Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Enhanced Vids / Hindus / Bogus PADA / Bhagavan Das 07 31 24

Srila Prabhupada - Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.3 -- Melbourne, May 22, 1975 (4k, Enhanced Sound) (


Question: Are Civilians Responsible for a Leader Declaring War and therefore Must Also Suffer?.........

Prabhupada: But one thing is that because civilians are also responsible for declaring war, because the parliament is the representation of the people. Therefore, now the war is between people to people, nation to nation. They support with men and money. So therefore they are also killed by nature's law.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk [World War III] -- April 4, 1975, Mayapur


Regarding the Hindu community: Don't expect anything very wonderful from them, as we have got experience in Montreal—they have come in the foreign countries to earn money. As such, you cannot expect any cultural contribution. So you will tactfully deal with them, and whenever possible, vehemently protest against their foolish ideas. But you should try to support your statements on the strength of Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Best thing will be to avoid them as far as possible. I am concerned to preach this gospel amongst the Europeans and Americans, and I am not at all interested to preach amongst the Indians, because they have now become hodge-podge, due to so many years of subjugation by foreigners, and having lost their own culture. (Prabhupada letter to Gurudasa 29th September, 1968)



PADA: Thanks prabhu for your question. You tried to say something positive about PADA, and then some folks from the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati / Krishna Kant IRM people right away complained that PADA is a bogus deviant. Why is that? 

Well for starters, Mathura Pati says he has "no idea what I am even talking about." Umm, he has no idea who children are? He has no idea that we cannot allow children to be raped and mistreated, and then take their lives? But any hamburger eating person walking down the street knows "who and what" children are, and knows it is a crime to allow them to be mistreated. In other words, people who eat beef are far more spiritually advanced than these people ever will be -- at least so it seems. I don't know who children are? Sheesh pilgrims! 

For his part, Prahlad says the reason PADA is protecting children is that "PADA is not chanting his rounds." Yep, only people who "chant their rounds" defend mass child rape cults. Again, the average beef eating man -- who has never chanted one mantra -- knows that allowing children to be mistreated if not raped is a criminal act.     

So that is the difference between these "devotee" guys -- and the average hamburger eating karmi people. The "karmis" understand what I am talking about -- immediately -- forthwith -- and with no elaborate explanation: 

1) We cannot allow children to be beaten and / or raped, and then start to take their own lives in disgust and frustration, especially in our own religion; 

2) We should not change the books of the religion, and; 

3) The founder of the religion complained of being given poison -- by a cabal -- that was trying to usurp his mission. What is not to understand here? Any average hamburger eating person immediately understands what these issues are, and the importance of them. These guys  ... don't. But neither do most of the GBC's guys? 

And none of this is new. When Sulochana was here, he complained of the same thing i.e., the mundane people know we cannot allow worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as messiahs, whereas most devotees not only don't know that, they argue with us, and defend the worship of deviants. Sulochana said we are arguing with brain dead zombies, they cannot understand anything we say -- because they are brain dead. So yeah, the problem is, they don't want to understand.

But thanks, you'd rather be with us -- defending children -- than be with the people defending those who are exploiting children. Yeah, some of these guys keep quoting people like Radhanath's cheer leader Bhakta das, or Bhavananda's bucket boy Hari Sauri, so clearly, some are in league with the homosexual and pedophile messiah's program. And that is why they cannot understand the problem, because they are the problem. Anyone who chants their rounds will defend illicit sex messiah's programs? Then, why would anyone chant? They are a bad advert for the chanting.

Of course they are also simply parrots of the homosexual pedophile regime, they said we are liars, and these guys say we are liars. They are hand maidens of the pedo regime. So yeah, they won't agree with us, and that is fine, we will expose them then, and we are. Yeah I am glad that "now you know," the anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's club has many helping hand maidens. 

Even Bhakta Peter says that we are not helping Prahlad promote Radhanath's cheer leaders because "PADA is a liar." Yep, these are the same agenda people who bury homosexual pedophiles in samadhis -- and think PADA is on the wrong side for objecting to their agenda. Yep, PADA is a liar, it is what all the child exploiter's folks said the whole time, it is their agenda. All of these pedo messiah and samadhi lover's club people said we are liars -- since 1978, they just don't have any rational, never mind moral, explanation for their program. ys pd 


Re: Henry Doktorski's Writings

BN: This commentary gets to the point fast. It's so sad how present day Iskcon is STILL BEING ran.

RBC: In France the delirium of the zonal guru Bhagavan went as far as buying this historic castle in the middle of a village. The level of hostility of the villagers who saw the big shiny BMW of his majesty went very high. I left one year before the fall of the naked guru who fled in 1986 letting the all thing collapse. I am really unsure at this point that the man has realised the harm he has done to so many devotees with his giant ego trip. His right hand man at the time was Vishvambhar swami, who left his body last week in Quebec.

Henry Doktorski III

RBC: "I am really unsure at this point that the man has realised the harm he has done to so many with his ego trip."

I don't think so, Prabhu. Bhavagan has appeared on Facebook maybe a year or two ago, and has compared me to a "vulture" because of my book, "Eleven Naked Emperors," in which the zonal acharyas are portrayed not as all-knowing and infallible beings we were taught they were, but as the fallible and imperfect beings which there were (are).

DD:  Ermenonville was, I gather, a historically important site for French people. Jacques Chiraq, the President, was so incensed that the Krishnas had bought the place that he took away ISKCON's charity status and backdated its tax obligations in an attempt to financially destroy the movement. And it almost worked. Even New Mayapur's existence was threatened.

I share your perspective that Bhagavan has yet to fully realization how much devastation his conduct as a zonal acarya and then his leaving caused to so many.

MR: From what I see, the mistakes of the past are useless lessons for so many. They continue to voluntarily make mistakes, with scandals, pedophilia and abuse. Nobody seems to want to stop the crazy train.

PADA: Yeah Bhagavan's kid told me he was going to convince Bhagavan to unblock me and discuss all this, but then the kid disappeared too. They caused all sorts of misery to all sorts of devotees. And some of the victims took their lives. For example, one woman burned herself to death with a can of petrol, etc. I would say, mistreating Krishna's own personal family members of bhaktas and bhaktins is like begging Yamaraja for a free train ride ticket to the burning pits of Hades. 

And yeah, I believe that is where they will go, but first the barking hounds of hell will bite their behinds badly -- as they travel to Yamaloka. They don't believe in any of this IMHO, they are atheists, or they never would have treated all these people so badly. One question from media people I get all the time, "how could they behave like this if they believed in the religion"? Right, same question they have to answer on Yamaloka. Vishvambar and Indradyumna were part of the Bhagavan team, but will we ever hear a detailed apology from these types of people? Probably -- not.

Someone said that another one of my brothers just left his body, and same thing, he never said anything about how the GBC were crooks and etc. Sorry, our time to speak up is when we are here, not on Yamaraja's planet. It is too late then.  

ys pd

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