Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Namarasa and Basu Ghosh Update 08 06 24


HM: That t-shirt?

BB: Pedophiles are the eternal servants of the Adipurusha? Where do they come up with this manure? 

MK: What did he do?

SJ: Not sure which "he" you are asking about but here's some info on both.

Namarasa interviewed Lokanath's disciple who spewed lies, called Lokanath's victim and her family liars, and said Lokanath didn't know he had groomed and sexually assaulted an 11 year old. Namarasa also blocked comments during that live interview so that no one could counter the lies with factual documentation.


Basu Ghosh is an ISKCON India leader who very publicly defended the child molester Lokanath. Here is a leaked video of a secret meeting of those ISKCON India leaders - including Basu Ghosh - scheming to defend and protect their favorite child molester: Lokanath.



PADA: The victims are liars, PADA is a liar, and Lokanatha is a pure devotee in the parampara, same thing all the time. 

VS: Namrasa is notorious for fabricating Prabhupada conversations and even lied on his podcast that Prabhupada appointed gurus in Iskcon.

PADA: It is always the same argument, "Srila Prabhupada wanted conditioned souls to be worshiped as Krishna's successors." Nope, he said worship of conditioned souls will drag people to hell. "Toxic theology"? Yep. 

LSD: More important things to debate here than a shirt!

HM: Yes, sure ... but don't forget to smile sometimes.

SFD: The "code" that those with pedophilia for young pubescent children like to use; and why they joined ISKCON in the first place is always along those lines: "The people in the West doesn't understand Indian ethos and culture." "It is Vedic and much more natural for early pubescent girls to get married." " That is how it used to be." "That is how it should be." "Like the gopis."

PADA: Well yeah, the India ICC people told me the reason we at PADA cannot accept their homosexual and pedophile acharya's lineage is that "you are Western mlecchas, you cannot understand our cutlure." Wow, lucky for me then, at least I know homosexual and pedophiles are not, were not, and could not have been, God's guru successors, nor are the enablers of that deviation gurus either. 

SFD: Why did ISKCON phase out or at least American ISKCON doesn't use "sahajiya" term to apply to these GBC people? Only once I heard called ISkCON-ites calling out sahajiya lately, and that was one of India's most famous poets and composers of best bhajans of all times - Mirabai. Mirabhai is a sahajiya, and their bogus gurus are bona fide. Why can't we also and instead start calling their child- molesters -- and maybe even their allies as "sahajiyas", too? You mean only Mirabhai is a sahjiya, and child molester guru programs are not? 

PADA: Yeah, same with GBC pedo guru lovers like Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati etc. -- they all joined Kirtanananda complaining that we non-pedophile worshipers are sahajiyas. They cannot even come up with an original complaint, they have to cite Bhakti pedo pada as their authority.

BC: Most sahajiyas do not really hurt anyone... they just imagine themselves being Krishna or His companions while engaging in sense gratification. The word evolved into a blanket slur for all perceived theological differences, but it has a well defined theology behind it, even if the acharyas of the movement condemned it rightly. Some belonging to the actual sahajiya sampradayas took issue with ISKCON-ers usage of the term - yeah, you gotta be initiated into the sahajiya sampradaya in order to be able to call yourself that! These ISKCON people are a lot worse than actual sahajiyas because they actually harm a lot of victims.

RL: Sick society.

AG: Whilst I do understand the outrage (I am not a fan of this particular guest and find his views harmful) when alternative podcast are there, they do not get the airtime or any attention. A lot of energy seems to go into publicly shaming namarasa but no energy into supporting other grass roots podcasts. All the emphasis goes into Narada and Namrasa podcast and which are number 1 podcasts. When I tried to present a podcast that was both nicely produced and progressive and inclusive the community wasn't interested. Where should you put your energy ? Complaining or uplifting the people you align with.

VSS: Sick.

MB: There's a HK gnome.

AD: Basu Ghosh. Such a toxic individual.

ABD: I talked to him at Atlanta this year, he seems to be a cool personality. (I don’t know about him anything in details though).

AD: He has spoken is such a way as to minimize the harm done to children in Iskcon. He is very vocal in his criticism of women willing to take the role of initiating guru. He was on the Namarasa podcast a couple of years ago in conversation with Garuda Prabhu on the subject of female diksha gurus.

