Sunday, August 4, 2024

Madhu Pandit Writes About Bangalore Court Case 08 04 24

Exploit children at your peril.



Dear devotees of ISKCON Bangalore Group,

The case between ISKCON-Bangalore and ISKCON-Mumbai came up for hearing in the Honourable Supreme Court last week and completed yesterday, July 24th. Both parties have to make written submissions briefly within next 2 weeks and then the SC order will be pronounced. During the hearing our Senior Advocates presented the matter strongly and effectively. As usual, the Senior Advocates of ISKCON-Mumbai tried to paint the picture of fraud by Sri MPD.

The lead Judge was very sharp, and wanted both sides to be brief, and present arguments and evidences as per their respective line of thinking and not go by the spiel and story of the ISKCON-Mumbai lawyers. From our reading, he was not impressed by such stories of fraud and did not pay much attention to it. 

The judges also noted that the temple is not being claimed by any individual but by two institutions. He wanted to go by facts rather than by an emotionally charged pitch which their lawyers tried. The Judge even made a statement (approximately), "I don't want the lawyers to take the Judges on a ride. Please show me evidences and answer my questions."

In the lawyers' circle, everyone says and I have seen the Judge is very sharp and does not allow lawyers to choose which direction case should go but he leads by seeking answers to his questions because he reads the case thoroughly and comes prepared. If he had allowed ISKCON-Mumbai Advocates could have spoken for 5 days spinning stories of fraud. The hearing was completed in two days.
In my assessment, our lawyers made a more sober and forceful presentation of the case.

Next two or three weeks are very crucial. Let us continue to offer our prayers to SP and all the Deities of Hare Krishna Hill temple to protect our service to Them:
Dear SP and our dear Lordships, we pray at your lotus feet to empower us to practice undisturbed the July 9th directive on initiation, signed and ordered by SP, in ISKCON-Bangalore Group of temples, if You so desire. Please give us Your shelter and bless us with Your personal service.

Please continue to take total shelter of the Hare Krishna Nama Prabhu by chanting and hearing attentively.

My conviction is this case will not be decided by human beings, but by the Lord seated in the hearts of these judges. Srila Prabhupada and Lord will do whatever is good for Their movement and mission. So we have no worries at all in accepting whatever is the outcome as nothing happens to Krishna's devotees except by way of His direct intervention and sanction.

Jaya Sri Krishna Sankirtanam.
Jaya Sri Prahlada Narasimha Deva.
Jaya Srila Prabhupada.

Your servant,

Madhu Pandit Dasa.

PADA: Yes, originally the Bombay ISKCON / Dayarama folks said that their main objective is -- to have the directors of the Akshaya Patra free food program for children put into jail for fraud. OK, so their main objective has been -- to harm and maybe stop a program that is feeding millions of children. 

All that, after they were already sued for $400,000,000 in part for -- NOT PROPERLY feeding their own gurukula children. OK, we are being sued for NOT feeding children, so let us spend $20,000,000 to STOP a program that is -- feeding children. That will fix everything! Why is it always about making children suffer with this lot? 

So their overall main objective seems to be, stopping children from being fed properly. And thus -- saving the deviated cabal of people who are trying to stop children from being cared for, and harming children thereby. After the same group already harmed the children supposedly in their own care. So they wanted to make a giant fraud case, to criminalize the Bangalore devotees and have them arrested. Then, the GBC complains the temples are empty, after they kicked people out and even sued people to be removed. Our temples are not empty enough, let us spend $20,000,000 making more of them empty.

Oh oh, one of the GBC's hired Bengalis had allegedly made a foreign lady pregnant, and then he fled back to Bengal, leaving her with no support. Bangalore folks are not reported as doing these types of things, so we need to get rid of them and keep the "hired Bengalis" who often run off to work in karmi restaurants after they get their green cards.   

Of course how did you guess, as soon as all this started -- then the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad (Paul coats UK) / Dayalu nitai's HKC Jaipur / Pancali / Bhakta Peter / Mathura Pati (Mathias Sabji) folks promoted a long paper to support their favorite molester messiah's project by promoting "The Deviations of Bangalore." Ummm well yeah, anyone who tries to challenge the molester messiah's program in court is -- deviating. Ooops, same thing as Jayapataka says.

And then the GBC people began to forward and circulate their paper, made by the HKC Jaipur clan's folks' writings. Even Sulochana said, it is amazing how the child buggery messiah's project folks always stick together. Oh oh, Bangalore is not worshiping our homosexual and pedophile messiahs, we need to write a paper to defend the GBC, so the GBC people can circulate our complaints about PADA, and save the molester pooja project! Yeah, they won't write a paper to help us, they will write a paper to help the GBC's guru process. Whose side are they on?

Sulochana said, there are probably not more than 1% molesters and their GBC leader's support system in ISKCON, but unfortunately -- 90% of the rest of the members acquiesce, or worse go along with them, or worse even support the bogus 1%. He said it is an army of brain dead zombies. Sulochana also said, without the 90% support team, the 1% would not be able to function, they would be dried up overnight. True dat! 

Thus, as soon as someone is not going to help the GBC's program of suing people who are feeding children, so they can starve children, then these guys are all crying like little babies that their child oppressing process is being checked and exposed by PADA and others. Oh boo hoo, someone is insulting our favorite child buggery messiah's project, gimmee a kleenex already. 

Anyway, for PADA this is all very simple. OK I grew up with very conservative Christian values, where we all had to go to Church. And in our process -- there was not ANY sympathy for homosexual pedophiles generally, what to speak of an organized institution that promotes the worship of such deviations. That was always a giant "no no" in our process, ever since I was maybe 10 years old, and was old enough to have some basic idea what child molesting was about. Not to be tolerated, never mind not to be ever supported, never mind not to be ever worshiped as good as God.

