anyone who is promoting the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's program is going to have all sorts of problems. And they are going to create problems for others, including children. And Pranada's therapy won't help us at all if she remains in the camp of the source of these problems. She seems to be saying neither Prabhupada nor shastra are going to help us, and she holds a grudge evidently, ummm, except the molester messiah's process is not following any shastra.

ys pd  


(Cont.) - “Satsvarupa, as GBC secretary, deliberately left out of his report (He listed the topics discussed, except for the discussions about initiations in the future, especially after Srila Prabhupada would no longer be physically present). 

Did the other 23 GBCs who attended these meetings notice the omission? We doubt it- only 6 attended the May 28 talks anyway (Tamal, Bhagavan, Hrdayananda, Bhavananda would not point out this omission). Tamal was Satsvarupa’s co-partner in the talks with Srila Prabhupada, and they worked as a team, obviously trying together to get confirmation that they would be future gurus (see Book Two). 

After the meeting with Srila Prabhupada, they must have decided what not to include in the report, and surely Tamal helped Satsvarupa decide to omit the May 28 talks from the report- Satsvarupa could never this alone. So, even while Srila Prabhupada was still with us, six months before his departure, we see proof of select GBCs in a CONSPIRACY to hide the May 28 conversations and to skirt the actual instructions Srila Prabhupada had given for future initiations. 

Tamal knew how to have Satsvarupa act as the public relations front-man. Even though the handwritten notes show they took Srila Prabhupada’s answers to be supportive of their understanding that they would become initiating gurus after Srila Prabhupada departed, still they felt it necessary to conceal this discussion from ISKCON. Why? Because otherwise, surely many would approach Srila Prabhupada for clarifications and spoil their plans. 

They knew Srila Prabhupada wanted ritviks and not gurus. Thus it would serve their purpose much better to keep these statements by Srila Prabhupada hidden and to prevent discussion. It was a cat-and-mouse strategy til the cheese could be stolen.

Note that item #2 notes on ABOVE RIGHT is omitted in the final typed report BELOW, where between 3a and 3b should be the answers Srila Prabhupada gave regarding initiations after he departs. They were omitted. Instead of 1, 2, 3- there is only a and b. The report simply left out any mention of these discussions about future initiations. Satsvarupa’s written notes before GBC met with Srila Prabhupada are ABOVE LEFT.

Note that in #3 above, the points on initiations in the future are omitted. Why? Because they knew Srila Prabhupada did NOT want succeeding acharyas or regular initiating gurus, but only officiating or ritvik acharyas. This is deliberate concealment. They wanted these talks hidden and suppressed, and then after Srila Prabhupada departed, they could have the GBC body, which they controlled, falsely claim that Srila Prabhupada appointed them as successor acharyas. 

It was a takeover conspiracy which they actually executed successfully. We can imagine the zealous questions and furor that would erupt IF these notes were posted society-wide. But they were not, and this is a premeditated conspiracy to keep the May 28 discussions HIDDEN. If devotees did not know of the May 28 talks, there could be no discussions about it, no clarifications sought from Srila Prabhupada, and then after Srila Prabhupada’s departure, claims could be made (and they were made) about what Srila Prabhupada supposedly wanted for the future. It was a takeover conspiracy.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.494)



Some years ago, the BBTI sent a representative, one swami from Sweden, to my āśrama in South India. He said that the BBTI wanted to print “In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life”, the book of Śrīla Prabhupāda that we printed back in the 90’s. Anyhow, they wanted to reprint it and distribute it worldwide in many languages. I thought it was a great idea! They could print it in Russian, Czech, Chinese, French and distribute it all over the world! Wonderful! I told them that I was ready to give them permission, because we copyrighted the book. I didn’t even want any money for it.

But that Swami said, "No no. We want to own it."

I asked him, “Why? If I’m giving you full permission to translate it and distribute it everywhere, why you need to own it?”

“No, no. We need to own the copyright!”

Finally I told him, “You see, that's your disease! Some years before, one of your gurus even wanted to copyright the mahā-mantra. That means you can’t print the mahā-mantra anyhwhere, you can’t chant it without permission, all these things. I mean, it’s ridiculous!”

So anyhow, that swami left disappointed. Then some years later, two members of the BBTI wrote to me and asked again, and again I gave the same answer. And again they both said the same thing - “No, we must own ALL of Prabhupada’s books!” I told them, “No deal!” I wrote and told them:

“This has led us to believe that BBTI was only interested in controlling our little project and not recognizing the chance for greater cooperation and appreciation among Godbrothers. We are definitely not interested in being controlled by anyone or any institution that does not have our best interests at heart or does not facilitate our continued service to Srila Prabhupada.”

Then they wrote back saying something like, “Okay. Hope you are well” and that was that. So that’s their disease - “We need to own it all! Nobody can print Prabhupāda’s books without our permission! We are the sole heirs to Prabhupāda. We are carrying on his teachings and legacy.” Like there’s nobody else out there who’s a Prabhupāda disciple worth anything. Doesn’t matter if you all share the same guru, the same spiritual father. The rest of us are like some bastard children that he really didn’t like. That’s how they see things.

I know that ___ Mahārāja and others are also of the same opinion as the BBTI and want to control the copyright of Śrīla Śrīdhara Maharaja’s books - something that he was totally against. In his own words, “My words are the property of the Vaiṣṇavas.” His only concern was that it should not “become a trade”. In other words, the books should not be printed simply to make money. When we published Follow The Angels in 2001, we got flak from the maṭha. 

“Oh, you can’t publish Guru Mahārāja’s books without our permission! You are making money from Guru Mahārāja!” That was one of their complaints. Truth be told, we never make any money off these books. In fact, we lose money because we give away so many copies for free to different individuals. I’m really not concerned about that. Even if we lose money, let the books go out. We want the message to reach everyone.

Actually, this copyrighting of the words of our ācāryas is all nonsense. We only copyrighted Prabhupāda’s book because I knew that Iskcon would cause trouble otherwise. But that book was wrtten in ’59, so it fell out of their jurisdiction legally. Can you actually copyright Bhagavad-gītā - means the direct words of Kṛṣṇa? 

No. So Prabhupāda says that “I am not writing these books, Kṛṣṇa is writing them.” If you really believe in that statement, then what the ācāryas write - that’s non-different from Kṛṣṇa! So how can it be copyrighted? Is the original Bible copyrighted?

So it all boils down to the same thing in the end - control, control, control! “We own Prabhupāda!” or “We own Guru Mahārāja!” Both parties are saying exactly the same thing. That’s one of the reasons why I decided to publish my own Gītā. One reason was that in India, Iskcon refused to sell me any of Prabhupāda’s books - they hoped that without selling Prabhupāda’s books, I would just dry up and blow away, so they wouldn’t give any books. 

Actually, it was the Ṛtviks who eventually sold us Prabhupāda’s books - at cost price also! But the other side, means Iskcon, refused to give. Typical small-minded institutional consciousness…

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