AB: SD shared this above:

'Basu Ghosh is an ISKCON India leader who very publicly defended the child molester Lokanath. Here is a leaked video of a secret meeting of those ISKCON India leaders - including Basu Ghosh - scheming to defend and protect their favorite child molester: Lokanath.'


ICC Defends Lokanath's Child Molestation | July 9, 2021


ICC Defends Lokanath's Child Molestation | July 9, 2021

EB: Yeah what do you expect you are a man. Duh.


VH: I am personally very upset by the total lack of response from many senior leaders. I am trying to understand the deeper psychological understanding behind this phenomenon. I am reminded of the so called Stockholm Syndrome, but yet this is different.

Psychologically it may just be a strong sympathy that makes otherwise respected senior devotees lose all sense of common sense, morality and sense of discrimination. They have weighed the pros and cons of their options and I think they estimate there is too much at stake if they would step out of "their role". 

It's no different from the Emperor's New Clothes, except for the fact that when the small innocent child exposes the fraud and scam in the story everybody wakes up as it were, while in ISKCON nobody hears them, and nothing happens. It's extremely frustrating but also a bit interesting from the psychological side. 
Any comments?

UK: The classification of ISKCON leadership psychology is called common Kali Yuga narcistic behavior (CKYNB). They are common Kali Yuga folks with expected egocentric tendencies who happen to be in ISKCON. Prabhupada expected this behavior and therefore didn't intervene as it is standard in this age. To think you can change egocentric ISKCON leadership behavior just shows you identify with the same ego story and are part of the same problem.

SF: "If you think you can change egocentric behavior of...." Law Enforcment will occasionally notice that serial offenders did change their behavior. When that happens, there is always limited number of options causing it. One of them is that they are incarcerated. That never happens in ISKCON because most people don't even realize all this child abuse is a crime, and so it is not reported.

GP: Like many politicians and big business men today, it looks like many of the iskcon management are in the dirt up to there necks as it were, at which point its hard to leave the club without repercussions from the other gang members.

VH: It's incredible how the energies of the Lord works. But as leaders they have to be ready to face the consequences of their actions, if not earlier then at the time of death.

GP: Yes certainly, sometimes I wonder if some institutional leaders actually believe in life after death, karma, God, or anything else concerning spirituality.

VH: I think they have become bewildered by the external energy of the Lord. And I also see similarities to how it was during the era of the zonal gurus where the gurus of that time often were isolated and thus very vulnerable to maya. In ISKCON today there is a strong personal cult where the gurus are worshipped in ways that are not healthy. I don't know if I express myself properly but I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

GP: Yes I understand, and I believe you see the picture as it is, I don't think we can help their problems, but we can be aware if not falling into the same trap as them and sticking to kc as Prabhupada taught us, not the post 77 version.

SJ: ISKCON will actually look better if they protect their children. But the fact that so much child abuse has been, and is still being covered up, is reprehensible. The truth always comes out eventually. And when it does, ISKCON does not look good.

VH: Yes, eventually it will come out and it will be ugly but necessary.

SF: At the end it's gonna be like with The Keepers "the story is about cover up"; (not so big about murder and sexual abuse); as how big was cover up of it.

SJ: yep.

SF: Or latent pedophiles themselves. I observed this phenomenon often with different kinds and degrees of occasionally later confirmed sexual tendencies.
What other reasons for their tolerance, even open support, and cover up of pedophiles crimes there can be? Some people might have sexual tendency that is more or less suppressed. Not ever practiced, not exercised but they do have it, it is there. Supporting their pedophile friends is like indirectly admiring their latent tendency.

EA: When the cats away the mice will play. There are those who think that Srila Prabhupada is no longer present. Many who were restricted during presence of Srila Prabhupada, no longer have the urge or desire to do the needful. Now that Srila Prabhupada is not "there" to correct their whims, they act as they desire, often against the rules and instruction given by Srila Prabhupada. Members of the congregation are mostly convinced that they don't have the power or the means to correct that what is wrong within the ISKCON institution. And there are those satisfied with the status quo.

If someone does not reply to a letter (mail), he is not a gentleman. But these authorities are worse than that, they can be categorized as demons. A Vaisnava wannabe must learn how to distinguish between a devotee (gentlemen) and a demon, otherwise he or she may seek the wrong association or guide and be carried away from the path of devotion to Radha Krishna.

Following the two-way rails of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada (for ISKCON members) will guide one back to Godhead. Trying to add a third rail will cause the train to crash.

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