Never mind how dim we would view anyone who would sue a program that feeds millions of poor hungry children, that too would be viewed as an obscene, diabolical and Satanic attack on children in our household. We just would not be able to support that agenda, full stop.  

And, like it or not, I have not developed much -- if any -- sympathy for that agenda ever since, especially after hearing the absolutely horrific testimony from many of the ex-children ISKCON victims -- as to what they had to endure in that system, under this regime. 

So if it were PADA editor in the Supreme court, I would just say to the court -- "Your honor, illicit sex with men, women and children, and / or homosexuals and pedophiles -- are not, were not, and could not have been, God's successor gurus. And to say such deviants are, were or could have been Krishna's guru successors is an insult and attack on Lord Krishna, Bharat culture and the Vedas. Nor could the people engaged in these deviations, or enabling these deviations, '2/3 show of hands vote in more Krishna successors. Nor should ANY homosexuals and / or pedophiles be buried in samadhis ANYWHERE in Bharat varsa.'" Any questions? Yeah, there are no questions, this is all deviation and we all know it. 

Anyway, let us see what happens. Yeah, everything is in Krishna's hands. But sometimes we ourselves have a duty to help guide a situation, so that Krishna does not have to work harder for a good outcome. In sum, we might have the duty to guide a situation for a better outcome, in order to serve Krishna, just like Arjuna had to. 

I am guiding people myself to help them come to a better outcome. Yes, I could do nothing and depend on Krishna to do everything, but that is not how Krishna consciousness works. We may have to clean up the Gundica Mandir ourselves, and not just sit around watching Krishna do it for us. That is not the process. We are the servants of Krishna and not vice versa.

ys pd       


Swami Narasingha · THE KING IS DEAD… Ask yourself - where are all the 5000 disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda? Where did so many of them go? After Prabhupāda, the leaders kicked out so many devotees from the movement in a matter of years - sometimes a hundred devotees were kicked out in one day for not following the leaders, or disagreeing with them. In many cases, there was no discussion, no attempt to harmonise, just BAM! Thrown out! And after throwing them out, what did they say? “They were not serious! They were offenders!” I’ve seen the same thing happen in other missions also - the guru passes away and the new guru, or the leaders make some decisions, and anyone who disagrees - they’re out! After years of service to their guru, in just one day they’re thrown out and demonized. “The king is dead! Long live the king!” There’s a saying like that, right? “The guru’s gone, now we’re in charge!” And years later, decades later, some of the leaders might feel bad and show some humility and say, “Oh, that was a mistake. Perhaps we shouldn’t have done that.” Yeah, but too little, too late. And there’s other leaders who are so puffed up, they just won’t budge. They’ll go to their graves convinced that they did the right thing. Or they’ll say, “No,no, we never kicked anyone out - they just decided to leave.” Yeah, that’s right - because you made it hell for them, so they couldn’t stay! I sometimes wonder how some of these people sleep at night?

PADA: Good, except Sridhara was a big cheer leader of the GBC gurus. ys pd


  1. LD: When the GBC is circulating writings of HKC Jaipur against the Prabhupada devotees, we know whose side they are on. It is too bad these people misrepresent they are with the Prabhupadanugas, when they are in bed with the GBC. GBC people also circulating Mathura Patis writings to me.

    They were always with the pedos and they just can not get out of there. Just trying to create confusion among the Prabhupada followers, divide and conquer. And it is working sometimes, I have seen how they destroyed the faith of a few people. They want to stop the Prabhupadanuga idea because they never left the GBC.

    At least Madhu pandit does not have child molesters running amok, no wonder they don't like him.

  2. PD: Thanks prabhu. Yes, Kirtanananda first of all said "PADA is a liar" and then the Mukunda UK / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati etc. clan became his best boot licking servants and became his parrots. Anyone who says children are being molested is a liar, and that is how they got thousands of kids molested, and Sulochana taken out, and yes, they are self evidently proud of being Kirtanananda's serfs and slaves.

    The good news is, law enforcement, media and many hundreds or even thousands of devotees believe our version, never mind thousands of children victims know we are not liars, they lived it. So we are now active on a number of devotee forums where -- our version -- is being taken as factual, their version, not so much.

    Of course that is also why the law enforcement, media, movie people and various devotees interview me and not them, they know we have the reliable version. ys pd

  3. M Dasi: People who are in favor of Prabhupada ... should not be writing papers ... for the people who do not. Takes a little common sense. Let's be real!! They do not favor Prabhupada ... or else they would favor us people ... who do worship him. Why writing papers for the GBC animal's zoo?

    I tried to ask some question about the Purujit BLISS Gita ... and his people were extremely rude and ... could not answer. These people are another version of ... GBC fanatics. We are all for Prabhupada ... except ... when we are not!

    They cannot behave like GBC fools and expect to make a reformation. There are people who pretend to come to the ritviks ... to act as double agent for the GBC. The people who want to be my trusted friends have to pass a lot of tests. Been burned enough.

    There are a lot of "Prabhupada only" people ... actually trying to promote themself and not Prabhupada. GBC has them and so do the false ritviks.

    PADA: Yeah, we took the GBC to court over the changed books and molesting issue, and Madhu Pandit took the GBC to court over their false reading of the July 9th letter. Naturally, the friends of the GBC are not happy we are taking them to task legally on these issues. Notice, none of our critics ever takes any form of legal action on the GBC ever, and they never will, and there is a good reason for that. ys pd


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